Transformers #7 Storytime

In which the story finally continues after last flashback, the art changes artist jarringly and we get someone unexpected shows up.

R.I.P. Rubble.

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I swear Ruckley, if you kill her you are one massive faggot.

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And that's it until next issue!

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So let me see if I got the gist of the story so far.
Bumblebee became a dad, then his kid died.
Optimus has to deal with the Transformer's version of the westboro baptist church, Megatron, and politicians.
More politicians are coming back ahead of schedule because Optimus' life is suffering.
Prowls pissed.
Cyclonus is crazy.
Bumblebee is unkowingly joining the same folks that just killed his kid.
And Megatron wants to take off all the chastity belts because he's tired of living like the goddamn Amish.

Flamewar! Also I'm glad Cyclonus is at the forefront again this time around, he was one of my favorites in MTMTE

Basically, everyone is 100% percent done so I can see how this can become a war.

I like what they are doing with Cyclonus, seems like a 'fun' character so far.

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why is everyone teleporting around during the fight

We were unlucky enough to get the crap artist to do the fights.


What's a Headmaster?

a pint-sized Transformer that transforms into a head that combines with a Transector(a mindless transformer body)

what's a google

fuck off, shill

If this was a bi-monthly comic I'd get the issues.
The slow pacing would be fine, the shit art would be fine, the jarring blandness would be acceptable, but it isn't.

This is a fucking MONTHLY comic, and seems rushed as fuck in all elements except the plot which is going at a fucking snail pace.

It's fucking boring,

In the number of issues this story has been Infiltration was done with it's first story and was miles better. The characters were weaker sure, but the plot action and art were great.

This is a fucking mess, and shows how shit current IDW is.

the comic comes out twice a month, genius

Didja get your booster pack with your copy?

>If this was a bi-monthly comic I'd get the issues
Better start buying, then.

how is that shilling?

>That pic
Always imagined Flamewar as the most laid-back Decepticon when there was no job around.

How is it not?

Same, like she's loyal to the cause, but it's mostly there for fun.

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>noun: shill; plural noun: shills
>an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
>a person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest.
>"a megamillionaire who makes more money as a shill for corporate products than he does for playing basketball"

Google is BY FAR the most popular search engine, to the point where the name has entered genericized use for the act of looking something up on the internet. Calling someone a shill for telling others to google something is like calling someone a shill for asking for a kleenex or saying something is photoshopped.

In other words, you dumbass, look up shit yourself.

(BTW, genericization is the reason why, when it comes to toys and merchandise, Transformers doesn't use the word "transform" as a verb. No, the products "convert". If they "transformed", then other companies could argue that the name Transformers is a generic term and free for them to use.)

>Calling someone a shill for telling others to google something is like calling someone a shill for asking for a kleenex or saying something is photoshopped.
That is shilling too, you fucking googledrone.

If it's not the boring as hell writing, it's the terrible art.

But is it better or worse than original IDW's last few years? I'm finding it difficult to give an answer.

Try not to be so blindingly obvious with your bait next time. Actually, just don't try at all.

Original IDW's last few years were great save for Vs. Visionaries, so...

Someone skipped Lost Light and Optimus Prime.

No, someone didn't. I enjoyed both.

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>Optimus has to deal with the Transformer's version of the westboro baptist church, Megatron, and politicians.
After the war, some sort of new policy was passed. The policy includes strict rationing, hard limits on how many new Cybertronians can be made, and isolationism.
Megatron, who joined the Ascenticons 300,000 cycles ago and eventually became their leader, thinks this is all total bullshit.
That's the story so far.
Why the fuck do different pages have different artists though?

>boring as hell writing
I guess it's neat seeing things like Starscream as a mid-level bureaucrat or Bumblebee flirting with joining the proto-Decepticons or Megatron trying to work within the system before becoming increasingly frustrated and just burning it all down, but this slow burn-style story is way too goddamn slow of a burn
Also retconning Windblade to be a Cybertronian native instead of a Camien makes me irrationally angry.

>All the guest artists are better than the usual artist
And the art changing at random just makes it worse.

>Also retconning Windblade to be a Cybertronian native instead of a Camien makes me irrationally angry.
Why? And weird since she comes from Caminus in Cyberverse, may have something to do with Cop Chromia.

It's an irrational anger. There's literally no reason to be angry that Windblade no longer hails from Planet Robot Sapphism, but I can't help it.

I appreciate your honesty, it's a relatable feeling.

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I unironically read transformers for robopussy

>Planet Robot Sapphism

Caminus being a planet of all-female transformers is a common misconception, it had just as many males as it did females.

Great, we have more females than ever, bless Primus. Shame about the main artist.

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...I just realized, we'll never see a Twinkformer.

I'm surprised Rubble bought it honestly. between 5 and 7 the book is starting to pick up steam.

here you go.

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>Who is Prime Starscream?

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Consider yourself blessed, twin twinks.

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If I wanted to start reading transformers, any runs or storylijesni should start with?

Last Stand of the Wreckers and More than Meets the Eye are fan favorites. Windblade's book was well received too.

Thanks. I'll order from Amazon.

You are welcome.

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What was the point of killing Rubble, again?

Nice to see Dull surprise is alive and well

yeah but they were all lesbians too.

>That cab/chest
Taking design inspirations from Cybertron/Galaxy force?

Except Windblade and Chromia. And Swift.
There's a new OP toy that looks like that.

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Windbadle being from Cybertron in this isn't a retcon. This is a new universe, with a new iteration of the character. There's nothing to retcon because it's a brand spanking new version of the character. All the other Caminus-born Windblades in other stories are still from Caminus.

Besides, Windblade as a character concept originally came from Cybertron (specifically, Kaon) anyway.

It was in fact the comic that alerted us to the toy's existence before it was even formally announced.

Yeah just looked it up. I don't normally /toy/ but it looks pretty cool so I may end up doing.

>Yeah just looked it up
Did you Google it, user?

Calm down shill

>Except Windblade and Chromia. And Swift.

and Strafe, and Velocity

Still mad Veocity and Swerve didn't pan out.

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i fucking expect he will be revived by some decepticon and then turn him le bad
and then bee comes and helps rubble to be le good again with power of speech
then rubble says "ohh sorry for all bad things i did it wasnt me tho"

>Except Windblade and Chromia. And Swift.
I mean the dudes, I was joking.

we need at least another series because waiting two weeks for only 20 pages and an extremely slow start is killing me.

bitches live like this?

>dudes liking girls
They want to turn everyone into a lesbian.
The make a nice couple too.
We never did find out what Strafe orientation was, I think. Nautica is probably bi.

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I'm happy the meme i made caught on.

It works so well, it's almost like the perfect advertisement for the line. Thank you.

the pics of the Primes wasn't mine but i screenshotted them and added the meme

Either way I don't see it stopping getting posted for a long time.

>Nautica is probably bi.

What gives you that impression?

I didn't take her interactions with Velocity as romantic.

That's why I said probably, we don't know because she never had a romantic relationship with anyone and she can't be asexual because well, that applies to everyone.

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I don't know, it still feels like Bumblebee is being sent undercover to see if the Ascenticons were really up to bad shit that got Brainstorm killed and now he has to use his dead mentee as part of his cover because his life clearly wasn't fucked up enough already. IDW will never not be "WHY WOULD ANYTHING GOOD EVER HAPPEN!?" In more ways than one for some people.

Holy shit is that a bad cover.

They've all been bad. The interior art is even worse.

I'd also add that she seems to get along with other bots...when she's not killing them.


I guess I'd like to protect that smile.

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>Reflector and Flywheels
>Showing up at all

Oh, boy, I can't wait to see what horrible or degrading way they inevitably get killed!

Will the new toys manage to keep them safe, do you think? Or will they be cannon fodder in this continuity too?

>Transformers doesn't use the word "transform" as a verb

But, they do? Frequently even.

He means the packaging, they always use convert for the instructions.

>genericization is the reason why, when it comes to toys and merchandise, Transformers doesn't use the word "transform" as a verb.
>when it comes to toys and merchandise

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>a decent piece of art from Milne
Did I step into bizarro /tfg/ again?

Maybe he likes Dinobots?

>Still mad Veocity and Swerve didn't pan out.
“Lol, you expected us to give you a straight relationship? Here, have some more trannies and bulldykes down your fucking throat.”
As much as I like him, I’m honestly glad Brainstorm got killed right off the bat.

>Scott was the only one down with straight pairings
>the one who is an actual woman


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>As much as I like him, I’m honestly glad Brainstorm got killed right off the bat.

I'm not, i would've liked to have seen how he'd be reacting to the inevitable war and playing off the rest of the cast.

who knows? I'm just glad they get to be part of the story.

Is this the first time they are actual characters?

Both did stuff in IDW1.

Uhhhh but you're wrong? There were in fact no Transformers in IDW at all! You were being deceived the whole time!

Spend your time better than making such shitty posts.


I for one can't wait for the Dinobots to come back and I hope they get to be proper bruisers. There's a reason these guys are who Optimus Prime called in when the Decepticons fielded Devastator back in G1.

I hope Slash gets included in the group from now on. The team needs a The Little One and a The Girl One.


I wonder how they'd do her.

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>Viva Caminus

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be the best part of season 3

Yeah...but what they "did" was die horribly to make Wheelie and the DJD respectively look like badasses.

And even then, at least Flywheels was funny. Reflector kinda got the shaft



Part 2:

Thank you.

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>And even then, at least Flywheels was funny.

I'd like to see this version of Flywheels maybe lose his faith, being the inverse of the born again religious type he was in the old continuity.

Would be darkly hilarious.

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please don't ruin Nautica

now that was disturbing

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She's cool.

Don't fucking jinx it for us. The last thing we need is for her to become another annoying dyke.

who did you think was the ideal partner for her.

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Nautica is like Peter Parker, harem protagonist. I'd go with Velocity, both are pure.

Nautica i always saw her more like Tohru Honda from Fruit Baskets.

Dude, the colonies exist in this continuity. They aren’t lost like they were last time, they’re just hellholes full of sectarian violence.

She can still be Camien.

So, Siege design Arcee incoming.

Think we might get Generations Selects Nautica, Flamewar, Arcee, and/or a Tetrajet Elita?

>annoying dyke
I hope she becomes THE most annoying dyke ever just to spite you.

I wonder if she’s still mildly autistic now that we have a moon rover to be representation for one of the core cartoon fanbase demographics.

Because that’s kind of her personality. Socially awkward and socially stunted.

Congrats, you’re part of the problem. Faggot.

No you are, waifufaggot.

Autists, please. you both suck.

Fuck off faggot.

no u

Yes, she is exactly like that. Thank you.

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I was here first.

>Because that’s kind of her personality. Socially awkward and socially stunted.

I think she was just repressed, because she got much better over time. Ignoring Lost Light, of course.

Shes a heavy drinker who tried to drink Whirl under the table, you're both delusional.

>Budiansky wants a female Transformer
>Gets told no, Hasbro doesn’t want to poke the hornets nest of 50’s attitudes and gender roles from when Barbie wasn’t considered feminine enough and GI Joe wasn’t considered masculine enough
>Refuses to change the name of his girl, character remains Ratchet even though he’s referred to as male

>Animation team gets told the same thing
>They proceed to make an entire episode starring Transformer Charlie’s Angels anyway

>Get told they can’t do it again
>Get told to kill off the old cast and introduce the new toys
>Replace Bumblebee with a character who isn’t even getting a toy

>Mainframe gets told when making Beast Wars to not deviate too much from G1
>Literally base a spider on an Asian stripper from Vancouver, then add a tomboy bird

>Ratchet remains one of the most popular Autobot characters in the G1 lineup to this day
>Elita’s existence prevented most OptiRod and PriMagnus shipping before shipping was ever a thing
>Arcee is a G1 staple
>Blackarachnia got an MP figure before Galvatron, and Airazor got the first dedicated female mold and is regarded as one of the best engineered toys of her era

From day one, gender politics and spite ran the brand.

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If that engex is not refined, she won't even drink it.

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Right. She's a high-end wine-o.

More like we want female robots because they are hot. Except for Airazor and prooobably Ratchet.

Do you think Cybertron has angry shut-ins who write essays about how female Transformers tend to be shell-formers and lack that blocky aesthetic, and are therefore inferior?

Transformers don’t really have gender politics beyond what they absorb from organic races.

They may in this continuity, given their high exposure to organics prior to meeting humans.

There’s something to be said about their religion too. All female Transformers should consider part of their existence to Solus, and since its a rule that Megatronis always kills her because of Liege Maximo then anybody who worships or shares body/power similarities to either of them should be considered an irritant if not some heretical enemy.

I don’t think its ever really been explored. But a bit of Greek religion where you as a mortal are scared to offend any god but get involved in their politics like Sparta/Athens or the disconnect between the priesthoods of Demeter and Hades and Persephone has some storytelling potential.

>is regarded as one of the best engineered toys of her era
Now what kind of idiot...

That sounds neat. Though I may understand why they may refrain from doing that.

She nice, though.

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Name a better figure at her price point in any wave she’s in.

Tigerhawk also counts.

Not to mention her 2007 figure.

2016 is the only one that’s arguable, although its what I’d call the best use of that mold.

Ohhhhhhhhhh I thought you were talking about her first toy.

hello all

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They have an obsession of drawing the characters 1:1 with the toys
It's annoying

What’s wrong with her first toy?
Its certainly subjective, but most her the competition was pretty low tier. An argument can be made for Razorclaw and Spittor, but her transformation is better realized in both modes and the twi gimmicks are better than the competition.

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Its Hasbro mandated.

They had to write in Starscream’s body changing in the last IDW because Hasbro kept demanding he resemble was was currently on the shelves.

Hi, how was the story?

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it was very cute I liked the smooching and the fuck everything part

I'm glad. I might continue that later. And do some revisions.

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Great, now I want a series where all those bots try to win Nautica's heart.

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that would be nice thank you, I look forward to more

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Of course.

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Two decades later and it's still a fine toy. Most BW toys, actually.

And it worked out fine.

I'm getting a Jubilee vibe from her.

>casual attitude
It checks out.

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>her autobot bf is her prom date

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>lipstick marks
Aw cute-
>scratch marks with her nail polish

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Lewd indeed!

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>milfy Charlie reunion with Bee

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She rocks a Virgin killer really well

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Skids, I hope the old IDW version shines through in this incarnation

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And their story begins now~!

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(-500 PP for being Mary Sue, all stats lowered)

When is this stupid comic going to get good?

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When everything is set up and the main artist is fired. So...around issue 30 at the earliest...

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Do they have any Charbee comics?

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Not yet.

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I hope that they make some. Are there any comics in the works?

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Here’s another cute pic~

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Nope, just some non-canon comic about Sector 7.

I see. Here’s the full version of those two pics!

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Watching the prime series, just got to season 3
Why tf did they only bring in magnus? Why didn't they use him as an excuse to bring in a few new cast members?

Real reason, because Magnus was a reworked Optimus model.

Henlo fren!

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Kreon user? How are you?

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I'm doing okay, what about you?
>got yelled at/lectured/helped by a church senpai bc she cares
>got one (1) drink after and went home before subways closed
I was responsible, gotta save munny before I drink myself to oblivion on my birthday, alone

Perfect, you'll get there. Had a pretty nice day, so nice I had to make it less nice. But overall it was good. And sorry!

Attached: 10AD2D29-61B3-48B5-BB40-0A70793C57E0-13929-00000D76843C237E.jpg (866x1626, 519K)

hi kreo user, what has you up so late? I would totally come to your birthday. Happy birthday btw

Attached: slipstream_by_likara01-dblqqh6.png (694x1151, 432K)

>you'll get there
I hope I'll get to the allspark soon
>I had to make it less nice
Huh? What happened
Huh? For?

It's only 3am you poop butt!
>I would totally come to your birthday.
I wouldn't but thank you, it's not yet though
>pic related
>image was saved in 2014
hoo boy

Attached: Birthday Read this every year.png (488x89, 4K)

No, you get to live. Live for Hot Rod.
I had a discussion, but it's fine now.
And sorry for getting locked out again.

Attached: DD094210-DF22-491C-A0F7-FF30B142869D-43402-000023CFC24F0FA0.jpg (765x1200, 114K)

do you still live in toronto?

Attached: aligned behind the scenes.png (1656x1654, 2.74M)

makes me sad that you dont have happy birthdays each year you grow a little as a person, remember that

Attached: 1547352371535.png (1488x1494, 679K)

Attached: 073CB992-1702-41B3-A322-3BFD4A2D6118-44471-0000244D0268944D.jpg (791x1200, 186K)

>locked out again
I got used to birthdays
>each year you grow a little as a person, remember that
partly why it's sad, I haven't grown or done much

Attached: Prowl birthday solitude.png (500x407, 334K)


Attached: cyclonus tailgate hey hello.jpg (573x652, 64K)

They were ultimately cute.

Attached: MP48-001_1.jpg (800x800, 143K)

Attached: MP48-002_1.jpg (800x800, 136K)

Is Takara going into comedy?

Attached: 1427210722195.gif (280x153, 446K)

Most definitely.

Attached: DD2D7A4B-AB9B-4556-95F4-4AABC15734DD.jpg (400x518, 120K)

The award of the last character anyone expected to get a original MP mold goes to.....

Shoulda been Tarantulas...

Airazor (female)

Some people are just like that.

I figured Rhinox and Rattrap would've been done before Lio Convoy.

Rattrap was basically the kid appeal character in Japan instead of Cheetor.

Thrilling 30 Rattrap is good enough. He's actually compatible with MP Primal already.

>Thrilling 30 Rattrap is good enough

Attached: are you though - thor.png (640x331, 414K)


Attached: Hot Rod chibi.png (399x399, 6K)

It is!
That's so cute...

Also, look what card I got with my copy of issue 7.

TFWiki says its Super Rare.

Attached: i6qhj850txb11.jpg (1038x744, 137K)

Lucky Boco, that's fantastic.

I am confused: this new series is a new universe removed from the prior IDW-run right?

Complete reboot. Starting from scratch.

You're so cute!

Attached: 91BEE959-1A86-4154-9E3E-0F460F41D920-5028-00000531F1663D6B.png (526x479, 45K)

Attached: Ultra Embarrassed.jpg (261x228, 45K)

>beLIEving TFwiki
Oh sweet summer child.

>Oh sweet summer child
back to tumblr with you

That card's rarity IS super rare. You can see that for yourself on the bottom if the card: SRT (Super Rare Transformer). I don't know what the going price is now, but when booster pack wave 1 was new that card was selling for over $100 dollars online. Super Rare cards were so rare that you didn't even get one per booster BOX, and there were two Super Rares in the wave. In addition, Nemesis Prime was the better of the two Super Rares, increasing its value.

That's not from tumblr you dumbdumb.

That's a valuable card then. Holy shit.

Attached: minimus ambus hello.jpg (500x736, 157K)

Which is which?


Attached: AB5814E6-D14D-47A1-99A3-A71CBF3BA5C6-7109-0000063CE90508F5.jpg (830x1280, 112K)

Peekaboo haha
Time to drink

Attached: Trailbreaker drink.png (984x949, 1009K)

Drink responsibly!

Attached: B8FE6166-3C39-4CF1-BD03-D3EAFB91A2D8-24694-00001701A67C1DDB.jpg (700x472, 356K)


Attached: Rodimus huh.jpg (171x200, 66K)

Someone may try to cuck Hot Rod while you are too drunk to do something.

Attached: C41F55B7-D8E0-4140-8E42-72E96C9C9F10-20307-000014F00399BB1B.jpg (972x822, 138K)

Attached: 0C8056CC-AA92-431F-939B-BB4F7DBDDCBA-50916-000028C13AB3F891.jpg (1920x926, 146K)

Is tumblr right about this comic? All I ever hear over there is how trash this comic is and how nothing can top God King Roberts and mtmte/LL.

Dude you're full of shit, tumblr is ok with the comic but mostly bored with it from what I've seen. Kinda like everyone here.

If the cartoons want to involve a human child into the whole cybertronian wars on earth thing, why not just do what Japan does and give the human kids some merchandising that turns them into Targetmasters or something.

Attached: shao2.jpg (1372x2048, 595K)

>Shaoshao is bigger than Hot Rod
Blessed nips. And well, yeah, that would be the best. You can sell Targetmasters that way.

In this story, Hot Rod is a Headmaster.

Attached: YOUR TARGETMASTERS DOUBLE AS KISS PLAYERS Comic Scans For Legends LG44 Sharkticon And Sweeps LG45 Ho (2102x1531, 850K)

Yep, doesn't stop being Hot Rod and tinier than his partner. Blessed and cute.

>Reflector in the top panel.
I just-
How is this art THIS bad?!
How and why damnit!?

Unrelatedly, check out this weird old stuff which turned back up:

Attached: B10D8A30-6AE8-4B39-83DE-29C13F6FB900.jpg (622x391, 85K)

Attached: FF244126-366F-47A7-9BF9-40BC9B1E5857.jpg (804x1023, 421K)

Oh yeah? Check out that teleporting.

Attached: 792354FA-9B59-4F14-A411-E0380FDF80BD.jpg (586x731, 130K)

THat would have been the logical follow-up to Beast wars.

If it also transformed, would her head count as a head-master or a target-master?

Attached: 1D7918E6-CB7D-4B16-84AA-E8FE54036696.jpg (650x283, 106K)

Attached: 2567890C-496C-4F5A-B210-781906CAF649.jpg (446x650, 141K)

Attached: C06FF46C-A69F-4B29-B540-76D0178FF5CF.jpg (650x453, 212K)

Targetmaster if a weapon. Ah, I love this.

Attached: 44DD5A8D-454D-4DD8-8571-7AFE48E227BD.jpg (543x800, 224K)


Attached: CF1106FC-5C01-48D6-9538-7E97CBEFE577.jpg (623x800, 348K)

Attached: BDA89FEE-9AE6-435C-8120-0FE5B9BBDD01.jpg (800x750, 171K)


Attached: CACCA3F3-EE02-4842-9074-27591FF18CFB.jpg (800x635, 173K)

Attached: 3ED84F00-0B86-476B-84C6-7F75FD8C9643.jpg (800x741, 417K)


Attached: 4377A728-0D70-491C-9998-FBD1AC03D0EE.jpg (800x1141, 543K)

Attached: 5A375686-9906-4C9D-B833-B5E6571C92A7.jpg (650x593, 94K)


Attached: 383ABEAA-FB15-4B9D-8F28-4DFFAE6F5577.jpg (700x647, 106K)

Attached: 813B7D0A-77A4-49BB-81AE-1F675353E3B7.jpg (800x699, 100K)


Attached: 08DC7021-314E-4CFB-A527-C4DF41EB5371.jpg (1147x1014, 342K)

Scrapper, who apparently is a Rock-lord now

Attached: 8C3BA076-D2EE-4D8F-96AB-84A66D2E9C91.jpg (535x800, 102K)

And a few others plus a bunch of cool headshots on the page that I’m not bothering to post due to the thread not having many images left.

Attached: E657941A-CDD9-4A70-A7FE-F6EB50A5B145.jpg (421x545, 63K)

Nah, we can afford it, really. We are at 148 out of 250.

Dunno what they had in man but yeah, Rock Scrapper looks boss.

Oh, used to 150.
This is Broadside, I think he’s also a rock-lord.

Attached: 7CF68C23-BBAF-4304-BA2C-B7A3690A7A58.jpg (529x800, 111K)

That is actually very clever and may improve Broadside.

Scylla Six-shot

Attached: 6C443B13-FA04-4D9D-8FC8-69F28BDF1BF5.jpg (900x1165, 224K)


Attached: C468657A-DCA5-4592-B754-901AB548D62D.jpg (736x468, 72K)

Attached: 1628BBCC-0550-4EAC-91D2-B39ADB6E0F14.jpg (418x486, 60K)

Attached: F996E4BB-C4D9-4BD4-A018-AB149E6D7616.jpg (379x650, 64K)

Attached: 115A0483-7B2F-447A-AFB7-58B93F1E91DA.jpg (551x517, 71K)

They actually did have this as a concept sometime during the beast-era

Attached: 2AA18A40-AE9B-4206-A8D0-00401BD1ABD5.jpg (800x541, 101K)

They did fuzors at least.

Attached: 925B3F60-D6AC-4CE0-BFD9-7F1F92761031.png (500x544, 96K)

Related an even older thread:

Attached: 53A00A53-70B1-4330-B695-E0E99AD997DA.jpg (770x956, 314K)

Attached: 4BA55D00-8FA4-4AE5-BC92-041319F7B956.jpg (798x989, 267K)

She’s a Rok

Attached: 67BAF0BD-542C-4C00-A7C3-B8D687DC1C8F.jpg (750x994, 299K)

Attached: 9362705E-0507-481C-A9EA-E9B1630762FC.jpg (810x1049, 403K)

Attached: 90F54F5F-6400-460E-9735-373937692326.jpg (793x1055, 274K)

Oh cool.
This design in particular, I feel very strongly about it. It's excellent.

Attached: 97E41AF9-9363-4E71-8176-EEE6FB215A48.jpg (1279x625, 131K)

Attached: EF4AB175-D9D5-4E97-816A-491DA089A3FC.jpg (783x938, 285K)

Attached: 83734426-FD85-4149-9BE6-32C4EA8E470C.jpg (780x1004, 73K)

The thread also seems to be where TGping (artist of pic related) first started coming up with his Titanomancy series concept (The long-legged gore mostly-Dino-former gods/titans one)

Attached: 270DC74E-23CB-47BC-A1B9-1BE5E91112DE.jpg (1048x1251, 141K)

Attached: ABA06493-BC10-4621-A1D9-188890B6A31F.jpg (813x1118, 518K)

>Prophet prediction of Prime Unicron

Attached: CA2C030B-CD17-409C-A168-D51179A9D164.jpg (538x650, 90K)

And there’s a whole bunch of takes on Hydra-Megatron

Attached: 374BF9D5-B38C-4112-B404-2EEF6B1F8F76.jpg (800x1014, 418K)

Attached: 3FEB2025-966A-4685-90CF-D3407A1D3F7A.jpg (480x480, 202K)

Attached: 5583867F-5D19-41ED-8CB8-283A9009FD57.jpg (480x480, 110K)

That’s amazing!

Attached: 8F3178DE-5CA9-46EB-A6B6-E90E166E8818.jpg (444x350, 51K)

Attached: 1C485C1E-6A1E-4EA8-8FD2-E99A06E4EAC3.jpg (620x700, 71K)

Attached: A8BC72BD-213B-43F0-8FB5-A3F17329D442.jpg (1000x1282, 133K)

Attached: 35E56449-F3A2-4C1B-85B1-317CDF6D742D.jpg (480x298, 54K)

Attached: 4BD5D436-282D-4D54-B06A-02954264C2AD.jpg (806x1083, 203K)

Attached: 2D0194DE-6E7D-4ACA-B0B6-AD203EA46568.jpg (628x800, 99K)

Attached: 45085719-538C-4170-ACAF-142EF064842A.jpg (1016x787, 120K)

I wish this one was actually a toy.

Unfeasible but cool all the same.

Attached: 5470ADC4-A988-4B9F-94DC-13680AB0DE0A-37057-0000222204A8DBB3.gif (600x800, 647K)


Didn't you mean to post this?

Attached: SHAZAM.jpg (1116x1579, 1.14M)

I like it.

Well this is the Transformers fandom, not known for their high standards.

Did the Japanese dub of Cyberverse stop airing new episodes? cause its been a few weeks and i haven't heard anything since the Velocitron episode aired.

Attached: 320973D0-1CA5-4171-A3DE-8B7655727C7F.jpg (600x600, 87K)

Attached: 0ECFA7EF-3E93-480A-8E1C-2A49119471DD.jpg (800x679, 59K)

It really was The Shape of Water but with robots.


and I'd watch it again if I could

Shape or Bumblebee?

I don't see why people hate it so much it was better than what Bay gave us

most people who've seen it, love it.

Seems like it. They took a break.

Happy father's day, Optimus.

damn i wanted to see who Iwanami was gonna cast as Maccadams.

I'm thinking either Yohei Tadano or Banjo Ginja emulating the late Ichiro Nagai.

Yeah, I wanna see what they did with Acid Storm since they seem to have made her male here.

it gets better

Thrust is renamed Red Wing and female in the dub.

first time a english male Transformers character is made female in Japan.

WAIT, Thrust is Red Wing and a girl?! That sounds crazy and I'm intrigued. At that point just make TC the sole male in the team.

>TC turns into a harem protagonist
>but everyone is a robot

Thundercracker is now a harem protagonist, he's also as dense as one too?

Attached: thundercracker slipstream idiot sandwich.png (1000x996, 321K)

Robots are cool.
I can 100% confirm that Thundercracker is dense.

>Thunder- I just want to be in my room and write- cracker

Attached: HelloCruelWorld_thundercracker_screenwriter.jpg (567x725, 150K)

Fund this.

Not that user, but hoping she'll be a clever girl of a tomboy that tries to do stuff the non-complex way...and making her the voice of reason among a team of volatile loose cannons that lately can combine into what is essentially Jurassic Autobot Predaking (aka: Volcanicus). She'd make a great punching dagger mounted on Slag/Slug.

Because happiness is a foreign concept in IDW Transformers no matter the continuity.

>Oh, Bumblebee is happy he has somebody he can mentor. Let's take care of that, shall we?

Maybe she rides on Volcanicus shoulder acting as their guide?
I hope Arcee and Greenlight's baby is alright.

>Maybe she rides on Volcanicus shoulder acting as their guide?
You know? Slash's bio says she's a great tracker. So maybe she'd make a great proximity sensor that detects targets on multiple levels, resulting in Volcanicus always finding Decepticons even if they are using some bullshit stealth field with light-bending technology and camo.

The new kid will probably get graphically dismembered and eaten by the Terrorcons.

Heh, clever girl.
Why, oh God...

Attached: A74EAFA3-C124-4293-AE43-5B5C1CA841D3-18642-0000137794B231DD.jpg (589x1200, 199K)

Attached: pmfk7htJBE1sw2azdo1_640.png (579x670, 793K)

Attached: plil5yELM81sw2azdo1_500.png (382x720, 183K)

Gee Springer, how come they let you have four dads.
Gross but cool, fuck Spike.

Attached: po5jcsMi1R1w7x2vno1_1280.png (682x521, 290K)

Attached: pspmgg1eAh1vzgi16o1_1280.jpg (1280x1656, 473K)

Attached: p9lconfjNI1wpazbuo1_1280.jpg (976x1500, 639K)

Transformers 001 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)

Transformers 002 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)

Transformers 003 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)

Transformers 004 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)

Transformers 005 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)

Transformers 006 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)!U8JAnKqL!w8vHnQMlnTxRlK9NMVtTalcXEjF8bo1pKnLbCGbLoOU

Transformers 007 (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm).cbz

Attached: Transformers (2019) 007 Guido Guidi Reader Incentive variant edition.jpg (632x959, 496K)

Rampage. Have no idea what's going on.
>Cybervers Shocky
Hold up.

Senator Professor X...
>Reader Incentive Variant
Well, yeah, that's true. Thanks user.

Attached: 3F85F973-9FCA-4AD5-ADB5-5836D46757DE-52549-000029BE537C5520.jpg (825x968, 65K)

So what do people think Maccadam was turning/turned into to break up that fight?

Think we’ll ever actually get to see it, or only ever just see it’s menacing shadow?

Also, will he turn out to be Alchemist or a different member of the 13?

Attached: 9194E041-793D-4FE7-8CA2-2BB19B6B121A.png (600x635, 509K)

I think it was something like the torture chair from that one member of the DJD and he's totally Alchemist, it adds uo.

I kinda liked the off-centered grove from the promotional material more.

Yeah, looked like a hair clip.

Attached: 273E69B8-DF4D-4111-A918-5D66FDB4BF31-53260-00002A11303DD2A8.jpg (245x402, 39K)

I love this cover.

>*blocks your path*

Attached: 4a020835-9942-4dfc-ae03-b014b97fa5d9.jpg (720x540, 93K)

I had to visit multiple local Targets, but I finally got one! A smol VW Bee!

Attached: 71FFF6C6-9FD8-46C6-BC03-68586719F155.jpg (4032x3024, 2.5M)


Attached: 4d4d6dde1c58_Bitty Bee_OG_A.jpg (900x1165, 691K)

Smol bee.

The smolest Bee!

Attached: 1437359B-0C14-492B-8FC9-7B3E13CB3051.jpg (800x800, 147K)

And fuck, the pic is sideways.

Attached: B964C235-B129-4CCE-8CB8-92C8D63A61DA.jpg (3024x4032, 2.49M)

Shockwave had the Cyberverse body in the last bit of IDW. A lot of characters took on bodies based on their Evergreen designs, which is what Cyberverse was based off as well.

Ah, itty bitty Bee.

Attached: 7E89B3A4-1F9E-47F2-ACFC-0F30F04A61AD-48838-000027C68C2A0C18.jpg (600x384, 76K)

It's a bit gaudy for Shockwave, to be 100% honest.

Smol boi.

Attached: BF9B00E6-8A36-4C31-A1BF-B352F1F8A59F.jpg (600x517, 178K)

>>Reader Incentive Variant

The worse thing about IDW is that they are always soliciting all their Transformers books with covers that don't actually end up being used, even as variants.

And then they also always have better variants than the main cover. I mean, every publisher has some good variants, but not at the expense at generally, unquestionably dubious to genuinely bad main covers.

Attached: Transformers (2019) 007 Livio Ramondelli cover B variant.jpg (632x959, 226K)

This issue in particular sucks since the main cover doesn't tell you anything at all about the story, this cover on the other hand perfectly sums it up.

Yeah, I can find you numerous examples of that. It's also a shame because some of those artist really put a lot of work into those variants whereas sometimes it appears like the main cover is phoned in.

>Yeah, I can find you numerous examples of that.
>sometimes it appears like the main cover is phoned in.
I'd say this issue qualifies too.

which head is the retarded one?

He was The Tall Man with a hunchback, nothing "twink" about him.

Giving them red eyes never looked right to me. They look so evil with them.

It's toy accurate. But the blue makes them good.

>Get told they can’t do it again
But then Arcee was introduced in the movie and a regular in season three.
>Replace Bumblebee with a character who isn’t even getting a toy
What? The closest he got to a "replacement" was Wheelie, who had a toy.

Because it's a CG show and they lacked the budget to bring in more characters.

>It's toy accurate.
Yeah, but when I was a kid playing with the toys, I never knew if the Dinobots were supposed to be good or evil, so it always depended on which adult was around to determine their allegiance.

I hope they were more good than evil.

How could they fuck up the design so badly? I don't understand.

Attached: reduced-image_15719_106.jpg (640x512, 42K)

You mean the toy or the comic?

Have a head designer who only cares for G1 updates and half-asses anything else.

Both. The comic looks a little better, but the toy is awful. The problem is that G1 and Cybertron don't mash nicely at al, and it ends up looking like pic related.

Attached: energon_prime2_01.jpg (600x677, 82K)

>The problem is that G1 and Cybertron don't mash nicely
I'd say they could, really. But they botched the execution by trying to force a gimmick on it plus changing stuff for the sake of changing stuff.


all of 'em?

How's Transformers comics? Want to delve into something that is not super-hero related but still have a big universe to follow.

The previous IDW run is good for reading.

My favorite periods were the "-ations" era and the Phase 2.

I liked how Furman created the universe and how and Roberts and Barber expanded the history and culture of Cybertron and the Earth respectively.

I here to my opinion on shared universe Hasbro:

Although I agree that Revolution was not great, Revolution was a good crossover, and it and First Strike were better than previous Transformers events (Chaos, Combiner Wars and Titans Return) and about the other comics that came out after Revolution: Revolutionaries and Rom were great, GI Joe and Micronauts were good and only Mask and Visionaries were bad . Besides Optimus Prime and TAAO have a good quality (OP has the same quality as exRID, so the crossovers did not affect anything and TAAO was considered better than the mini-series of Windblade), in fact all the comics are good to and the only one that may have gotten worse was LL and was the only one unaffected by the crossovers. And the comics from other franchises do not affect the comics of Transformers, you're not required to read them to understand the comics of Transformers, and Revolutionaries is practically a comic of Transformers because of the 4 main characters 3 are characters of Transformers ex-RID, and also have two Transformers (and the writer is Jon Barber). Even the GI Joe characters that appear in Optimus Prime are pretty much the same characters that were part of EDC, just changed the name of the organization and they have GI Joe stickers on some of the military vehicles. And about the crossovers only Revolution and First Strike you have to read to understand Barber's comics (although Revolution is not 100% mandatory but your comics contains some references to it) and they are good. The crossover with Rom is great and the with Visionaries is awful. And Unicron it was a comic of Transformers since the characters of other franchises only appeared as extras.

Is hard to follow as in: shit tons of tie-ins, storyline interrupted because of events, cameos that make no sense or characters being put into events that makes zero sense?

I'm a bit tired of Marvel bs model and had tons of fun with Invincible.

Start with the Last Stand oft he Wreckers, then Chaos Theory, Then Death of Optimus Prime and start MTMTE and RID and keep going till you're sick of it.

does anyone have any headcanon voices they use when reading for the current IDW series.

here's mine

Optimus - Jake Tillman
Bumblebee - Jeremy Levy
Windblade - Erica Lindbeck
Prowl - Mark Rolston
Chromia - Tara Platt
Wheeljack - Christopher Swindle
Ironhide - John DiMaggio
Ratchet - Jeffrey Combs
Sideswipe - Matt Lanter
Rubble - Shameik Moore
Geomotus - Morgan Berry
Elita-1 - Kelly Hu
Megatron - Jason Marnocha
Soundwave - Peter Jessop
Quake - Jim Cummings
Skytread - Keith Ferguson
Barricade - Michael T. Weiss
Cyclonus - Liam O'Brien
Froid - Seth MacFarlene
Ternagax - Olivia D'Abo
Codexa - Marlene Aragon

That's solidm though I have Keith David as Barricade. 2007 game made an impression on me.

IDW1 became a shared universe with all the other Hasbro properties in its last third of the run, but it's all integrated really well and in a super fun way (for example, the M.A.S.K. vehicles are reverse engineered from Cybertronian triple changing, and Miles Mayhem used to be on Joe Colton's old Adventure Team). You can absolutely read only the Transformers related stuff without needing to delve into the other stand alone brands involved in the shared universe. As for the miniseries that specifically deal with Transformers crossovers, only one truly sucks ass: Transformers Vs. Visionaries.

There are a handful of events, but they are integrated into the overall story really well, or had supplementary stories published later that smoothed over the rough spots. The All Hail Megatron event was published when the IDW staff had a, let's say, RELAXED stance about continuity, but when a new team took charge they went STRAIGHT into fixing the major errors.

If you're only used to the usual Transformers lore, you'll probably find the initial idea of some of character directions to be baffling, but they all come as natural conclusions to the story's events. In particular, IDW1 actually ENDS THE WAR fairly early into its run, and you get to see how everyone reacts to it officially being peace time. Of course, not everyone can escape the war or their quests for power, so there's still plenty of action.

There's a guide here:

Keith David is always Tarn....i dunno if he'll be in the reboot so i don't want to overuse him yet.

Cool, I must admit I kinda memed Tarn speaking like Bane for obvious reasons.

>only one truly sucks ass: Transformers Vs. Visionaries.

Attached: cyb_prime.gif (230x231, 254K)

literally what do you mean by this? it's a widely held opinion that Vs Visionaries sucked.

That it sucks. I was going to post this in agreement, but that may have sent some mixed messages.

Attached: da4.gif (500x375, 1.9M)

they got away with killing Kup.

And we were supposed to like them.

I don't fucking get what happened there.

>but it's all integrated really well and in a super fun way

No, we were not. It was the villain who killed him.

Oh right, I got it mixed up. She still got away ok. Fuck.

well that ruined Visionaries of having a proper revival this generation.

Weird ship idea that I have: Shatter and John Cena.

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They should have revived the Human Alliance line and done Bumblebee with Charlie, Shatter with Agent Burns and Dropkick with Doctor Powell. Or Powell with Shatter.

Friend Powell

That would be cool.

Hell, get Tom Hardy if the DJD makes it to live action.


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Is there a guide that includes the rest of the Hasbro stuff?

I seem to default to David Kaye for Megatron, for whatever reason.

No one can blame you. David Kaye sounds fantastic.

>still use the G1 voices in my head for most characters except Ratchet who is Animated for some reason
>attempting to reconcile emotive Soundwave with his monotone G1 voice is always an interesting mind battle

>attempting to reconcile emotive Soundwave with his monotone G1 voice is always an interesting mind battle
Passionate emotionless Soundwave.

David Kaye is my fav Megatron overall even though I'm using Marnocha.

Yeah, his Megatron may be too bombastic, but it's fantastic.

There are - I don't remember but try the Wikia's - it's been posted before on other threads so maybe some kind user bookmarked it and will respond

This could work

>tfw no Enrique's wife

Attached: 8d3f836b-5b1b-44e7-acc3-71e805757c10.jpg (720x540, 105K)

I'll give that a go, thanks

His Optimus was good too, well, it was different from most Optimus.

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Yeah that's close to what I have in mind but there are some websites that also would work

You mean readcomiconline?

NO >:c

Miss you Kreon, how are you?

>Me Slash demand a raise.

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Miscalculated and slept through all of Sunday, meeting my birthday in 5 minutes while sober
What about you
pic related

Happy birthday!

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What's so happy about it???????????????

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Yeah that's what I thought you poop butt, it's another year of having done nothing other than hate living

Ouch oof owie my bones I missed my hospital appointment yikes

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Cheer up, I like seeing you on the threads. You can do it.

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Comics MEGA.!Ax4nUCCT!_5vN--HYA1R6ahJUNcx-wQ!MpgTQQIY

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That too.

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Based on issue 4, she's still mostly the generations mold.

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Transformers #8 first look
Art by Angel Hernandez

Transformers/Ghostbusters #1 final lettered preview via iTunes coming this week

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I wish I were dead

Attached: SHOOM.jpg (777x645, 491K)

An early look at Chromia’s appearance in issue #9 of Transformers (2019) completes a hat trick of excellent previews from IDW Manager, Creative Development / Senior Editor Tom Waltz. We will continue to enjoy these shares as long as you keep posting them, Tom / IDW.

Full credits: Brian Ruckley (Author) • Cachét Whitman (Artist) • Beth McGuire-Smith (Artist) • Umi Miyao (Cover Artist)

Attached: IDW-TF9-2019-001.png (378x698, 158K)


it's still amazing how Chromia has become the 2nd or 3rd main fembot of the franchise now.

She's consistent, tough and blue. It's still impressive, nevertheless.

she was the first fembot to chronologically appear onscreen in the franchise.

It's cute that they kept her love for Ironhide for so long.

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well she and Ironhide haven't technically been in a relationship since.

In IDW1 they teased it but never went anywhere.

current series....considering Ruckley said he wanted to do new ships...maybe it'll be Prowl? Prowl and Chromia spend a lot of time together.

I'm alright with the tease. And sure, let Prowl be with Chromia, Prowl needs some new characterization

I'm liking new Prowl. He seems like an aloof detective but still has some passion and heart to him.

well this is a reboot set before the war starts
needs four million years of war and doing the dirty work to lose some of that passion

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The virgin Enrique vs the Chad Nitro Zeus

If Cyberverse Starscream was given sonic screams, does that mean Thundercracker now shoots electricity?

Thundercracker.....well he's dumb.

The Japanese dub exaggerates this. Personally I like to picture him as shonen hero dumb.

Is IDW trying to make Optimus a bad guy like they did in the previous run?

A complex guy. And yes, they seriously overdid it last continuity, I think Megatron fared 'better'.

>A complex guy.

That's a death sentence in comics unless the character is female.

Even if the character is female, though in that case she gets away scot-free.

In #Transformers #8 #TheCracksBeneathYourFeet Part 2, #Cyclonus has some serious #Flamewar issues he needs to tackle. Literally.








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Welp, she's dead.

I remember back in the day when comic companies would actually try to get people to read their comics, not actively push them away.

>Chromia engages in terrorist act and gets several innocent civilians killed just to spook Windblade into leaving Cybertron
>gets away scotfree

she eventually faced consequences for that.

>Still better written than Barber's stuff
Dammnit IDW. But seriously, Windblade can help but befriend killers.

i really doubt she'll be killed in this issue.

A few months in a jail cell then gets sent off world basically unsupervised. Not too bad for exploding part of the settlement and killing innocents.
Really stupid plot twist and forever marred Chromia for the rest of that run. Hopefully the don't pull something so retarded this go-around.

Previous thread

It wasn't exactly a bad plot twist, but that's literally the definition of a slap on the wrist.

Current thread


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Next thing we'll know, if that we'll be living in current year!

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>living in the moment
Get that shit outta here
>tfw birthday and want to die

Happy one-day-closer-to-death, user.

Happy Birthday.

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why is windblade a ghost? I-is she ok?

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Non non, see attached pic
This is more like it
>pic related, what life feels like

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It's an ice sculpture, she's fine!

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Could be worse. Though, cheer up.

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hello kreo user how are you?

oh thank goodness

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I'm merely hoping that I don't have arthritis at this point, bc things sure are uncomfortable

I'm doing great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you get better, then. Have faith.

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nice, although your posts earlier say otherwise