What do you guysss think about the fact that almossst all mammal-themed charactersss are alwaysss villainsss?
Between Killer Kong, Fur-Fang-Foom, Capybara Commander, Connorss' alter ego asss "The Lemur"...
Why do mammalsss get sssuch bad rep?
Meanwhile on reptilian Yea Forums
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They're the hoodratssss of the animal kingdom, user. They don't even have eggssss to protect their offsssspring.
>batman, squirrel girl, toro, wolverine, black panther...
fuck biker mice from mars
Their warm blood makes them go crazy
Not ssssure. I think it may have ssssomething to do with warm blood having ssssuch a negative connotation in our ssssociety
>Why do mammalsss get sssuch bad rep?
Becausssse they are, hairy, ssssmelly, and give birth to live young.
Becaussse The Mammalian Ssshapeshiftersss are running the world with the )))Mormonsss(((!
Look at any Newss Sssource and I guarantee you'll sssee Mormon talent behind it! They're putting chemicalsss in the water that are turning the beaversss gay!!
Go back to /pole/
[sssssspoiler]That sssssoundsss ssssso hot.
Warm blood. It'sss a hell of a drug.
Guys I think mammal girls look a little cute haha.
Can you imagine getting warm from a cute mammal girl haha
You know how I know you're not a snake?
We may speak with a sss but there's nothing stopping us with typing without a sss.
Fucking turtle baiter.
Y-yeah maybe with a cute wolf or deer girl, winter would be tolerable haha.
Quality content
Doessss anyone else have problemsss reading comics with their skin shedding? I can't concentrate when skin itches all the time
But some of us also give birth to our young instead of laying eggsss
Post some picsss of cute mammal girla plzzz.
how do I get mammalian gf?
With slapstick.
When I get home, don’t let thisss thread die.
>they want to fuck mammalssssssss
Haha, yeah, seriously
>tfw I'm a mammal who loves reptilians
Reminder that these people are shitty mammal lovers who do not appreciate the superior lizard form.
Damn straight
Dat easily choppable neck
Good luck reaching it small fry
It'sss carried over to modern, 'woke' cartoonss, too.
Like Sssteven Universse with its outright racccist 'Fursons'.
sssstay away you warm-blooded degenerate
Just because we're lizards doesn't mean that we need to add more "ssss" to our words, you guys are autistic.
Fucking warm-blood wankers, i sssssswear.
>watching the amazing spiderman
>dr. connors starts morphing into a ripped, muscly lizardman
>get a hemiboner
No everyone is a lizard you fuck
>t.Barking Salamander
MFW I see something that isn't a lizard
mammalian here
how do I get reptilian girlfriend?
Stop being a mammal
Mammal teets or GTFO
Anyone else been ssseeing more of those weird bipedal mammals at their comic sstores?
one of them ssmiled at me and I ran away instinctively like the autissst i am
You have to slay thine dragon with thine mighty sword AKA your pee pee
Furverts are among us!
>Wolf girl
Check this out
stay mad lizard boi
>But some of us also give birth to our young instead of laying eggsss
Jacksonsssss and skinksssss are fffake reptilesssss... fight meeeee
Thisssss makesssss me diamondsssss
That wassss my favorite epissssode of Ssssstar Trek. The ending when the Captain bassssshhhed that ssssssmelly mammal'sssss sssskull in wasssss great. Then the crew feasssssted on the mammal colony.
Reptiles and mammals a shit
I think it was cool when he destroyed the forces of evil but I wish the creators weren't so eager to blame everything on the Mewmans, Eclipsa, and Globgor the People-smoocher.
Says the dinosaur
My weeb turtle gf refuses to watch cartoons with me. Says there too juvenile and lack the versatility dragime has. What do you guys recommend to convince her otherwise?
Hard mode: No Dragime inspired cartoons like Rapatar the Final Liverdevourer.