Why are cousin couples frowned upon in american tv ?
I've seen french cartoons where it's treated as normal
Why are cousin couples frowned upon in american tv ?
I've seen french cartoons where it's treated as normal
>I've seen french cartoons where it's treated as normal
Name them.
America is only slowly coming around to incest despite all the southern redneck jokes about it.
I blame Game of Thrones, when it started the idea of the two siblings fucking made people go ew, by the end though you had arguments between shippers whether Jon should fuck his aunt or his cousin.
Our jumped-up nobility was never all that into it, if you can even call them that. Thus it's associated solely with backwards rustics and generally seen as gauche.
Because France is super casual about a lot of sexual stuff. Even Japan treats it as a taboo and that's why it's used. So America frowns upon it, Japan jacks off to it, and France shrugs its shoulders.
What's with white people and incest
Not just white people.
It's normal in most areas of the world, the problem is when the children of cousins fuck their cousins, and that's when the defects appear.
Sure is redneck in here
Ok. Name them. Name any cartoon French or otherwise that depicts and casualizes canon cousin incest.
Case in point.
he probably can't.
Give it five years when the powers that be decide trans are accepted enough and they gotta move onto the next thing.
After cousins is brother/sister.
That's my point. I don't even give two shits about incest I just don't like bullshit.
When I was a teenager I had sexual thoughts of my cousins. However, now I can't. Thank God.
because it's implied that you're a loser who can't score outside of the family?
I have the same situation, but I'm pretty sure it's because we're not 10 anymore and my same age cousin did not age well by any means.
>After cousins is brother/sister.
For me it’s my sister, unfortunately those haven’t gone away...
Seventeen a cute!
Les malheurs de sophie
code lyoko
totally spies
I'm sure I'm missing a few
>code lyoko
>totally spies
What... where?
Aelita and Odd pretend to be cousins in the series, and there's an episode where Sissi's goons are following them to the lab
So to divert suspicions, they make out and tell them that they are secretely dating and that's why they sneak out of school
Now all the school believe they are in an incestuous relationship
In TS when looking up her relatives in France, Alex wonders what her cousin look like and pictures a handsome guy with bishie sparkle and she's blushing
What kind of incest is your favorite, Yea Forums?
>everyone's biggest complaint about the fandom is not the incest, but the pedophilia
Is this like when Matt and Trey purposefully add in a raunchy part in their movie with plans to remove it and allow the slightly less raunchy parts to fly under the radar?
Nice try cletus
Cope and yikes hillbilly
The absolute madman
Rini may have issues
Because france is degenerate central
Hell their patron saint was a schizophrenic whore who was rightfully burned on the stake fro her heretic ways
Get fucked by a Paki, Nigel
>Hating on Jeanne d'Arc
Delete this
Noice, can't wait.
Just hope my sis doesn't pick my better looking, younger brother
Seething cletusposter
>cousin love BAD
Can you argue otherwise?
Lois gets cucked a lot of times in these comics
Well those aren't couples per se, they're just people pretending to be couples and one case of someone finding your cousin hot, which I think does happen in Burger tv just not at cartoons or at least can't name one where it happens
>Going after the sister when you have a handsome younger brother
In Les malheurs de sophie the title character is betrothed to her cousin
Though she ends up with someone else at the end, her cousin marries thzie other cousin
Based, thank you trannies.
thats not how it works cletus
>caring what two consenting adults do in the bedroom
Stop being homophobic.