Spider-Man: Life Story #4 Storytime

Brothers in Arms
"I Really, Really Hate Clones"

Welcome to the Nineties, Spider-Men! I hope you survive the experience!

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So Peter is indeed getting weaker. Makes the last two issues interesting.

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Isn't Pete still being a photographer in his 50s a little pathetic?
He could be an artsy faggy photographer at least. That is less embarrassing

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Even in a spin off, the Clone Saga clusterfuck has to show up.

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It's mandatory at this point.

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Harry nooooo

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Neck snap???

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aw shit this gonna be good

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Even in old age Norman still has the same shitty haircut

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so when do we get to the good part?

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So... No Venom-Kraven in this decade, huh?

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I'm thinking that's the final boss for the last issue.

>cleverrr boyyy

I read that in Dafoe's voice

Well that's it comics over

>Scarlet Spider mask
So Ben is now Spider-Man and Peter is gonna be Scarlet Spider.

That'd be kino

>Peter let's go and goes to be with his family knowing there is another Peter out there
What happened to clone Gwen though

Hey, man, it's confirmed, you're the real Peter
By the way, here is all the work you'll have to do now. Because you're the real Peter. With the real responsibilities. Good luck with the crime fighting at almost 50 yo.

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Harry comes back and bridges her.

Huh. I'm surprised that Jessica Jones is here.

He just wants to get bsck with his wife and kids man

Read the issue

>It's actually Ben who dies in the next issue causing Peter to be flung back into being Spider-Man
Peter cannot escape

Not seeing May's funeral at all is a major bummer. Would have loved to see what Pete would have said ti honor his Aunt.

stumbled in here, haven't heard of this before and want to start with issue #1

is this an in-canon retelling of Spidey's history? or is this like a what-if sort of story?

Photojournalism is an accomplished, respectable job, man. Thinking along these lines is what led us to ridiculous shit like Parker Industries in the first place.

>Ben dies in 9/11

It's a story of what if Spider-Man aged real time after his debut in the 60s.

Kind of a dick move here.

>No Maximum Carnage

I'm honestly shocked

this desu. Fuck clone saga.

Clone Saga and Maximum Carnage at the same time isn't a good idea

Did Kraven do anything noteworthy during the 00s? Or Venom for that matter.

he's still a photographer in the newspaper canon, though he did finally write a bi-line in the final storyline

Me too, this is supposed to be a "real time" story and she's a 2000s character even if she was retroactively said to have gone to Peter's school. It would also be kind of weird for a woman her age in the 90s to dress like that.

>a casualty in Civil War
Place your bets guys, how will it happen?

What? MJ looking unsure? I'm sure they'll work it out even if it has been a few years since they were together. This is the "renew your vows" portion of their history, since their separation was canonical to the books

Kraven was dead during the 2000s. Eddie Brock got cancer and Gargan then took over as Venom.

Dies off in civil war/ or morlun or 9/11 but ock out a program in his brain to take over his body when it died so we get superior for the 10s

Kraven pulling a Garganesque Venom, perhaps? Or they might be saving him for The Other.

>No boomer spidey vs carnage
Bit disappointing

Don't even joke about that.

Both kino and how you know this series will break your heart by the time it's over.
Peter has to go back to the mask one way or another even if this was literally the endgame the original Clone Saga team had in mind.
Zdarsky's doing some fucking good work here. May he long keep working on some high concept books dealing with Spidey. I'd hate to see him stuck in the monthly grind of status quo, though his Daredevil's fantastic so far too.

We probably would have something like that if we had gotten 12 issues instead of 6.

>finally my own clone
>now neither of us will be virgins anymore

Carnage only happened because Eddie brock was in a cell next to cletus I don't see kraven doing the same

No Kaine either.

kravenvenom during 9-11 as Peter rushes back to help Ben, realizes he can't escape but becomes inspired to help people and train a new avengers

Imagine losing the love of your life for being too stubborn and being forced to settle with Jessica Jones

Haha, fucking Clone Saga.

As Joey Q would put it
Keep reading


Thanks OP. Will buy the TPB.

I think it´s kinda shitty that Peter knew he was the real one but chose to lie to Ben in order to escape his life. Even if Ben is benefiting from it, he is still living a lie.

Don't worry user it'll come back to bite him, even if they supposedly left the Cap plot thread from the 60s/70s and KraVenom hanging we'll probably get closure on them in these next two issues. Most hyped I've been for a comic in a long time.

>Clone Saga the way it was meant to end
Well how about that. Kinda bummed by the lack of Carnage, but that's what happens when you have to cram a decade into 1 issue.

My exact thoughts

That's still how it happened in the 90's Clone Saga though. Ben benefitted from living something that wasn't real.
Zdarsky's just trying to play it faithfully where it can so I can't fault him for that. Feels pretty in-character for a Peter that has been so dilllusioned with all the hits life kept piling on him to do this.
I also expected Yea Forums to react louder to him and MJ getting back together after the last thread.

This MJ is a bit of a cunt.

That's very true

Really? Didn´t know that´s how it went down in the 90´s Clone Saga. I knew that "Peter" moved to Portland to settle down, but I thought he and "Ben" had reached some sort of agreement.

Only the part that Ben benefitted from a lie since Norman actually rused them on 616 making them believe Peter was the clone and Ben was the original.
For evertyhing else, yeah, they did think their roles were reversed and came with an agreement, and were cool with each other like this issue shows.

Clone saga 2.0!

seeing that child was a ginger made me think it was harry's at first because I thought MJ was always a bottle redhead


Stark Weapons won the Russian War.

>Otto killed your son
>No you made Otto kill my son

the one thing I never tire of are villains going "no you made me put on this spandex and kill people you're the baddie"

What I wanna know is how much of Peter's knowledge and experience Ben actually has. He'd probably still have it through the 60's at least, but would it allow him to know how to run a company? Peter didn't start his company until after the Clone incident.

Also will Peter and/or Ben's identity be revealed to the world in the next chapter?

Dude harry he has spider sense he was gonna dodge

Feels out of character to manipulate Ben like this.

Harry doesn't know that.

So we are gonna get Cap's death as a consequence of Civil War, aren't we?

Will they adress 9/11?

The cover does a very subtle 9/11 reference.

That mask. That hoodie.
Oh Chip you cheeky fucker.

Harry's dumb, he's seen Spidey get out of worse danger than that

But I wonder when the Russian War ended, obviously before 1995 but we saw how fucked up it was getting in the previous issue which took place in 1984.

So no gwen clone?

thx for the uplooad

'92. when the wall fell. no real reason to not use that date.

In general I feel like this idea could benefit from short story arcs dedicated to each decade rather than one issue

Berlin Wall fell in 1991.

We're probably going to see what's up with her in the following issues. People wondered about what happened to Otto when May was close to death in the previous issue too

Maybe like a double-sized issue or a two-issue mini per decade. But I'm still all right with what we got since it means that Zdarsky had to get right to the point, unlike some other writers who pad stuff out.

Early 2000s hell yeah, time to crack open some crappy soda and turn on the TV to channel 3 to see some Dragonball

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I don't doubt that if this becomes very successful Marvel might just want to release miniseries focusing on each decade to expand on this universe.

Each of these issues has been 30+ pages regardless.

Personally, I wouldn't mind if Zdarsky did a follow-up series from Mary-Jane's POV set between each of the issues, turning it into a 12 issue maxiseries.


The daughter is ugly.

I'd like to see that. I'd also like to see an Iron Man one to see why he seems so drastically different from the Earth-616 Stark. I figure that him deciding to fully participate in the Vietnam War as Iron Man was the turning point, but I wanna know what led to that.

It's ben who is a photographer in that story. Peter is at the head of Parker industry.

It'd be cool if that lady was supposed to be Kamala's mom. They look pretty similar.


Why's he playing dumb when there's a fuckton of Goblin gear all around?

>being an artsy photographer faggot is better than being a photojournalist
Kill yourself

She had a legitimate reason to be a cunt with her kids on the line.

That costume is based


Do you have reading comprehension problems?

Thanks Norrin, loving this.

Again, loved it and again, wish they could have spend three or four issues per decades.

It’s great

This is going to fucking hurt
They fucking better. Say what you want about Juggernaut and Doom showing up, that issue was raw emotion

This better have a good ending. Shame it was pushed to be short, but still great

For 616 maybe but this Peter isn't stuck in a sliding timescale, he's lived this life for 33 years it's understandable that he'd be a little more willing to just bail given all the death and destruction he's seen in that time

The only Spidey who suffered more in Japanese Spider-Man

He's probably fucked, poor guy will sell the company to Stark thinking it's a great idea

Honestly I wouldn’t hate it if zdarsky did several miniseries from the life story universe, a cap one would be kino culminating in his actual death during civil war. Wouldn’t mind a fantastic 4 with alternating reed and Susan povs as we see how delusional reed is, thinking he’s got this great life with a great family that goes on great adventures meanwhile he completely neglects his relationships for muh Future tech.

>With great power comes great GUILT
No longer about taking responsibility but guilt for running away from responsibility

Thanks, OP.

Yeah, you have to remember Zdarsky is a divorcee himself, even though he says he and his ex are best friends in real life. I understand what he's aiming at with this book, Peter and MJ seperated/divorced but maintained a strong connection, remember Tony says n this issue that it's only the company that kept them getting back together sooner. Chip unfortunatly didn't do a good job of showing they maintained the connection outside of a photo

Good issue, really REALLY feeling that 6 issue crunch here though.

Peter even thinks if he didn't have to be spider man he could have won her back.well now he doesn't have to

Not really.

Fucking LOVED this. The reconciliation, the brotherhood. Such a nice change from the tragic suffering of the other issues, though I think it would have been a cool twist and change of pace if Peter really was the clone in the end.

Also him and Jessica (Jones? Drew?) being together I enjoyed a lot.

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Well see, that's the thing - Kraven doesn't hate Peter, he got what he wanted: to get Peter back into sorts because he himself couldn't be. And then the symbiote came along and restored him. The symbiote doesn't hate Peter either, it will hate MJ and want Peter back.

Thing is, I wonder how that partnership will work out since Kraven has no ill-will towards Spider-Man, and the symbiote wants Peter all to itself.

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Jessica Jones, they say her name in

Ben dying as he saves as many people as he can.

Why? One minute she's chummy, the next she dumped him as soon as he went missing for a week.

It's not that weird though. By this point she's only in her 40's and this is the mid-1990's.

First I need to see the end of next chapter to party. They could easily kill either of them next chapter

To be fair, a few dementias allow you to keep doing the actions you did repeatedly during your life. If you put a patient whose life was closing jars in a factory back to his place he could keep doing his job to a much higher degree than anything else in his life.
I could see an old Norman Osborn creating tons and tons of goblin gliders because he keeps forgetting he already has made a ton of them and he think he needs one to defeat “that pesky Spider-man” with the help of the Enforcers

Oh shit, I didn't see it like that. When she said dump, I thought she was talking about dumping his files for him since he was quitting Spider-Man and giving everything to Ben. I thought she was looking out for him.

Still, such a good issue and a reprieve from the depression of the 70s and 80s.
Thanks user.

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Kraven will kill Ben and Peter will come back but 9/11 will happen

there's a reason she's still single in her mid-40s user

It's Spider-Man's life story, man. Peter is only buying the farm at the very last issue if that much.
If someone's dying next issue that's Ben. Being Ben is always suffering, holy shit.

Yeah, this issue was fucking fantastic for any Ben fans.

The question is: does Ben die during 9/11 or does he die to Morlun?

These pictures are great

I'd think Morlun, since 9/11 was just a symbolic issue more than anything. I'm sure they'll incorporate the attacks in the story like the Cold War though.
Also you're now aware Morlun/Ezekiel will keep telling Ben he's just a clone for maximum suffering.

Good taste. was made by Dexter S-oy.

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>No longer about taking responsibility but guilt for running away from responsibility
I enjoyed that bit. It feels like Peter's finally growing, as odd as it's worded. Instead of feeling guilt for something he can't change he's feeling guilt for not trying to help when he can. Like Mayday's credo instead of his.

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Well we know #5's solicitation says this:

>THE REAL-TIME LIFE STORY OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! The superhero CIVIL WAR rocks the world! A hero's death changes everything for both PETER PARKER and his family as LIFE STORY continues into the 2000s!

And the cover for #5 is a reference to both 9/11 and Death of Cap.

#4's solicitation was:

>Spider-Man's life enters the 1990s! The COLD WAR is no longer cold as PETER PARKER returns to a world gone MAD! But will he let that madness infect HIM and his family?

They're right that the Cold War is no longer cold; apparently it's over. But I wonder what they meant by a world gone mad, Stark's attempt at a takeover, return of Ock, swerve that Peter might've been the clone?

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Also I wonder when they'll release the variant for #5. We got to see the variant for #4 the week that #3 was out.

I mean its fairly fucking obvious that Zdarsky needed more issues per decade to explain his shit. Everything besides the 1960s issue feels so fucking rushed.

Harry is too weak, user. Too weak to impregnate Parker's wife

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>bottle redhead
What's that?
>Implying Norman would ever let his son Peter marry a whore
Nothing but the best for his soneru.

>What's that
Dye job. user, is a retard

Seriusly? Again?!

Clones and symbiotes go with Parkers like peanut butter and jelly.

>>Implying Norman would ever let his son Peter marry a whore
He actually did. You see, Peter Parker is actually his son.

>Finish him!

No user, she was the clone of an alternate universe COUNTERPART of a whore and was, in fact, pretty fucking great.
Seriously, in Life Story Gwen was without a doubt better than MJ. Even back to their college days MJ was a cunt to Peter.

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As someone currently playing Spider-Man PS4 for the first time, seeing Otto turn back to villainy after having been on great terms with Peter years before is heartbreaking. I kept wanting Peter to snap him out of it.

>Even back to their college days MJ was a cunt to Peter.
She wasn't a cunt, she simply told him how it is.

>muggers are white

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This series turned to shit pretty fast

Are you really surprised?

Dude, she literally knew the guy was Spider-Man since she was fifteen. She knows what's going on in his life and the stuff he's putting up with and likely the moral dilemmas he's going through because she's not stupid.

All of that and she still talks down to him about being holier than though when the guy is trying to do the best he can. She did have truth to her words, but that doesn't stop her from being a cunt and disrespectful at the same time.

This. Marvel is finished.

And let's also remember it's MJ's fault that Gwen and clone Gwen died. Her rant to Peter and then her telling Harry about it set that big fuck-ball in motion. This universe's MJ is subpar.

>All of that and she still talks down to him about being holier than though when the guy is trying to do the best he can.
No he doesn't. She is simply hurt because of the death of Flash, which is understandable.

> but that doesn't stop her from being a cunt and disrespectful at the same time.
She was never disrespectful, though.

The one hanging down is black.

It really isn't. It's like Norman blaming Peter for Harry's death.

But Norman died of a heart attack.

>Her rant to Peter and
It was called for, no matter what.

Life Story Gwen is a nonentity with no personality apart from being perfect and harmless.

MJ may be "disrespectful" but at least she actually had realistic sharp edges to be a real character and wasn't a sex doll who coddled Peter at every action.

Where's Aracely?

Agree to disagree. At that point in his life Peter didn't have the life experience to know how to put his priorities in order. Should he go to Nam and use his powers to help people or should he stay home. Should he prioritize his personal life over the lives of others when they're in danger? He was doing the best he can and while that's not the best there is, no one else could do any better in his situation.

>She is simply hurt because of the death of Flash, which is understandable
You don't see Peter taking his frustrations and hurt out on other people.

>She was never disrespectful, though.
I'd say walking up to a guy who regularly saves people's lives and calling him a coward because he can't always hang out with friends is pretty disrespectful.

Didn't say it wasn't, I said she was came across as a cunt for saying it like she did.

How so? If she hadn't blown up at him - she instigated that argument, not Peter - and then blabbed to Harry about it, Harry never would have attacked gotten Gwen killed.

Next issue is The Dark Knight Returns Spider-Man edition.

LMAO somebody here actually blaming MJ and saying she CAUSED Gwen and Clone Gwen's deaths? holy shit

I feel bad for every woman this dude comes across

The actual fuck are you talking about?

>You don't see Peter taking his frustrations and hurt out on other people.
Neither did MJ.
>and calling him a coward because he can't always hang out with friends is pretty disrespectful.
That wasn't the issue.
>and then blabbed to Harry about it, Harry never would have attacked
Again, this is stupid. That attack i on Harry, not MJ. It's like Norman blamming PEter for everyhting.

I disagree, to me it's honestly been refreshing to read something that always has such a beginning, middle and end like this. When I was reading the 80s issue the thought of it ending in a cliffhanger concerning Peter being buried and whatnot bummed, but the extra page count hadn't ticked with my brain and I loved the strong cliffhanger Zdarsky left for us.

It has no bearing to this, but compared to the Hunted that had come out that same week the difference between both stories were glaring. I mean, sure we can be left wanting more, but to me that's the hallmark of a good story, and much more preferable to overstaying its welcome.

Looks a little like superior in the mask

This costume is perfect for a 90s aesthetic. Bagley blew it with the 70s one but this is pitch perfect.

>Gwen is a nonentity with no personality apart from being perfect and harmless

More like ONE of the final bosses. I'm counting on an incarnation of the Sinister 6 here.

By the way, do you think the final issue could give us "Spider-Island"? Also, where's Gwen's clone? She was supposed to live with "Ben".

I'd wager the final issue giving some variant of Spider-verse more than that, either that or Zdarsky does a completely different thing for a sendoff. But he's been consistent in using the biggest arcs of each decade and Spider-Verse got a rather big push for the '10s.

It's going to be Death of Spider-Man

>Neither did MJ.
You said she was hurt and angry because of Flash's death. That hurt is the reason she was angry at Peter. It fueled the argument, how is that not her taking it out on him?

>That wasn't the issue.
Which issue are we talking about? Mine and her being a cunt to him or her being angry with him because of Flash?

>Again, this is stupid. That attack i on Harry, not MJ. It's like Norman blamming PEter for everyhting.
It isn't the same in the slightest. Norman can blame Peter, but Peter didn't have anything to do with Harry's death. He didn't set those dominoes into motion, push them over. MJ set the dominoes in motion for Gwen's death.

Of course it's Harry's fault, but again it never would have happened if MJ just let the guy leave the bar.

Fuck off with your Dan Slott garbage

It's refreshing to have a series that isn't decompressed to hell in 2019, but it does deserve a prestige format length for all the issues given how much it tries to cover in just 20-ish pages


No, that's Spider-Man: Reign

That's nice. Where is your argument though?

>Clone Saga

It keeps happening!

Harry, please.

Has anything GOOD ever happened to this Peter? Holy shit.

What If stories like this always shit on Spider-Man

Responding to your own post doesn't make it real, man

>Morlun kills him and Kraven during Civil War

Nigga, what?

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May passed away.


>breaks the glider
>Norman still dies

I think he meant lying to Ben.

Is there any alternate future where Peter DOESN'T retire to be a Dad?!?

He usually dies in these types of stories

Last Stand

>H-hate... ...youuu...
OG to the end.


Let the dude retire in peace, man.

>Death of Captain America

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Mandatory music for the next 2 issues.

Alright! Grand finale!

It's going up to the 2010's

It'll be Ock in a younger (say 15 year old) clone body. Peter at the end vs. Peter from the beginning.
So that they rhyme

So Peter actually accepted reality and didn't make a deal with Mephisto this time? Good.

Mephisto was 00s.

Otto is the key to all this.

Whoa, it's Jessica J!

This is just proof that Peter is a living jinx who brings misery to everyone just by existing. He needs to go an hero as soon as possible.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Does whatever a grown-up Spider can!

>implying it won't be Skip

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> No Carnage and minimal Clone fuckery
> petty death for Norman
> Peter leaving it to Ben, retires with MJ and the kids

That was good. I hope they'll collect them and do a hardcover where I live, I'd buy it in a minute.

Given how obsessive he seemed, I can picture him compulsively building more Goblin stuff "for the day he gets payback", even though he's too old for that.

Wait, what?!

There are two more issues

Oh boy.

Well, shit.

What is yours? White aren't criminals?

He scared the crap out of the beard guy.

FUCK tony

Chip got me good.



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And FUCK Iron people

This is a good death for Harry

That's fucked up to say as you die

Man peters life really sucks

Nah ben is here


Does telling peter he hates him, Jesus we’re reaching manta levels of autism

Based peter

>Airliner has a triangular engine setup

I'm surprised no one is considering that Kravenom is going to show up as a substitute to the sequel of Last Hunt.

Grim Hunt.

I don't think they have enough time to go over Grim Hunt.

Realife application of this is fucking stupid. I would just call myself Ben, Dye and grow my hair out, and say we're half brothers or some shit.

Whites aren't common street thugs, retard

>Stops glider with frigging bare hands
Pete's such a badass.

>fucking breaks the glider with his bare hands
Hell yeah!

Pete looks like a total boss with those sunglasses.

Hey, man, you better stop it with that. Literally noticing anything at all about the way the world actually works is racist. In New York, roving gangs of white men beat up and mug women in burkas all the time. It's more of an epidemic than opioids.

>Mary Jane. I'm no longer Spider-Man. I let my clone take over.
>...also because I gave my life to my clone I have no legit SSN, so I have no means to get a legit job and all my finances are no longer mine. How did the acting career turn out?

And then Peter grabbed him by the hand, crushed it, and told the guy to give him his jacket, too, if he wanted to keep the other one. Heroes!

This is where it ends and they live happily ever after! Everything is all right!


Yeah there was a small limited series where Peter moved to Portland with MJ after finding out he was the clone, and in a sort of responsible sacrifice, loses his powers, just before finally settling down and having a kid. It was supposed to be the final send-off for Pete and basically wrap up his entire story, and honestly it was a pretty nice story other than the fact that at that point in the canon Peter was the clone (I like how Zdarksy did it instead, as to not spit in the face of people who preferred Peter)—but then due to more executive meddling (as was very common in the entire Clone Saga) Peter gets his powers back and then you know how the rest goes.

I only found out about it because of some blog that basically works as a director’s cut/commentary of the Clone Saga. Pretty nice. But yeah, that limited series would have been a nice end-point to wrap up Peter’s story.

>he actually wanted Reilly Spider-Man
Are you retarded?

Norman is in his 80s or 90s

Hurts, was that the guy ben met while roaming?

Most of us already did that during ASM #802 storytime.

I wish this series had more issues
still kinda fucked up to lie to ben about being the original

Oh fuck, I wasn’t expecting this.
Oh fuck

His children are alive... for now at least.

What an eloquent way to make your argument!

Nicieza depowered Peter because The Final Adventure was just supposed to end with MJ giving birth to May, full stop and nothing else. But they were already writing it when things were underway and it was very clear they wanted to... well... you can't put this any other way: KILL THE BABY. So Nicieza said either they depowered Peter or they'd walk out, both him and the artist, and let Marvel do whatever they want with it.

But IIRC the series was already solicited, and comics were already going through the burst of the 90s bubble, so they probably wanted to save face. DeMatteis also talks about how he was writing Redemption with Ben and Kaine and their status quo would change with every last phone call from "Ben is going to date Liz Allen" to "no, Peter is now Spider-Man again when this goes into publication already".

It was extended? Nice!

No, I wanted a proper send-off for Peter Parker where he finally gets a happy ending and develops as a character, instead of being stuck in the mind of a teenager.

I would have probably used that as a “jumping off point” for Spider-Man. There’s not a whole lot of good jumping off points for Spider-Man, because everything after the Clone Saga is full of disgusting retcons.

>instead of being stuck in the mind of a teenager
We had that before One More Day, dip shit

Yeah, suck on that Reillyfags, you didn't get decades of status quo and awful stories.

>le contrarian faggot of Yea Forums

Are you saying it's contrarian to acknowledge the fact Peter haven't had good stories since the 90s?

And replacing him would make the stories good? Based retard

Before One More Day and AFTER “The Last Adventure.” Hell I’ll even throw in “The Gathering of Five/The Final Chapter,” even though that serves as a pretty lackluster finale and also contains the shitty retcons where May and Norman are actually alive.

Honestly, in a slightly “perfect” world, I would have liked The Final Adventure be Peter’s closing arc, with the deceptive twist Zdarsky pulled in Life Story 4, and stopped there. I never cared for Reilly. All I want is for Peter to have a meaningful story and closing arc, and a clean history without numerous retcons destroying great arcs from before.

>closing arc
That's never going to happen you autist

Better than what we got, undoubtedly. Writers would have a lot more freedom building a fresh character.

Hope you never start a business.
They got boycotted to hell over that retarded decision and they deserved it
>fresh character
Hurr durr, let's just use a Spider-Man minus 20 years of development

Renew Your Vows Peter was a dad but didn't retire. Well, only retired for a couple of years.

>cont of Monte Cristo

Tons of characters get replaced by someone else/pass on the mantle.

What you’re arguing for here is undoing Norman’s death, undoing May’s death, undoing Peter’s marriage, undoing his character development etc. You’re focusing too hard on the “oh Reilly is Spider Man now,” where my point is about stopping before screwing up everything else in Peter’s history. The Final Adventure wasn’t perfect, and at that point, Peter being the clone was a shitty slap to the face, but at least it served as a somewhat proper “ending” for the character Peter Parker before all the shit that follows.

Would you rather have a character and story that never ends, and because of a sliding timescale and stubbornness to develop a character, is constantly stuck in the same spot, as well as constantly pulling “remember this great arc or issue? Well a-ha! Here’s a shitty twist!!”—or would you rather have a series where there is a pretty straight line from the first issue to the last, with a proper ending?

>Hurr durr, let's just use a Spider-Man minus 20 years of development
Yes? Peter had nowhere else to go as a character.

>They got boycotted
Only they didn't?
Staff of the current times showed the sales were still the same level as the arc had started (Life of Reilly for one and since they had to try to pimp out the Scarlet Spider series after Clone Conspiracy Marvel admitted as much) and they undid the switcheroo because the entire industry were going through the bubble burst of the '90s so Harras and company wanted to steer the ship much more than sales forcing their hands.
The staff was always changing too because of the upheavals with the economic state of the industry so they basically couldn't even commit to a long form plan and it's a huge reason why the arc even dragged out for as long as it did before the switcheroo.
Just because Wizard ragged on the comics once or twice the Spider-Man comics didn't stop selling - if they did X-Men would have died a definitive death back in the 90s themselves too.

>Tons of characters get replaced by someone else/pass on the mantle.
No, they don't
Sure thing. I damn sure stopped buying them

Yeah I know that. If you weren’t trying to read through angry tears right now because of “muh comics” you’d see that this only started because I said The Final Adventure would have been a somewhat nice closing arc for Peter, before having to see almost all his major arcs be tossed away to bring back characters and rehash stories that have already been told.

>proper ending
No one is forcing to you keep reading you fucking man child

That's cool user but you hardly consist an entire industry, otherwise America Chavez would have never made it past #1 with all of us not buying it

>or would you rather have a series where there is a pretty straight line from the first issue to the last, with a proper ending?
Oh, you're an anime fag

Book got shit canned though, so what's your point
>comparing the industry today to the 90s
el o el

Good job ignoring the entire discussion

Stay mad faggot. You don't get to decide if a book ends or not. If you don't like it anymore, stop reading it.

From what I understand anime/manga is even worse. I’m not familiar with a lot of them, but from the ones I know of they suffer the same thing—never ending.

And you’re still missing the entire point. You’re trying awfully hard

Says the man child who can't stop himself from reading something he doesn't like

Most anime is pretty much a one and done story

That there wasn't any industry wide boycotting of the Spider-Man books during that time, that's even on record as what everyone involved said. Of course some people here and there dropped the book but it wasn't enough to cause the changes overnight, and the sales data proves it
Fingeroth had agreed to go ahead with the switcheroo because DeFalco assured him it could be undone later, but when Dan Jurgens joined he began campaigning hardcore with the other writers and that resulted on Fingeroth deciding to change things back immediately, and then Fingeroth lost his job when the bubble burst and Harras joined and he never wanted that status quo to begin with.
So it basically boiled down to changes in management changing everything as opposed to "the books stopped selling full stop and they had no other recourse at all"

Surely, but this story seems to be focused mainly in one reality, so Spider-Verse could be left aside. Spider-Island, on the other hand, can be the perfect catalyst to bring new "Spider-Heroes" (aside from Peter's kids) to keep Spider-Man's legacy.

Pal, as much as I hate Dan Slott for "Superior Spider-Man", I can't deny "Spider-Island" and "Spider-Verse" where too good to be ignored.

The point being that everyone was tired of edgy 90s Peter and wanted happy 70 Peter back

>I can't deny "Spider-Island" and "Spider-Verse" where too good to be ignored.
t. San Dlott

>edgy 90s Peter
You never even read the fucking book, huh?

That's the one thing I'm hoping for in the 2000s issue for Zdarsky to catch us off our guards, show Peter's kids have some powers themselves. We're all counting on Morlun showing up and killing Ben and that's most likely what's going to happen, but I think we shouldn't write them off as well as it'd surprise the hell out of me that Zdarsky wouldn't expand on them

>70s Peter
But what about golden-age 80s Romita Peter? Shit was amazing. Too bad the Hobgoblin arc got hastily wrapped up.

>I can't deny "Spider-Island" and "Spider-Verse" where too good to be ignored
Neck yourself

Maybe Morlun kills Ben and he gets The Other?

The only good parts of Spider-verse were the one-shots and side stories. The main story was pretty Garbo.

I like that. Kinda

He's trying awfully hard because he's a shill of some sort

probably not getting outright weaker, but his joints and bones are wearing out

Wait, this is a good point, are Ben and/or Peter going to die and come back to life because of that Other stuff or not?

Fuck Ben, he can burn in Hell like the abomination he is

how so?

please no Morlun


Attached: eh.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Calling it now. By the end of this series, Miles will show up, and undoubtedly sour the story.

Attached: ttutu.gif (300x168, 381K)

>retard who fundamentally doesnt understand the concept of a conclusion

good, more hot leather pants Jessica for me

Attached: jessica jones ass.jpg (1986x2540, 790K)

You mean save this sinking ship.

Ben's likely dying for good, Peter might just sit out The Other shenanigans because I'd expect them to say that can make him younger and that'd run opposite to the entire premise of the series

Is Ben going to die in 9/11?

>and "Spider-Verse" where too good to be ignored.
Fuck you. Actually fuck yourself if you think that pile of flaming garbage was anything other than insulting.

I don't know why they even include Jessica, she serve nothing to the story outside of being Peter one night stand.

It feels random.

Attached: DJG43-9VAAA8S3r.jpg_large.jpg (866x1300, 136K)

A lot of the shit in this story is random

What's so random

She's the one who keeps tabs on Norman Osborn's whereabouts for Peter

That whole Captain America Vietnam thing for one

What's so random about that? Iron Man decides to go to Vietnam, then people pressure Cap to go because he was in WWII.

And then he goes rouge with no explanation or follow up

What's random about that?

This is the kind of end that a pathetic man like Norman deserves. Unfortunately, Norman hardly plays dead without a way to cheat.

>Did Kraven do anything noteworthy during the 00s?
He got resurrected during Grim Hunt, that was it.
>Or Venom for that matter.
Brock auctioned off the suit because he had cancer, then got affected by Mr. Negative and became Anti-Venom, which cured himself. Meanwhile Gargan had become the new Venom and was part of the Dark Avengers.

Everything about this series feels rushed and half-explained.
Which is almost refreshing in this age of decompressed-as-fuck comics, but still.

So we're setting up for Superior Spider-Man here?

>Jessica and Pete together
Always wanted to see this

Otto's gonna steal Ben's body.

please no

Well it is the 90's. So yeah. Every white people then are morons

I don't understand you, ESL

It could still be

Question: What happened to the Gwen clone?

Ironically she jumped off a bridge.

>Hate you

Stormin' Norman till the end

Come on Parker 30 years into the game and you fall for thar shit

rich white man dressing up as a spider to beat up poor people
am I doing that right?

There's no way Otto will live enough to seethe 2010s

Peter dealing with Morlun at that old age would be absolute kino

Yeah, 30 years of superhero fights probably add up to a ton of nagging injuries.

>Reee black people exist reee

So is 2000s going to show him start to train his kids? I hope it does.

In case you're not trolling: the Berlin Wall fell in 1989.

>spider-verse is too good to be ignored
Are you fucking new? Spider-Verse was a humongous piece of shit that was so henious because of Slott.

Oh shit

>no black cat
slight disappointment
solid read otherwise
it's nice to have actual continuity with no retcons and shit

The most deserving end.

Spider-Verse would have been better if it was a comedy about Pete meeting all his future alternate wives/kids.
>Pete meets a flaming Spider-Man
>Pete: No...No it- Johnny?
>FSK: Joanna. My mom's name is Joanna Storm-Parker

When Harry left her he left all his rich people money to her. Safe to say she owns a stock at PI and she provided Pete the cash to kickstart his company.

Kevin Nash fell in the summer of 92 and got raped

god you faggots are insufferable

>Well it is the 90's
White thugs in NYC in the 90's and none of them look like Vanilla Ice?
I want a refund.

Attached: r7uisr1tmit11.jpg (2400x1975, 632K)

>seeing that child was a ginger made me think
>Kinda bummed by the lack of Carnage

oh no.

Oh boy
Kravenom's coming home to roost ain't he

Hey I missed the 80's can someone storytime it?

Why are you even here then?

It's Marvel's attempt to pacify the fans who want Peter Parker to be a family man without actually changing the ever-so-important status quo.


I wonder if the kids will have powers as well.

I'd say it's very likely. Also they're born in 1984, right? If they were like Annie-May they'd start developing powers now, and if they're like Mayday they might start developing powers in their teens.

>Peter's kids start developing their powers in the 00s
>Right in time for Civil War and Morlun
Oh no

Spider-Verse fags are an extreme from of cancer

Whatever the date was. I was 1 year old at the time so I don't remember it. But it seems like the obvious date end the war with the USSR.