Is JJJ genuinely a bad person or is he just an abrasive asshole that knows how to move tabloids?
Is JJJ genuinely a bad person or is he just an abrasive asshole that knows how to move tabloids?
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He's a goddamn hero calling out the scum infesting the great city of New York.
He's a garbage man trying to take out the trash. Masked Heros are a menace.
he isn't afraid of anyone or anything
He literally created supervillains, multiple times.
>Bad person
>Refuses to give up Peter as the guy who gets him the Spiderman Pictures
He's just a hardass, but he's not a horrible person
He's definitely just your average New Yorker. Abrasive, rude (in a funny way), and ungrateful to everyone and everything, even the superheroes who save his life. But he's at least honest about it, and respects people who show self-determination.
I wish it were canon that he always knew Peter was Spiderman and just decided to give him shit to keep the kid focused on being a hero. Good times.
I mean, in Spiderman he saves Peter's ass
>Green Goblin has him by the throat
>Demands to know who gives him the pictures of Spidey
>Peter Parker is literally in the other and can be seen through the glass
>JJJ tell GG "I don't know who he is, his stuff comes in the mail"
Is he an asshole? Yes
Is he a bad person? No
So has Spider-Menace, and at least Jameson has never sold his marriage and unborn daughter to the devil.
>I wish it were canon that he always knew Peter was Spiderman and just decided to give him shit to keep the kid focused on being a hero. Good times.
that's brilliant
The latter
This needs to be canon. Its too perfect.
He’d say he’s just being a good journalist and protecting his sources. Plenty of other journos have risked their necks to protect their sources.
There's a greentext on the subject. Pops up every time we have a best of Yea Forums thread.
That depends on the writer, but I think Jameson was intended to be the end result of pessimistic character development. He used to believe in sticking your neck out for the truth and first met his chief editor when he saved him from the KKK. Years later he has grown bitter from what little the pursuit of truth achieves, he hates younger journalists because he has been through shit but they're the ones acting like hot stuff, and also he is the boss so he has to crack the whip.
It would all depend on the material. He's mostly just an asshole boss trying to do his job, with criticism going in one ear and out the other.
I will say my favorite JJJ moment was in I think Avenging Spider Man. He's the mayor, and he's at a 5k or something to start it off with a starter pistol, and as the race is about to start a bunch of moloids attack everyone. JJJ starts shooting at them with starter pistol yelling "And they thought I was crazy for wanting live ammo in this thing!" I think there was also a billboard of him pointing straight at the viewer and it said RUN
>Is JJJ genuinely a bad person or is he just an abrasive asshole that knows how to move tabloids?
JJJ is genuinely a retard
I was surprised no one noticed earlier.
He is just a hardass, because thats whats needed to run his company
Hell even in the movie, there is a scene where the green goblin has him by the throat and demands to know who takes the pictures of spiderman, but instead of giving peter up, he lies and says they just come in the mail.
In the original Ditko run he was every bit the bitter, petty, sensationalist asshole everyone says he is. He regularly publishes fake news about Spider-Man being evil (and would get actively depressed when it turned out it wasn't true; not because he published a lie, but because he got caught), would regularly undersell Peter for the pix he got (and Peter would only go to him because he was such a sleazy tabloid editor that he'd take the pix without asking too many questions), and on two occasions actively funded experiments to create the Spider-Slayers and the Scorpion, which he did with the express purpose of killing Spider-Man.
They started gradually softening him up after that though. Now he's just an abrasive hardass who's ego leads him to making bad calls.
Aw. My heart.
Isn't this basically confirmed in the Raimi verse?
Pretty sure.
Where? I don't remember that at all.
>and you were fired eight years ago.
Also when Goblin smashes his office and asks who took the pictures of Spider-man, Jameson doesn't rat out Peter even though he's right there.
JJJ is a good person set in his ways, and had every right to voice his opinion on Spider-Man. He was right in some respect, Spidey was a vigilante that undermined hardworking police officers
Wouldn't work for 616 when he's tried to absolutely fuck over Spider-Man several times. A recent run actually shows this, present JJ tells past JJ the truth about Peter, and past JJ immediately fucks Peter over.
Spidey PS4 did a great job with JJJ because even though he is completely unreasonable over his hate for the Webhead, he still fights for the greater good. When the city is under attack by prisoners from the Raft he instructs people how to properly shelter themselves and to not give in to the evil corrupting the city. He even gives Spider-Man credit when he cures everyone.
He's a kernel of a decent human being buried under a mountain of overbearing asshole.
Kind of related but I loved when the ultimate universe JJJ finally came around on Spiderman. I believe it was during ultimatum or during the epilogue of ultimatum.
Basically he sees everyone freaking out about the world possibly ending and yet the kid still risks his life to save as many people as he can.
I really liked the supporting cast from ultimate
There's a great moment in Daredevil: Born Again where he chews out Ben Urich for welching out of the Kingpin expose after Fisk pays someone to break his hand where he waxes lyrical about the power of the press, whilst conveniently forgetting all the times he's slandered and lied about Spider-Man to sell newspapers.
he is a decent man in most stories, he refuses to admit to the goblin that he knows peter just to protect him for example, and in one cartoon he genuinely saves peters life.
He is just really harsh as a person, a bossy guy
>the following arc where he meets a past, teen peter and is horrified that the nearly got a child killed multiples
>seeing the universe without spider-man, the very thing he always wanted, is fucking hell
And so? Tony Stark and Spiderman do the same.
He's chaotic neutral
HE has literally done nothing wrong.
JJJ generally tries to do what he thinks is best and will die on whatever hill he decides to stand on. He's also a big believer in tough love to get the very best out of his employees. He just so happens to have a giant irrational hate boner for Spiderman.
>Spoiler for Born Again: Urich eventually mans up and him & JJJ destroy The Kingpin’s name and reputation, leading to Last Rites, where it culminates in The Kingpin being defeated for good (as far as that goes in comics)
JJJ permanently defeated The Kingpin and didn’t even need to take a life.
He also calls out Osborn and sable's mercs
There are a lot of smaller moments, too.
In the 1960s he hated spiderman but he’d do things like giving Peter and Gwen a ride home after a police scare, just out of kindness.
Also in no form of canon does he ever put up with Brock’s bullshit
>Implying he dosn't have his old Spider Slayer in a closet when the Skrulls, HYDRA, or other villains invade his home city en mass
We have seen fucking heroes commit galactic genocide, I think JJJ might have a point of heroes being trash.
Depends on the writer, in the early days he really was a non-supervillain.
I prefer the take if a bitter jerk with a good heart deep, deep down. Especially that he was very pro-equality and respected people from all walks of life. But just really HATED Spider-man, whatever the reason.
It's a nice dynamic and I hate it when writers make him a right-wing strawman.
He does.
When Goblin fused with the carnage symbiote to kill Aunt May, who came crashing to the rescue but JJJ himself?
>this post is over 7 years old
the latter
JJJ doesn't think heroes are trash though, he supports the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and even the X-Men, no mutie prejudice. He just hates Spider-Man.
JK Simmons on JJJ’s reaction to the Snap:
“Today’s headline ‘New York Gathers Dust!’
And good news, he would take the role if offered and has let it be known he wants it. Not like they can recast it with anyone else.
Aw, he really loved Aunt May. That’s sweet.
Guess he's not too committed to Commissioner Gordon huh?
He'll have to deal with the Council of Gordons advocating rape
Is it still canon he knows Peter's secret?
Neither are very big roles. He could do back to back shoots on Spidey and the Batman and not have much of an issue.
Also he tries to murder She-hulk so that shes not his daughter-inlaw
Four words: court ordered anger management
He had good reason to believe She-Hulk was collaborating with Spider-man in being a menace.
His actual integrity in the workplace was always an interesting angle. I loved his depiction in Born Again.
I love how PS4 JJJ is essentially Alex Jones.
She doesn’t even wear a mask, and she’s been teammates with Cap plenty of times!
Fake news. Her supposed “face” is green. How many people have you seen with a green face? It’s a mask, and JJJ wasn’t going to stand for it
How do you like the current comicverse JJJ?
Not OP, but the current JJJ is cool.
>The chicken in this place is overrated!
He's still JJJ.
you two owe me some sides
>Basically tells one of the most powerful men (both physically and influence) in NYC to go fuck himself
>Complains about the chicken
I wish I was half the man that JJJ is
in the first movie didn’t he protect Peter’s identity when goblin went to his office?
>Jameson smears Spider-Man as a murderer with info given to him by Peter
>Peter gets fed up and quits the Bugle
>continues listening to JJ's web show anyway afterwards, even though it's nothing but slam pieces
What's his deal?
But Jameson does so DELIBERATELY
There's a psychological condition where people will go out of their way to hear negative opinions about themselves as a way to find some form of validation.
>would regularly undersell Peter for the pix he got
Stan wasn't joking when he said JJJ was based on him, Ditko despised Stan and wrote it right into the character. That's the real reason Jonah softens up over the years too
Frankly a JJJ that's not a straight up jackass for no reason is a better characterization.
He is stan.lee.
As others have mentioned he had a few moments even in the first run, and he was entertaining even back then, he genuinely loved his son and was upset that Spidey upstaged him on his big day
He's a good guy with a hate boner for superheroes. The classic superheroes will just attract supervillains excuse.
> Masked Heros are a menace.
Except Captain America. Remember not even JJJ has the balls to shit talk or slander Cap. He has killed Nazis.
Captain America dodges the issue of the no accountability thing. Everyone knows who he is because he was a soldier.