Are you ready for evil Machine Man?

Watch out, Iron Man! The Robot Uprising of the Marvel Universe has begun! But it’s NOT Ultron leading the charge... it’s Machine Man?! The A.I.’s are on the attack – and they might be in the right. Battle lines are being drawn, and it’s time for Tony Stark, Jocasta, Andy Bhang and the rest of the cast to pick sides.

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>Dan Slott
>Hank Pym

Oh fucking here we go again, Pym's #1 fan gonna sperg his lerg all over.

>Tony is currently fucking Jan
>Pymtron is involved

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Ok now that I know it's Machine Man not Ultron leading the robot revolution I'm down with it.

Where the fuck is Vision btw, the rest of the family's there

So Pymtron is on the good side and Zub is co- writing?
Sounds good.

hey have been hinting towards this since IM #1. Not exactly surprised here

Is this run worth picking up some of the back issues?


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It is better than Bendis but this isnt saying much, it has its ups and downs, last couple of issues have been good but if you don't like Iron Man it probably won't resonate with you.
Slott is doing a much better work with F4 imho.

Either Hank gets cured and Jan leaves Tony for him ot Tiger wife appears and saves Hank. I want the latter but either way Hank will get a happy ending because it's Slott.

Fuck Janet, Pym is for Greer.

>Machine Man is finally ready to fuck up fleshy ones

Not sure if there's a "good" side.

Jan and Tony’s relationship is being depicted as sex friends because Slott hasn’t put much into it aside from a date where they goof around a bit and then a couple of scenes of them Netflix and chilling. Won’t be too much of a loss.

>mfw Hank fucking kills her, what a twist

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>mfw Hank fucking kills her, what a twist
What will Nadia think? She already thinks he's a villain because of a single mention form some nobody that he slapped Jan.

They have managed to turn Hank Pym into a villain-of-the-week.

Oh boy how will Iron Man defeat this new foe? I cannot wait to pay to find out.

The Celestials tried to warn us.

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Only one man can save us.

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So other than Machine Man, Ultron, Jocasta, Vision and Viv, what other named AI-characters can we expect to join in on the revolution?

Hank died in soul world, so this is Ultron. Unless something happened that I overlooked.

Is that the reporter from Immortal Hulk?

Technically Ultron is based on Hank's brain patterns, maybe they can magic him up a raw soul or something.

>raw souls
Tell me this isn't a thing. God, cosmic marvel sucks.

I'm just pulling ideas out of my ass, there's no prior basis for it.

Nope, that's Monica Rambeau the REAL Captain Marvel

You know, she led the Avengers once.

>Pym's #1 fan gonna sperg his lerg all over.
If only
For Slott, Pym is a failure and will always end up making a huge mistake
The only writer I'd trust to not throw dirt at Hank would be Gage


you mean the only one who doesn't have any link to the Mar Vell legacy?
funny how almost nobody cared about her before Carol was renamed Captain Marvel, and now she's a fan favorite

Oh yeah, how insufferable it is when a writer doesn't just take every chance to shit all over the character.

I guess Tony still has a FRIDAY backup, since she died or....didn’t die or got stuck in Sword Art Online or some shit.

averything about this page is perfect.

Do we even know if that was Hank’s entire soul and not just a piece of it? I mean Gamora was running around for years with a piece of her soul trapped in Soul World

Motherboard killed Friday

I think Arno may have kept a copy of Motherboard and Arsenal since they were based on his parents

Place your bets. Are they gonna actually fix Pym this time or are they just gonna have him run off shaking his fist in anger shouting “Next time Avengers! Next time!” for like the fifth time? The Pymtron gimmick has gotten old at this point as nothing he’s done since Secret Empire has involved needing Pym to be merged with Ultron still

Dont youj remember? Pym hitted his wife!!!
There is no escape for him anymore! His butt will be destroyed!
If somehow Pym will be fixed(unlikely) i will be happy for 2 minutes

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>So other than Machine Man, Ultron, Jocasta, Vision and Viv, what other named AI-characters can we expect to join in on the revolution?

Last time we saw him, Vision was happier than he's been in years, it's unlikely he'll be joining in any revolution. Could be awkward if he and Viv end up on opposing sides though.

I still can’t quite accept that Tony’s parents aren’t his parents any more. They’re even being written as different characters than they were, absolute disgrace.

Tony himself hasn't been, well, himself, from a characterization standpoint, in years either. It's all gone downhill.

No thanks.
Why does this talentless hack still get jobs? Hasn't he ruined enough?


Nadia already slapped Janet and she slapped one of her friends so she's double evil, she can't judge Hank when he's being controlled by Ultron.

>implying women can do wrong

The worst part is that I don't think Remender even intended to have Pymtron be a villain judging by the end of his run. After Eros tells him to love himself and then Pymtron freaks out I kind of thought both characters were going to go through a new direction. Probably Pymtron being a hero but making everyone nervous like Duggan teased and then fucking VILLAIN ALL ALONG happened.

Fuck i would have even accepted both getting unmerged and Ultron becoming like a gray area character that outgrows his KILL ALL HUMANS aspect but isn't exactly in friendly terms with them either. Do something new.

It's a wasted concept like Gold Galactus.

Yes, we can, you fag, don't mansplain it to me.

Tony should bust out Homer and Plato.


>gold galactus
Fuck I forgot about him that was unironically based character development

>she slapped one of her friends
I'm pretty sure she threw that bitch across the room.

Still waiting on that "not really a Stark, my parents did an oceans 11 heist against mafia don alien grays, I make green cars now, everything I did for the US is evil, let me kiss that tentacle for you, here is a feminist robot who tells me off constantly" reboot/retcon.

The only thing good to happen to IM in decades is Arno and he is fucking gone. That and the Godkiller. In concept, not in execution.

Based Nadia beating up lesbians and cripples

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Part of me hopes that some future writer retcons this whole adoption shit away as plot by Immortus or someone. This shit was a bad idea when Gillen introduced it and did nothing with it, got worse when Bendis got his grubby mitts on it and introduced his lame new parents for Tony, and it sure as hell hasn't improved now under Slott.

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Don't worry, it's bound to happen down the line. There's at least one writer out there chomping at the bit to wipe this shit away, the problem then becomes how will they wipe it away, and will it be a clusterfuck on par with the crossing.

>I make green cars now, everything I did for the US is evil, let me kiss that tentacle for you, here is a feminist robot who tells me off constantly
Glad I'm not the only one pissed about that. But Iron Man's been like that for decades, is the truth. I was reading #119 the other day, and it's basically this.
>Fury: We need your cool weapons to protect America from aliens and terrorists and shit
It's funny that what Stan envisioned as the "guy on the other side of the fence", just became another run of the mill Liberal character, same as all the others. Which makes him come off as a complete moron.
>creates a viable power armor
>refuses to make even parts of it public
>uses it to beat up thugs
>acts surprised when it sparks a whole new Arms Race
At this point I really think comic book writers are legitimately braindead. Also

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And to think, all of this because Gillen wanted to introduce his own version of Arno Stark who he then proceeded to do jack shit with.

Kissing the tentacle was unironically fine. Stark being able to throw aside his pride and do something so humiliating for the good of all is heroic, but very uncomfortable.

Everything else can fuck off. Apart from cars that don’t pollute, he could monetise the shit out of mass produced ones, make a shit ton of MURRICAN jobs and get into a trade war with overseas car manufacturers.

Of he made parts of it public, wouldn’t that just create a worse arms race? People would just be using his tech to do it.

That’s also just being business savvy. Why should he give everybody his inventions? Especially when most of his inventions are crazy shit that the average SHIELD mook couldn’t be trusted with. Then when it gets used by some renegade, he and SI would get fingers pointed at the, for making such powerful things in the first place. Tony being a free agent with his armour and being stingy with dangerous tech always made sense.

I made this one!

>Of he made parts of it public, wouldn’t that just create a worse arms race? People would just be using his tech to do it.
Not my point. If he wanted to avoid an Arms Race he simply would've never invented the damned thing or suited up.
>That’s also just being business savvy. Why should he give everybody his inventions?
Because he'd want his country to be protected?
>Especially when most of his inventions are crazy shit that the average SHIELD mook couldn’t be trusted with.
Then train them and set up special SHIELD Squads. Before the retcons he set SHIELD up with Fury.
>Then when it gets used by some renegade, he and SI would get fingers pointed at the, for making such powerful things in the first place.
That's stretching it. As long as the product works as intented, the fault lies with the buyer, not the seller, after the transcaction. Which, again, isn't my point. If you want to withdraw and be a hippy, whatever, do it, but why the fuck wear the suit? It's literally the move only a retard would make.
>Tony being a free agent with his armour and being stingy with dangerous tech always made sense.
It enver made sense because simply by existing he created the Arms Race of the future.

So you just want Stark to just work for the Government and bend over every time they want him to build them a death ray? That’s retarded and out of character. America’s worst threats either come from within or magic/space, anyhow. Imagine if Hydra Cap controlled SHIELD had had a ton of Stark weapons and suits, that’s the country fucked.

It’s also canon in the marvel universe most people are super easily influenced to do stupid shit, so why on Earth would he outfit SHIELD with any more than he’s given them already?
And you know as soon as somebody’s knockoff Iron Man suit went awry and murdered Fury everybody would REEEE STARK WHY DID YOU BUILD THAT DANGEROUS THING.

>So you just want Stark to just work for the Government and bend over every time they want him to build them a death ray?
Gee user, I just don't think making your country more powerful to protect it from external foes is a bad thing. Weird, I know...
>That’s retarded and out of character.
Yeah, because every single cunt thought like yourself and moved away from Stan's vision.
>the rest
Again, my whole fucking point, is if he wants to be a hippy and make VR headsets, that's fine and dandy. But, if he wants to do that, why is he parading around with a state-of-the-art Power Armor, then whines that other people are trying to catch up? That's my whole damn problem; it's a retarded plot-point.

I wish a writer with more balls than sense would come along and justify Pym slapping his wife by having her cheating prior to it or otherwise pushing him to the breaking point. I want the character to to move on from hurr wifebeater. Plus I never liked Janet.

Reminder that the Hank portion of Pymtron was trapped in the Soul Stone and eaten by Devondra in Infinity Council. Pymtron now is basically just Ultron puppetting Hank's corpse around.

Considering Ultron is based on Hank brain patterns, I guess they could save him somehow.

>or otherwise pushing him to the breaking point.
The most frustrating part is that that's exactly what happened. Janet knew full well Hank wasn't mentally stable and often encouraged or outright ignored the behavior that led up to the incident. She even admitted as much in (I think) Waid's run. But far be it for a female character to ever be in the wrong in modern times, so Jan's contributions to Pym's breakdown are disavowed.

Why Ultron never tried to rebuild Salvation I?


Mancha maybe?

Which is strange. Gillen heavily advertised the origin as another Anatomy Lesson and it turned out to be a dud.

Slott wrote Pym besting Reed RIchards, and becoming the Scientist Supreme when he met the abstracts

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Well, let's think about it this way.
Is there a single character in the mainline marvel universe that is currently living in the body that they were born in? I think every significant character has come back from death in a clone body or some shit.
In a way, nobody's parents are their physical parents. It's all stupid shit that nobody is bothering to keep track of, so just put it out of your mind.

Tigra still considers Pym the father of William, so yeah, they should be together

Typical Marvel, dropping balls. He wasn't supposed to be a straight up villain but only Spencer seemed to realize that
she totally fucking lost it

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When will Nadia meet her father?

>almost nobody cared

Everyone who read Nextwave did.

So... nobody.

And Eternity punched him
And Mighty Avengers ended with Pym asking Loki to be an Avengers and everybody said "fuck you Hank" and left

She outright didn't appear in anything for years at a time between the end of Nextwave and Marvel's decision to rename Ms. Marvel, when she was put on Mighty Avengers and made regular appearances again. It's difficult to be excited about published material that doesn't exist.