DIC animation

Was DIC as bad as people make it out to be?

Attached: DIC lolis.jpg (750x750, 509K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Here's the full version.

Jayce was alright.

Sorry, yeah. Nelvana blew them out of the water EVERY time.

In being shit?


DIC wasn't bad in the mid-late 90's and all of the 2000's (until Cookie Jar (now DHXMedia) sucked them up like water into a sponge) but in the 80's and early 90's dear god they were terrible. Cheap, unfinished-looking animation and editing all over, the extremely fucking terrible Club Mario segments of the bleh at worst Mario animated series (Super Mario World is memorable for YTPs although I prefer PanorCharlton/Fawful/LinkonDrugs/SightofDelirium style YTPs), the controversial and forgettable "ProStars", a better animated series of theirs that's practically in limbo (Wolf Rock TV) thanks to massive music loyalty issues that other animated series can't even compare to, poorly storing the film elements of some series during production resulting in degraded looking animation, not even bothering to internationally distribute the actually corrected version of a horribly rushed Captain N: The Game Master episode, rushing the production of some shows, not even bothering to distribute some shows or episodes of shows to the USA (even when they got better)

Hammerman was crap tho.

yeah I didn't really like Hammerman

DiC is definitely has the most errors on screen. Try watching any episode of Super Show or Adventures of Sonic and you will see random off color arms, faces, hair etc almost every 5 minutes.

Penny and a kawaii redhead dressed as bunnies.
I never even knew I needed this.

>kawaii redhead.
Her name is Flora.

Attached: DIC.jpg (784x787, 189K)

And this is Yumi.

Attached: yumi.jpg (350x350, 32K)

And the alien/atlantean?

Yumi from Ulysses 31

there were worse studios than DIC.
>Filmation for instance

I know who's getting the Dic

Attached: shaggy.jpg (300x168, 5K)

disgusting brocon slut.


magic schoolbus was competent

Filmation was so fucking lazy in animation
no wonder they went broke and their shows at one point went to L'Oreal and the original masters are gone resulting in only generic international distribution masters existing (24FPS NTSC ones obviously still exist but I hate how most US releases of them nowadays use the 25FPS PAL masters obviously for more commercials)

go to the church and ask god to fug you

they weren't only lazy they were dumb and forgot about the art.

their work suffered because they forgot about the art-aspects.


>Filmation was sold to a cosmetics company
Holy shit I can’t believe I never heard of this before. That’s fucking hilarious

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L'Oreal at least did something with them but they threw out the fucking film elements as one of the things other than distributing them
Several shows of Filmation were pitch corrected in the 25FPS versions but when they were remastered by L'Oreal they weren't pitch corrected anymore in those.
Luckily they all went to Dreamworks eventually and see better treatment

>DiC/Filmation hate circlejerk
This thread makes John K moist.

Youuuuuuu love little girls
They make you feel so good!

Nice reference but also true.


Filmation never had it in the first place. They started out with Archie/Sabrina shows with what looked like slightly cheaper Hanna Barbera tier crap. They were always bad from the beginning.

Beetlejuice, Eek the Cat, and a few others from the 90s were not so bad. They did become like every other Canadian company in the mid 00s though

>This thread makes John K moist.
And that's a good thing!

They 'butchered' Sailor Moon as people keep spouting but I think their dub is hilarious. Has a charm to it that the Japanese original lacks. The DiC music is way better than the original also.

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Let's plot a course

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Somebody sure is a weeaboo.

Yeah, the opening was pretty cool.

I liked their version of care bears

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That's not fair. You could immediately see that it's just an issue of having about 1/3 of the needed budget. It could have looked fine if it had a screen rate higher than 1 per second.


All that and then some.

Your mum

Still the best sonic show by a giant margin.

Yeah, AOSTH was great.


It's good to know that there are people who have not forgotten Flora. Great job.

Aren't DIC shows animated by TokyoMovieShinsha, at least some episodes ?

DiC stands for "do it cheap" or so I've heard.

At least we got some ladies to oogle at.

Attached: cleothecat.jpg (400x318, 24K)

I'd be up to boingo some oingos, yes.

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This is the main reason I remember them getting hate. For localization, as usual. Surprised I don't see more people giving Harmony Gold shit.

Shreeky was cute. I barely remember the show, but I vaguely recall enjoying the movie with Dark Heart. The one at the summer camp or whatever.

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Attached: Penny11.webm (512x384, 203K)

Attached: Penny12.webm (704x480, 520K)

A cute.

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Attached: Penny13.webm (700x480, 564K)

Lets all go to the


well yes

Moslty shit, but they did some great cartoons, especially when they worked with the japanese

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Harmony Gold was a product of its time. Who else was going to bring you anime during the late '70s and early '80s?

>On model > fluidity
Adventures of Sonic was one of their better 90s shows. I'll take blue arms and wonky faces if it means people actually fucking move and emote outside of the recycled neutral poses from the model sheet.

Is it true the the DVDs of the original Inspector Gadget series have all the bondage removed?

Madoc/Pepipopo fuel

I would love to see the three of them modeling cute bikinis

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That was the Nelvana show.

>the controversial and forgettable "ProStars"
Why was that silly thing controversial?

>reposting my webms

Attached: 1548857560223.jpg (582x438, 27K)

Thanks again for your efforts. I get plenty of mileage out of those and the screenshots.

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The only correct answer


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What the fuck is that from?

Isn't this from that one PalComix story?

Well, the alternative was worse.

Waay worse.

Attached: 00.jpg (700x384, 107K)

Doesn't look bad.

>lower right

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The Jayce and the Wheeked warriors opening theme is still great:

it tried promoting diversity and failed with stereotypical depictions of places they visited

Iirc, it's from a painting in an office or school.

There's nothing to be ashamed of, user.
Everybody knows Penny is super cute and smart.

Attached: penny4.jpg (588x1355, 104K)

There was an user who made an enormous amount of screencaps and webms, and posted the link for the download.
They don seem to be in the places I look.
Does somebody have the link?

Found the thread I downloaded it from thanks to the clever filename. Mega should be in there somewheres


Ulysses 31 reboot when?

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who recycled character designs, I always get these two confused

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Hopefully never.


Yeah, about the music. Nobody seems to remember Stan Bush did a song for that DIC's show.


>DIC wasn't bad in the mid-late 90's and all of the 2000's (until Cookie Jar (now DHXMedia) sucked them up like water into a sponge) but in the 80's and early 90's dear god they were terrible.
Isn't it the other way around according to most? Their 80s-early 90s shows, while still rough, had more of a "soul", then they became soulless in the mid 90s onward.

That was only on the soundtrack, it was different on the show.

i dont rememebr the blue one

>Well gee mister I didn't think you were into THIS sort of thing...

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oh these 3, i miss em

>true HD restoration never!

by the way i have screenshots of a PAL dvd of Cities of gold

funny you mention that



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>DiC dootsie cutesey music is better than OG ost


39:35, 41:02, 54:54, 57:47 1:04:00 say otherwise, like are you fucking kidding?

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Post Zia.

the pal dvd looks passable for what it is, but is not a film scan per say, and if it is, its an interlaced transfer anyways

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Does Zia ever get any fanservice in the show?

nah since it was a commissioned co-production by french and canadians with the japanese doing the animation, NOPE

the japanese version has some skinny dipping with the boys but for zia, yeah just stick with madoc's fanart.

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>an actual discussion of Dic shows
>little interest

Sorry I wasn't around earlier; I could have just linked it to you myself.

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>It's a Penny's feet episode

Attached: Inspector.Gadget.S01E42.No.Flies.on.Us.DVD.REMUX.NTSC.MPEG2.AC3-INTEGRA.mkv_snapshot_13.40_[2019.06. (720x480, 493K)

I like how Penny was the only character in the show who looked more realistic while everyone else was very cartoony

Because she's the main character,

Attached: Inspector.Gadget.S01E63.School.for.Pickpockets.DVD.REMUX.NTSC.MPEG2.AC3-INTEGRA.mkv_snapshot_01.47_[ (720x480, 752K)

Penny is shit, she doesn't even make brown bricks like her uncle does.

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>If you won't tell us where you hid that formula, we'll just have to tickle it out of you!

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Nice bunny costumes

>Was DIC as bad as people make it out to be?
Weren't they basically "lol kids are dumb as hell, so keep making it cheaper, they won't notice", or am I thinking of someone else?

shitty pedobait OP and spam
maybe when there's a legit thread

Easier to list who you're not thinking of

It's ok, user.
I found them again.
They were in a different subdir.


Attached: deam.png (170x199, 7K)


Yeah early on they did some great work, but later on their output was bad or forgettable.

God I wish we could have gotten more shows like Mysterious Cities of Gold.

Why do they look so grim?

That's way out of character for Yumi.

How often do you think Penny gets the knot?

No but you see Esteban's bare ass front and center.

I'm pretty sure I had a crush on Penny, before I even knew what that was.

I just wanted to hang out with her so badly.

Around two to three times a week. Mostly on the weekend or after particularly stressful adventures. The kind where she gets tied up or grabbed.

Why has this THREAD turned into A PEDO-FURRY FEST.

The fuck you talking about?
It’s right here and always has been.

Are your ears broken? That's clearly no Stan Bush.

Dark Heart was a chad

Welcome to Yea Forums(nel) enjoy your stay

That's quite a tiny bikini. Would never be allowed today. I wonder how long we have to wait still for the moralfaggotry to run it's course and recede.

Just read the Iliad

At first I thought the revealing string part on the sides might be an edit, but I checked the episode and nope.

I think we might have contributed to the problem, being horny about things as mundane as beachwear. It wasn't a big deal until hordes of anons shared their honest fantasies, freaking out normies in the media business.

If you wonder why children are more covered up in cartoons nowadays, look at this thread.

Yeah, it has absolutely nothing to do with the diminishing of the protective ozone layer and the sun having more strength.

Yeah, no one wants to be accused of shit over a drawing so thanks to pointless outrage they gotta step lightly.

Very lightly indeed.
I appreciate being carefull, but let's not become paranoid.

I'm 96% certain penny is responsible for so many youngins being into bondage.

I... yeah.

>Inspector Gadget
>Heathcliff (both of them)
>*Mysterious Cities of Gold*
>The REAL Ghost Busters
>Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors
>Every Nintendo Cartoon, though YMMV here
>Sonic SatAM (...and Adventures but again, YMMV)
>and the list just keeps going...

Basically if DiC was making a joint studio production or outsourced their animation, things were okay. Some of them even great. Of course you got shit like New Kids on the Block and other shit that was usually done with their in-house/lousy animation like Wish Kid, but still.

Then around the mid nineties after the SatAM well started drying up and they were dubbing Sailor Moon and shit, things took a turn to the point of them just slapping a poorly animated/voiced Inspector Gadget into every fucking educational thing, the shows got worse and worse and then they just turned fucking sad.

This should be safe

Attached: Inspector Gadget 0241.jpg (720x480, 101K)

>the extremely fucking terrible Club Mario segments of the bleh at worst Mario animated series
So terrible that even DiC regretted making them, it seems. None of those segments have ever been put out on the DVDs of the show.

lol, how did no one catch it that he looks like a fucking flasher wearing his trenchcoat but not his pants?

Most people also conflate the Cloverway Dub with DiC and blame them for making Uranus and Neptune cousins. So that's probably why.

Their negaverse theme was great, and the song they used for the queen barrel fight instead of just playing the OP was fucking kino.

Fight me.

because it was still owned by french

dear lord this survived

I'll fight you for liking shit replacement music (the only replacement music that i forgive is the US digimon ost)

Japan made their own live-action Sailor Moon series where all the nipnongs wore brightly colored, stupid wigs and it was horrendously awful.

You really think this early 90s US-produced live-action Sailor Moon show would've been worse than THAT Jap trash?

what made it horrible was being shit on video and awful early CGI

>Japanese live-action Sailor Moon TV series

Oh god, I forgot about that horrible thing. Still hard to believe it was real.

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This reminds me of the time I was playing with Brown Bricks in Mineycrafta.

Building with Brown Bricks in Mineycrafta is the most fun you can pawssibly have in an app.

Attached: Brown_Brick_Inspector_Gadget_Vector.png (549x659, 232K)

thankfully we have his now

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Both of these look awful. Reminds me of one of those "_______ ON ICE" shows that were really popular in the 90s. They'd take an ugly actor, dress them up like the cartoon character, then hope that no one in the audience had good enough vision to see how terrible they actually looked.

A Sailor Moon live action/CG movie would be insane

This thread..

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penny is so attractive holy fuck

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Well, there is a season 2 and 3 in France but look and voice actors are, ...off putting.

lemme guess, the boys sound like adults tryong to sound like basedboys

France usually doesn't hire kids to voice kids. Especially in those old shows.

It is not even needed.

They really tried to make her look nice

well the shows that were digitally animated like Sabrina: The Animated Series and Mary Kate and Ashley in Action didn't have as many animation errors as the film/cel animation era did. (Sabrina was great)

But didn't Ben 10: Gwen dethroned Penny as Loli Queen buck in the 2000's or was it 90's?

Gwen, Penny & Jade are the top 3.
They share and switch places rather frequently.


fucking word filter

Toph was on top for a while as well, but while people still adore her as a character, she somehow didn't endure as a loli icon.

WTF were you trying to write? The only thing I know of being filtered on here is basedbased products.


>go to R34
>put Penny and Brain into search
The artist is cubbychambers, you lazy shit. Took me 20 seconds.

... are you worried about drawings getting skin cancer, user?

I thought his argument might have been that it reflects real life, but that's bullshit. Girls outside of fundamentalist religious families wouldn't be caught dead in the kind of concealing swimwear girls in modern cartoons wear.

We oldfags still prefer Penny I would like to think.

Well it's like... look at the old Coppertone logo. Little girl ass front and center, because at the time it was thought of as something cute/funny.

Nowadays, with everything hyper-sexualized, it's considered creepy and weird, so designers avoid it.

It's not too different from why Esurance dropped Erin as their mascot.


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did they all join the Yakuza?

Who knows?

Just think, there's another timeline where we got the Saban version instead.

My younger self actually liked it because I needed something close to power rangers.


>Why didn't the anime studios in the 80s and early 90s make analogue full quality copies of the original soundtracks for all their shows and ship them overseas to localization companies.


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Does anyone have a high quality sound file of their G.I. Joe intro theme?

>string bikini
>on a ten-year old

DIC knew what they were doing.

If only.

Was Bravestarr DiC?

Easily, easily top 5. And not just for western, either

>That one Sailor in a wheelchair

So good

>So good
I want a Teen Girl Squad cartoon by DIC.

That blue loli looks hot

But blue is a cold looking color

some did, at least mostly outside of the US, also what you are thinking is the M&E tracks, that's how foreign dubs are usually created.

And she looks so sweet and caring, I guess that contrast makes it sexier somehow.

It looks like a JAV cover

Shut up Monkey

"C" something you like, user?

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Not sure yet. I cee-uh-need to see more.

can she join them?

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Nice. But I don't recognize her. I must have missed this show.

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Even a robot has a girlfriend

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Man this cartoon was spooky. Alone in space with that "plunking" music. And the stories were often tragedies.

I never watched Pole Position, but Isa can race up there and make tracks

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Was DIC just the 80s God of cute girls or something?

Attached: pole-position-Daisy.jpg (300x225, 23K)

it was french and japanese talent thats why

i dont think american know this one

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I sure don't.

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The blue alien reminds me of Interstella 5555

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they both were made by japanese

What's her name?

yumi iirc

Dat Jupiter tho

They cut your pinkie off when you leave, not join.

cute but i cant betray Mars

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Honestly, when they were still DIC France, they were really good. It's only when they became Dic Entertainment in 1983 that the slow descent into terribleness began.
Also, do not believe what Wikipedia tells you about Mysterious Cities Of Gold: apart from the music, all the creative work including the writing and directing was done by Studio Pierrot in Japan.

latter by Leiji Matsumoto Team

my god, DiC/Cookie Jar/DHMX were really bad at preserving their shit!?

>Leiji Matsumoto
he will be here at Japan Expo and also Go Nagai

Crazy Uncle Go? Sign me right the fuck up!

>Why did Robot Chicken think Heathcliffe had a strange accent in that DiC/Tiger Woods Space Jam parody anyway?

not really, it's just they tried using US master tapes to be more true to how the show was made when they still have better-mastered generic international masters

>I'd be up to boingo some oingos,
I can't wait to bomb some Dodongos.

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so, no more rabbits in this thread?

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The cutest.

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>this art style
>girl in the front staring at the viewer
Every. Single. Time.

she has a giraffe neck

>I barely remember the show
Don't you mean "BEARly" remember the show user?

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Your pun was worth every bit of those max damage quads, and considering the thread, a nice reference too. Bravissimo, user.

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>ignoring Sonic Underground

In the backgrounds, but that's about it.

Loli Dr. Manhattan

moar like dick amirite

I forgot that too because I thought that was cel animated

It's better off ignored

Penders made sure it remains forever unresolved

They had to know that was the first thing every kid would think of

Glancing at the thumbnail I thought for a sec that Easter basket was a brown dic


do they still have the, you know, FILM MASTERS!?

>Also, do not believe what Wikipedia tells you about Mysterious Cities Of Gold: apart from the music, all the creative work including the writing and directing was done by Studio Pierrot in Japan.

waiwaiwaiwait, do, Cities of gold was really just an import anime? (not sure which version came up first, i know the japanese version has a different OST)

Make that microbikinis

Would it be better for "The Littles" to get a reboot or continued from where the show stopped with a slight time skip?

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A reboot would be nice. The original somehow wasted the entire premise

Careful. You might summon monkey paw.

Don't you have to say his name three times in a row?

...Monkey Paw.
>One more to go..

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The original was better and her bikini was smaller too.

Gadgetini's Penny in OS Penny bikini when?


>her bikini was smaller too.
Post proof


it was a french studio that means (Diffusion information communication)

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Are you sure?

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Could have been hot if they went with super hi-cut.

God fucking damn

Somebody saved it!

Is that what G.F.D. stands for? What happened to him BTW? Haven't seen new stuff from him in a while.

Unf. That's good Penny

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is it her final forme?

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Don't tell me this is her official beach outfit? If so, that's just sad.

>just make her skin a different color
I dislike this. If not for my OS Star Trek nostalgia, I'd hate this.

Yeah, Bernard Deyries said in an interview Studio Pierrot came to them with the entire project, looking for a co-producer. DIC's contribution was asking the Condor and the Solaris to be redesigned to make them look more ancient (apparently their first design were rather modern mecha), tweaking some of the dialogue and of course the new soundtrack (which admittedly is vastly superior over the Japanese one).

It's not, it's Atina, an older member of her species.

>DiC got absorbed by Cookie Jar
Oh no, now how will Joe Cracker's dream ever be realized?

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The quality of the Dic dub varied by episode. Some were skipped, others were cut to pieces and had the plot changed, but there were a few that followed things pretty closely.

All right, we won't tell you.

Attached: penny_sneaks_around_by_greek1237_dd1lkfl.png (768x576, 622K)

what color do you think she wear?

Attached: 81_flora_and_brock_by_starfire_productions-dbm01qz.jpg (851x639, 105K)

she literally has a flower down there.

Why would she only wear one color or one kind?

Is it alright that I post a more lewd version of this here?

Go right ahead. I'm no mod or janitor.

Might wanna link it. Yea Forums can be weird about loli these days.

So is there a data sheet or website w info [actresses, directors,pilot episode , et....]?

No pan.

she wants to feel her giant fish

So source?

Sophie et Virginie



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One. Fucking. Job.

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What_are_we_going_to_do_on_the_bed_uncle_gadget would be too long.

pomf you fucking zoomer

>spell the memes out for me, daddy!

Do it yourself.

That's too long as well.

Here you go: rule34.paheal.net/post/view/3136255

This thread is making my DIC hard

Did they ever get back home? Last episode I saw ended with the ship's computer stating all her maps had been erased from her memory.

Transparent. But a special kind of transparent, since it makes the flesh underneath transparent as well.

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