Questionable Content

Terrible, awful, just bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off tranny.

I want to fuck Beepatrice.
That's my contribution to this thread.

Well this week has been an utter disappointment.
The whole May/Sven thing was good while it lasted.
Back to being uninspired rotting garbage.

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based patreonanon

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Fucking awful

Never stop OP

Thot Roko is sexy.

>Strips go back to being insufferable virtue-signalling drivel
>thread gets 7 replies and dies out
I'm shocked

Someone should draw Beepatrice fucked silly, surrounded by sex toys, with the words "External Equipment" written somewhere on her body

You should read better webcomics.

I too, wish to see your vision.

I want it to be that easy.
Then we can end this contrived "the downtrodden are so downtrodden" tripe and get back to what really matters.
Robofucking and cucking.

You're not wrong

>Roko will never be forced into prostitution to support herself after impulsively quitting her job
>she will never turn her old uniform into hot pants and a crop top and spend her evenings pegging middle-aged men with her baton, dying a little more inside every moment

Another day, another reading of Questionable Content.

>Terrible, awful, just bad.
Then why make a thread for this general?

Attached: Dummy.jpg (215x451, 44K)

Is that Ronan or Skinner?

Because these threads full of people mocking the comic are entertaining to me

This better ends with May getting a new body equiped to ride Sven's huge cock

Revive Handy Jay's.

You're beautiful

Or a huge cock to fuck Sven with

The twist is going to be that they were all robots all along. The entire comic is just a robot zoo, AI rights were never a thing. Dora and Marten and Claire are all robots.

the only reason why anyone clicks on a qc thread

Attached: ChairSpin.gif (416x416, 14K)

Do read questionable content.
That is all.

Too late. We have already read it. You can't stop us. No one can stop us.

A scholar, a gentleman, a god..

Characters like Dora, Marten, and Claire are all ported copies of people who existed prior to humanity's collective consciousness being subsumed into what they believe is a meta AI. Said meta AI created them in an attempt to "recapture" what it lost at the moment of its creation. It why all the character plots eventually go nowhere, they're biological simulacra packed with memories; once they reach the end of their memories they more or less switch to autopilot as they're only able to cobble together responses out of incomplete memories in a brain that never had neuroplasticity. The human-esque behaviors and attitudes of the robots is because the individual AIs that emerge from the meta AI are essentially human thoughtforms created digitally. They attempt to learn how to be people, for lack of a better word, from the human simulacra while simultaneously attempting to provoke novel responses from them. Only two things remain that are aware of the truth about reality (the meta AI is at best cognizant on a subconscious level) Station, and the sole survivor of the original human race, Hannalore Ellicott-Chatham.

I hope someone sent this to handstab

Beepatrice? This far in and NOW he's making robot pun names?

At we get another new character, I was worried he didn't have enough.

Don't forget your daily dose of Questionable Content.

Top 5 fuckable robutts:

1. Melon
2. Hot pants Roko
3. May
4. Crushbot
5. Bubbles

Roko needs smaller hot pants. I'm talking so small she has to leave it partially unzipped hot pants. "May teasing her that insurance paid for a vagina after glancing down for half a second" hot pants.

>no gold digging Seven on that list
Fuck off punchbot I'm gonna make you a cuck!

I completely forgot about this

I'm holding out that the arc will be May gets a new body and this then leads to more robodicking.

Perhaps even Roko will get involved!

Robo-Poison when?

Do not read Questionable Content.


Roko May Momo Sven 4way

See no one tells you to stab your hand because this is obviously more creative than handstab could ever have come up with himself.

Also given this is a QC thread, is the "I'm not a robot" box some kind of anti-robot racism?

>I self identify as a robot, and captcha triggers my body dysphoria.

I think Jeph just wants to write a comic about robots but can't just make a spin-off because making two comics instead of one is too hard.

He should take a cue from David Willis and just give up on effort.

Nah, he already had a scifi side comic he was doing alongside QC. It was called Alice Grove, and I think I heard that at its conception, he was planning on switching from doing QC to that since making QC is so boring. But then he started Alice Grove and very quickly ran out of ideas for it and had no idea what to do with it. Also no one was reading it and it wasn’t making enough money. So he tossed it and just stuck to Questionable Content since that pays the bills for his Canadian mansion.

And Alice Grove managed to, somehow, be even worse than QC.

His pitch was to do two comics long term and that was why people were paying him so much on Patreon. Eventually he noticed that readers cared even less about Alice Grove than he did so he discontinued it with a vague promise of a replacement product in a few months. When no one complained that another comic never materialized, Jeph just kept the money.

and that was supposed to be his passion project

Despite featuring an actual tiddy

This would singlehandedly redeem QC.

This must be the fastest updating webcomic ever. Based on what I'm seeing, it seems like there's two new updates every day.

Nah, there's only one. Tthing is, Jeph post the comic on patreon a day before so we get it day before thanks to Patreon user.

Now we just need her sucking it out of May's mouth

>Nah, there's only one
One a day is bonkers, compared to the ones I read.

The update schedule is how it got famous in the first place.

This comic is terrible.

He probably spends just a bit more than an hour or two every weekday (he has weekends off) working on it, using shortcuts like copy pasting faces and copy pasting backgrounds that are already minimalistic. The story is often determined on the fly by fan speculation in the forums concerning whatever current arc, or arcs are just abandoned and the story switches gears completely in the middle or after a quick dissatisfying conclusion. And this is his only job.

I think one of the big reasons he updates so much more frequently and regularly than other webcomic artists, is because other artists actually give a shit about their product. For Jacques, the update schedule practically IS the product.

What kinds of exotic are these?

>What kinds of exotic are these?
Made in china

Woah wait a second, is this the funniest QC strip ever made? Cuz it's the funniest I've seen

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Fucking started reading it, this ain't so bad, remember what it turns into.

Why did I start....

I'm still amazed that this shitty webcomic about the love lives of hipsters, slowly transitioned into being an alright webcomic about the love lives of robots.

>alright webcomic
If I couldn't hang out and shit on it with anonymous frens I wouldn't touch QC with a Frenchman's dick.

There are only two love lives involving robots and no one gives a shit about Faybbles. We're all in for that freaknasty May dickings and sweet, sweet Momocuck, both of which are less than a month old.

awww he loves us more than he hates this trainwreck