Don't mind me, just here to ruin a great show.
Don't mind me, just here to ruin a great show
Daria should have hooked up with Jane.
Daria wasn't exactly great but whatever
Tom was bland, but he deserves eternal props for being the one guy to call Daria out on her disaffected immovable ice queen superiority bullshit.
ah! a man of culture!
It was great for what it was. Compare it to the shit mtv pumps out now and its the cartoon version of Infinite fucking Jest
>referring to daria as the cartoon version of infinite jest
He had such a non-personality.
You're just angry because you wanted to fuck Jane.
i think we all wanted to fuck jane
Tom was unironically a great character and Daria shouldn't have broken up with him
great show? where?
The Tom arc came at just the right time.
Wrong. The show is really great.
Daria just really needed some dick.
Neither fucked Tom so they are both still pure. Anyway I was a Brittanyfag
whats faggoty about having the hots for a walking blow up doll?
what isnt
pic has nothing to do w/ thread, just thought it was funny
he was too much of a non-entity to ruin the show, he literally existed to force a conflict between Daria and Jane but they got over it relatively fast, then they kept him around for some reason.
I liked it user
You mean Brit.
I feel Jane would be more than willing to try but Daria wouldn't. I mean, if Daria was a lesbian, she would have told Jane years ago.
Honestly, I feel they are perfect as friends since cartoons rarely portray female friendship as soul mates as much as male friendship.
Would she? Daria is a huge poser who pretends like she doesn't care about how people see her but actually cares a lot.
Brit only has the depth of a puddle.
someone hasnt watched “is it fall yet?”
Man, I always viewed it the other way around. Probably based on how jealous Daria got whenever Jane had a boyfriend.
Being jealous cuz their bff got a couple is really normal.
Hey, she wasn’t just a bimbo. She was a good girl.
>open to new things and information
>ready to self-improve
Her one and only bad side is low intelligence. This makes her the best girl in the show by far.
good to know that every daria thread eventually gets flooded with who the people of Yea Forums get the hardest to. congrats, ye fucking virgins
you meant quinn
have sex
I feel Tom is not actually a bad character but he brings up an unfortunate thing people don't want to deal with. The idea someone can come between you with your friend. Look characters like Daria even now don't deal with this drama and that idea that someone can come in and CAUSE strain like that I imagine rubs people the wrong way.
Many people relate to Daria and well female freindship can be fucked up for people.
Quinn's one and only perfect waifu was Stacy.
i know what image this comment was on and that scares me
...well I've GOT to know now.
I would send but if I get one more report I’m gonna get permabanned. Just look up “Daria fat” or something like a normal degenerate.
This is the THIRD time i’ve seen a Daria thread get derailed by someone talking about her being fat. THE THIRD. Is it the same person? Is Yea Forums just a fucking hivemind and we all think the same things? What the fuck?
>18 posters
Sure that's a lot
If someone keeps bringing up a fetish for specific shows/characters, it's like 80% chance the same person every time. Sometimes they start a small cult though, like those Mimifags.
at least no one called her a roastie this time
I was fine with Tom until Daria all of a sudden screwed over the one person who was willing to put up with her for some dick
femoid thread
are they still around?
Reminder Daria canonically ended up a miserable alone bitter cat lady.
She’s making a living off of her writing and probably fucking both Trent and Jane on the side. She won.
Actually Trent and Jane are fucking each other Daria's just making money.
“The sardonic teen has left the suburbs of Lawndale for New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen (naturally), where she’s grown up to become the only female writer on a late-night talk show. She lives alone — except for her black cat named Godzilla, who is toilet-trained, thanks to Daria’s hard work and dedication — and while she’s tried the online dating game, she hasn’t found anyone special quite yet. Oh, and in case you were wondering, she’s gotten past her crush on Trent.”
>Oh, and in case you were wondering, she’s gotten past her crush on Trent.”
There's a thread every once in a blue moon and they flock to it
he was a normie but that was the kind of man daria needed
So she claims.
I prefer pic related's future
That was a good scene
Daria and Jane having a falling out because Daria gets rejected by her would have been a lot better story line.
I remember the credit images of this show used to give me fetishes...
Kinda this? I mean, Daria if anything would probably feel some level of betrayal the same way Jane felt when that bisexual girl from Is it Fall Yet tried to loosen her up into a relationship were Jane to try to move things into a new direction.
Look at the fifth season ep where Daria and Tom nearly had sex. She is super reluctant, even with Tom, even after he calls her out on some of her behavior and after her own acknowledgement she *can* actually open herself up, to do anything of that sort. If Jane started getting ideas, it would probably confuse her and lead her to question everything up to that point (if Jane was her friend just so she could get into her panties, etc.) so it probably would be a disaster if anything.
Also, I don't really think Tim directly was the cause of the show's decline... the 5th season, with one notable exception, just didn't have well written/balanced episodes and the Is it College Yet movie was...really a conclusion to everyone BUT Daria's story.
Boxing Daria was a great conclusion for her arc, but Is it Fall Yet was really the best over all ending. I mean, FFS DeMartino got to be legitimately happy there.
I used to always pause during it because it was the only time we'd ever see Daria or Jane's bare feet.
Why does so many people want Jane and Daria to be lesbians? Can't woman friends be just friends anymore.
The same reason why men can’t just be friends anymore.
Are all art girls closet bi / lesbians?
Fanart. Jane distinctly stated she's not into chicks, and later it pretty much outright said the bi girl said Jane gave of gay vibes because she just wanted to bed her.
Sexuality is a spectrum. There's much less stigma attached to female homosexuality, so a lot more girls experiment. Artistic people are just extra prone to experimentation.