So this week's Superior Spidey was fun

So this week's Superior Spidey was fun.

I liked Gwen in it

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All of the Spider-Man books besides Amazing have been great this year. Seriously, the thing we needed more than anything in the last decade was just a different creative team.

Really been liking the Spock book. The more I read of it, the more the flaws from Slott's Spock become greater.

Shouldn't Gwen just be able to outright see the editors note?

yeah that's a bit weird

She lost those powers when she went to a team book.

Agreed. On another note, this new artist made me realize how much I don't care for the regular spock artist.

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Shit, now I want to read this.


Got a link to a storytime?

Nobody did it yesterday. If nobody else does one I'll do it in like an hour.

It really bugs me how this character is just used as a mouthpiece for whatever meta commentary the writer wants to cram in. When she first showed up she had a bunch of posters and merch of all the disposable legacy characters she's dissing here in her bedroom. There's no consistency on what kind of fan she was before getting sucked into comicland.

I thought WCA was cancelled and disbanded.

>heroes still allow Ock to run around creating more problems than the ones he fixes for no apparent reason whatsoever
Such a fundamental flaw, and the only reason why it's happening is editorial mandate.

Cancelled yes Disbanded no, the final issue had them get a happy ending sitting in their brand new base. I'm expecting it to get relaunched with a rejiggered member list and new writer (Gwen and Quire are probably gonna be out for a new mini and HoxPox aftermath respectively).

He singlehandedly stopped Terrax from leveling the entire Bay Area, almost 8 million lives saved, that's already more good than any evil he's ever committed.

>*joins literal Nazis at the drop of a hat*
An original character, even a revamped oscure hero could accomplish anything the writer wants them to; it's just asinine to assume Ock is a hero because he wants to survive.

What's your point here? Yeah, the writer could just make a new character called Poochie Man that solves all problems on Earth in an afternoon, but that's hardly engaging, is it? Former villain seeking redemption even when no one believes he can (even the readers) is interesting stuff, or at the very least makes for a fun ride.

And if you're gonna hold all the characters involved in that retarded event accountable as Nazis forever, boy that's a long list.

>hey Ock, remember when you made Tony kiss and suck your tentacles by making it seem you'd kill thousands if he didn't?
>hey I was going through a rough patch, don't be so insensitive
Honestly, Superior's still kinda funny this way.

Thank you.

>What's your point here?
I don't want editorial mandate dictating shit like "villain willing to join the Nazis is actually a hero and nobody actually minds that much". Mind you, it's not like they're doing this because Ock was a popular character without Peter. They literally had to turn him into a Spidey recolor to sell this idea. So yeah, I do want a Poochie instead of forcing this shitty premise.

You can like new characters and still be aware that writers treat them as disposable. Just look at how this place reacts whenever a G-lister is killed off. The anxiety people have about Mania showing up in Absolute Carnage is a good example of it.

Why does Fuse look like Barrack Obama?

Just out of curiosity, how do you fell about Iron Man still being considered a hero and going back to be on friendly terms with other superheroes after he threw a bunch of people in an interdimensional gulag without a trial and then abandoned them there?

Is Marvel taking a dig at their past selves or something?

>this week's Superior Spidey was fun
It often is, shame it is selling like crap.

>how do you fell about Iron Man still being considered a hero
Someone didn't read Superior Iron-Man, another fucking rehash where we have to pretend a hero's grey morality is anything but. You're implying 2019 Marvel treats Tony as a clean, wholesome hero. That just isn't the case.

Superior Iron Man was 5 years ago and they had all types of excuses for his behavior in there. 2019 Marvel DOES treat Tony as a saint, just take one look at him in that Ironheart comic, and how he was the "good guy" in Civil War 2.

>On another note, this new artist made me realize how much I don't care for the regular spock artist.
Holy shit, how? I feel the exact opposite. Hawthorne is so much more consistent.

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The same reason one of the Multiversity Superman does.

Hero worship.

Is Gwen still powerless from that stupid team book? I thought her powers returned when she poped up in Deadpool/Spider-man.

>and they had all types of excuses for his behavior in there
That's precisely what I'm complaining about, big brains.

>Marvel DOES treat Iron Man as a hero
>brings up Riri's and Civil War II's Tony
That wasn't post-Civil War Tony and you know it, and it's BECAUSE of his status as a morally ambiguous character that they had to introduce an alternate, more heroic Tony.

>look at him in that Ironheart comic
Riri looking up to him and respecting him doesn't translate in everyone loving him.
Although we haven't seen public interaction of Tony ever since Superior, that dealt with his PR side closely.

what do you have against hawthorne?

>Kirby Dots
Why are they so non-existent these days?

>besides Amazing
Amazing has been good too.

Maybe it's just the coloring I don't like, that looks pretty good.

It's been "okay." You guys are sucking Spencer's dick way too hard only because he's not Slott.

Here's the storytime

>He's not Slott
The best he wrote was SpOck because at that point he essentially was not writing Spider-Man. And even then Yost and Gage have written SpOck better. So yeah, Slott can go fuck himself.

>you tried to kill every one
>i had a mental illness, sorry

what's the difference? I kinda liked Slott's Spock apart from the end

If they punished Ock for joining Hydra, they'd have to do the same with Thor and Ant-Man. Hell, the only reason Deadpool got in trouble was because he killed Coulson, a named character.

how is ock spock again?

He downloaded his consciousness into a cloned body during a story arc involving The Jackal. I think it has a mix of his and Peter's DNA.

Back during Spider-verse, when he found out that he would have his memory wiped of the events and then later Peter would take the body back over, he created a back-up of his mind. At the end of Superior, that back-up uploaded itself to the Living Brain. Then in Clone Saga 3, Ben Reilly created a clone body for Ock, which the SpOck back-up that was in the Living Brain then transferred his mind to. At the end of Clone Saga 3, Ock's clone body was disintegrating but he managed to upload his mind at the last minute into a special clone body that was half-Peter Parker and half-Otto Octavius. As a result, he has all of Peter's powers and is a fit young man, but has his physical features mixed with Otto's enough that he doesn't look like Peter anymore.

Ah I guess that works, he still with Anna?

No, though they're co-workers and she reluctantly helps him with his super-heroing. The whole "I'm actually Otto Octavius but never told you" thing kinda fucked any and all trust their relationship could have.

>That wasn't post-Civil War Tony and you know it
? So this Otto isn't the Otto that did evil thing, happy? I'm starting to suspect you're a tad stupid, user.

No, she's kinda afraid of Otto.

She became one of Peter's allies, and basically ran Parker Industries when Peter was busy Spider-Manning.
Otto as the Living Brain was kinda stalking her for a while until Clone Conspiracy

They both wound up working at Horizon University in LA, and Anna is savvy enough to know that the Superior Octopus/Superior Spider-Man was obviously Otto, and recognized his new civilian identity almost immediately and sicced the reprogrammed Living Brain on him

But Otto managed to convince her that he wants to do good as a hero, so she's helping him be a better one

comics look better black and white

Her powers don't work as well outside of her own book because she's not the main character any more.

bumping for best gril (lipstick)

The adventures of asshole spiderman. Fun.

We need that.

This is too good.

But she didn't diss any characters. She just stated a fact

>The adventures of asshole spiderman.
normal spiderman then

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Why does Octavius insist on dressing like Spiderman and using Spider-Man's name now that Spider-Man is back to his original self? I mean besides executive meddling.

It made sense when Octavius defeated Peter and wanted to prove he could do Peter's job better, but the events that followed taught Octavius that he could never be better. So why is he back in the costume? Why are the other heroes working with him after his acts in Secret Empire? Why are you all so easily fooled when a Marvel book pokes fun at itself, as if that somehow excuses all the bullshit?

Amazing was great in the second half of last year. THIS year it has been mostly satisfactory, but we're already in July and we just finished Kraven's Second Last Hunt. Hopefully things will get better again.

>as if that somehow excuses all the bullshit?
Because it does. Unless played as a legitimate villain, SpOck works best as a complete clown of an anti-hero and it's reminiscent of the Len Wein days.

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Deadpool/Spider-man is the absolute unitary definition operator of non-canonicity.

God I hope Gwenpool is in MUA3, even if just as a shopkeeper selling you alt skins and comic covers

EVERYONE, HOLD THE FUCK UP! Okay so I enjoyed Superior Spider-Man a shit ton due to Spider-Ocks personality being so enjoyable, so I kind of only read Superior Spider-Man and the clone saga... I liked Ben Reilly , so I might be out of the loop here a bit but, didn't this series end when Peter got his body back?

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Maybe her being a fan of legacy characters is exactly why she knows how fleeting their lives can be. Just because she knows how comics work doesn't mean she likes or agrees to it.

Poor Gwen just wanted Miles to like her and she blew it.

Maybe Manga had the right idea of just not coloring

It plays very well into modern PC culture.

Otto got a clones body.

I had no fucking idea there was a 2019 Superior
I'm reading all of this immediately

Good, you enjoy this comic.