This is ASSAULT.

Attached: bugskiss.png (682x493, 373K)

this is spam

this killed a thread in the catalog

It's not assault if you like it

Attached: 15602104891.png (314x298, 104K)

Pretty sure that guy pulled a gun on him like 2 minutes ago.

I don't think that merits being sexually assaulted by a flea-bitten rabbit. I don't think even Pol Pot deserves that

this is hot

Yes, and?

Is it defensible as self defence if you rape the person who tried to murder you?

Who do you think is a better kisser, Bugs or Daffy?

Anybody else notice the mods have been purging a lot of threads lately? Not that I'm complaining, but I'm not used to threads going 404 so much on Yea Forums.

Also, obligatory sarcastic white male so it's okay comment.

Daffy's got a big ass beak so I'm gonna give it to Bugs

>Lgbt+ pandering
Cringe and bluepilled
Wtf bros how long until they get Bugs Bunny running around in a fucking dress

Attached: SoyLatte.webm (640x358, 2.71M)

Really hard choice, both are great
Depends who uses more tongue and does it for a longer time

>how long until they get Bugs Bunny running around in a fucking dress
hopefully next sneak peek


I'm hoping for a g-string bikini myself.

Bugs, not even a question

>I don't think that merits being sexually assaulted by a flea-bitten rabbit. I don't think even Pol Pot deserves that
well as a matter of fact I do

True. Seems slightly hypnotic

we must kill the SJW system of things

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