More Jess in 40'

More Jess in 40'

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>more Jess

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Best background girls

T-they'll get their episodes, right?

Sure, in season two. Season two will be the best season. Then Faust will leave, because her vision is comprised, and then the show will slowly get worse. Just like another show that I sort of remember.

next week short trailer

>more Bumbleshy episodes


Should've been Jessica who was the shy one.

Love the Zee pose. Wish she'd get an episode already.

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Looks like the short that was spoiled in one of these compilation videos.

>It's a "Bumblebee has to stop being a pussy" episode

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God, what a little slut.

funny how that short was leaked in her compilation

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We already have seen this. It was in the compilation videos they upload to the channel.

Literally every single Fluttershy episode. I swear to god, all the Superhero girls are great except for Bumblefly.

I hoped for grappling hooks

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Nah. Babara's taco bucket episode was easily the worst. At least the writers know that bumblefly can't hold an episode by herself. I don't think they realised that Babs can't either.

I at least had a couple of chuckles at the burrito episode, but yes, I will agree it's one of the worst.

Most Bumblefy episodes aren't good for anything.

>Jessica Cruiz,Your Driving Rage is Amusing and well placed.
>We welcome you to our Red Lantern Corp.

Fingers crossed.

And Yea Forums thought this would be the Bab's show

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>tfw no Zee episode in season 3 because writers had a brainfart

considering the number of episodes shorts and compilations from the official channel, they just put attention to kara, diana and karen. they discriminate so blatantly the other three girls

They'll have a Zee episode. But, in monkey's paw fashion, it'll be a Kara/Zee episode. Because Faust is still sore that she left the horse show, before Rarijack started getting a big push.

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Too obvious, come on.

You know what they say about dating your coworkers

but what about Jess x Carol

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Best girl, I swear. I love what they did with her.

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The official theme for every thread like the first

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The official theme for every thread since the first one:

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>that name

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