This nigga deserved his own movie as the solo villain

This nigga deserved his own movie as the solo villain

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I want a Proxima/her hubby romantic movie

I want a Thanos, Black Order, Gamora and Nebula Family life movie. We kinda got some of it when Maw choked Nebula and they were talking around on that ship

this nigga dead

Man he doesnt even look like Squidward. Tony shoulda said Voldemort.

I wish Thanos henchmen in general had gotten a bit more characterization. They felt like a generic mini boss squad.

Then start asking for a new Superman movie with Manchester Black

I wish I was proximas hubby

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t. Squidward

He's obviously going to be in a flashback in Nova participating in the devastation of their homeworld.

Warner Bros said no and they listened for some reason.

That's because they were.

nigga looks like a Glukkon from Oddworld

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I liked that they made him more Mephisto-like since they couldnt use the actual one

When he emerged from the shadows on Thanos ship I yelled out "FUCK YEAH" and everyone else was quiet and just looked at me weirdly...yet they were doing the same for Spidey, GotG and Wanda and people, why is it so bad to like villains...

Don't worry pal, people give me the same looks when I tell them that my sense of humor is exactly like the Joker's.

Love and waffles

I hate movie first villains

>All of them have rugged muddy color scheme to accentuate evilness
>All except Nebula and Gamora who both turn out to be good guys

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They're all boring as fuck. Namor had to carry this squad of losers on his titanic Atlantean back.

>and thanos

I can't believe I never made that connection.