What's going on with DC and it's events. Why are there so many events going on?

What's going on with DC and it's events. Why are there so many events going on?
We got Doomsday Clock, Leviathan, Year of the Villain and Heroes in Crisis just ended.
Are all these supposed to be happening at the same time or something?
Why can't they just do these events one at a time? This shit is getting confusing

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I already pointed this out in another thread, but its worth repeating.

There was once a time I saw anons say that DC was better than Marvel because DC rarely had big events while Marvel had them every single year.

Times sure have changed.

Heroes in crisis wasn't an event.

Doomsday clock has no tie ins.

This smell like DC is in despair, a bunch of events running simultaneously, bringing Bendis onboard, Snyder doing his own Dark Knight Returns/Mad Max crossover... they’re throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Without mention still giving Frank Miller work after All-Star Batman and Robin. DC is dead

I mean they promoted it as a Crisis so it’s an event

But it's not.

DC going full Marvel and pushing multiple failing events like Marvel.

So the things that happened in Heroes in Crisis didn't happen in the Prime earth?

Idk but i have basically stopped reading DC cause i couldnt keep up

What do you think an event comic is?

>Doomsday clock has no tie ins.
Except for:
DC Rebirth #1
The Button ( Batman #21 - #22, Flash #21 - #22 )
Superman: Reborn ( Action Comics #973 - #976, Superman #18 #19, Superwoman #8 )
Superman: The Oz Effect (Action Comics #985 - #992 )
Detective Comics: A Lonely Place of Living ( Detective Comics #963 - #968, Detective Comics Annual #1 )
and Justice League of America #17 ( Panic in the MicroVerse )

Did you mean?

It's as much of an event as Identity Crisis was.

They think events will equate to more sales.

>This smell like DC is in despair
>they’re throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks
They've lost their way, bros. They've forgotten who they were. They ... they're having an Identity Crisis!

Has no direct ties in from Doomsdsy clock.and they're all build ups.

That's not really that many though.
>Doomsday Clock
Is a single book, not an event.
>Heroes in Crisis
Was also just a single book and as you say, has finished.
>Year of the Villain
These are the only two events and Year of the Villain hasn't even started yet and won't until long after Leviathan is finished.

If you think these are "events" and that there's a lot of them then I'd love to hear your thoughts on Marvel's current event overload.

>Everything is an event because I don't understand the term

Cool thread, OP.

Having references to something doesn't make them tie-ins.

>This smell like DC is in despair
I expect it has more to do with the Bean Counters at AT+T wanting to follow trends that they think will maximise ( short term ) profits.

Because things haven't been looking good:

>Our #8 publisher in the Top 750 is DC Entertainment.

>This is, frankly, shocking to me. For the first decade-plus I have been doing these charts, DC’s attention to backlist had naturally rendered them the #1 publisher…. With a bullet! And even when, the last few years, they lost the #1 spot to Scholastic, they were still majorly, significantly always at least #2.

>2018 is pretty ugly in the book stores for DC – they haven’t had this tragic of a performance since 2005. And I’m still trying to wrap my head around it from 20,000 feet.

>Now, there’s no doubt that the rebranding from “New 52” to “Rebirth” simply did not work in the mid-term – it does not appear that the “civilian” audience understood why continuity was being “reset” again so quickly. And while the “Rebirth” GN numbers were OK to start, they very very quickly bombed out. Here’s an example: the first “Rebirth” “Harley Quinn” launched at 13k in 2017. In 2018, it sold just 1818 copies. Kind of shockingly, v1 of the “New 52” “Harley” outsold it at 1894 copies. You can see this over and over again down the line: “Rebirth” “Batman” v1 sold 24k in 2017, and just over 5600 copies in 2018. “Nightwing” v1 sold 12k in 2017, down to 3k in 2018. In fact, not a single “Rebirth” branded book passes 10k in 2018, and it completely slaughtered the sales of the “New 52” editions as well.


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Every. Fucking. Time.

I'm surprised it took this long, honestly.

None at all?

Most people didn't want pre flashpoint back im. And DC you hurt sales.

I mean this os obviously a company war thread started by a company warfag.

>And DC you hurt sales.
Convergence tanked pretty hard too.

I can't imaging what they were thinking by rebooting with Nu52, then immediately shuffling all their main roster off the board with H̶e̶r̶o̶e̶s̶ ̶R̶e̶b̶o̶r̶n̶ Forever Evil, then putting the whole fucking line on hold for Convergence, and THEN rebooting AGAIN with Rebirth.

It's a clusterfuck of unforced errors.

>then putting the whole fucking line on hold for Convergence
That was literally filler to cover their moving corporate hq from NYC to Burbank, CA.

You know what the funny thing is?
How no one actually gives a fuck. No one cares about continuity like this, not even you because you're faking this whole bit. Continuity is supposed to be plan, you want leeway for creative freedoms.

>How no one actually gives a fuck.
Keep telling yourself that, Dano:

Nu52 actually sold more them all.

>Marvel's current event overload

Is there any other event other than the retarded War of the Realm?

Events should just stop. I've always hated them. There's not a single one I actually liked.

>then immediately shuffling all their main roster off the board with Forever Evil

It was one month long event, with few minis and the core mini. How was this an error?

Dude an event can just be a single book, but as previous user said Also Heroes in Crisis had some tie-ins as well with The Green Arrow issue and The Flash/Batman Crossover

I like War of the Realms. "Let's throw an elf army into New York and keep them there for awhile." Last man standing rules. None of that "done by the end of the issue" stuff like Atlantis invades with Namor.
No moral dilemmas, no questionable Hydra reasons, no "are all superheroes 12 now?" Just a good old fashioned straight up fight.
C'mon, the Punisher issues alone gotta be worth reading.

>an event can just be a single book
No it can't, if it's a single book then that means it's a single book.
None of those are tie ins though. Having a few references or using things from another book doesn't make something a tie in, that just means they exist in a connected universe.

Age of X-Man has six different miniseries running right now.
Both will be done soon, but Absolute Carnage starts in July.
And while not a full event, the Hunted story in ASM shipped a bunch of extra issues to pad it out.

Age of X-Man, which is set to wrap up in July. Absolute Carnage and Acts of Evil are starting in August.

That whole Perpetua/Legion of Doom thing > Doomsday clock > HiC > Leviathan

It was literally called even by its own writer.
And any maxi with cross-overs can easily be considered an event, doesn't need tie-ins to be called that, this wasn't even the norm at first.

Desperate for money.

I want pre-Infinity Crisis DC, before Damian, before Batlesbianjew, before Jason Todd ressurection, before Cass Cain losing the Batgirl mantle, before Wally became a nigger,...

I fucking hate War of the Realm, as a matter of fact i fucking hate any type of arc / event with the shit retarded "arr hurr hurr let's have spandex modern heroes BUT THIS TIME in a fantasy setting" shit

Aren’t the two connected tho? I thought leviathan led into year of the villain or some shit

No wonder i dont know about that, who the fuck read Xmyn anymore

At least they're doing better than Marvel at Events. AoX-Man was a slow disappointment while War of the Realms is mismarketed and I couldn't even bother reading some of it.

Not really since Marvel still has a lot of event's. There's a big one that nobody cares about going on right now

Cry more clown.

no they are not.
Everything so far has been pure garbage, and rehashing Dark Reign and Marvel Z isn't helping.

Those are maxiseries OP. The last actual event was Metal.

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