Other urls found in this thread:
The dumbest fucking thing I've seen in years.
>trying to commit sudoku through a thick ass sweater
Yeah, this moron didn't have a clue what she's doing
Shitty and lazy and not even close to being as edgy as its trying to be
Who keeps a kitchen knife in their work desk? That's unsanitary.
P-pls no bully
If you're suicidal, it helps just knowing you can kill yourself that much faster
But to answer your question, I used to sleep with a knife under my pillow
They did this because depressed people flock to lo-fi like Yea Forums flocks to tight spandex
I just like chill music because its relaxinh
God this was fucking stupid and even worse it linked to vice. It shouldnt bother me so much but it really does
>Tfw have several guns in my room right now, am a 25 year old dateless virgin with a dead end warehouse job, and am subscribed to City Girl (lo-fi youtube artist)
Damn, I'm like a prime candidate for that shit.
owo what's this
>Cartoon music stream girl kills herself
How good's the gore?
>Putting your laptop on a soft surface
It's the usual "don't do it" stuff, but not from the gubmint or whatever
so none
Are those carvings how many dicks you've sucked?
A prophecy, not how many I have sucked, but how many I have YET to
So probably not even worth an incognito view to prevent Youtube from giving me shit recommendations?
>He hasn't paused his view history
Do you have to login for that?
>Borderlands General
I'll bully you for that.
That's fair
>tfw I also have a dead end job, several guns in my room, and love City Girl
Did we just become friends?
I'm not sure how I feel about the synthwave elements of her latest album and think Neon Impasse is her best one, though I absolutely love her collaborations with Tiffi.
>trigger warning on a fucking video
LMAO grow up, clown.
Neon Impasse is just too good, hard to beat it.
I actually like Chroma Velocity, it's different than her other stuff but that adds a little variety, and on it's own its not a bad album at all, though admittedly the Tiffi songs do stand out as being better than the rest and kind end up overshadowing a lot of it.
I kind of wonder if there's porn of the study girl
I fucking hate this influx of mental health awareness shit. I've been seeing psychiatrists for 15 years, and now suddenly people with "anxiety" are bragging about how great it was that they saw a psychiatrist once, and they prescribed them alprazolam.
haha yer a girl
For a good chunk of the album being essentially up-tempo bossa nova it's so damn great. I love Tiffi's solo work too, even though it's very bubblegum.
>mfw she can suddenly do this again during an actual stream
Jesums McChristsums! I just want to fucking relax!
Imagine not knowing about this shit and just randomly during a comfy late night stream just seeing the character pull out a fucking knife and nearly gut themselves
Video felt very forced. Why make a video warning against suicide involving the studying music girl? It like if I was playing with an action figure and then it suddenly came to life and shot itself in the head with a pre-recorded message warming about the dangers of suicide playing from it's "corpse", its just annoying.
I was expecting her trashing her room and then break into crying for some moral about dealing with the pressures of the student life. As it is, it's edgy for no reason.
>you will never get to talk a raped girl out of suicide and become her forever husbando
Then imagine having to get used to watching chillhop-chan do this like once every hour while the stream's running. That'd really warp the message after a while.
I still wonder why a lot of her work with Tiffi isn't actually on her channel, though a lot of the soundcloud only songs seem to have a lot more lyrics to them than most the stuff on her channel so maybe it's a "general mood" thing, or trying to incentives people to check out Tiffi's stuff.
If you wanna pick up chicks I got some easy advice for you
just ask numerous women out on a date at social gathering
you will get rejected possibly over a hundred times,you might even deal with some fake numbers(those really hurt) but eventually you will fin one woman who for whatever reason is willing to date and or have sex with you
source short(5'6) kinda ugly who did this and dealt with 60 rejections before finally getting laid
>College Humour
Shouldn't it be humorous then?
>Using a knife to kill yourself.
As someone who's thought about it, at least try to kill yourself in the least painful way possible. You could also fuck up, scream in pain, and someone might save you (or you regret it halfway), then deal with all the shit that comes with surviving a suicide attempt.
Using a gun is even worse, you ever seen a botched gun suicide? Your life will forever be a living hell thanks to sadistic doctors who insist that this man with no face needs to be kept alive.
>literally "I did it before it was cool"
Jesus christ, user even admitting this.
>eventually they start changing things up
>slowly at first, then increasingly involved methods come into play
>one day you look up and you realize that you just watched a cartoon girl rig an electric motor to a rocking chair so she's forced to headbutt a running chainsaw to a jazzhop soundtrack
>you feel kinda bad about having your dick in your hand, but not enough to stop you from getting the nut
Tiffi herself has stuff on her soundcloud that isn't on her channel. I imagine it's partially to draw listeners to soundcloud and partially a credit thing based on who was the primary contributor the collaboration.
Hey I have that same knife in orange
I never suggested a gun. Something like carbon monoxide poising in a garage is much better.
to be honest i loved LoFi back then when it was fun and used to play french or east european musicians. now it is just non stop depressive shit..
That was a parody right? Oh no? Oh....
I kept seeing this and figured it was either gonna be some sort of suicide thing (maybe a home invasion?) But i wasn't fucking expecting
>Commit Sudoku
>Brought to you by Vice
>The overwhelming support it got on youtube
no this serious
"Diagnosis shopping" is pretty common in the psychiatric field, as are people who are unwilling to actually go through treatment and instead just want some Xanax instead of developing mature coping skills. A lot of doctors won't even prescribe benzos without first developing a non-medicated treatment plan or multiple visits to weed out people just looking for pills.
You gonna go cut some apples for a peewee football game, ya faggot?
I miss Neotic.
imagine.. russians just finished the longest european train bridge, put into work over 13 new airports, build over 200 000 miles of roads, build for every kid in own country a kindegarden place. updated 3 times their school system and are about to jump into the space run for the moon and mars.. reestablished free school and medical system.
ohh and you got your ipad which you paid from your fucking pension fond. hahaha
Anyone else think it would've been better if it just slowly zoomed out with a noose hanging in the background? Maybe shortly after the video came out, they ended their livestream for like 2 days and maybe changed it to another person? Subtly goes a long way
To be fair how many people actually watch the video while listening to this stuff, it's background noise, so you pretty much have to do something unsubtle to get people to go back to that tab.
This could've been kinda funny if it was in the middle of an actual lo-fi video and it didn't attempt to be a PSA.
Fair enough yeah. I thought they released it as a totally separate video without including it in the live stream.
This is what discord does to you.
Just don't take life too seriously.
Have fun.
Fuck people who try to bring you down.
I've had this mindset for quite a while and it's pretty comfy.
that is the gayest shit i have ever seen
It's not that simple for some people, unfortunately. But if you have a pretty easy life then yeah, you should really just relax.
You know you fucked up when a suicide PSA is hilarious.
I'd kill myself too if I had to listen to lo-fi hip hop 24/7
So did they clip this on the stream or is it separate?
That's actually kinda fucked if they suddenly cut to a suicide attempt in a popular stream used to relax. Not a good idea.
Just close the tab, problem solved.
Pretty much my philosophy on shit that's steered me through life pretty well.
But I will defend sad sacks and say sometimes it goes beyond basic faggotry and their lives are pretty fucking shit or their brain chemistry is all fucked, so yeah, if you grew up with your dad beating you so hard on a daily basis that your brain is now sideways you get a pass, if you want to kill yourself because some chick left you than yer a faggot.
is this character from something?
Wasnt a lot of it an actual scam? like the BetterHealth scandal
>Wasnt a lot of it an actual scam?
no. there was some student in british science who tried to scam money for making research on LoFi music. americunts paid and shit got published..
>Have a nice house decorated with your taste.
>Have a nice view of your good neighborhood.
>Studying to advance yourself in society.
>"Boohoo I wanna kill myself!"
Sorry, am I supposed to take this shit seriously? I wish I had that shit instead being a NEET wasting away in a shithole.
Mine has been stoicism for a while.
I may wish for death, but i have no right getting it until i overcome the tasks life put me up to. There's only ever going to be one of me. There's only going to be one chance to do this right.
Besides, the world is pretty interesting right now, i'd hate to miss it.
If you consider "literally on the edge of being fucked up forever" interesting then yes, very interesting. Interesting enough that I'm buying a gun and loading it with a single bullet in case shit goes down.
do a flip
it would have been better if it just ended with her just crying kinda wistfully. Same message about sadness but more tasteful.
Superior "Lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to" Girl coming through...
this is the original, college music just made a knock off to cash in on it
> when you notice her pinky has four joints
*hits pipe*
my bros...let's
*cough, wheeze*
let's uh....we'll imple-
*coughing, bubbling water*
aaah....where was i? i uh..we should
make this test right bros? like a school exam
*lighter flicking*
and the students, right? tale the test in high school, talking like teenagers man
*inhales, coughs*
and the test result, will determine their job prospects and social standing for the rest of their life
*hacking coughs*
Spoken like a man who consistently gets an amicable response from the 1st or 2nd girl instead of gaining a reputation as "the creep who asks everyone out at social gatherings"
>have to work to live
>you will suffer, hurting others and yourself if you don't work
>you must dedicate the majority of your time awake on this or you will simply die
Yeah very relaxing. Guess you can just look on the bright side of that one huh?
Must be cool being able to say some bullshit like 'just find something you love to do and learn how to make money doing it' when you have soooo many interests and the world is your oyster.
I don't want anything from this world, but am its slave nonetheless. We all are unless we intentionally shorten our lives, which harms other people and is thus impossible to do.
No, the amount of time where you might not think this way doesn't justify the amount of time you do. It would be better to not exist in a world where your very existence is harmful to others unless you slave away your life for them.
It is not overthinking to just have no interests, motivation, or goals. Fuck you and your sickening nihilism bullshit.
its not a joint, its a wrinkle, you can actually do it with your hand and check for yourself
This. Another thing that helped me was to stop using social media outside of keeping in contact with people I know. All the endless scrolling through clickbait articles and shitty journalism, feels great not going through that.
Im depressed but i like vaporwave, OPs pic looks like cringe tumblr content though i didnt watch it
didn't you real the part where I said I had to dela with about 60 rejections before getting laid
and its not the same social gatherings
Russian shill, gtfo and kill yourself. I hope Putin makes your family disappear.
Well that escalated quickly.
>Russian shill, gtfo and kill yourself. I hope Putin makes your family disappear.
keke. gay pride faggot. what will you only do when you will go to die by aids?
>Fuck people who try to bring you down.
But that's (almost) literally my entire workplace, and I can't even quit until I get released from workman's comp
>But that's (almost) literally my entire workplace, and I can't even quit until I get released from workman's comp
you know the drill: reload the gun and start liberating. hahahahaha
Jesus fucking Christ, you’re pathetic.
But that’s to be expected from Russian cancer like you. All those fucking cyka blats deserve to suffer.
Your viewpoint is valid but you have no idea what your talking about and have no business commenting about it.
>Jesus fucking Christ
ohh mayy!
I struggle with depression, but have never seriously considered suicide because the thought of not existing is fucking horrifying.
Now granted I've never been through any extreme suffering or trauma, so I can understand it's different for others. For me, knowing that one day every single thing I've ever known or ever will know will disappear, and i'll be completely removed from time and space is the scariest thing I could imagine, and I'll try to avoid it for as long as I possibly can.
It makes sense, a lot of young people in East Asia an hero because they get poor grades.
Asians are robots.
breathe happy cunt
Fight it out you pussy
Probably not worth saying on Yea Forums but this isn't a fun scenario. My fiance has got much better but when she falls back down into a depressive episode it's hard and there's a lot of guilt she thrusts upon herself for feeling 'forever broken' it's hard to see something like that and be powerless to help no matter how much you want to.
Why? It's not like we'll ever come back as a society. We'll either break apart and be ruled under marshal law or come together and be ruled under a single world government keeping everyone in check. You'll just be delaying the inevitable.
It'll be fun. I like loud noises and i like violence. I'm just waiting for the communists to come.
For the dark Gods!
This is now knives general
fuck of Gaben
whos gaben
>imagine.. russians just finished the longest european train bridge,
Trains are outdated, this ain’t 1890 anymore
>put into work over 13 new airports,
Took you long enough
>build over 200 000 miles of roads,
Also took you long enough. I’m surprised you managed yo function this long without then
>build for every kid in own country a kindegarden place.
Why would you build a kindergarten for every individual child? That sounds like an incredible waste of time and money. >updated 3 times their school system
How do you fuck up so bead to need to update the system 3 three times instead of just once?
>and are about to jump into the space run for the moon and mars.
The space race ended with the moon slowpoke.
>reestablished free school and medical system.
Congratulations, you manages to slightly catch up to everyone else
>ohh and you got your ipad which you paid from your fucking pension fond.
I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor and the labor of my father and my grandfathers. Meanwhile you’re still struggling to try and grow the tree yourself.
Sucks to suck Ruski.
Moras aren't exactly kitchen knives--definitely useful for the task out in the bush, though, alongside other things. How exactly are you liking yours?
Okay guys but listen
What if one day she just starts jerking off instead?
literally me
>let's make our waifu want to stab herself like those adult japanese cartoons xD
>video made specifically for relaxing
literally cartoon creepy pasta tier shit
Same, Mora bros. I lost a black knife in the forest once, buying a khaki colored one seems pretty stupid.
Haha, fucking millennials lol
>thanks to sadistic doctors who insist that this man with no face needs to be kept alive.
Well if they kill them that just creates even more controversy.
post more sharp boys
I could just take a picture of all my kitchen knives but that would be cheating
do it faggot, I bet you don't even have a fork.
based retard
I have a razor blade holder with handle and a couple X-Actor knives on my desk
Why have an ad for people who want to commit suicide if you're going to tell people who want to commit suicide not to watch it?
night goes on it's like fading away
Its not that big
Here are my forks
Who dropped their knife, their knife's son and a lemon?
And the rest of them in the dishwasher
You can do worse I guess.
>losing a shogun 2 campaign.jpg
Imagine being a knife snob.
so.... this is the power..... of Yea Forums.....
She's cute, would watch porn of
Goddammit, Vice. Stop ruining everything.
I wish Documentary Now had killed you once and for all.
i would kill myself too if i had to listen to chillhop 24/7.
>take oldies song preferably black rnb
>loop random 2-4 measures
>high pass filter and bassboost it until the bass muffles out the highs and mids
>add 808 bass hits
>add stupid sound effects like stiring ice in a glass cup
if you hear 6 seconds of a single song you've heard the whole song.
>got shot in the eye and lived
>got cancer and died
>Copy anime and proceed to push agendas.
Checks out
Did you just told the user to suicide?
Guys are more likely to end their lives in a violent way. Women go for pills or wrist cutting at the most extreme. Also who stabs themselves to death these days? Especially when guns can make it quicker.
>Mine has been stoicism for a while.
So your answer is to lie to yourself
>implying anime doesnt already have an agenda
Cringe and kitchen-pilled
I follow a pragmatic approach: what is sadness for? Nothing. Is it edible, does it pay the bills...? No. Then, why be sad?
Only physically
> City Pop livestreams still don't have a waifu
> Lo-Fi girls are close to killing themselves now
What's going on?
have sex
I have surgical scissors and pincers in my work desk.
Stoicism admits suicide as a viable way out of a life that could never be virtuous, as it is better to die than to live viciously.
He fell to bronze 5
>all of the people on the comments being fucking pussies
>she doesnt even actually kill herself
>all that "trigger warning" shit
im not trying to be edgy but holy shit people are way too sensitive nowadays