How do you fix the problem known as Tim Drake?

>Writing prompt: Make Tim Drake interesting and relevant in Batbooks and the Bat family.

>How would you turn Tim Drake in to a Batman villain?

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>Tim is the team mystic, capable of magic
>Mostly cantrips and such
>Can talk to animals

The way I see it, each Robin exemplifies an aspect of Batman.

Dick = Batman the hero
Jason= Batman the vigilante
Tim = Batman the detective
Damien = Batman the myth/ninja

So Tim Drake stories just need to lean more into detective stuff. More deduction, logic based conclusions, and conspiracy stuff. Tim is the only Robin I could see taking down white collar/digital crime too.

As for making him a villain, I’d have him discover some kind of political conspiracy that seems ridiculous, but he is sure that he is right. He would be publicaly proven wrong, but unable to let it go, which would naturally lead to him going against the super hero community when they tell him to drop it.

Doesn't the City of Gotham wanna fuck Tim Drake?

I'd explore that with Jack Hawksmoor.

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Thats retarded. Tim has never really done magic shit in the past.

If anything, magic shit is way more suited for Damien since he actually has a magic pet.

Read comics you retarded casual.

Make him a black girl


Timitha Drakson

Tim is the optimistic tech guy. I don't read Batbooks, and even I know that. How fucking hard is it to lean into him being the Tails of the Bat-Family? Writers are just lazy retards who can't be arsed to do their jobs.

You remake him as Detective Drake and forget the mantle chasing nonsense. But this is coming from someone who fucking hates Tim, fucking Mary Sue cocksucker. Or we could just kill him

Make him more bat-tech focused. Have him have a closer relationship with the Foxs. Bring back Annie as his sometimes partner/romantic interest.CHANGE HIS FUCKING POST ROBIN HANDLE (something not retarded or food related). Power suit? Have him pull more detective work. Have Harley try to rape him; worked for everyone else. Slowly turn a couple of Z list villains in to more personal rogues for him.

She grew up in the projects and criticizes Batman for hisbpoor ways of stopping crime. And let’s make her bisexual

tim as a character is by nature less interesting than the other boys
but lets be honest, none of the robins have much going on for them as a solo
Dick didn't have good stories until he was Batman
the more Jason's character goes on the more edge he loses
and they won't let Damian grow

So you want him to be the next Batwing?

Make Tim Drake the Poirot to Batman's Holmes

Simple, make Tim Drake Nightwing's sidekick instead of Batman's.
Tim Drake as Batman's Robin can only ever be a worse, cheaper version of the other Robins, as the only defining trait he has is that he is the best detective out of all of them, which is still completely buried by Batman's detective skills. So, unless you want to completely revamp the entire character from the ground up, you just gotta give him a new mentor, and Nightwing is the perfect fit to not only train him as Robin, but also for them to have a more interesting relationship dynamic, for instance more akin to a brotherly relationship that could turn into Grayson grooming Drake for leadership of the Titans.

This board goes crazy for girl Damian, but F!Tim would unironically be an improvement. Plus we'd lose the cancer that is Timsteph. Ideal timeline.

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I like detective drake, make him work with slam bradley as private dicks

What are the Batgirls suppose to be in relation to Batman with this breakdown of the Robins in mind?

Tim as Flamebird? Then what identity would Betty Kane use?

Would Female!Tim be able to deepthroat Kon? if she tried hard enough anyway.

Barbara clearly has the intellect on par with Bruce.
Cass represents his compassion, what little we see of it.
Steph could possibly represent Batman's determination to get the job done.

Go to bed, Bendis.

Tim should have been Flamebird a long time ago.As for Bette,I think she's in limbo. and is most likely never coming back.

Damien is Batman the demon

He wasn't the "tech guy" until the New 52 dumbass.

He should take up the mantle of the Gray Ghost and be a detective in Hub City.

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She was around at the beginning of the New 52, then Kate shipped her off to military school to get her out of her hair.

Betty tends to go in and out of limbo. I still like her.

>Don’t. Give Red Robin his own book.

>Bring Red X into comics and have them form a team against Batman.

I thought Cass was the combat and Steph was the outcast

What's wrong with Tim's Red Robin mantle? I thought it fitted very well alongside Nightwing and Red Hood.

Same as the other user, I thought Cass was suppose to capture Bruce's brutality and hate for crime the most out of the Batfamily.

I didn’t say anything was wrong with it. I like it actually.

Why would he be able to talk to animals?

I'll admit, I was mostly pulling from outta my ass, but the other user seemed to be thinking of it better.

Well, for starters Red Robin is straight up a shit name, not only it's a fucking restaurant name, but it's also just a color before the actual name, this isn't like Black Lightning or Green Arrow, this is like if instead of becoming Nightwing, Dick just became "Blue Robin", or instead of becoming Red Hood, Jason became "Blood Robin" or something equally stupid, he NEEDS to completely ditch the Robin name if he's gonna form an identity for himself, specially now that Damian is the current Robin.

I have a feeling that all of Tim Drake's problems can be summed up in the fact he was supposed to be the definitive Robin since Dick was Nightwing and Jason was dead. Thing is, Morrison ended up creating Damian and DC decided to revive Jason as an anti-hero, both with very defined personalities, so in the New 52 they kinda decided to make the Robins DC's equivalent to the TMNT. They never really knew how to make Tim fit in this idea. They tried making him the Smart and Nerdy One but it didn't really stick. in the next DC reboot they will probably try to make him the Michelangelo/Beast Boy/Iceman/Human Torch of the group or something.

Basically just what others have already said, make his stories more about detective work and ditch the Red Robin name.

>They tried making him the Smart and Nerdy One but it didn't really stick.
But that did stick, ask literally anyone and they'll tell you Tim is supposed to be the smart Robin.

>Tim = Batman the detective


have him kill duke and harper, i'm sure that'd get Yea Forums to love him and call him based

Blood Robin would be a great codename.

Making him relevant and interesting is easy:
Make what everyone has always seemed to know canon and officially pair him with Superboy as a couple. World's Finest Dads get to cement their amazing friendship by giving their blessings to their sons. Yea Forums's favorite crack ship gets to set sail for real this time. Fujos make even more sexy artwork for those of us who like the pairing.

As for how I would make him a villain, I wouldn't, at least not his main canon self. I like Tim and I think he gets shit on too much as-is. Although... In an alternate universe, and this only works if my previous idea were used, you can really subvert the "evil Superman because Lois died" idea that's been run into the ground by having Red Robin go berserk after something happens to Superboy. The Titans show handles "Dark Robin" well, so I'm sure someone can write it well at least. Also, I would love to see a character who utilizes the ease with which comic book characters traverse dimensions/timelines/universes, and why not make it the World's Greatest Detective's Son? Imagine all of the crimes they could solve, and imagine the villanous versions who go full "Minority Report" fighting against them (kind of like if The Council of Reeds got into a multiversal battle royale with the Kang Council, which is also a story I'd love to read).

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People say that the problem with Tim is that he is the "boring" Robin, but I see that as a strength.
Make him the relatable Robin, that has to balance his super-heroics with school/work, that has to use his intellect to compensate for his lack of natural strenght/fighting ability, but without making him obnoxiously smart like he has been since the new52.
This is not only possible but has also been done before in the past.

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The whole point of them having their own ideas is to separate themselves from Batman

He already ditched the Red Robin name

And went right back to being Robin for some unexplained reason.
Which isn't gonna last for long apparently, since Bendis is gonna give him a new name, so let's see where that goes.

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>gay shit
i fucking hate all of you

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God damn, that makes so much sense. And plays nicely into my idea. I wouldn't mind that one bit. And if the name is a sacred cow for Betty Kane, or he does become canon in a homosexual relationship (I figure he's bi and hate erasure, either of people or canon), give him something else as an on-theme code name. Are there any superheroes named Redbird or Redwing? Or maybe something that plays on his name, Drake, which is a mythological creature akin to a dragon. I'm totally fine with all of Bruce's sons distancing themselves from his legacy, and given his life, I bet he'd agree that it's for the best.

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Fuck, I think it will be a Bendis OC.
I really hoped for Red X.

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Redbird is the name of Tim´s car.

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>Tim Drake is about to do something he has only done...lots of times before. He is about to announce his new alias...a new superhero name. A Young Justice name. And this time, it’s permanent. Like, forever.

I dunno, the wording makes it sound like it's probably a joke or something.

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kill Dick, Damian and Duke

Huh, that seems like almost TOO proper a name for a car. Thanks for pointing it out. How would you feel if Time were called Redbird and his car, which could be a mobile base of operations for him, were called Redwing? For added bird-themed naming shenanigans, he could refer to his apartment as anything from The Roost to The Loft. I kind of love the idea of him being college-aged, still in school, and struggling to balance a 9 to 5 and studies with super-heroics, meaning he needs to pay to park his car, and can't afford a secondary base. Basically, I want him to fly solo UNLESS he's on a team with Impulse and Superboy, which I know he is and I am a fan of him being.

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Tim needs to leave Gotham. Ditch the bat curse and find his own way.

And so the cycle of every Tim thread continues.

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Is there a "Yea Forums's Tim Drake Recommended Reading" image?

Are you saying there’s gonna be a lot of gay sex with Red Robin?

Dunno, but Red Robin was a good run.

Wouldn’t it also make sense for Red Hood? Since the only reason he even exists is more or less magic


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Move him out of Gotham and up to a mysterious and sinister lake town up in Minnesota. Give him Raven or Klarion the Witch Boy as an unwilling sidekick and give them a detective-horror ongoing about unraveling the Lovecraft-style conspiracy that has consumed the town.

Give every issue a B-side that flashes back to an adventure he and Superboy had that reminds Tim of some important lesson he'll make use on in the A-side at some point.

Do I have the jobbu?

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That isn’t how it works