Marvel's Avengers Game Devs Are Listening To Your Criticisms And Will Make Changes

>Marvel Games Vice President and Creative Director Bill Rosemann confirmed that changes are coming "We want to thank you for last night, for watching the trailer. Your energy was awesome! All the comments we're hearing, we're listening to them, we're sharing them, we're bringing them back to the studio, we're listening to you," said Rosemann.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>run of the mill PR response

The fact that the trailer was actually gameplay but nobody believed it was really funny. It's probably too late to save the game without postponing it though.

I hope the in-game models are rippable and riggable on PC. I wanna see Black Widow take a few dog dicks in Source Filmmaker.

Good. Make the designs less bland.

Make Black Widow more athletic with feminine face
Forget the MCU

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Yeah right, the super masculine black widow is mandated by disney as part of their tumblr aesthethic

There wasn’t any gameplay you retard, only QTEs at best.

Besides we have a thread for this already

Oh fuck this shit! most complaints are about the MCU... they will add more shitty MCU synergy, nice way to ruin a game with potential to be more than just that.

>I hope the in-game models are rippable and riggable on PC.

I hope they change everything
From character design and new mocap

The issue isn’t the models, it’s the lack of gameplay and likely false promises they keep building up. It’s a loud casual minority complaining that they don’t look like the movie. But that said, the faces are shit

Those complaints will gone ignored since they were about the characters looking more like the actors and they can't do that without paying the MCU actors.

If anything they well just pretty up the models probably less MCU looking since people complained about that too.

I have honestly been assuming it's some Ultimate Alliance style phonegame since all I've seen is are pre-rendered CG movies, is it actually a proper third person action game?

Yet another example of how Based Marvel is lightyears better than DC

Yes, with this quality
Bring some the best or the most creative professionals like Frank Tzeng, after all money is what Disney most has
Disney can pay for the best

It appears more like a QTE heavy roller coaster experience. Like Amazing Spider-Man 2 the game at best when characters finally break away from the set piece

Oh wow. Thought that was the actual, real lady model used. Very uncanny valley.

You all laughed at this armor. Well whose laughing now?

Is anyone else tired of the whole "superheroes cause major disaster and are outlawed" plot? Even when Millar did it with Civil War it was mostly recycling the old X-men mutant registration plotlines.

I know we have the Nintendo Switch game for straight up superhero fun, but the whole dark post disaster superhero shit. Is this the only kind of superhero story we can tell post 9-11? Doesn't it seem dated as fuck still?

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What is this haircut called?

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I found it funny they kept repeating the line “original plot” when it’s pretty much the same shit we’ve seen several times already. Furthermore, why the hell would they be outlawed from a confirmed terrorist sabotaging a helicarrier Power core?

Frizzy Bradly Cooper

Why is this being lauded as a win for everyone, but people were shitting their pants in rage over Sonic getting a redesign in his movie?

It technically is, since it's not following any exact storyline.

I only ask you, for the love of god
(if she is in the game in the first place)

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The trailer was good, what are people complaining about?

Because the Sonic fan base is notoriously autistic
She’s leaked to be in, and the narrator you heard
Fuck off shill


>Marvel's Avengers Game Devs Want Your Money And Will Make Changes

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Only retards say this and the game still looks like trash regardless

Fuck you I legitimately like it. You fucking incel buffoon. Fuck you.

They need something to stretch out for five years

But I already know to stay away from movie tie-in games like they're the plague.

Who going to fucking save Commander Keen?!
This guy puts it pretty well.

Nice buzzwords. Give me one good reason to praise a game with next to no gameplay information.

Here's your Gamerverse, bro

He looks like a WWE 2k CAW.

There is no Gamerverse, yet. Avengers isn’t connected to the Spider-Man game

Now let's take a look at DC's future game line up


No Hawkeye no buy

Fuck rocksteady for sitting on a secret for five years.

>Doesn't it seem dated as fuck still?
it does, but you have to realize the targeted demographic considers it fresh. this'll be touted as a great game because it has the avengers brand on it.

> Listening To Your Criticisms
>And Will Make Changes
I'm scared

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I want to touch Kamala with my haram meat.

I personally hope I dont have to play through most of the game as everyone else but Captain America. Why do we have to have some sort of "hero makes sacrifice" prologue anyway

Goddamn I just want to toss a fucking shield at people

If they bring something of quality
Bringing material with poor quality nobody will buy, just look at the Captain Marvel comics
Bring content with quality, it is expensive but the final result is the best for all

>companies want money
Oh shit, capitalism just got pwned

Th-that haram user
but I'm sure she would love it

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She's literally a main character said to be integral to the main story
They should keep Spider-Man away from this though. Let Insomniac breathe on their own.

>She's literally a main character

ultimate alliance 3 looks way more fun than this

fucking crystal dynamics are hacks. nu-raider is shit. square-enix should've picked a better dev

This is Sony not marvel.

And until I get a boner looking at their black widow model they haven't fixed shit.

Mourning My Best Bro hair and beard combo.

It's cute how you losers keep trying that bullshit line with things like Venom or Into the Spider-verse but if you try really hard you might be able to read this line in the OP >Marvel Games Vice President and Creative Director Bill Rosemann
Now don't strain yourself too hard go slow and sound it out

Not him but what argument are you trying to make here? Because Insomniac Spider-Man isn’t connected with this

She was the narrator

I just want a game using 616 costumes and 616 locations not this “totally not mcu” shut the last game to use 616 locations and costumes was mvc3 it’s been 8 years

When I saw the mcu costumes in spider man I was hoping they would do the same thing with comic costumes but nope not very one was redesigned

That doesn't mean it's not marvel


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???? Of course it’s Marvel, what the fuck else would it be? All Marvel comics did was give the license to Square Enix

This hasn't been confirmed, nor denied. The fact that Iron Man VR takes place in California, same as Avengers is starting to make me think. Spiderman also makes a reference to the West coast Avengers.

They have Playstation Exclusive Content, we will see it.

Quite frankly I'm disappointed I expected open world game play as hero or villain with the ability to custom build player bases. From what they've shown so far doesn't really inspire or bring anything new to the table.

Oh my god how fucking dumb are you? West Coast Avengers is a common reference and doesn’t mean nor imply they’re in the same canon. In fact the only reason they threw in that reference in Spider-Man was to hand wave why the Avengers didn’t interfere with Otto’s plague. They don’t even have the same damn Taskmaster!

I hope they show the new concepts for evaluation.

Why don't other heroes interfere in each other's affairs? Why does Taskmaster have more than one outfit? Uh...

Unless it’s directly stated they’re not canon with one another. Is Doom Patrol canon to The Flash? No

Are you insinuating that Spider-Man can't protect New York by himself for a measly five years?

No I’m saying don’t be stupid and jump to conclusions

The only problem I have is Caps costume looking weird, and I can change that with customization. IDK why everyone is enraged over this game.

Because the models are ugly and there’s no game to speak of yet?

>Bruce i had to work as a greek Hoplite for a video game company for a while dude.
>they couldnt even let me balance greeks right because all of them were Egyptian and Roman Players

It's just a really easy story to tell I guess. the conflict is right there from the getgo and it exists to add some humanity to the characters and make them sympathetic. You get points right out the gate.

I would imagine its harder to tell a story about some new alien enemy or some shit, and on top of that make it engaging and have the characters seem like they're just regular people doing big things.

As long as Kamala is still in the game as a playable character then I'm fine. And maybe Spider-Man too

Hoping Kamala gets her own costume. Maybe Kamala wearing a costume based on Carol's old Ms. Marvel costume or the actual costume itself

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The David Hayter

The Jesus

THIS(btw the original photo had no censored)

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MCU Iron Man lived in California, not New York.

Yeah but every game that's announced at E3 doesn't have gameplay. I don't condone it but it's the industry standard.

Make Scarlett Witch a whore lesbian
That or she fucks her brother like in 1610
Either one will suffice

Shitty first impression. If you can’t even wow the audience with a cutscene then you’ve fucked up. Also at least a third of that audience was Square staff

The game was teased back in 2017 and went radio silent since. Forgive the people for wanting something of actual substance.

That’s the fucking game nigga

Kurt Russell in The Thing.


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>regular people
They aren't though so why does that matter?

Black widow looks like a dude in a wig.

He can't. Are you retarded?

Why so mean while being so wrong?

It's retarded since most of the time it's not their fault at all but the supervillains who would have done something way worse if they didn't try to stop them and just points out how goofy the universe is that governments have been letting these people do whatever they want so far.

Just reskin Dark Souls with Avengers but also give us Saints Row character creation because I want Thor to have a huge butt.

>Reskin Dark Souls
>Character creator.....but still with an established character

Attached: WHAT.gif (330x225, 15K)

Equipment drops are Avengers equipment. Stop verbally reacting like you're Chris Hardwick and think.

No woman looks that good, confident, or reliable.

Or actually use the correct terminology, customization, and stop being retarded. Because your analogies were way off.

Ye ole negro judge

I did use the correct terminology. Create a character. Creation. In Dark Souls, which in this instance would be reskinned(that's taking the skin and remaking it), you create a character. You're trying to make an argument of this, but it requires both of us to be stupid. But it's just you. Stop trying so hard to fight on the internet, it is not doing you any favors.

It was five seconds of people running in a straight line and doing combat animations, that gives almost no information as to what the gameplay is actually like

"Create a character" is creating a blank slate character from the ground up. You're not creating a character if it's fucking Thor. Customization is the correct term.

I'm not trying to start a fight on the internet, just admit you made a stupid analogy.

There is no analogy, it's saying "reskin dark souls, but with avengers but also give us Saints Row character creation."
>Just reskin Dark Souls with Avengers but also give us Saints Row character creation
It's also using Avengers items as drops.
>Equipment drops are Avengers equipment
Not only do you not know what an analogy is, you are trying to correct me on my idea that you misunderstood and needed explained to you. I made a half-assed shitty post and you needed training wheels to understand it and you still don't. How badly will you drop the ball doubling down on pretending you know what training wheels are?

Why do people always bring up DC for no reason? Do they just want to see if they can start a company war and get some attention?

i dont know i cant see it let me help you out there

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It's going to be shit because it's being developed by crystal dynamics, hope UA3 is good at least, it seems more promissing now that we've seen gameplay with a more stable fps

>He can't

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Nigga you do realize Dark Souls didn't invent that shit, right? And it's just customization, it's not a hard concept to grasp. The fact you keep circling back to Dark Souls to describe basic cosmetics is fucking weird. I think the only one here who wants to fight is you.

A short Farrah Fawcett

>Nigga you do realize Dark Souls didn't invent that shit, right?
Who said that it did?
>it's just customization
>Saints Row character creation
You build that character from the ground up, just as you say. You're agreeing with me but you don't know it because you refuse to read properly.
>it's not a hard concept to grasp
I completely agree, which is why I'm so baffled that I'm having to requote myself so much for you to still not get what has been put into very simple terms and explained several times.
>you keep circling back to Dark Souls
I keep circling back to my posts because you are flagrantly misreading them. And I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in thinking you're reading them at all.

>it's not gameplay because I say so!
Stay retarded, newfag

>You build that character from the ground up,
You're not building a character from the ground up because you're playing previously established characters; Thor, Iron Man, etc. There's a difference between a character CREATOR and a character customizer. Dark Souls and Saints Row protagonists are nothing characters the player gives traits to. Are you following me now?

Gameplay leaked.

Jesus, she's fit. Look at those fucking arms

Looks alright

>he wants a game about oc donut steels
fuck off, retard

Okay what the hell was that Taskmaster fight? Most of it was him on a jetpack, and his moves suck. This is also kind of a nitpick, but no one can shut the hell up for like 2 mins

>people make criticisms
>pure energy

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Hank Pym looks like a gangly Rich Evans

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Will they listen to my criticism to not make this a bunch of MCU synergy bullshit? No? Then fuck off.

Why did they have this as a press screening rather than as the actual reveal trailer? Yeah, it looks a bit eh, but average-looking gameplay is much less damning than just mashing up a few cut-scenes and then having a cringey MEET THE VOICE ACTORS video where they pretend to be interested.

Yea, it's pretty lame after what we got in the Spider-Man game from last year. He's supposed to be copying moves and matching his foes, not just zipping about and quipping.

has Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montréal ever even made more than one good game?

i swear a lot of AAA studios only get by on one good game in this industry

This reminds me of one of those 3rd party studio movie games, only given a bigger budget

actually, most of the complaints seem to be that there's not enough synergy

Yeah, bafflingly people seem more upset over it not being a 1:1 MCU game rather than it feeling the need to ape the MCU so strongly to begin with.

I can understand if they didn't want to show it because of lack of polish, but why would they withhold the most important part of the game, the gameplay, in its first fucking public premiere?

That said, it looks fine, I was never expecting anything groundbreaking, although I hope Thor and Hulk get moments where they show off why they're the team's heavy hitters.

It's not gameplay because you don't play it. Are menus gameplay? Is skipping a cinematic gameplay? Fuck off cuck

See my problem is how incredibly linear it is.In Spider-Man you at least didn't feel boxed in, able to fight The Sinister Six in BIG open areas and it gave the player a sense of control over what happens. Like for example when fighting Electro and Vulture at the same time, you can decide how to take them down or who goes down first.

This is how they should make Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and Capitain Marvel in this game

Everything about this Hank SCREAMS twist villain

Like, just his voice and appearance alone looks like he's going to snap and be screaming at you as you fight him ontop of a doomsday weapon.

>>Iron Man in Deadpool's voice
This is just weird.

Why are they surprised HANK PYM can shrink something?

Nothing wrong with games that have boundaries, not every game has to be an open world experience.

He looks like Clancy Brown's character in Detroit: Become Human

Attached: Detroit-Become-Human-Hank-Jacket.jpg (765x900, 75K)

I'm not saying everything has to be open world, but give me some fucking wiggle room to play in. Having such a confined area for guys like Hulk or Iron Man seems constricting given how they move/fight.

Jesus, it's just an introductory segment of how each character handles, they're not going to allow you to fly all over San Francisco before the game even properly starts.

Wait for the damn game to come out before bellyaching, they haven't officially released shit so far when it comes to gameplay.

It's literally inputting button prompts, you fucking retarded underage newfag dipshit. It's not the same as navigating menus or skipping scenes, and those technically are a subset of gameplay as it's you exercising your control over the game.

Fucking retard. Go meme elsewhere you literal kid.

What kind of game is this supposed to be anyway?
So you can't just pick one character to play? Sounds gay as fuck, I don't want to play fucking black widow or cap.
b-bros what if we get pymtron

There already are some good Black Widow models for Xnalara and I wouldn't doubt for source filmmaker too.

How is that fucking bellyaching? He's just saying he's concerned, you're allowed to have fucking concerns over a game's present form when there's only so much info to go on.

So let me get this straight, normies and autists cry about the characters not looking like carbon copies of MCU characters and the game devs cave?

More like people are bothered by the hair on some characters looking like stuff from 2 gens ago, and of course slapping a lot of overused VAs into the roles. Nolan North could at least try to not sound Nathan Drake all the fucking time.

You keep using that word, but i'm not sure you know what it means

Tony's head is too small in his suit and Bruce looks like Todd Howard

If you thought that was real then that's not uncanny valley

Whatever, fucking retard. QTEs are literally gameplay. Stay wrong.

>QTEs are literally gameplay
those weren't even QTEs just scripted animations made to look like gameplay, not that the real gameplay is going to be deeper than that.

>not that the real gameplay is going to be deeper than that
Oh look, a retard who thinks he knows how the final version of the game is going to be.

This is being made by Crystal Dynamics don't delude yourself

Why do I get the feeling that if Square started the development later than 2014, Hank Pym would have been a old man?

>I totally know how it's going to be in the end without any evidence!

Damm, i didn't know the crystal dynamic devs visited Yea Forums! Your Tomb Raider games were really mediocre.

>you must be a developer if you think the game could turn out well
Christ, you really are a retarded newfag.

Like i said before, you keep using that word, and now i'm even more certain you don't know what it means.

>Wait for the damn game to come out before bellyaching,

Why are you so angry and defensive over game criticism? This isn’t Reddit

it looks kinda fascistic

Doubtful, considering how stupid you sound and your leaps of logic.

Or Yea Forums

That's not what newfag means

Keep telling yourself that

ok user, but so far you haven't used the word in the context it's actually supposed to be used in: someone who's new to Yea Forums. Not someone who doesn't like my scriped E3 trailer.

It can also mean someone who talks like they don't know shit, idiot. Like you've been doing with your "huurr, QTEs aren't gameplay!" bullshit.

No it isn't user, that's a meaning you made up mr. QTE fan

No it isn't, dipshit retard who thinks gameplay that requires player input isn't gameplay.

How about the games as a service model?

Sorry bros.

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I gotta say, i'm loving our discussion, but i'm going to break it to you that i never said that, it was the other guy you were yelling to, i said that those weren't even qtes just scripted animations mde to look like gameplay. QTEs are gameplay, but they're still shit anyway.

You'd think they would have learned something from Insomniac and their model with the Spider-Man game.

Yea, sure, you're not the same guy despite never once implying you were someone else chiming in. Sure thing, bucko, mhmmm, totally convincing me here.

I was the guy that stated you didn't know what newfag was as well, but i guess you can't believe 2 people would dare go against your great game, i guess the only way to convince yourself you're right is if you pretend the conflicting arguments are made by one person just trying to mock you.

>trusting modern Square ever

You dont know Square do you

>your great game
Again you prove how much of a retard you are by assuming I'm thinking the game is perfect. And even more so by acting like I should believe you're not the same guy just because you say so now after not denying my accusations before.

They aren't EA or anything, they don't pull that much microtractions stuff compared to other companies.

Cosmetic only?

It had some nice cinematics, the problem is, where the fuck is the gameplay?

Probably a mixture of cosmetic and gameplay changing like with the Spiderman game. One would imagine Tony will have multiple armors with differing stats, while the rest will probably get stuff with "extra damage/slight health regen"

In that leaked video that was linked a ways above. So far, seems like some characters might play alright, but then you got Black Widow just kind of jumping around and slapping Taskmaster while he dodges about completely out of character.

I'll stick with MUA 3 thank you very much

Wonder how long until some journo pissant gets upset that the dev team is saying they'll listen to fan feedback and call them "entitled bigots" or whatever.

I don't think you played FFXV (and I won't blame you)

I'm allowed to be worried given the footage we've seen, faggot
Doesn't it drive you insane that devs, studios, etc listen to Reddit given how much of a cocksucking hugbox it is over there? Like if you say ANY criticism about a game, even in a respectful manner, you get jumped on by like 30 people. Fuck that site

One game out the dozens they do is hardly indicative of much.

To be fair, you're not exactly painting a friendly image if you're this testy about things. People are well within their right to ignore criticism if it's laden with hostility.

Didn't play the Spiderman one, what did the microtranstions do?

Well excuse me if I hurt your feelings. Learn to roll with it and not take things personally. And I literally just said that you could be the most polite persona ever and give constructive criticism, and it ultimately doesn't matter over there given the levels of circlejerk. There's plenty to be cautious about this game
>Presentation focused more on story/actors instead of the gameplay, which we had to see through a shit camera leak
>All they had to show was a montage cycling of characters. Which in theory should be fine and give a tutorial to the player on how each plays differently, but it's rather unfocused and doesn't allow said player to breathe/get acclimated to characters gradually.
>Everything thus far looks heavily scripted
>Taskmaster's fight looked very uninspired and very simplistic. Dodge, shoot, dodge shoot, combo, rinse repeat. Not to mention it didn't really feel in character.

Square Enix has A LOT to prove right now.

There weren't any in that game. Every costume was in the game, with the exceptions of some that were added in patches and others that were included with the DLC packs, which were all just cosmetic and didn't include powers like the ones in the main game. Certainly a more preferable model compared to other games with DLC where a lot of good stuff gets locked behind paywalls.

Spider-Man didn't have microtransactions. In each story DLC chapter there were 3 unlockable costumes, and there were several costumes Insomniac released for free like Future Foundation and the Raimi suit

Attached: Spider-Man FF.jpg (1920x1080, 368K)

Jesus Christ, kid, calm the fuck down. Nobody said they were offended, and yet you're just flying off the damned handle like someone shit in your cereal or something. And you seem to be acting like you got reamed over criticisms, so are you being fucking anecdotal or relating an experience on the forum you keep saying you hate so much?

>Accepting the criticism of their game before its released and adjusting it to the audience's preferences.
I'm sorry, but to quote George RR Martin, the American Tolkien and the most well known fantasy writer living today, "Art is not a democracy. People don't get to vote on how it ends." The developers shouldn't listen to the consumers who will buy their product regardless of their expectations. It is the studio's vision, not the endless masses that purchase it to view its contents. Consumers should just consume. Stop pretending they should have any in put in the process.

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user I think I offered a reasonable list of gripes concerning the game. If you were asshurt about the feelings jab, then I have to ask, are you new here? Because you seem awfully offended at very restrained bantz here but whatever. If you call THAT flying off the handle than I don't know what to say.

Or did you not finish reading my post and just wanted someone to play high horse with?

1/10, almost had thinking you were serious for a second there.

While I agree on principle, Martin is a tad overrated. Hey I'm not trying to take Game of Thrones away from you, it's just not my thing

>I'm not offended, you're offended!
Oh fuck off with that horseshit.

Why the fuck is this thread full of retards that didn't even read the article? They said they won't be changing the designs you fucking morons.

I feel like we got off on the wrong foot here. What's troubling you right now? Because I legitimately don't know why you think I'm offended by you. Yeah Reddit pisses me off but that's why I stay clear. It's just a shame devs listen to them

>you get jumped on by like 30 people. Fuck that site

Specially in the Marvel Studios subreddit. Since Marvel/Disney is known to visit it

Square are one of only two companies I can think of (Sony being the other) that have actually been skeezy enough to charge money for Japanese audio in a game.

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Nothing's troubling me, though you did seem kind of defensive after I said "people don't listen to others if they're being aggressive about things" and then made it seem like I was the one being offended.

When have they done that? Far as I recall, they either offered dual audio, or they went "Welp, it's English for the American release" and that was that. I know some other games will offer alternate audios, like Persona 5, though if I recall that was free, which is still odd since there's no reason they couldn't have included it on the disc.

>QTEs are not gameplay guys!!!
>They literally are
>Well, it wasn't QTEs then!

Jesus, you're pathetic

Hopefully Hawkeye becomes playable at launch

SE charged for the Japanese audio with Drakengard 3 and Sony did it for Soul Sacrifice Delta. SE also dangled the Japanese audio as a pre-order bonus for the original release of World of Final Fantasy.

I feel like my default demeanor when posting here is aggressive given the nature of this place. Well that and it helps with venting a day after work I suppose

Still, doesn't seem as bad as what EA and some others do where they nickel and dime you by purposefully crippling the gameplay with slow progression, either forcing you to endure tedious grinding, or pony up cash to get "a boost"
Thank fuck they're cracking down on shit like loot boxes and by extension those crummy booster things.

Right. Scrap everything, forget the MCU. No gameverse. No stupid edgy serious story. Make it fun.

For the graphics, see Dragon Ball Fighter Z use of celshading? Do something like that but aping the style of Jack Kirby.

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I don't mind the idea of a gameverse, though one has to hope they don't make it too convoluted to the point that it negatively affects future games because they have to keep double-checking each others work.

I don't think this is canon with Spider-Man

That we know of. The whole "gameverse" thing has been barely talked about by Marvel or any of the developers involved with them. Wouldn't surprise me if they were planning on trying to make an MGU or whatever, and then gave up and are hoping people just forget about it.

The “we really don’t wanna deal with Robert Downey Jr’s lawyers and aren’t taking any chances”

>People are well within their right to ignore criticism if it's laden with hostility.

You can ignore, not attack people. Also it’s just a videogame not public policy

How is ignoring someone attacking them?

Maybe I'm just a fag but I'd fuck that Black Widow until my dick was numb. I don't know what it is but its doing things for me.

I sleep

are you retarded?

Well, he are sleep

people say this looks like a ps2 game what games where they playing i want it

Attached: bandicam 2019-06-13 21-04-32-203.png (1630x919, 1.14M)

People can't distinguish between graphics and art style, so anything they don't like visually = "GRAFICS SUX"!

The only people who say "looks like a PS2 game!" constantly are teenagers who didn't actually play games back then.


All I've heard is people say things like the hair and beards look outdated, but that's about it. Graphically, it looks more or less up there with what you see these days. Maybe not something that'll melt the consoles and make PCs sweat, but still far from being THAT graphically inferior.

If you take a photo of Avengers HQ in Spiderman PS4, he says they're probably on the west coast or something. If they aren't connected, then it was a neat hint about the Avengers game.

He just sounds like a cocky asshole to m, which makes sense considering he has a fucking Pym Particle bazooka. He's probably a mish mash of Hank and Scott.

I could see it working where maybe the individual games are self-contained, with some hints to events in one another, and only push any major plots for any crossover stuff. That is, if the gameverse thing is well and truly real and not just a misunderstanding.

You're stupid?
Everything in this game seems to be done like 10 years ago.
Until that image you posted.
The animation of the characters is bad, simple things like walking and gestures
Looks like a 90s engine
The heroes are ugly, bad hair
fat faces without life

>Look at this image>

That's what you expect from a giant like Disney

>If they released this trailer it's because they thought it was great

So this Disney gaming team is made by outdated professionals who should not be there

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You're right to be scared Kamala. Crunch Time for devs and animators is always a scary thing

>Avengers game
>Non avengers character is the main character

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>Everything in this game seems to be done like 10 years ago.
Yea, no. Stay wrong.

>Black Widow looks like a dude in makeup.
Holy shit is the west physically incapable of making decent female character models? Have they banned their 3D sculptors from making them from now on?

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While I do wish they would draw from the more important comics for designs more in the games, expecting DBFZ style out of any game that isn't 2D is expecting too much. ArcSys GG Xrd and DBFZ style 3D only is feasible because you they can tailor each frame to the way you're going to see it. In a game with a camera that the player controls or that is automatic but features each pose from multiple angles the effect is lost.

show me a game from 10 years ago that looks like this

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shit wrong image

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Thor looks horrible

Red Dead Redemption 2
Horizon Zero Dwan
Uncharted 4
The Last of Us
Modern Tomb Raider Trilogy
Gears of War 4
The Evil Within 2
Wolfenstein 2

>Avengers failed and disband story.
>"Let's form back together guys!"

Brainwashed Hydra Cap is final boss.

>reading comprehension

Nolan North as Tony Stark.
For the love Christ, can they find other voice actors to abuse?

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user, Kamala was an Avenger during ANAD Marvel

Ummm.... all of those dont exist 10 years ago

Are you underage?

The Danger Zone

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Tossed Salad, hold the scrambled eggs.

You should have finished grade school user, me and your mom warned you not to drop out



Doesn't count.

We're never going to get a good avengers game are we? Why the people with the money and power to make these games so stupid? You know what's hot in gaming right now and isn't complete shit? TF Clones. Where is my avengers TF clone?

Is there a reason they can't go with closer-to-MCU faces?

The actors almost definitely have licensing agreements in place attached to their faces and this can get around having to pay for their use.

I figured Disney would own all rights to "soandso-as-character" but yeah, makes sense. But they could use the costumes, right?

I guess there will be a lot of people who will look at them and think them "off" not looking close enough to either MCU or comic versions. I mean, I guess they're identifiable but... eh.

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you didn't even played it,nor even saw normal gameplay you retard

It's shit and you know it. If you have a good game you come out with the gameplay details in the initial showing.

Nah. Generally that's improved. You want some ugly female bodies, look at MK9.

Course the men in that game are no lookers either.

He actually wasn't though that was me and I didn't even watch the thing just fucking with people, but man coming back to this thread is wild you go so butthurt over this shit you really are a cuck bruh neck yourself.

>IGN spoke with Crystal Dynamics lead creative director Shaun Escayg about the negative response from the community and he was adamant that the designs would not be changed.

>“We are always listening to, and welcome feedback from our community. There are currently no plans to change our character designs,” Escayg said.

They're not changing a thing.

Who the fuck would pay for this other than diehard Marvel fans? If you want a good beat-em-up just buy something like Dragons Crown.

I hate how marvel games have this disgusting synergy with MCU

Yes, like this one where the team is mostly the same and of three Lego games? Having a hard time thinking of any other examples.

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Bro you just posted cring

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Cap's forehead looks like he has gone full SSJ3

>It's shit and you know it.
no I don't and you too
>If you have a good game you come out with the gameplay details in the initial showing.
example :

It looks to me it will be Ryse but about Avengers.

I did not understand, you think this is great?
Tell me is this a bait?
Do you work on this project?
Because the bad taste who made this game is something that scares

Why are we crying about not having the stupid actors in the game?* Didn't we always cry about how terrible the actors represented the actual comic characters?

*can they even afford $50+ million for Robert D. Junior and Scarlett J.?

This is the ugliest Iron Man suit I've ever seen in any media and look back to the 90s as the era of the worst Iron Man suits in the comics

As I said before, bad tast
They could have chosen to do something simple and clean
As in the Ultimate Thor's suits
And the face, hair and body definition of the muscles of the arms, everything is absurdly bad

When's Carol

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Doesn’t help that there’s no helmet

please tell me someone mirrored this

No one is complaining about this.
The big problem is the lack of quality.
Rule number one for games and comics
Make male heroes chads and women thicc
Killer face to both
The major problem with these new studios is that they do not use human reference
Woman's face? Grace Kelly, Lynda Carter, black woman? Angela Bassett
Man's face? Alan Delon, Paul Newman black dudes? Tyson Beckford
In addition to seeking good references they should see the level of other games and compare with their work

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Just google it

Wasn't it kind of obviosu that they went for non-sexist female/male version of characters? Considering that most of the modern comics look like this too. Males looks kind of weakish/nerdy/"beta"/female and Women look kind manly/without female features/are supposed to be strong.

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>Sony being the other
When was this? Or are you just making things up?


No, we don't

>On another note, the response to the costumes in Marvel's Avengers has not been good, but those of you hoping that they'll be redesigned may be disappointed. "We are always listening to, and welcome feedback from our community. There are currently no plans to change our character designs," Escayg confirmed, promising that character models, at least, will improve closer to launch.

>There are currently no plans to change our character designs,

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Like i said before, i'm not the guy that said QTEs weren't gameplay, is that all your argument relies on?


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>There has been leaked gameplay already
>Don't show it on E3
>Instead here is a scripted trailer with a handfull of shots of characters running forward and punching things
Why the fuck did they do that?

>those fucking trees
GTA San Andreas

Iron Man looks the worst of them all
they should really bulk him up

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>he hates the modular armor
what the fuck is wrong with you

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Look just forget about making the characters resemble the MCU. Theres no point if you're not actually going to hire the actual actors. Give Cap his comic look, give Thir his winged helmet back etc

fucking trash