Canon nudity thread

Keep it Yea Forums and no fanart allowed, only official media.

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Ladies VS Butlers isn't Yea Forums.

I must ask the usual question.


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Damn, we know, dude.

"Could we see Lisa naked now?"
"The answer is no."
"I'm afraid I must insist. You see, Yea Forums, she has been most vocal on the subject of why they never show Lisa naked. Where's the naked Lisa scenes? Where are you going to show the Lisa naked scenes? Why aren't you showing Lisa naked now? And so on."

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Must I ask why you insist of fantasizing about seeing fictional children naked?

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Actually it's not me, it's more like was asking.

What? That's not what I was going to ask.
No, no it wasn't.

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>Sandy turns her head to the left
>sees Patrick's gigantic, wet asshole squished up against her helmet, grinding against the glass inches from her face

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90s Cartoon Network was full of butts.

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God I wish That was me

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>mother and daughter frolicking around completely naked

In what other show does this happen?

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Fuck off Todd. I never bought a single official copy of Skyrim. And I never will. Suck on that.

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they have to marry now

>>it’s all old people

Jesus Christ, Yea Forums, try harder.

fuck off pedo

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see and

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French material is cheating.


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What kind of asshole just leaves shit they try out on the floor.

Many do, specially women

Lisa Simpsons has been naked
Remember the "Lizard Queen"?

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RIP this thread

That's fanart.

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reminder anyone that says or uses the word degenerates has a small white penis

Easy there, user.


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Yes, but the point is, it's canon that she was nude

she's Buddhist, vegan, pro animal rights and liberal feminist, of course she has been naked in public many times in protest to something.

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Yes, and there should be an episode her about her joining a nudist protest group (without telling her family because she knows they would try to stop her) but she gets discovered with her group by Bart. Lisa is extremely embarrassed to be seen naked by her brother, but after realising Lisa knows Bart, they extend an invitation for him to join the group. Knowing it will further embarrass and annoy Lisa, Bart accepts and gets naked to join the group activities. However, after a while of relishing in his Sister's suffering, Bart gets an erection, and the group notices, which now turns the tables on Bart and causes him to be embarrassed. Because the group are strongly against sexualisation, they get angry at him, but Lisa steps in to defend him, wanting to protect him from their wrath. This results in the two of them being kicked out of the group. Bart is touched by Lisa's kindness and apoligizes for infringing on her activities and getting her kicked from her group. She forgives Bart, they both hug and blush and then they have to walk home together naked.

she's naked all the time

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Same here.

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Hilda -- and it's from Paheal.

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"children! go to the kitchen right the fuck now!"
"but grandma, I want to keep watching cartoons!"
"kitchen, now!"
fucking Disney

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not entirely.

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I remember coming across this episode some time n the middle of it and thinking it was so weird. I can't even remember what lead them to this situation.

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that's not how crowds work...

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did anyone else read it as "pepper anal" in the bottom left panel?

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Post more Timmy.

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bottomless is always so sexy. Who is the gollum creature shielding himself from bottomless she hulk?

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Now imagine Tootie or Trixie doing thi...oh wait.

Chill Feminiaz


>pearl and puff allowed to be completely nude
>sandy never will because tits

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Sounds like rule34 put that episode together brother.

Because she looks unisex that's why.


Your mom looks unisex

god I wish that was me in the middle


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No one made a joke about the pink starfish's brown starfish?