Serious question what do people behind Big Two media mean by that

Too many coincidences.

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Red heads are potato irish niggers.


Black guy here. We're not behind this.
Actually I preferred white mj since I'm a huge stickler fir Spider-Man but I got ratted out for it.

It's not us doing it I can tell you that. The hood still prefers black panther and static shock over the race changed heroes

Most of theam are tv only...

>Black guy here. We're not behind this.
no shit bro, most of people behind those ideas and changes are white liberals.
And really I don't even have problem with it, but WHY it is reds that get racebend the most, then blondes.

it means live action is shit and you're all faggots who lap it up.

Black people is the only diverse race that white people recognized. Hispanic, Asian & etc are literal who to them?

Good filename, stole my joke.

or in Doomsday Clock (again) we have kid middle east, guess what power he has

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It means if you think the most important about these characters is that they’re ginger, you’re just a dumbass bigot.

Half of those aren't even the same character. Some of them exist alongside the white counterpart. The original Rorschach is dead. Starfire is an alien. That's not really MJ. If you try hard enough you could put in some alternate universe versions of characters and claim it's white erasure or something.


so what, they are still replacements of gingers

John Carpenter's Fear of Gingers

whoever keeps pushing for the eradication of redheads is truly afflicted by some sort of destructive infantile disease
these individuals should be rounded up, quarantined, and eliminated from the gene pool


They don't cast redheads for the same reason they don't cast dark black people. They need everyone to look good under the same cheap lights.

Race swaps are retarded and only create animosity between blacks and whites for the perceived cultural pandering. Prove me wrong

Bait detected.

what bait

>Firestorm panel
>Superman's hair
should Superman costume's blue be dark almost black blue in real life?
Must Beast and Nightcrawler from X-Men be black in real life?

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tv shows and movies arent canon to the source material.

plus black Rorschach is literally another character separate of walter kovaks

Beast could easily be black. Kurt has his Eastern European origin, but I think it's kind of dated, all things considered.