Marge vs the Monorail
Marge vs the Monorail
IDK man, Conan gets way more credit from fans than he deserves.
Still better than Al Jean.
Dude wrote three scripts and a tiny piece of a THOH and by his own admission maybe 25% of the material was actually his.
If we're talking Season 4 Al Jean, not HD season Al Jean.
$pringfield was better
He also came up with the main plot of Lisa's Rival just before he left.
I think both Homer Goes to College and Marge vs. the Monorail are overrated; New Kid on the Block is probably at least in my top third or quarter for season-4 episodes, though.
As for what he brought to the show beyond the episodes that he was credited for, it feels like it's hard to get a clear, overall picture of it. I think I remember either Bill Oakley or Josh Weinstein saying somewhere that they thought Conan was one of the funniest people they'd ever met, and it's possible that he was responsible for a disproportionate number of the best jokes and funny moments while he was on the show. One small thing I like was that he came up with the name Jub-Jub for Selma's iguana in Selma's Choice (one of my favorite episodes).
What seems plausible to me though is that he was just another good writer from that time, not really crucial to the show's development, but making regular, often small contributions that would have made a subtle difference if he hadn't been there.
The Jub Jub thing was something he used to say and then when they did the episode decided to put the name to the iguana, I also believe he created the Sea Captain, I'm sure I heard that somewhere. I do quite like the Monorail episode but it's not among one of my favorites, it's not high up on my list basically but I do like the episode, I think I prefer the Homer Goes to College episode over that to be honest but I'd have to rewatch it again to see.
To be quite honest, Conan's episodes didn't really have that much of an impact on me. They certainly didn't make my top 10 list or anything. His episodes are a tiny bit overrated from my POV.
But don't get me wrong: I still think that his three episodes are brilliant. They are always really well paced and always were joke after joke.
Conan was just another writer, not noticeably better or worse than anyone else at the time. He gets attention because unlike many others who used to write for the show, he achieved greater fame later. Marge vs. the Monorail is probably his best episode, even though I find it slightly overrated, like most of Season 4.
Sneed vs the Feed & Seed
This episode is certainly overrated. It was hilarious - if they somehow managed to make it less zany, this would be one of the most finest gagfests ever. But, there were some pointless jokes (The solar eclipse, which does include a funny joke, really damanges the crisis), an overrated song, and some silly character of Mayor Quimby and Clancy Wiggum. It's hilarious, but far from a fresh episode.
NKOTB was his best one and it's funny just how much Simpsons fans had a chimpout at Homer Goes To College at the time.
Why did they hate Homer Goes to College? It’s a pretty solid episode.
After revisiting the series through Talking Simpsons, it's really apparent that Al Jean's decline happened so much earlier than the HD era. All the post-S4 episodes by Jean and Mike Reiss are filled with outdated parodies, limp storylines, and TV-watching filler. Reiss himself even shits on those via satellite episodes like the Mary Poppins one on the commentaries. Once Reiss is gone, Jean indulges fulltime on his back writing habits.
Compared to the show up to Season 4, it was ridiculously wacky and cartoony so the whole thing came off as very very jarring. No surprise, it was the first episode made by the new Dave Mirkin writing team.
Sneed vs the fuck and suck
Jean still wrote Lisa's Sax which is generally regarded pretty well.
After they left to start The Critic, it's as if the two of them forgot how to write Simpsons episodes.
Ok but I can't think of much of anything else he wrote after Season 4 that was any good.
I wish they'd get past their obsession with Citizen Kane. Seriously, every thing they've ever written has an obligatory Citizen Kane parody/reference in it.
It's fine, but it suffers from all the tropes I mentioned before. The scene where Homer buys Lisa her sax is sweet, but the whole heatwave drama happens last minute in act three.
The Simpsons changed so much by the time Jean and Reiss came back. The fact that they repeated so many of their gags from earlier Simpsons and The Critic just made it clear that didn't have anything new to offer the show.
>The fact that they repeated so many of their gags from earlier Simpsons and The Critic just made it clear that didn't have anything new to offer the show
To be fair Jon Vitti's comeback in Seasons 13-15 also paled in comparison to his Season 2 efforts.
Like the needless Twin Peaks gag?
This is actually interesting.
Wait, so Al admits the show should have ended a while ago? Then why the fuck don't they do that?
I...don't know.
Sometimes at work I think of RAIL = RAIL and laugh out loud and people look at me like I’m stupid
Chuck vs the Feed and Seed
>tfw I used to operate an actual monorail
I never heard the end of it