Why didn’t they just make him a young man again the same way they de-aged Antman during the test runs?

Why didn’t they just make him a young man again the same way they de-aged Antman during the test runs?

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Because he doesn't want to be young again?

what the fuck are you talking about
why WOULD he be young

Why not?

have you considered the possibility that the man who already experienced being out of time, then went and lived the full life he missed on top of that, might not in fact want to do it all over again?

Van was destroyed in battle with Thanus.

Who wants to live forever?

Who said anything about forever?

It's the sentiment, user. The guy's already lived one full lifetime, and that's enough for him.

So best to rot as an old man?

Just become young again and get euthanised if you’re tired of living. No point shitting yourself to death in a retirement home while Phillipino nurses abuse you and steal your pics of Peggy.

but that sacrifice makes Cap who he is. There had to be a better conclusion with Cap in modern times rather than going back (really the cheap way out).

Time travel was mistake.

You would rather die by getting euthanised rather than pass away naturally?

>de-age cap
>give him another time gizmo
>let him go back
>Young Steve comes back with young Peggy so Peggy can see the life that Steve lived, and now Steve's modern friends don't have to visit him in the home to change his soiled diapers.
This is literally the best ending they could have done for Steve.

Yes. Is that supposed to be a hard question?

>character gets old/dies whatever
>also we have a working time machine

I'm really on the edge of my seat here

Who hurt you, user?

They have Hank Pym back.

He could just make another. Plus he’s old as shit as missed decades with his wife. Why wouldn’t he want to de age himself?

Given his tirade, a Filipino nurse.

Such a reddit response

His mind would deteriorate.

Because the actor portraying the character doesn't want to be inthe movies anymore
I don't know how is that hard for you autists to understand

You're not really helping your case here, user.

Because that was an accident and they don't know how to make it happen intentionally.

People comprehend that easily, but it still makes no sense from a story perspective.

>dude, just shut off your brain and don’t ask for internal logic for a film. It’s fictional and they’re played by actors, therefore no logic can be asked for!

Great analysis user

why couldn't they go back to before natasha's sacrifice and steal her from the past and bring her forward to the future like gamora? i'd say same with tony but i guess you still need him to snap thanos but why not natasha?

Since when do we consider happily married a bad ending?

How would you write out cap at the end then?

This isn't logic lol, this is just you complaining that a character doesn't share the same opinion on living and dying as you do.

Gets de-aged, but says he’ll have plastic surgery so he can blend in without people noticing him

Always leaves it open for a cap return with a different actor too

They even addressed this in an updated modern Cap origin comic. He nopes out from culture shock and finds a way to travel back only to realize how shit his era was, admits he's being a coward then goes back to the present

Not the one you're asking but have him return to our timeline, take Sharon out for that cup of coffee and start his own gardening business or something, far away from super-heroing.

>please consider supporting Steve’s bonsai trimming class. Thank you.

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>Mfw Stuckies join the Stonies in scouring comic books for ship scraps.

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Peggy kinda has to stay in her own time or the world is doomed for a variety of reasons.

Also, here. Someone commissioned the artist of that book to draw Steve and Bucky take that trip to the Grand Canyon in modern times, with Bucky grown up.


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>If you fuck with time, you create a new timeline
>Steve fucked with time and remained in the same timeline
Unless he used an alternate method of jumping timelines at some point.

Aren't timelines dependent on taking and returning the stones?

Holy fuck that’s terrible. Way to sap all the emotion from the scene.

>Peggy kinda has to stay in her own time or the world is doomed for a variety of reasons.

Only the alternate timelines are.

>Aren't timelines dependent on taking and returning the stones?
No, they're dependent on them actually going back in time in the first place. Butterfly Effect. The slightest change, such as just traveling to the past at all, will cause a deviation in the timeline, even if it is too small to notice for a long time, it'll eventually yield larger differences as time goes on.

They most likely will, but Cap needs a break for now.

>They most likely will

If they do, then it'll be after they stop making MCU films. Otherwise, Cap's not coming back because Evans is done and Marvel Studios has made it clear they'll never recast him.

Evans has been "done" with marvel since 2014.

>Evans has been "done" with marvel since 2014.

No, Evans has been done since he wrapped up filming Endgame when his contract expired. He's not coming back. You're probably thinking of RDJ, who extended his contract and then stayed years after that extension expired.

real reason- chris evans is done with super hero movies and keeping up that shape is very hard.
story reason- he wanted to live a normal life that was taken from him by being frozen.

He grew old with Peggy and had a happy life. Now he's one fall and broken hip away from seeing Tony and Nat again. Why would he want to be young?

What do you think it's like to "pass away naturally"?
Because I'm pretty sure it's a lengthy and painful process.

Living is passing away naturally. Best to acknowledge this with a passing glance and forget it ever exists.

Why didn't Thanos create infinite Captain Americas?

Natalie’s soul was destroyed in the soul gem

She ain’t in heaven yo

Why didnt Thanos create a new universal law where the universe's population cannot rise above a certain amount, and if it does then things start disintegrating?

They have Pym, Janet and Hope back who’re experts with the field. If they needed to make it happen in the future, they could

just let him rest, he can't be a soldier forever.

Considering how old and how tired the poor guy looks, I’m okay with him retiring.

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Give them a rest, they truly were BTFO

Why don't they just unfreeze the other captain america?

>"hurr he lived a full life"
Not a single person on Earth would turn down immortality. Not a God damned one.

because his actors contract is up

They got a replacement dildo user. Sam will do just fine. They gave one half of stony a wife and kid and then killed him. We should be the ones making more noise but eh.

You are a dense one aren’t you

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Well, that still leaves Tony.

>ship scraps
Eh, I wouldn't really call what the Stonies have in 616 to be scraps. When it comes to MCU most of them are electing to either A) ignore the last 10-15 minutes of the movie and going back to 2012 era Avengers-live-in-the-Tower stuff B) fully embracing it and all the potential material that comes with it or C) never liked or cared for MCU in the first place so they aren't that bothered.

I should have been clearer, sorry. I didn't have the 616 or Ultimates in mind wrt "ship scraps". I meant stuff like "Endless Wartime" and "Good morning, Beloved." Or the avengers annual and "Captain Handsome" thing. Scraps from long books or standalones that aren't entirely Cap or Tony related.

Weren't they supposed not change things in the past? Doesn't this devalue his meeting in that one movie?

he doesn't wanna live his life again, apparently he checked out the Ramones at some point

They don't have a good handle on how it works.

He doesn't want to.

>Weren't they supposed not change things in the past?

The mere fact that they traveled to the past at all means they changed something and caused a divergent timeline.