Came out over 30 years ago

>came out over 30 years ago
>still unmatched
Why has no other comic been able to reach those same peaks?

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Read Moore comics

Go to bed, Ed

Alright, bait aside, what are some other comics on/above this level? I want accurate answers from people who fully grasped Watchmen. Give me masterwork comics, not just your favorites. List ten if you can, but go for at least five.

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Moore's other work comes close imo. His run on Swamp Thing is legendary, From Hell is also heavily researched and excellent historical fiction. Maus is breddy gud as well and Contract With God by Eisner is also well done. Jimmy Corrigan is fairly unique and intricately executed albeit not for everyone. Some other good stuff that comes to mind is:
>Sharaz De by Toppi
>Sandman by Gaiman
>Moebius' stuff (mostly the art)
>Kerascoët's stuff (particularly Beautiful Darkness and Beauty)
>For the Empire by Vives
>Habibi by Craig Thompson (also Blankets)
>Foligatto by De Crecy (Celestial Bibendum too)
>Umwelt by Daisuke Igarashi
>Blade of the Immortal by Samura
Just off the top of my head, all of these are excellent but I don't think any of them really top Watchmen aside from PunPun possibly.

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Thank you. I have read and enjoyed almost all of these, and would argue that From Hell is actually a step up from Watchmen, though much less accessible. Moebius is one of my favorite comic book artists. Punpun is definitely not better or even as good. Manga, for the most part, falls short, though Asano's own Nijigahara Holograph is up there.
I will be checking out Habibi, For the Empire, and Jimmy Corrigan.

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Plently do but being biased is human nature.

Because everyone wants to be subversive now

>plenty do
Name them.

Let's ask Alan Moore what he thinks.
>"Cerebus, as if I need to say so, is still to comic books what Hydrogen is to the Periodic Table, and is one of the only comics that I still read and enjoy regularly every month."

I wonder if he still feels that way after Sim's shenanigans.

List at least five, please. Ten, if you can.

because the people working on it really cared about the characters and the story, and tried to put out the best work they could.

Do an episode on Watchmen already.

miracle man is Moore's best work, prove me wrong

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Cerebus the Aardvark is already too much for a weakling like you to handle.

But Alan Moore also wants you to read
>The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
>Alec: The Years Have Pants
>American Splendor
>The Book of Jim
>The Complete Crumb Comics
>God's Man
>Love & Rockets

The Horrorist

Only like 3 of those are actually good.

Please explain.

I'm already reading/have read some of those, but I want to check out comics you have read, not Alan Moore.
Luther Arkwright, Alec, The Book of Jim, and Love & Rockets are great, but give me more.

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Alice in Sunderland
Are You My Mother?
Arsene Schrauwen
Bottomless Belly Button
Building Stories
Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?
City of Glass
Duncan the Wonder Dog
Jackie Chan-- OH SHIT

Thank you. I enjoyed Arsene Schrauwen and City of Glass. I didn't enjoy Duncan the Wonder Dog. I will check out the rest.

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Not even top 5.



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First thing I thought of was Frank Miller's Man Without Fear origin story for Daredevil with John Romita Jr. Second thing I thought of took more time to come up with because Man Without Fear isn't the same kind of comic as Watchmen, when trying to find something that's indie enough to rate against Watchmen yet still super heroes enough to compare I came up with P!anetary. Planetary's as good as Watchmen. Sure. And different enough to not be a rip off of it. Unlike Strazinski's AbsoluteUltimateSupreme Power Hyperion universe.

>implying doomsday clock hasn't surpassed watchshit

>fucking doonesbury
>sketchbooks of R Crumb which aren't even comics
>all of this irrelevant, not good, "historically significant" garbage that isn't even worth reading anymore taking up space on the list
>watchman is in the 90s two spots away from Denis the Menace
I despise the comics journal with all my heart.
>Johns larping as Moore is better than Moore.

>sketchbooks of R Crumb which aren't even comics
They are comics

What fucking peaks? Watchmen may have been entertaining but it was by no means satisfying. Its like one of those anime movies (or 3-episode series) that has a really cool concept but has to shit it out so fast that you don't really have time to enjoy it.

Name something better.

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Holy shit, I haven’t read the comic yet. Is this where the ligma meme came from?

lol, no! Trolled you!

Superman Last Son.

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