Let's have a french comic thread.
With a good story time.
Spirou and french comic
Holy shit, these are some huge-ass picks. And the tone is so different from what I am used to
After all the time spent to travel from Poland, we can't be more than two hours behind...
end of chapter 1
This is pretty good, thanks for doing it
friendly reminder that this is how french see americans....
Goddammit Fantasio
end of the first comic
Thanks user, that was a great read. Did not expect to enjoy that.
>by Emile Bravo
WHY did I never heard of that? Holy shit!
Gotta find it in French, fast.
I've heard about this comic, but never read one. It's pretty good! Thanks for the storytime.
After all the time spent to travel from Poland, we can't be more than two hours behind...
>that name drop
Oh boy
Tintin is a... what now?
What a moron.
Thanks user. The second comic is even better, it's about Spirou during the German occupation of Belgium. Who knows when the third part will come out.
A fascist.
Tintin was published by a very catholic newspaper and was very heavy on the anti-communist propaganda, so of course a commie would label it fascist.
1939 was a rough year all over, but being that Belgian culture was influenced by France and Germany things got particularly nuts down there. This isn't even getting into regional pissing matches between the Flemish and Walloons.
The publication he was written in was owned by fascists, though Herge himself wasn't one.
International. L'Internationale, specifically.
>tintin exist in 66395 gorillon languages
>pick the one that no one will understand
How many times has Spirou taking a blow to the head? Boy just keeps on getting decked.
It's Flemish (Dutch), ie one of languages of Belgium where it was first published. Translation: And so the Soviets fool those who still believe in a red paradise. I can't remember the last time I ate (the dog).
That’s pretty funny
Do you know it’s name?
Close enough.
So Fantasio used to be a child molester I see.
>Lived in Ukraine
That's a lot of bad things in a single person.
January 1940. A particularly harsh winter came down on Brussels. While everyone awaits with apprehension the imminent arrival of the war, Fantasio is engaged in the Belgian army. In the fortress of Ében-Émael, he is eager to do battle and has no doubt that the French and British armies will crush the German army ...
As for Spirou, he is still a Bellboy and continues to live as normally as possible. His meeting with Felix, a German Jewish painter whose Nazi judged the work "degenerate", and Felka, his wife, will make him discover the "Jewish question" and the complexity of the international situation.
When war breaks out, Fantasio seeks to serve the most heroically possible homeland. Spirou tries to understand the complexity of the situation through encounters with deeply human characters and tries to make himself useful by being faithful to his values.
Fantismo makes a promise he'll learn to regret
Why does no one care about the current run of Spirou, the two guys they got on it have been a whole lot better than the last two?
It is?
Yes, if the current two have a tendency to be meta with the nature of Spirou as an unaging protagonist of a comic book.
Just started from the top, but have a bump
to be fair, Nicky Larson was a thing on TV back then.
>Ryo just headhsot the bad guy
Because so far all the stories but one have been pitched around the "we're bringing back that old thing you liked" concept (the dinosaur, Zorglub, Cortizone, the Marsupilami) with little substance around it. The "meta" humor is also nowhere on the level of Tome & Janry, there's only so many times you can make the "we're gonna find a contrived excuse to put you in a bellhop costume" and still be funny and the last affordable time was during Vito la Deveine, long before the current run (and then it worked because it was Vito and not Spirou).
There's no heart in it, it seems to be a paint-by-the-numbers production now and it's even more apparent thanks to the "elseworlds" stories like the one storytimed here, which are much more interesting.
Fantasio is the worst retarded egotistical coward douchebag in this new series.
That sounds like most Franco-Belgian comics over 20 years old.
Well, I mean, there's a reason the franco-belgian industry has lost most of its weight and the comic market in france is majorly sustained by manga.
True, I wonder if there are any similarities to how the US market has collapsed.
I cannot let the sole good thread dissapear.
The scalators have all gone so very little new content is being pushed
>I cannot let the sole good thread dissapear.
she cute
Interesting that Fantismo is finally losing his hair
What the fuck?
The Oswald thread is based as always but I agree