Comic Infinity Gauntlet:

Comic Infinity Gauntlet:
>Gives you control of time and space, Making you Omnipotent
>Can effortlessly do anything
>Thanos lost by giving it up after realizing he deserves to lose
Movie Infinity Gauntlet
>For some reason, You can only use one stone at a time
>Having their powers combined does nothing but reduce the gauntlet into a wish granting genie
>Thanos loses after getting his arm cut off, The Avengers literally did nothing to debunk Thanos' philosophy, Gaining zero moral victory

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You sound like a real nerd

>For some reason, You can only use one stone at a time

False considering he used the space and power stones to crush and throw that moon

Mechanical and in line with the expectations Thor was an alien to meet, those expectations that held back flying characters like Vision, Wanda, and Captain Marvel. That's flight, like Tony's was mechanical in nature, or scientific I should say in that the infinity-weight of Mjolnir being thrown lifted Thor off the ground. Asgardian Magic itself described as one with science. Movies Infinity Gauntlet wasn't the name of the film, the type of stones were the type of war, and I think we're getting an origin story for the stones with Eternals. At least I hope.

you sound like you have single digits IQ

>Thanos loses after getting his arm cut off
Did you not have audio while watching this? Thanos says that he used the gauntlet to destroy the stones (the spike in energy that the avengers tracked him with), and it nearly killed him hence the reason why he developed such a bad limp.
If you’re going to form an argument at least make sure you’re prepared.

This is my big complaint about Endgame. Thanos isn't proven wrong.
I wanted the defeat to come with a bit of- "look what you did you idiot"
Then Iron Man can kill him I guess.

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Shut up nerd

Thanos is worthless, he should never have been kept around.

>single digits IQ

That was even worse. The Infinity Stones were a part of the Universe's essence, Destroying the Space or Time stone would be to destroy Space or Time either way The point was that this should never have been a valid strategy, Since The Infinity Stones gives you cosmic awareness over everything in every form of space and time

You did watch the film right? Nobody on Earth (and implied by Rocket and Captain Karen, the rest of the universe) could function with the huge cost. Thanos himself realises this, and descends from sympathetic Warlord with some good points to the Mad Titan who decides that if life won't appreciate what hes done, then he'll create a better life with blackjack and hookers (there is no reason he couldn't done that before btw)

Yeah I get that but I don't really like it
Thanos becomes a lot less interesting after that development


That's not what was being said. I agree, Thanos did lose some impact but he had a reason too.

>>For some reason, You can only use one stone at a time
No retard, the only hard rule was that he had to close his fist to activate the Gauntlet. In his fight on Titan you constantly see him using the Space and Power stones at the same time against Strange and Iron Man.
>>Having their powers combined does nothing but reduce the gauntlet into a wish granting genie
Well, you get this one.
>>Thanos loses after getting his arm cut off, The Avengers literally did nothing to debunk Thanos' philosophy, Gaining zero moral victory
There is nothing to prove. You do not have to debunk that killing half of all life in the universe instantly is a bad idea because anyone with a brain can realize it's fucking wrong.

I feel like we could have both
>Thanos is still acting out of some twisted empathy
>Thanos realizes that he can't solve the hungry children problem with mass murder

I kinda thought the whole reason Nebula was alive after IW was to have her big moment and confront her abusive dad with INFINITE POWER at her disposal.
And in stead of hurting him- she just shows him how shitty of a parent he is and how fucked up the life of that kid on the bike became after the snap.
I guess she's just a stupid time-travel plot device though. Whatever.

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>because anyone with a brain can realize it's fucking wrong.
yeah that's not the audience for the MCU though

>because anyone with a brain can realize it's fucking wrong.
Ever heard the term the end justifies the means?

We never got to see how humanity operated after but everything seems to be alright, If anything Thanos' word is all we have and if he isn't lying then he's actually right, Gamora's home is a utopia

>Thanos loses after getting his arm cut off, The Avengers literally did nothing to debunk Thanos' philosophy, Gaining zero moral victory
2018 Thanos literally never loses, he succeeds in his mission
2014 Thanos philosophy is proven wrong by himself when he sees surprisingly people are miserable when you kill half their loved ones

>when he sees surprisingly people are miserable when you kill half their loved ones
Not in the long run, Thanos had a collectivist point of view, Sure they'd be miserable but overtime people will get over it and live a better life, The Avengers bringing everyone back just fucked things up
>Your husband and kids got killed by the snap
>Get remarried with a new family
>Old family comes back
>Also now we have double the people to feed
5 years isn't enough for a civilization to recuperate, Even with the better life Thanos gave them they still needed to re-establish farms, production and supply routes(Which would be much easier when you only have half)

I'm angry because Warner Bros refuses to release the Snyder Cut of Justice League

It's not ok when Thanos does it

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>how fucked up the life of that kid on the bike became after the snap
Wait, I don't remember this part. What?

>The Avengers literally did nothing to debunk Thanos' philosophy, Gaining zero moral victory

I mean, only an idiot would think Thanos has a legitimate methodology that needs addressing or debating.
>Its 1900 and i might as well cull half my kids since chances are they'll die anyways somewhere along the line. No, theyre not sick or anything, its just that they're dumb kids and i dont have any faith that they'll learn any better.

Thinking Thanos wasnt wrong is admitting a fucking Marvel movie went over your head.

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Just because it happened on Titan, doesnt mean it'll happen everywhere.
There's no point to it in the actual long run because as it has been famously pointed out: they would reproduce to the same population all over again.
Its trading lives, and worst of all, trading sentient lives so that there are more birdies in the sky.

What kind of idiots do i share this board with?

If you paid attention to the movie, you can see he uses multiple stones at once to do things. The stones currently in use begin to glow. He has used reality and space at once before.

Don't ask questions. Just consume product and get excited for next product.

destroying the stones is the stupidiest thing ever, it even goes against the established rules of the Marvel Universe, even fucking Bendis knows this.


Based Satan

The angry kid with severe PTSD that Scott mets first when he gets put of the quantum realm