Cartoons that you remember but no one else does

Cartoons that you remember but no one else does

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I read the first 6 tomes and thought it was pretty good, but I don't really remember what happened

One of the only things i remember from it was that the Theme song for the show was a banger

Froggy is best Monster Allergy girl.

Attached: Froggy.png (882x750, 1.25M)

Can't argue with that

I hated this but forced myself to watch because the girl was cute

Attached: Jun-Hi.png (1760x480, 962K)

The shading on her hair looks weird, but she's kinda cute

I never found the comics in english.

The majority of them should be here, unless the links are dead:

Attached: Zick potatoes coming up.jpg (500x605, 90K)

This still holds up; it's a series of shorts that aired on CN Wedgies.

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yo what's this

doctor snuggles

Attached: drsnuggles.jpg (340x219, 24K)

Attached: 34.mp4_snapshot_02.08_[2017.07.19_08.54.57].png (1920x1080, 1.21M)

>adult potato

Attached: unfthread.png (878x746, 33K)

isnt one of the troubles for this pairing that he doesn't age and is a kind of ilussion ?

>that adult Elena
Infinitely better than the atrocity that appeared in animated series at some point

I remember it and remember liking it very much. The theme song isn't as good as I remember, though.
I had actually forgotten all about this until I saw it in a Euro animation thread a few weeks ago. I watched it when I was 3 at most.

>whyvare all cartons best on german ?
>i lerned gwrman as a kid while locking cartons

I always remember this but for whatever reason keep forgetting the name

There are 2 more volumes when they are grown up and teach other kids but I'm not gonna buy them. I mean, 14 € for 46 pages?