S-stay back user! Don't make me push this button!

>S-stay back user! Don't make me push this button!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Unique button

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Pfft, you haven't got the guts.

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Why did Yea Forums hate this episode again? The message seemed fine.

It's more the execution and it being completely one-sided, not to mention the show suddenly becoming VERY political when the show has almost never been political beforehand.

>muh liberals trying to make america a better place

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>Pfft, you haven't got the Sneed.

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Created a completely false over exaggerated narrative in order to push gun control on children, as well as being the most blatant political soap box episodes of a cartoon in decades if we don't count shitty adult cartoons.

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Also the whole "Hey kids, call congress because that's totally gonna work!"

>Yea Forums trash

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It's the dumbest way to pussy foot around the issue of fun control. KO already lives in a world full of deadly weapons, but this one turns people into skeletons? So it's worse?

>bawwww these are dangerous, people shouldn't be able to just buy these!
>same characters works at a store where they fucking sell weapons
Not to even touch on the strawmanning

I think even counting adult cartoons it was the most preachy shit in decades.

Well you see user, some people find the idea of telling kids that playing with weapons is dangerous, rather offensive.
Me on the other hand, I'm only offended when people try to tell me not to drink and drive.

>the message seemed fine
Are you high?

>>some people find the idea of telling kids that playing with weapons is dangerous
>See user, if I say something entirely different than what the episode was actually saying than I can make anything sound dumb!

I think that Mr. Enter's video on this is his only good video youtu.be/1VJHV8fNXzA

Yeah the part with that Congresswoman at the end was the cringiest thing I've seen on modern television.

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I literally was taught how to strip, clean and shoot a rifle at school and I'm British. This is pathetic. Firearms have a place in schools.

>same politician shown in a later episode spinelessly rolling over to Venomous's threats

>showing kids democracy is cringe

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>I didn't watch the episode, but I'm commenting anyway: The Post

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>A congresswoman can just ban anything (especially what's been considered an unalienable right for centuries) because she gets one phone call from someone who's too young to vote for several terms
>This is how democracy works

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You clearly haven't watched Family Guy in a little while.

Why would he ever subject himself to horrible torture?

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What's this anime tranny supposed to be from?

>Hello Mishta congresswoman, c-can you ban skeleton remote?
>Who is this, what the heck are "skeleton remotes"?
>I'm timmy, im in 4th grade, they turn people into skeletons!
>well, call again in 10 years when you have actual voting power.

niggas just mad that the show pointed out that greedy motherfuckers prey on fear to sell weapons that then further increase people's fear and drive further sales and arms escalation

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>implying congresspeople care about people who vote

get real kid

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that's a faggot ass message in a show where people randomly have super powers

What said, why tf would I watch family guy?

Why would pro-gun people be mad about more people buying guns?

Reminds me of that one Static episode. Forgot what it was though.

I agree with you but like I said earlier in the execution of it being incredibly one-sided and the whole "9-year-old calling congress actually working" thing makes the episode suck. Static shock was a way better episode.

The one where that kid attempts a school shooting?

It's ooc and super heavy handed.

Yeah, I remember it now.
Wasn't gear shot in the leg in that episode too?
Also, is it impossible to show a gun in a kids show anymore?

Putting gun control episode in a fantasy world where weapons that are just as dangerous are common place seems out of place.

>is it impossible to show a gun in a kids show anymore?
Nah, even Steven Universe had gun in it, on top of that it was a legally owned gun by a civilian that no one every questioned.
The thing is most modern cartoonists are fairly left leaning, so they don't like to draw guns.

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Ffs that was the joke!

That's the fucking joke. Shows in the early 90s, especially primetime sitcoms, used to love doing these heavy handed episodes that would touch on "serious" issues and everyone would be out of character for the sake of pushing the message. Except unironically.

Do you also think that Rick and Morty's Interdimensional Cable 2 episode is supposed to be terrible because it's a meta critique on forced sequels?

Being shit on purpose doesn't suddenly make it not shit. The Captain Planet episode shows they know how to do what you're saying. They failed miserable with this episode.

>That's the fucking joke
Those kinds of jokes only work if you play the trope/genre in a non-straight way, severe over exaggeration or making the issue something extremely minor or something along those lines, this whole episode was just played entirely straight.

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It was half joke, half moral and suffered because of it. It lost impact as a moral and didn't land as a joke.

I agree user, Cars are unbelievably dangerous and account for so many deaths nation wide and there's no regulations or sensible laws to restrict their use! We should ban them!

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You could say that if it wasn't so goddamn obvious they weren't being ironic about it in the least

>in;b4 "b-but, you NEED a car!"
No, you don't, there's a whole slew of public transportation options these days available and I guarantee there'd be a lot more if the requirement for them was greater. There's only a handful of individuals who truly need cars and banning them would reduce the death rate in America to a degree that banning guns couldn't even dream of, but of course no one would ever agree to that because "b-but, I don't want to wake up earlier to get to work!"

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Mmmmmm, simplistic rhetoric.

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About as simplistic as "banning the legally purchase of """assault rifles""" will have an appreciable effect on the majority of gun crime committed by gang members using illegally obtained handguns"

It ended with KO writing a letter to congress that fixed the problem. For god's sake, OP's image even has him holding the button in the most impractical way possible to make the already blatant gun metaphor even more comically un-subtle. The whole episode was cheeky as fuck, even if they didn't go as far as turning to the audience to explain they were joking (which Tiny Toons did when they parodied these kinds of episodes and there are still people who think the alcohol episode was meant to be serious).

>cars have no regulations or sensible laws restricting their use!
Except age limits, a licensing system, a complete government registry of every car with the requirement of that registry being visible at all time, and hundreds of traffic and parking statues with enforcement at every level of local/state/federal government.

>you don't need a car! There's public transport!
If you live in the US you need a car. Public transport is an absolute fucking joke to the point where some major cities don't start their bus routes until well after 9AM when the people who need to transit in for work would need to be there. Not having a car in the US is severely limiting your ability to hold down a job, run basic errands, and interact socially.

Comparing guns to cars is fucking stupid.

>Comparing guns to cars is fucking stupid.
Yes because only one of those is in the Bill of Rights

mods, better cut down the internet now
this thread is about to reach critical mass cancer

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pretty sure it was purpisefully made so shitposters can get into internet arguments desu

>Public transport is an absolute fucking joke
Of course it is, no one needs it right now because everyone has a car.

Fuck yourself with a rake. The founding fathers were against the concept of a standing army - the second amendment existed to ensure that a citizen militia would always be able to defend the country from invasion.

Then we built a standing army and the entire concept of a well-regulated militia became completely fucking invalidated.

Pick another defense.

Aren't most of those technically not necessary to own or operate a vehicle privately?

"Privately" as in "contained entirely within your private property"

As in not as transportation.

Fucking liberals with their anti-skeleton propaganda.
Give me 1 (one) good reason to NOT be a skeleton.

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>Give me 1 (one) good reason to NOT be a skeleton.
Because user, there's a skeleton inside you right now

It could transport you across your private property.

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Yes, and that'll be great once I open my own fucking grocery store, but until then I and everyone else in the US but Bill Gates and a few niggas on college campuses or in New York need cars with licenses, registration, and insurance.

As a person who's a member of a nation that is literally being pushed back into serfdom by it's dictator and his huge police force and national guard, I can tell you that any at all problem you can have from having too many guns (even though the roots of those are socioeconomic, not just gun-related) it's still better than the alternative of having your "elected" leader shitting on your rights without fear of repercussions.

>Someone took the time to design this

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Looks like a template shirt where you could fill in any random name

>try to make political argument
>do it so poorly that it actually pushes people the other way
Let's not just argue about guns. Let's argue about how this episode could have been written well. From your perspective of pro or anti, whichever applies.

Don't. The concept fundamentally does not work at any angle when the world is rife with superhumans, companies churning out robot minions, and convenience stores selling laser swords n shit

Want better? You pick a different plot

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Not if I shoot first, K.O.

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unironically the best character in the entire show

>Pick another defense.
Okay, 30,000-40,000 gun homicides (and yes, I filtered suicides out of that number, we're talking purely murders) occur in the US a year, the US has a population for 327.2 million right now roughly speaking. At the very most, about 0.012% of the population right now is effected by gun homicides, the majority of that being gang related violence committed with handguns.
In 2018, about 300 people died in mass shootings (a mass shoooting being defined as any shooting where four or more people die in the same location at relatively the same time), this means that despite the news media acting like mass shootings are a massive epidemic threatening to genocide all of America, only about 0.0001% of all people in America are killed by mass shootings.

Guns are statistically a complete non-issue.

Playing Devil's Abdicate here, other countries don't have the same issue, atleast not GOOD countries. That's a good chunk of citizens dead, shouldn't something be done?

>In New York
Driving in New York is cancer. I'd rather take public Transportation.
And Bill Gates could probably literally hire a fucking cab to take him anywhere.

Flip it and someone makes a device to voluntarily and harmlessly de-power yourself The episode follows people that choose to do this and suddenly find every minute in this world a waking nightmare so they beg to get their powers back.

Depending on the tone, this could be a pro or anti plot. Pro is "See? We need these powers to protect ourselves!" Anti is "Wouldn't it be terrible to live in world where everyone has the capacity to kill you? They should have all depowered."

>make a phonecall
>really popular thing gets banned against the population will because its too dangerous for you

Greedy motherfuckers get you to vote dumb shit because the tv told you cow farts are going to make the planet explote

Yeah. This. The best part is that it works both ways. The pro stance would be that the villains would keep their powers and depowered people would be less safe and the anti stance would be that in an unpowered world things don't get blown-up 10 times a day in random super-fights and professional organizations like POINT would keep their powers to protect unpowered citizens.

>a single person deciding without taking the people's will into account
That is the literal opposite, you dummy. Even historically, banning guns is an authoritarian move.

You're a progressive LGBT liberal, all right

What really angered me was the show completely rejected the idea of adding more regulations in favor of banning guns entirely, which is obviously unconstitutional.
>Call your congressman and ask them to ban literally all guns

OK KO was right! We need gun control! After all, Brazil has it, and look how they are doing now. Perfectly fine.

It's not like anything could go wrong.

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Countries cited are almost always tiny in population compared to Murica, ethnically homogeneous, or have high levels of other crimes. Say, acid attacks and trucks of peace

>other countries don't have the same issue
Other countries don't also have the same massive gang, poverty, mental health, and substance abuse issues America has.
>Shouldn't something be done
Yes, to social safety nets and economic prosperity to keep lower class individuals from descending into crime when things get bad.
Not by punishing tens of millions because of an almost negligible statistic with a bandaid solution.

I love OK KO but this episode is just a blight on the whole show. Best to just ignore the pure unfiltered Californian autism that lies there.

Meant for

>Lower-end estimates include that by David Hemenway, a professor of Health Policy at the Harvard School of Public Health, which estimated approximately 55,000–80,000 such uses each year.[8][9]
Overall I'd say the positives of gun ownership outweigh the negatives.
Drunk drivers kill more people per year than AR-15s, but we still let people drink even though booze has less practical value than a rifle.

The people killed with connection to legal booze are nothing compared to the numbers we would have with illegal booze. Just look at drugs: the more illegal they are, the worse it is for everyone except prison owners.

It was the essence of masturbatory propaganda, all the more disturbing for being directly targeted at politicizing young children, polished off with a veneer of hypocrisy. OK KO is a show that glorifies physical violence, weaponry, war machines, etc. I mean shit, if you want to be autistic about it the premise is defending their livelihood and property from threats attempting to invade and destroy it.

But then it finds time to turn around and awkwardly preach that no one should have a gun.

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>Logical Fallacy

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I mean just look at when they did try to ban alcohol, ended up creating one of the largest criminal industries in human history and some of the worlds most notorious gangsters, isn't a man alive who doesn't know Al Capone.

Korean Rooftop Streetwear looks dope

I mean if that's your goal that's a pretty good starting point, those being the people with the power to change the constitution and all that.

If that's an argument for banning guns, you've failed on two parts. First, you're implying that banning guns would cause more problem than it solves, just like banning alcohol did. Second, you're actually completely wrong about prohibition.

The article does not cite drunk driving rates, but death by cirrhosis dropped by fucking 66 percent during prohibition. Not only that, but death by homicide did NOT increase during prohibition, it was just sensationalized. Based on this data, far more lives were saved than lost by banning alcohol.

O-o-o-oh, I can't MAKE you press the button. If you press the button, it's because YOU pressed it.

I hate this episode because I firmly believe that women should have the same rights as guns

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Comment above reminds me. Which was the worse anti-gun episode - This or Bojack?

Wow, way to gaslight that shit. You're forgetting the billions of dollars that flowed into the pockets of criminal indicates instead of the pockets of honest businessmen and the treasury trough taxes as a result. Money that flowed into hiring more goons and buying off politicians that resulted in far more crime and corruption than you can imagine, far from all of it recorded. Just how many people do you think there are buried in forests and wearing concrete tennis shoes on the bottom of rivers and lakes that were never found? And forget about ever measuring the harmful economic effects of the widespread corruption.

Never even heard of a Bojack one so I guess this

BoJack could be argued to be in parody. OK KO wanted this played without irony.

It's only a logical fallacy if you admit that guns aren't the root of the problem, but rather only the tool of expressing the frustrations caused by numerous political, economic and social pressures stemming from failures of the government in those areas.

OK KO. At least Bojack was mildly humorous and it was a B plot.

So then we're back to banning guns would create far more problems than it would solve. Gotcha. And you do know that you don't need to find a body for it to count as a homicide, right? But sure, keep ignoring statistics if they conflict with what you feel must be right.

And I'm pretty confused about you bringing up the corruption too. So you're admitting that politicians are easy to corrupt by blatant, famous criminals and yet you're treating that like it's just the natural order of things, like the politicians aren't at fault and that's just what happens with criminals. Yet you're okay with these same people creating laws and disarming you. You're admitting that a petty criminal like Al Capone can get powerful enough to influence the law and you're willing to give up your only defense against that?

MLP did this episode better

What episode handled gu— magic control?

whatchu talking bout willis

which episode? the only episode I haven't watched so far is the newest one.

The Kirin one

Really? I did not get a gun control vibe from that episode.

Being anti-prohibition doesn't make me anti-gun, you moron. There's more than two people in this thread.

that wasn't even REMOTELY the same
the episode was about not giving up genuine social contact/zealously guarding your words just because people might disagree/fight

The thing was that the poster was equating the results of gun control to that of Brazilian gun control. That was the logical fallacy.

For the record, I don't think guns are the problem.

>You can't give up your inalienable rights as an american because you're scared of a little pain
Come on user, they couldn't spell it out any more obviously, though I'll admit they did go a little overboard when they showed that trenchcoat wearing unicorn blow up a fillies head.

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>Jumps into a discussion without reading any of the previous posts to gain context
>Calls someone else a moron
Follow the comment chain and respond accordingly then, faggot. Prohibition was being used as an example, not the actual argument. My only argument is prohibition as it would relate to/be an example of gun control.

Remember: If you don't like something, get a politician to make it illegal, that's guaranteed to make it go away. Because the government is your God and the more power you give him the better the world becomes.

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I thought it was ostracization of the obvious lesbian from a conservative society and two people from a far more liberal culture reacting to it differently, each siding with the other side

No I think he's anti-gun, arguing that Prohibition was a success as well so using it to argue against anti-gunners is a weak argument.

True, but the lesson can also be said about guns, books, or any form of modern media. People blame the objects instead the people using said object.


So you're saying your real problem isn't guns, what you really hate is capitalism?

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>Sorry kid. This is now a skeleton thread. Everyone, post skeletons from Yea Forums related media.

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So if this episode is supposed to be a parody like some people say, this is how you do it.

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I used to believe gun control was the answer. But after Christchurch I learned that New Zealand had basically the exact same, if not 'worse' gun control laws than America, and overall their country was completely safe, one off meme shooting non withstanding.

Evidently, the problem with America is not the guns, but the culture of violence. Which is probably more to do with gang violence, uncontrollable immigration and rampant poverty.

That argument is shitty. Alcohol and guns aren't comparable.

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Maybe it doesnt do anything but it's still better than doing nothing. Also you get to ruin their day a bit more.

Yeah, most fans just ignore it.

She has kids cheering for her whenever she shows up.

>getting turned into a skeleton is worse than 90% of the shit sold by stores in this show
Does getting turned into a skeleton turn you into some mindless zombie or something?

With all of the villains running around, I'd say that the government is pretty ineffectual.

It removes your powers.

>The thing is most modern cartoonists are fairly left leaning, so they don't like to draw guns.
>Steven Universe has guns

That's not really a point you're meant to focus on.

The episode's messaged concerned itself about a device with irreversible consequences (in a world where people can otherwise tank missiles to the face, all kinds of lasers and ninja powers among other things) a product that the person selling and most profiting from, grandstanded and gaslighted away any criticism or attempts to control his product's availability. He also riled up his consumer base to the point of mob mentality against the idea of such control when all around them people were getting hurt by the remote's abuse.

That's a pretty concise message. Gun Lobbyists took over the NRA (and prior/during the 70s that organization was actually for tighter gun responsibilities and weapon confiscation from abusers) and have prevented a lot of research into and criticisms of gun violence in order to protect gun sales.

The selling of guns is more important to some people than the safety of others.

Fighting back politically *is* an answer/solution even if it's not the only one.

Yea Forums loved the episode

That's all? Sure, it'd suck if you're used to using your powers for everything, but you could certainly still fight using weaponry.

do you really not call your representatives?
that is literally their job
try being less of an autist and you might understand politics

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I've sent a ton of letters and emails to my local MP, but he's a liberal MP and my stance was viciously pro-gun so most my letters were probably thrown out by the intern

>gun lobbyists took over the NRA and made them lobby for loosening restrictions
user, the vast majority of the NRA's income comes from members, and loosened restrictions is what the members want; manufacturers don't give a shit about regulations as long as it doesn't make them liable for misuse, and they're still selling to someone.


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it's called a letter-writing campaign
not just one unhinged voter scribbling in their own feces

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Most of the Canada thread on /k/ was also writing letters to their local MP's after Bill C-71 was announced and then Liberal MP Bill Blaire's "firearm survey" results came in with the exact opposite statistics than the liberals wanted

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I don't want dogs to give me the same look that they do to their food.


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Wojak with an actual skin color feels wrong.

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they don't even allow knives to cut food with in the uk, i'm having trouble believing you

the closest public transport is over an hour away from me in the closest big city

Press the fucking button, KO.

I haven't watched the episode, but I'm pretty sure the deal wasn't just that they lost their powers, it's that they lost their powers for good. It's supposed to be a metaphor for how the machine is doing something irreversible (like how a gun killing someone is irreversible). Even then, it does kind of fall flat because there are people who are just good fighters or don't even have powers.

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>Anti-gun episode in a wacky cartoon about characters who use weapons on a regular basis
>Uses skeletons in a metaphor when a skeleton character is standing right there

It was all over the place.

11-minutes is kind of long for one punchline, don't you think?

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>The heros think that only people who are capable of shooting off magic beams or flaming fists have a right to self defense
>the heros think that only people who are strong their own conventional means are capable of wielding power effectively and judging others (despite constantly missusing their powers)
>the establishment of preexisting power is the only thing capable of deciding who can wield power at all

Its actually REALLY shit. KO and his friends are super weapons walking around. They'd only be as scared for their lives as normal people are in their universe everyday with remotes around.

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Congress people are all useless parasites that line their pockets with tax money, and basically grandstand for a living in order to appear useful to the unwitting.

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Ignore that idiot. They're the kind of imbecile that thinks we should all live in tiny apartments in ultra-dense megacities with no real private property of our own. When someone starts with the idea that since you don't need something, that make it ok for it to be taken from you, you shouldn't even humor them because they'll keep taking from you until there's literally nothing left.
>You don't NEED a car
>You don't NEED a house
>You don't NEED money
>You don't NEED privacy
>You don't NEED freedom
>You don't NEED fun
>You don't NEED more than one food-pill a day
>You don't NEED to reproduce
>You don't NEED to live past 30
>You don't NEED to live at all

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then you vote them out
is it really so summer in here?

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Marx was anti-gun grabbing, so were the founding fathers. Yet somehow it has become a stance by the "rebels" of our generation.
Social engineering at its finest.

You mistake my intention, I think everyone should have the ability to have a car just like I believe everyone should have the right to grab an AR-15 with their uncucked 60 round coffin mags and 1000 lumens "blind everyone in the neighbourhood" flashlights when they hear glass shatter at 3am.
I was making the argument that "you don't NEED that" is a stupid one.

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I was thinking the other day and you know shit's fucked when they go harder at pro-gun people than antivaxxers.
Other countries literally ban kids from going to school without vaccination, and here we have to tolerate the Karens and their essential oils while they enable the resurgence of polio and the bubonic plague. Some of these folk make even the nuttiest of climate change deniers look reasonable by comparison.

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I like you, you can stay.

America is fucked up. It's not a first world country except for rich people.

Because the "rebels" of our generation doesn't believe in violently overthrowing the government. They believe in due process and democracy.

We basically do this to ourselves. I honestly feel like we're in the midst of a dark age, with all the anti-science, reckless shit going on in both sides of the culture. We shouldn't be defending people that are creating an immediate health risk.
Even the whole climate change debacle turned into a shitshow for clout. Who the fuck am I supposed to cheer for? The idiot that thinks it's all a hoax, or the idiot that thinks the coastlines will disappear in 10 years? I'm at a loss.

Is that the one that anti-gun people immediately demanded be ignored for being "vague" despite being written by them?


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The Bill Blair survey you mean?
Nah, it's the one that showed the vast majority of Canadians don't want handguns and """assault weapons""" banned so the liberals basically pretended it didn't exist, despite the fact they're the ones who sunk money into it.

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Looks like fake news drummed up by the alt right

Straight from the government of Canada's official website.

Yeah but beer has more uses than murder

And yet, despite only being 13% of the population....

Because now more people that are irresponsible and don't belong to their tribe own guns and endanger everyone.

Or just the fact that trying to police legal guns out of existence doesn't do anything to keep criminals from getting them or making them want to commit violent acts

Is that Discworld?

Don't forget that Americans all have a burning hatred for each other, and are basically being fed more and more reasons to despise each other every day by all sides of the media

Why aren't they using real guns ?

Keeps peoples alive and it's the legal guns that somehow magically were sold illegally that matter

Probably because it's more difficult to draw guns.

They would get sued by the NRA for painting guns in a negative light and receive death threats from gun nuts

>Keeps peoples alive

Yep those magical "Gun Free Zones" that criminals know they shouldn't bring guns into.

The Hogfather to be exact. Death fills in for the Hogfather because the latter is missing as a result of an ongoing assassination plot.

You keep calling them criminals but they're just gun owners until they pull the trigger

the idea of the skeleton remote is OK
ordeding kids to enroll in politics at the end, with voice actors reading the writers political pamphlet... not so much

>American politics

sounds pretty based

Parkland had guns and those kids still died. Much good it did them

>burh muh weed is literally the same as guns, fuck the gobertment I am FREE to become a waste that serves no purpose but dying!

>steal a gun
>not a criminal
Just stop, you've already proved that you're as dumb as a sack of hammers.

>gang violence, uncontrollable immigration and rampant poverty.
None of that really has anything to do with all the people who go on mass shooting sprees. What can we identify to help heal THAT culture?

SU isn't really as leftist as people like to say. You have Andy, a conservative, who was shown to just be a lonely traditional guy and he wasn't told or asked to change his ways at all.

>the white Vegas shooter stole all his 50+ guns and was a hardened criminal before he opened fire
Try again.

>one outlier is comparable to literally thousands of occasions where shooters have unlawfully stolen guns and then used them to commit crimes
Try harder.

Why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?

How does that invalidate the statement that stealing a gun is already a criminal offense? Can you not read?

>One outlier
Keep moving that goalpost. You'll eventually tire yourself out but at least you'll be getting exercise

user states all mass shooters stole their guns and were criminals before the shooting ever started. As if to say all guns in the hands of criminals are there illegally

Wow lad, how about all the other people that steal guns before using them to commit crimes? Just because Vegas guy owned all his guns doesn't mean that every gun owner is a potential mass shooter.

>believe in democracy
>any leftards
they can't even get their shit elected anymore, because it's too tiring to go vote when you can have an EPIC protest bbq instead and flood your instagram with photos.

an anti gun message doesn't really make sense in a show where characters fight and use explosives

the song was terrible

making a skeleton ray be a stand in for guns doesn't even make sense
and then they have a skeleton as a side character in the show

its just not a very good episode

OK KO just seems to want to be everything, even if it makes no sense

The episode itself seems to be at once trying to make light of a very serious issue and then turn around and try to preach about the right thing to do. You can't have it both ways, either be serious or make jokes. I still like OKKO but I'll admit that I've never watched the episode and likely never will because it's just idiotic.

Christchurch mass shooter says differently
>couldn't mass shoot his own country thanks to common sense gun control so he moves to one with gun laws so lax that other citizens can buy them and shoots up that place instead with his legally bought guns

>Police took 20 minutes to respond to a livestreamed shooting.
>Somehow further disarming citizens will help this response time
>Somehow this will prevent psychos that have boating accidents from doing the same

Yeah, definitely the guns are the problem

>T. Dick Grayson