How do you fuck up this hard?

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Disney and James Cameron fucked it over

>condensed from 2 movies to 1 to appease Disney amidst negotiations
>3rd act reshot and rest of movie reworked to allow for Captain Marvel to use the same concepts (e.g. Skrulls) and action sequences (apparently endings were very similar)
>pushed from original date to June because James Cameron didn't want Alita to flop against Aquaman

Even if the reviews were good the marketing for this shit was godawful

Disney had nothing to do with this.

it was hack Kingberg


What marketing.

Anons talking about everyone knowing about the Disney deal. It makes the movie feel unnecessary and probably hurt any hope it would have of being decent. People watch a lot of MCU films because it's part of a universe so the opposite of watching a film in a franchise that's dead before it even comes out has an opposite effect. But that's only one of many things against it.

Based Mouseketeer. Disney can do no wrong.

It could work if this was supposed to be a conclusion like Logan and Days of Future Past

Don't forget they completely ignored the Phoenix supposedly being part of Jean all along. Which was shown in X2, X3, and Apocalypse. So they could go with the space shuttle rescue origin.

Jlaw showing up for the pay check and plot device that sends Jean to magneto.

No black queen or shiar.

Combination of factors
>General audience apathy on the onset due to a variety of factors (the middling reception to Apocalypse, Hugh Jackman not being involved in any capacity, a lot of fans of the franchise considering Logan to be the 'true' finale, etc)
>Delays killed interest in the movie
>The looming Disney merger further killed interest. People considered the franchise dead before the movie was even released and were looking forward to the MCU take on the X-Men instead.
>Fox clearly had no faith in it and marketing was minimal

Except it wasn't.

It was supposed to start a new trilogy, but after the Disney buyout, Fox decided to pretend it was the grand finale of the X-Men.

This, this the second time he's rushed the Dark Phoenix Saga

They didn't call it X-Men: Dark Phoenix

God Tier:


Good Tier:
>First Class
>Deadpool 2

Shit Tier:
>Origins Wolverine
>The Last Stand
>Dark Phoenix

It's both.

I thought I heard them call it that in the ONLY commercial I saw of it on TV.

It had some marketing. I caught a "Dark Phoenix is a proud sponsor of Disney Channel" spot like two weeks ago, and there was a big "Dark Phoenix" bug during the most recent Agents of Shield episode.

I'll admit that's about all I've seen aside from some assorted TV spots, but there was a semblance of an attempt made on Disney's part to promote it.

I mean, isn't it obvious?
FOX was a studio that didn't get how to prioritize the X-Men brand. It became "Hell, we'll make another movie, borrow some stuff fans like and rake it in."
The reason Marvel Studios does so well is that they ONLY make comic book movies. They get guys who know how to plan forward, know what fans would like to see, and craft their massive narrative. FOX just wanted in on the gravy train and but they didn't have the Fiege to plan everything.
You're telling me that the character we barely knew in the last film will be the focal point in a series that continuity was really inconsistent? There's a reason they should have stopped at Logan.

It's not Disney's fault that FOX spent as little money as possible and sabotaged the movie by not acting in good faith. It's almost like FOX has a history of doing that like when they made a Fantastic Four movie they intended no one to see solely to hold onto the rights and never told the actors involved that they were acting in a sham.

In fact, let's be honest, the whole X-Men brand was a mess at this point. Xavier, Magneto and Wolverine were the only characters anyone liked out of these films.

That's not entirely true. People liked Quicksilver. Or at least his scenes because slow mo and muzac. But he wasn't devolped at all, so he only counts as half a character.

I dunno mate, every I know whose seen the original trilogy loved Cyke.

>"Well this franchise is fucking over and Disney's gonna reboot this shit anyway so why should we give a fuck?"

was probably the mindset here

I don't believe you.

Great list although what about the wolverine?

we'll have to see Marvel's take on it. Cyclops could get redeemed and become well liked like Captain America. Same for some others.

Rightclops will become so popular even Yea Forums will hate him.

Even in their "it's not my fault" defenses, the idiots in charge make it pretty clear that it's their fucking fault

>Let's make a grounded dark phoenix film
In what fucking world does that make any sense

>We had this grand plan for a two movie arc, but the merger ruined it
The merger hot the wall street journal in 2017. Even if we go by the leak date, that's still almost two years to fix your shit

>James Cameron fucked is because he made alita
How does releasing four months earlier make this a better film? How does releasing in the transitional down season but box office revenue?

And lastly
>People didn't like apocalypse because of the explosions. Much superhero fatigue
No, people didn't like analyse because it wasn't good on multiple levels. Infinity war was full of explosions and it made literally all the money. Speaking of, superhero films, including non-mcu films, just had their best calendar year on record

Is there leaked scene of Quicksilver saving the day in space?

It was international. Some of the directors and writers at Fox were not on board with the Disney-Fox merger and fucked up the films out of spite.

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fuking autocorrect

The marketing is garbage. I'm on Yea Forums and I only heard about this film like days ago.

The fans fault.


I thought it was alright

the fuck happened here? He was meant to be their feige but I haven't heard from the cunt since this was announced.

I assume he's long moved on by now.

Honestly speaking, it doesn't get enough credit, it's great.

You can only make the premise of a shitty movie
>Ra ra gurl power
And make money so many times.

the wolverine is a half-way decent film up until the final act.

Shortly after this, he made his deal with Netflix to adapt his own Millarworld shit.