This girl walks up to you and slaps your ass

What do you do?

Attached: B6302ACD-EB9E-457E-BDEA-54C79ECD6042.jpg (500x751, 89K)

Stone her.

Call homeland security.

>What do you do?

Remind her that Trump still won the election and there isn't anything she can do about it.

Attached: Didnt think that one through did you.jpg (409x960, 91K)

That’s haram

Get really flustered and try to play it off as a joke, while really hoping that was born out of attraction and not for a laugh.

Beat her in the appropriate manner as prescribed by the Qur'an.

Based. It's what her people would want.

For her insolence marry her off to a 70 year old man.

Fill her with my infidel meat.

Mashallah brother

Girl, I am a 43 year old man. That type of behavior is inappropriate.

Convert her to Christianity

I pit on my cape and hero mask, it was clearly secret code

Sweat so much that I accidentally set off my suicide vest

Marry her to Trump?

that's how 2020 would be won.

Stare at her with a disapproving look on my face then go about my day thinking how white girls are better.
t. brown man

It's ok, she's into older guys.

Attached: kamala scott.jpg (1080x1080, 132K)

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>Trump winning is a victory for me

Name a single thing that douche bag has done to improve your life.
In before cop-out non-answer.

i call the haram police

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Be grateful I got off light.

Attached: Lets not turn this عصمت دری into a .قتل.png (593x452, 604K)

I applied the third law of Newton

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She wouldn't.

I never read her comics but why does she look wildly different in almost every panel that gets posted here. Does she get a different artist every issue or something? Is that just normal for most comics?

Report it to the nearest "imam", it'll sort itself out.
For committing such act of "haram", shit's going to get anywhere between "acid to the face" (religion of peace™) to "honor kill by public street stoning" (religion of peace™).
Sometimes it's best to let that cancerous folk sort themselves out proper, though it be best to send them all back to their place of "cultural" origin and be done with it. No muzzies, no problems.

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Man this board is cancerous.
And i thought /pol/ was bad.
Why do you guys even post kamala if you know you'll only get comments like this? Or, is that your intention?

>Marry her to Trump?

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What's the issue user?

We've done nothing but act in accordance to her peaceful religion.

She probably has a daddy kink.

Its issue is
>positive comments about them = ego-trip
>negative comments about them = activate victim mode, invoke key words [rayciss] & [\pol\] + cry to mods
Know their game, know their tactics.

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I don't know how that bottom image does it but every time I see it puts a shit-eating grin on my face.


call the haram police, consequences will never be the same

Attached: haram police.jpg (827x1590, 1.14M)

I want to believe that as Kamala gets older she's going to develop the generous ass and thighs that stereotypically bless the Indian subcontinent.

What do actual muslim people think of her?

I noticed I got to keep more money last tax season.

Everyone be mirin' daddy Herc.

Kamala was something very "underground" in my opinion, it had many artists between its first two Run, in Mag.Ms.M it is fixed, but...
honest question here: am I the only one who finds Mag.Ms.M very boring?
I want to say, before Ms.marvel at least took her time to think about what was happening (a very slow time, and that usually after three issues it did not matter anymore, but at least if she took her time)
Btw,these were the artists in her last comic of Ms.marvel
in Mag.Ms.M only the last two continue

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Based and redpilled

>I... I'm... Uhh...
Uhh? That your name? Uh? Huh? UHHH? THAT'S YOUR FUCKING NAME!??!?!

then i proceed to rape her

>implying that all this is not part of her plan

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Classic plan, give off an insecure and inexperienced vibe so you’ll get ravaged by an older guy

source please

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>know their game, know their tactics
Are you mentally deficient?
This thread wasn't made by a muslim.
What ego trip? Show me one positive comment about "them".
Everytime some user uploads this brown broad all of Yea Forums behave like /pol/monkeys.

She's only a teen girl, so of course, proceed to finger banging.
Always start with some fingering with teen girls.

always here to you

welp,I'll also leave yours here for when you know

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OMG, lucky bastard

Attached: 17.jpg (483x1760, 287K)

Where's the /pol/ user? People are just stating facts about how the Islamic community would handle such a situation.

Too young for her. She’s more into older guys

Comic books, especially marvel comic books don't have a worldwide appeal. I'd be surprised if anyone outside of U.S has even heard of her.
and even in the America comics are on a life support.

*unzips pant*
*pulls down pants and underwear*
Okay, now hit the front. ;)

Kamala has no preferences

Attached: delicious infidel meat. for her obviously v2.0 Electric Boogaloo side a fe.png (1258x2788, 3.62M)

Never Bruno though. Ever.

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make her grow her feet very large and tickle her until she apologizes

Fucking haul ass because she's underaged and I don't want to become Bubba's butt slut.

if I were you would not be so confident
I mean, the same one who did exiles is now in charge of kamala, if they do not cancel it, maybe pic related can be canon(although I doubt it ;-;)

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Not convert to Islam so you can hit that without going to jail?

Just saying it doesn’t seem to be in the cards.

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I do not know, just that, canonically, Bruno had sex with Kamala(I do not know if in 616 or an alternate universe)

Umm, what? You would still go to jail.

Pay raises because they don't want to lose me.
My uncle got a new job.
No longer complicit in the baby-smuggling racket because I'm not housing pregnant Chinese tourists who come here, give birth to an anchor baby, and go back to China after 6 months.

Robbie is someone I would have really liked making a teenage team, but God did Champion's Shit the bed like a diuretic dog,

Not if they legally marry her to you, age of consent in her home state is 16

Attached: because you can.png (1064x383, 271K)

You know that move ScarJo does where she facejumps guys with her crotch and flips them over 540 degrees?
I do that but in her vag.


Based. Women have no place outside of the home.
Praise Allah

>Not wanting a horny brown teen to be your wife

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this is extremely haram. WTF is kamala thinking?

Who said anything about not wanting her to be your wife?
Allah's divine will overrides your petty flesh desires, and Allah is pretty fucking clear on the subject, as was dictated to his prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Women are meant to sever men and any women who misbehaves is to be beaten until she learns her place.
Praise Allah.

Well she’s in a universe where she’s not Muslim because Doom is God. And even in an alternate universe without religious barriers, Bruno still gets cucked

She was thinking "I'm being written by an infidel Cuban who sees me as fapbait and doesn't understand that my oh-so-loving family would literally murder me if they saw this so I'm sure as hell going to enjoy it while it lasts"

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I put on my robe and wizard hat.

Yeah, she's way too old be a childbride.

>But call him /pol/ and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”.

Have her brother rape her to restore the family's honor.

wtf I love Islam now

You have no concept of Pakistani justice.
What would happen is her brother rapes *your* sister.
Or you.
Either way, balance is restored.

Gordon could use a guy like him

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Aamir’s too lazy

What is it with first posts that they are so oftenly the best posts?

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>Women are meant to sever men

Like, their heads off?

Demand marriage.

someone needs to contact Marvel and Sana Amanat about this absolute haram islamophobic writing. I for one am willing to propose and intifada against marvel if anyone is willing to participate. KEEP HARAM OUT OF KAMALA COMICS. WHOLESOME MUSLIM GIRL BEHAVIOR ONLY.

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I drag her into the nearest alley, bend her over a garbage can, and fuck her til she spontaneously calls me "Aloysius".

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Why does she have a goatee?

Thank Allah and take her home.


Pretty much this. I'd be pissed if he couldn't get me some more money.

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Like every other tumblrite?

French here. Actually a fan favourite around, as she is quirky and funny.
Also the fact she is (more often than not) no nonsense leader.

Love her tenderly

I shit right in her hand, because I am her soulmate and am currently shitting in the street.

I got a raise because my labor got more valuable due to the tariffs and the tacos getting vanned.
Paid less taxes.
It's almost like we have a president that's....on Americas side...
>"orange man bad"
>"late night talk show funny men make me feel smart and informed"


>laugh track

We'll be right back.

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