Oh I'm sorry, I don't see Paheal mentioned anywhere in there.
You must be mistaken about rule34 being in trouble.
What you probably meant to say is "RIP crappy OC foot fetish porn"

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That was a thing, youngster. I’ve been here since 09, we had spoilered porn before the Jap took over and ruined everything.

This. Fan art is fan art, and it's going nowhere.


If google kills their search engine, it will hardly matter. They’re so deep in everything else someone else could take over.

They’re glorified yellow pages these days anyway, and MAYBE a half decent searchable archive of old discussion forums. Otherwise, searching for content has been a matter of finding a site with proper tagging for years.

Paheal only has character search tags

The only problem with paheal is the lack of gore/scat content warnings.
It doesn't need a billion tags for "blue pubic hair" and "ass rash"

Yes. That's what you need on a rule 34 website.
On the flipside, xxx is like, 30% OC characters by content.

>You can try to sue rich companies but they will lawyer up and laugh, or pay off your class-action lawyers and you get nothing.
>New World order
Son, welcome to the Old World order, come back again.
When you elect sleazy tycoons who appoint corporatist judges, what THE FUCK do you think is the result? New White America? What a fucking laff.

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