Pour metal into mold

>pour metal into mold
>axe comes out perfectly formed, sharp edge, enchanted, etc, etc.
I know it's magic but come fucking on....tell me a reason they are not mass producing this shit?

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They have a shortage on handles.

The dwarves were basically extinct and probably lack the manpower and resources to fix the focusing aperture of the star

also mass producing superweapons isn't usually in the best interest

Are you expecting hollywood writers to know how axes are made?

tony stark can just walk in there with a gameboy and a box with scrap metal and fix the whole place in less than a year.

>mass producing
>literally one dwarf left

Look. Forging and grinding the axe would've been stupid padding.


Where's the market? Thor says almost nobody can use a weapon like Stormbreaker and survive. Plus, there's no telling how much refined Uru they just have lying around. So you're gonna mass produce a weapon barely anyone can use, with a metal that's scarcer than OP's love life.

Steve used it just fine and he is significantly weaker than Thor physically.

Yeah but magic.

Which is another factor in the viability of the weapon to begin with. Comics Uru gets stronger the more magic's pumped into it. In other words, Stormbreaker probably wouldn't be as effective a weapon if Thor hadn't been present to supply the thing with lightning.

There are like three dozen YouTube channels on the subject

For a second I thought I was on /tg/ and I was being trolled by someone whining about fantasy being unrealistic.


You didn't see what happened after they forged it. They make the axe, Groot uses his limbs to create a handle for it, and then it revives Thor. After that they could have gone through the other steps to make it a workable weapon...

Nah, it could've been a montage, like this
I know that that one isn't accurate either, but you get my point

>it's magic but come fucking on....
fuck you, its magic and you cant just disregard it

have sex

2 months, 4 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes with a Gameboy Advance.

user, you're so smart, you're an idiot.

It HAD to be that way. This is a fuck all, super weapon made to take on a guy with the infinity gauntlet, intended to be wielded by a fucking god.

What in the fuck are they going to get to grind it down? Sharpen it? It had to come out that way, because that motherfucker isnt changing no matter what you do to it. So the magic mold takes care of shaping, hardening and sharpening.

Wasn't Steve currently filled with Thor-power? I don't know how long it takes for Thor-power to wear off after the wielder lets go of mjolnir, but he hadn't been away from the hammer for very long.

He's worthy of Mojlnir, Stormbreaker is just a bigger Mjolnir