/vp/ is in flames right now. What are some of your favorite Pokemon parodies in Yea Forums media?

/vp/ is in flames right now. What are some of your favorite Pokemon parodies in Yea Forums media?

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What are they freaking about this time
Pokemon is like Fifa every game is the same

What happened with pokemon to cause /vp/ to meltdown?

>every game is the same
Not this time.
Apparently Pokemon will now be a rotating rooster and your favorite shitmon might not make the cut and be allowed in a game.

>Apparently Pokemon will now be a rotating rooster and your favorite shitmon might not make the cut and be allowed in a game.
Well there goes their fanbase

Apparently the next gen games aren't going to have all 800+ Pokemon in them. Something to do with balancing and the Swith's hardware


Pokemon can only go down in quality apparently

>Swith's hardware
>N3DS had not even the half of power and still managed to deal with 802 pokémon

/vp/ is always in flames. I dont think anyone there actually likes Pokemon. I've seen people demand they bring back HMs.

Is that this dex thing everyone's bitching about?

Essentially Game Freak has been lazy as fuck for years but the hardcore dick riders are finally waking up and realizing how shit Game Freak has become since they jumped to 3D with Pokémon XY

It’s too much work according to Game Freak

The franchise that is bigger than fucking Star Wars and yet it’s too much work apparently

Even though the Switch Pokémon engine is clearly based on the 3DS one and they made “future proof” models and animation for every single Pokémon, it’s too much work

Aren't Tyranitar and Gengar confirmed in the Pokedex? Last time I played those guys were some of the strongest in competitive.

Sort of. Pokemon games have always had a Regional Dex, which is basically just the Pokemon you can catch in that specific game. The difference now is that the game only has the regional dex, and any Pokemon not in it cant be transferred to the new game because they aren't even coded in. No amount of hacking will let you use those Pokemon, because they wont exist in the game files.

Major fuck up with Sword/Shield: GameFreak is NOT going to re-make models for all 800+ pokemon, only Galar Pokedex pokemon are allowed. This means after years of being able to transfer your pokes from Gen 3 to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7, for the first time in history, there is a chance your favorite pokes will be locked in a bank. 'Gotta Catch 'em All' is now going to turn into 'Gotta Catch Some of 'Em' for the first time since Gen 3, only this time without any serviceable excuse like hardware limitation.

Sword and Shield said you won't be able to catch every Pokemon in that game. As in, they're not even going to bother programming them in, making it impossible to get certain ones. Rumored that there might only be 300 - 400 total mons that'll be programmed in out of the 800+. Which makes the "Gotta Catch Em All" slogan look fucking retarded now.

Why not just post it on Yea Forums?

Like I have had the same lopunny since diamond and pearl. Through black and white, x and y, sun and moon, now it might not be in sword and shield

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And most of the causal fans will let it. It's only going to get worse and still make money. Zoomers will defend it to the death.

>is NOT going to re-make models for all 800+ pokemon
Except they already clearly didn't. They fucking made these 3D models and said in an interview to "future-proof" it, even re-using the same models for Let's Go. Then they don't use them. What the fuck was the point of switching to 3D then?

Why give the board with the highest traffic, even more traffic?

johnny test had one with cube instead of balls and a four screen handheld

>Yea Forums
>caring about videogames

Gengar got absolutely nerfed by the removal of levitate and T-Tar is not as strong because they nerfed sand stream to be the same as activating Sandstorm on switch in, 5 turns or 8 with the smooth rock. Also just general power creep along with the adjusted meta made him weaker. His mega is relevant.
>tfw you cant rewind time to gen 5 both so you can prevent yourself from ruining your life and also play the best meta of all time all day long at all tiers.

It would've been a lot more acceptable if thr animations weren't still fucking ass

Looks like you're gonna have to code them in yourself then.

>pureasu undelstandu

This is fine to me actually

gasp oh no what a tragedy

Pokedrones are just now realizing Gamefreak are lazy hacks that prioritize gimmicks instead of competent programming and fun. Took them long enough.

The look on Ben the Sage's face when Suave tells him that there are over 820 Pokemon as if he's damned to roll the rock of Sisyphus.

Because the Pokemon craze dropped by '07 and you can tell how dated this was at it's airing

>it's another "my board shitter is clogged, can I shit in yours?, no need to answer tho, I'm gonna post anyway. "

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Would you say they're Slowpokes

>Gamefreak goes years without worrying about balance
>>ok fine, I'll ignore competitive since it tends towards a homogeneous party selection and just play to be with my digital bros
>20 year later
>Actually we care about balance now. Your shittier mon must be removed or it will sabotage the meta

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Call us when shitter Ash will lose another league

What happened? Looks like the usual dumpster fire to me

>causal fans will let it
Name 10 games that were saved due to the fans and turned into a franchise that now produces amazing games only

>at least 1/3rd of the Pokedex is being permanantly deleted
>Megas and Z Moves are being permanantly deleted
>absolutely no chance of future patches

please understand

Fuck off back to /vp/ then.

They said the reason X and Y had were barebones was because they had to make the new models, but don't worry they're "future proof"

Devil May Cry

Yea Forums is shit, i'm pretty sure if people could find an excuse too talk about vidya on any of the lower speed boards they gladly would, and there would be actual discussion rather than 450 posts of buzzword salad.

It's actually pretty funny that a lot of idiots think their shit mons will now be more viable. They literally stated that they are thinking of popularity when it comes to who goes in.
So not only is your shitmon not going to become OU/Uber, it might not even be in the game because as a shitmon, only a few people like it.

This place exists already and it is unironically /vg/

>GameFreak is NOT going to re-make models for all 800+ pokemon
The fucking reason the 3ds game runs like shit it because those pokemon models were made with a shitload of polygons for future proofing, aka THEY DON'T NEED TO MAKE NEW MODEL, GAMEFREAK YOU PIECE OF SHIT

Did you know that SM/USUM has over 300 models for Lillie, that's one model for each scene or area she's in. They did not program one model and have a sequence of movements. They have a unique model for each location. Which takes up a little less then 1/2 a gigabyte.


Man, after hearing what Iwata did for gen 2, you would think Gamefreak would hired some competent programmers eventually

When are we gonna give pokemon to HAL


I don't want this shit franchise. I nearly died on SSBU, and I will not die for a bunch of retarded electric mouse fuckers.

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Going to be honest with you user, I've been a pokemon fanboy for all my life, hell, I defended Sun and Moon until some weeks ago, but I really I couldn't believe gamefreak could get even worse and lazier

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And then they said they're excluding Pokemon to focus on the Pokemon that are in the game's models to be more "expressive". Yet, they're still basically in fucking T-poses where they just stand there like a statue during a fight.


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its not about balancing at all and gamefreak knows it, they're just too autistic to delay the release so they can actually have overworld models of all the pokemon and they dont want to do all the work

What’s the complaint?
3/4 of every generation exists just to collect after the first generation of games.

There is no good option here. Most Pokemon would have to just be palette swaps, most would be too weak to ever do anything, combat would have to be so neutered that stacking in-battle effects like crit would matter far more than type, or you'd have to only use a small pokedex for the region. Considering this game is the UK though, its fitting there’s a retarded mess everyone is mad about regarding the region divorcing itself from the rest of the world.

Also, Detective Pikachu is western animated. It counts.

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Why not just patch them in with FreeLC?
All you kids these days play your games on the internet anyway. Not like in my day where if you missed the week your Toys’R’Us had Mew, you were fucked, and are fucked anyway when the internal battery keeping your saves finally dies.

but this looks nice

>wingulls just sliding around with out flapping their wings like birds should

This only looks nice because it's the first time you're seeing Pokemon in this landscape. This should've been what Pokemon already looked like 10 years ago. We're living in the era of shit like Red Dead 2 "the horse balls shrink in the cold" and yet, the biggest franchise in the world can't be assed enough to have the Pokemon move naturally and instead they awkwardly turn on their axis to float in mid-air and look stupid as fuck. And now they're not limited to handheld console hardware, so what the fuck, GameFreak.

The Keese in Zelda on the N64 shouldn't move more organically than Wingulls in Pokemon on the fucking Switch.

You ever seen a seagull fly in the morning?

They only flap when they want to remind the world they exist.

Does this count as western animation?

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>t. didnt play any N3DS games

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Can you elaborate on that?

>the horse balls shrink in the cold
nigga that's detail at its finest

He compressed their spaghetti code and refined everything, and they had enough room in the data left over for an entire second region. He's also why gba hoenn is gateless, he made it so the entire region loads flawlessly.

Johnny Test had the best Pokemon parody.

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*laughs in Vete a la Versh*

B/W tried to make everybody use the new Unova Pokemon, but that failed and so every game afterwards went back to including all of them.

This is likewise an intentional move to force the new Pokedex to actually be used, but expect game updates to gradually expand the Pokemon availability until all are present again.

That's not happening. Masuda literally stated because of the new gimmick, it isn't possible to actually include all Pokemon. They are not in the code, at all.

He says that now, but GameFreak is usually full of shit. They'll cave to nostalgia like always after a couple years.

Oh, I played the 3DS games.
The fact that they made -all- the bird pokemon fly as their idle animations was dumb enough already.
But now that we're out of the 3DS era you'd think they'd be able add some more animations for them, especially now that the number of pokemon in the game has been cut and don't have to add some fore -every- mon.
But nope. Stick with the one walking/running animation everyone has, it's not like we'd need to change any to make the pokemon's movement seem more natural or anything.

To be fair, they at least let you use the national dex post game.
SW/SH won't even let you do that.

>'Gotta Catch Some of 'Em'
Is Detective Pikachu out yet? Does anyone give a damn? No one talks about it.

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Its been out in theaters for a while. It was a huge deal. Its the top earning vidya movie in North America, on track for the record worldwide. The original game series is being tailored in future installments to resemble the movie more, and /vp/ fell in love with a Ditto.

People fought over the free cards, and they seem to shoot up and down radically in value on the market.

They never cave. Are you smoking CIA sponsored crack or something?

Look at all the Kanto-wanking that came in Gens 6 and 7 after 5 tried to force nostalgia out. GF knows people demand their Charizards and Mewtwos.

Is that what you are babbling about? They already stated popular pokemon will be in Galar DeX. Charizard is the Champion's pokemon. They are culling less popular pokemon, not Kanto mons. Dumbass.

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Jynx and Kadabra confirmed cut.

Holding out hope that the 3rd version(s) fixes this, 3rd version(s) are almost always the best.

Gen6 never got fixed.

Thank god Digimon games will only improve. This man is too good for us.


Fuck digimon, Give me SMT V Fucking Atlus

go back there

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>820 Pokemon

Are you guys going to post parodies or what?

imagine practicing your skills in art for years and the only you produce with said skills is shitty trends and memes

What do you think?

only memes get any attention, it's the sad truth
at least it's not a shit meme

Masuda and GameFreak in general are the most incompetent and lazy faggots in the world.

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Pokemon is cancer. I'm so glad I stopped caring about this shit 20 years ago. Why couldn't they have just let it die after gen 2 when it was still decent?

> digimon

based and underrated

I love water!

Of course it's too much work. And it's too much work PRECISELY because of how huge a franchise it is. Because a huge franchise like that doesn't need to contain anything of value to sell. So why bother creating anything?

Tl dr Nintendo has allowed its soul to be gnawed away

Just play with online emulators. Or work on your own pokemon-like rebalanced game. I see that for Zelda and Metroid, even Advance Wars and Paper Mario, but not for Pokemon.

I imagine they're using the animations for a Yanma as a placeholder

All memes are shitty, let's not kid ourselves.

This is telling stuff - I can't remember what I read recently that was similar to this but apparently it's a practice in other Nintendo products as well. Really insanely bad design that chalks down to some combination of arrogance, laziness, greed and a strange perceptual blindspot for really stupid errors.

>using tldr on a 1 paragraph post
I hate zoomers

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I'd be surprised if that were the case, considering how solid most Nintendo games are in regards to performance (considering how shit Nintendo hardware typically is).
Really, it's mostly just their second party teams COUGH COUGH GAMEFREAK COUGH COUGH INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS that can't code for shit.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Well it is, so be surprised. And those second parties are as much Nintendo as any other, it's Nintendo's internal culture that retards them.

>Game Freak
>second party
Not to mention compare any Nintendo 3DS game to the Pokemon ones and you'll see the difference.

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>Apparently the next gen games aren't going to have all 800+ Pokemon in them. Something to do with balancing and the Swith's hardware
The only ones they need to include are the first two generations. The rest of the pokemon don't matter and never will.

Well too bad because there's no way you're getting all of the second generation, and you might not even get all of the first. And the ice cream Pokemon is already confirmed to be in over your favorite

>Well too bad because there's no way you're getting all of the second generation, and you might not even get all of the first. And the ice cream Pokemon is already confirmed to be in over your favorite
I'm just trolling you pokemon lovers. I haven't played the games since the second, they're all the same.

Not sure what point you're trying to articulate here, are you questioning that GF is a 2nd party?

>fans blindly defend pokemon against every single critic, saying that "oh you're just a jaded old loser, pokemon is still fun"
>game freak screws their fans over

Karma is a dish best served cold.

They aren't. They can't make Pokemon games for other publishers of course because Nintendo partially owns the brand, but they make non-Nintendo games like the pic I posted and are independent.

Wait...what does this mean? I don’t speak Pokémon.

Does this mean that like hundreds of Pokémon simply won’t be able to EXIST in the new game- or does it mean that you can’t transfers old Pokémon to the new game and that’s it? Because I honestly don’t give a flying dick about my old Pokémon.

>they are thinking of popularity when it comes to who goes in
> Galvantula is RU and Mamoswine is UU

Well goodbye friends

The former. You can transfer your old Pokemon to the new game if they're already in the regional Pokedex, but if they're not you can't use that Pokemon at all (transferred or otherwise).

Lol idiots. They shouldnt have focused on adding new pokemon every generation, and if they insisted on it, they should have kept the number down.
That time and those resources could have gone into making stronger level design and a solid core RPG experience. The innovations they chose to focus on only alienated all but the most obsessive fans.
Going to 3D was a huge mistake.
Making the selling point a new region with new pokemon was a huge mistake.
Gimmicks like mega evolutions and this new dumb ass giant pokemon thing is a huge mistake.
If they wanted to innovate with what they had, and blow people away with a new pokemon on the switch..they should have
>had a 3D over world akin to links awakening remake. Retain the charm of the originals. These social media looking faggot 3D character/world designs look like hot garbage.
>Remade/Remastered the regions we’ve already been too. This is reminiscent of how going back to Kanto in gen 2 felt different but familiar, saves a shit load of time on level design, and gives players 7 or so regions to explore(I lost count/didnt keep up)
>Make something like the battle frontier for online play. A whole area with mini games, battles, trades, match making, tournaments. All the online in a digestible format
And perhaps the most controversial
>2D...side scrolling battles. Get your fucking art team together. Get each pokemon to have a base of a few melee, special, maneuver animations, keep the sprites or go with hand drawn in the original style from gen 1&2(this will never happen), and tweak the battle system, so that the old mechanics/moves/stats/abilities work in a real time battle, that feels more akin to commanding your pokemon

Way to waste an IP. Nothing I said was unreasonable to do, especially with their fucking budget. Their designers/management have their priorities in the shitter.

>Iwata the coding wizard was doing whatever he was supposed to be doing as director at Nintendo.
>Somehow he becomes curious about Game Freak's new Pokemon games Gold and Silver.
>Game Freak being GF made a fucking mess of a code and are approaching their deadline
>they are considering dropping some shit because the code of the game is too big to fit on the limited cartridge memory.
>Iwata decides to help them because he likes coding
>Motherfucker basically cuts in half the code so they can include Kanto among other stuff
>He also ported the battle system from Red and Blue over to Stadium by reading the source code because somehow GF had no fucking written register to explain how the shit was supposed to work.
>Even to this day GF are a bunch of hacks that just happened to struck the golden formula with Pokemon (cute/cool monster battles + collecting stuff + yellow mascot + ? = money)

This explains a lot.

>gba hoenn is gateless
Man, after HGSS being a gem i really wanted the gen 3 remakes to be worth it.
And i know the BF is a gimmick but goddammit if it woulnd't have been cool.

Having literally any Emerald content would be cool.

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>Next Direct
>"We want to show fans that their voices were heard, so now your favorite Pokemon that didn't make the cut for the first round will be available as paid DLC. One dollar per Pokemon."

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These ugly fucks getting cut is literally the only possible positive to this shit.

They killed the genies?

We don't know yet but I sure fucking hope so.

Galvantula is already in

You're retarded. This is game freak and the reason they are having issues is because the company is cheap as fuck. They should just bite the bullet and make all the pokemon models now so they can reuse them later. It's not about balance at all.

Also this thread is just another location for /vp/ to bitch
You retards already shitted up every treehouse thread
Go back to your own fucking board

they did that 6 years ago, the future proofed models are why the 3ds games ran so horribly

> T-Tar is not as strong because they nerfed sand stream to be the same as activating Sandstorm on switch in, 5 turns or 8 with the smooth rock. Also just general power creep along with the adjusted meta made him weaker. His mega is relevant.
You say that but Smogon still has him at OU, a position he's held since his debut.

>Weather wars
>Best meta of all time
Get out

That's interesting, but not relevant to the discussion about Pokemon.

That post said nothing about balance, and was directly addressing the greed-oriented behaviour of Game Freak.

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"Muh balance" is a paper-thin excuse.
Gamefreak are just immensely lazy and incompetent in equal measure and want to cut down on the amount of work they have to do.