Silver Surfer - Black #1 storytime

Wherein our hero gets hit by affirmative action.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Is this a Black label book or a questionable title?

Attached: Silver Surfer - Black 001-005.jpg (1988x3056, 1.84M)

Attached: Silver Surfer - Black 001-006.jpg (1988x3056, 2.15M)


Silver Surfer's Bizzare Adventure.


Jesus fucking christ Moore is a madman

>Tradd Moore
*wolf whistle*
>Donny Cates
*vomit noise*

Well my ISP apparently died. Gotta tether this shit from my mobile.

Attached: Silver Surfer - Black 001-007.jpg (1988x3056, 2.54M)

Attached: Silver Surfer - Black 001-008.jpg (1988x3056, 1.82M)

>Tradd Moore
>Donny Cates
*sad trombone*

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Attached: Silver Surfer - Black 001-012.jpg (1988x3056, 750K)

>Tradd Moore
*crowd going wild*
>Donny Cates
*crickets chirping*

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this looks like some nice art being wasted on crappy half-assed writing.

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God damn it

Attached: Silver Surfer - Black 001-022.jpg (1988x3056, 848K)

Attached: Silver Surfer - Black 001-023.jpg (1988x3056, 1M)

Looks like the bad guy from the old She-ra cartoon. Hordak?

oh fuck off Cates


What's wrong with KNULL? I have some questions tho regarding the timeline. When did this happen why is Knull not imprisoned wtf

Surfer’s monologue is done pretty well. Interested in this now

luther strode's trippy goth brother???

I joked about Knull being involved but god, Cates is so predictable.

I just noticed that Vance Astro is apparently still/back in the present.

Besides being a generic goth "ultra-powerful-ultra-important" RP OC? He's boring and Cates keeps shoving him in everyone's faces to try to force his "importance." Sure enough, he has enough fanboys that love to watch his public masturbation.

>A long-forgotten voice in the back of my head
I assume that's a reference to Carnage Cosmic.

This is some great fucking art


>Gotta setup my OC as the big boss
When is it going to be revealed that it was actually Knull that killed all the abstracts in Thanos wins?

Attached: Black Bolt always ends in chains when thanos comes around.jpg (1600x1230, 543K)

This is nice. So Donny Cates rewrote the entire script after he heard that Stan Lee died, because he wanted to make sure that the first Silver Surfer book made since Stan's death (the Surfer was Stan's favorite character) should be as good as possible.

yes this Tradd Moore guy is truly one of the best.

Doesn't galactus eat the CORE of a planet? A coreless planet should be worthless to him.

tradd moore dr strange book when?

>can't be blacked if I have no butthole.

I don’t get it. Can someone explain to me what's so bad about Donny?

I don’t like the way he draws Strange, damnit

A writer gets slightly popular and then legions assemble to shitpost about the author.

d'aww Tradd Symbiotes are adorable.

What have you read about him so far? Because his cosmic books have been popular, but godawful in terms of writing and predictability. It's like he brings all the cool stuff he throws at a wall but doesn't give a fuck about consistency or originality, it's all about about amping the stakes without the slightest regard for good storytelling.
Like another Aaron, except somehow more formulaic. Death of the Inhumans has been so far his most egregious series, though currently his GOTG is up there too. Thanos Wins was simply ridiculous and turns out some of the best ideas in the arc might have been directly inspired by Starlin's latest OGNs.

I haven't read anything by Donny prior to this. I was curious why he's considered bad since I thought this issue was okay.

You would have to read his other things to understand why this is so predictable and boring. The actual Silver Surfer stuff was alright, it's EVERYTHING else that's overdone and not by others, but himself. It's like he's committed to his boring story and since it sells, he won't stop.

He is a very subpar writer that does stupid retcons and forces his shitty OC space rider in every story he does

I swear this book could be published textless and none of the value would be lost

The internal monologue is good though. It’s how Norrin should sound like

What writer would you like Moore to work with? I am not a Morrison fan but i think the duo could be nice


So predictable. Who would had thought that Cates would honestly had forced his OC into another book? Definitely not us!

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He is also suppose to use a machine to convert the planet into a energy that he can absorb. You know to conserve energy.

Good call on Starlin!

It could be a story about how Surfer embraces the darkness and become Mercury Surfer or smth.
Damn, I am huge symbiote fan, but Knull is pissing me off.

This writing was the definition of "Cates", but I'll more than likely keep this on my pull list just for the art alone. I'm honestly in agreement that the Knull-wank is getting a bit out of hand, though.

He got popular and he is good looking, so neckbeards feel the need to shit on him like he is the worst writer ever while saying nothing about confirmed illitterate the likes of Tynion.

It's only 1 chapter in this feels more in character than stuff he has done in gotgq

>you need to see his other works in order to shit on this

Lol this is so fuckig pathetic. Current Yea Forums is absplute garbage, you luterally admitted that once the meme of a writer being bad is out nothing matters, he could write all the good stories he wants he'll always be labelled as bad bacause that's what the hive mind say.
This is both dumb and sad, the product of replacing actual argouments with buzzwords.

>Current Yea Forums is absplute garbage, you luterally admitted that once the meme of a writer being bad is out nothing matters, he could write all the good stories he wants he'll always be labelled as bad
No. I'm saying that in order to understand why the last page reveal was bad, you'd need to read the previous shit he did in order to understand it, not that this was bad because his previous shit was bad too, you fucking dumbass. I explained it in that same post and you ignored it.

I had a feeling this fuck would appear, he's Cates pet monster.
Great comic, though.

>He got popular and he is good looking
Yeah, Yea Forums hates people like that. That is why everybody hates art by Jorge Jimenez, right? Neckbeards unite!

Attached: Jimenez.png (1076x1256, 1.37M)

I want that hoodie.

>this issue was okay.
Because everything he writes is just okay, and for that he gets considered as the next big thing.

>He got popular and he is good looking
Oh yeah man can't compete with that! That is definitely why he's disliked, not because he doesn't have a semblance of storytelling in himself and has to write his OCs into everything he does because he hasn't read most of the shit he's put on. But it's dope!

Attached: devils_advocates.jpg (703x1200, 130K)

For the comics medium, "just ok" writing is generally a step up, and we both know it.

And then there’s THIS asshole!

>he is good looking
I really don't think that's an issue. I think that the only comic writers that most of Yea Forums would be able to recognize if they saw them on the street would be Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, and Bendis. I've probably seen a picture of Donny Cates at some point, but I've already forgotten what he looks like.

Constant cynism is just grating at this point. Why even participate in a medium you think it’s inferior? It’s annoying for everyone

Oh he looks like this user. Feel envious yet?

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Agreed. I mean, I hate having to make this comparison all the time, but when you have a guy like Ewing doing what he's doing with Hulk (and putting all the effort in that), why settle for mediocrity? Why can he do that while other writers who are vastly overhyped like Cates can't?

I actually think this issue is good. Knull hasn’t done anything yet so whatever to him, but otherwise it has a great voice for silver surfer


But it's vastly marginal, and you know the focus of the miniseries will be the Surfer getting out of Knull's grip so why bother?

Is that your standart user? Is good internal monologue enough to make up for zero story and everpresent shoehorned OC? Tell me would you remember this issue after an hour or two?

On one hand, I think he's reached that level where anything he would come up with by himself would be more interesting than whatever any of the current writers could. On another, I'm pretty sure he could make interesting literally any action comic

Kinda what happened with Jason Latour's Silver Surfer, come to think of it. A much, MUCH better one-shot than this #1 that deserves another round of storytiming.

Can't support you on that one, I find Latour to be an incredibly shitty and dull writer

>Silver Surfer Black
>Symbiote Silver Surfer: The Series
I hate shit like this. Character but ____ is always a tired setup.

And I'm out, fuck this shit.

Well, I find myself “rereading” this just to enjoy the art while pretty much ignoring the text.

Wonder how people reacted when Thanos was just OC of Sterlin.

You didn't like the one-shot, though? I remember people being apprehensive towards him when he was announced for The Best Defense, but the actual one-shot was very well received, specially the art.

he got a multimillion dollar deal for his God Country comic and the studio bought him a Tesla
but mostly his Cosmic isn't "muhh DnA cosmic" so butthurt fags

Ugh, I fucking hate Cates sometimes.

>but mostly his Cosmic isn't "muhh DnA cosmic" so butthurt fags
It's more like he promised DnA and what we got was a mockery of it. Went and killed most of them cheaply, introduced his OCs, then added a lot of MCU synergy that wasn't supposed to be there (only reason why Hela is part of the event too). That's not even getting into the Black Order asspulls and the way every character has the. Exact. Same. Voice.
Comic casualfags who glossed over DnA are like "fuck yeah Wraith" (of all people), but the actual story he's involved in? The drama? it's predictable bunk. It's no surprise the GOTG Annual got so much praise, while the actual ongoing has had lukewarm reception beyond "fuck yeah X character I like".

>only reason why Hela is part of the event too
She's in because of his need to insert thor related stuff into all of his works. Aaron wrote her out of the Thanos story and Cates pulled her back in.

That's part of it too. But it definitely contradicts stuff like this, part of the ongoing narrative of WoTR, and makes you wonder what the fuck is he thinking when using Hela instead of Death as it traditionally is supposed to be. Same as using Knull for what's precisely been Oblivion's domain (the void).

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He's popular with "normalfags" so Yea Forums has to start hating him now

In truth he's a bit mediocre most of the time but he doesn't really deserve the hate

Well Starlin built up Thanos and people liked the character before he did Infinity Gauntlet so him beating up everyone was more palpatable. He slowburnt it.

Cates just inserts Knull into everything and makes him be responsible for everything (Necrosword, Symbiotes, Knowhere, now this) gets fucking annoying. Also Starlin did managed to do stories without Thanos or stories where Thanos is just a cameo.

It's funny you say that because it was Cates who kept bringing up wanting to make his Guardians comics more like DnA so he brought that comparison up himself for his own run.

Also no one even mentioned DnA here you mong.

Knull is pretty absurd. He decapitated a celestial with an unfinished version of All-black. Thanos under Starlin got his his ass kicked by Odin.

Yea Forums is not a hivemind, even in the Al Ewing threads we get people constantly shitting on him and he's suppose to be one of the favorites in this board.

King also got shit in here since Omega men was being storytimed in this board, but him being on Batman got him extra shit.

Thanos got his ass kicked regularly under Starlin and got humiliated by other characters, he gets a lot of wins under Starlin but he also gets a lot of losses. I am even willing to say that under Cates' Thanos Wins he was more OP than Infinity Gauntlet since in IG he was still defeated in the most stupidest way and Adam Warlock managed to knock him down a peg by telling him off.

In Thanos Wins he pretty much defeats everyone even fucking cosmic abstracts without the use of the Infinity stones and he only lost because Thanos from the past defeated him.

>The Source
Did he make it to the DC multiverse? I swear to god if he mentions speed force I'm gonna flip a table

Cates's Thanos didn't even do any elaborate prep-time in order to win. Just straight up brawl and energy blast the cosmic abstracts to death. Fucking retarded.

>Yea Forums is not a hivemind

Good joke, nigga

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>Tell me would you remember this issue after an hour or two?

To be honest, yes

But not because of Cates, because Tradd Moore cannot be denied access to your brain

I'll be seeing some of those pages in ny mind for weeks

This looks like a child drew it

>inb4 traddfag tells me I'm casual
No I'm "baiting" you by telling you this hideous shit that you find stunning is hideous shit.

Tradds friends make storytime a insufferable with their transparent shilling.

The dude's no better than Erica Henderson.

Even in Starlin's latest OGNs, with Thanos basically absorbing and beating up Abstracts, you can see how he's doing it and why. It might be an absurd escalation to take it to TOAA levels, but it's still understandable.
But I'll never get over how he managed to beat The Living Tribunal off page, unexplained, and then had a chained Black Bolt defeat a host of Celestials. Come the fuck on.

If it was then you would hate Tom king dumbass.

But it isn't.

>Black Bolt obliterates a celestial host
>jobs to Vox

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>then had a chained Black Bolt defeat a host of Celestials.
Black Bolt ain't that powerful. Even in Earth-X, an enraged Black Bolt did nothing against a single Celestial that was descending onto Earth.

Cates is a fan of earth X, it's why Vox's design was based on earth X BB with Ahura's colors. He probably just wanted to make a version where Black Bolt killed them.

How do you know whether I hate Tom King or not?

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Well, do you?

He looks a little like the bearded muscle memeguy

No, but I'm getting pretty close

based, absolutely splendid page. Long have I not seen such in western comics

Look at these Warframes he's fighting.

Amazing. It gets so much worse the longer I stare at it.

Read more western comics.

Ok so you just flat out didn't read Multiversity #1? Its ok if you didn't (except not really), but you really should clarify that you don't read comics when you say things like what you said.

the absolute traddman

Not him but what's with the Multiversity comparison? The art is wildly different and the subject is far out.

I didn't believe you guys when you said Cates is going to put this homo in everything he writes but I concede now.

>He decapitated a celestial

It's the same like in Old Man Logan and in Thanos too they tell who and how killed of Sentry lmao

Earth X bb was just distracting them so machine man could get away and to call franklactus. Also it was the whole host and he even survived an attack from one.

I'm not caught up with this guy, I thought he was just the guy Gorr killed to get powers but now I´m reading in this thread that he is in everything can

can someone tell what happened to him and why is he around?

I think its actually impressive how he managed to cram both space rider and goop god
Yeah and symbiotes are celestial blood and humans are celestial vomit

Symbiotes come from knull's shadow

Attached: shadow.jpg (1008x1600, 527K)

The other user was complimenting the page layout. Multiversity #1 is very different in terms of style and content, but it's composition is flawlessly executed and compliments the story content. As it's a fairly recent and popular work, I felt the comparison was apt.

Basically, if you're so ignorant that you slept on Multiversity, your opinion on composition is worthless.

Attached: forge.jpg (1041x1600, 577K)

Yep, first appearance, Venom #5, he went and decapitated Eson The Searcher, just like that. One of the most well known Celestials, dead by random jobbing. Oh and on top of that, turns out the head of Eson later became Knowhere. Yep, that was Knull!
Also in that same issue he was shown to be responsible for the Necrosword from Thor and God Butcher.

Gorr stole the sword off him after he got knocked in the midst of fighting an army of golds crash landing on a planet.

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Ever think it's weird how Surfer stories are always weepy "Woe is me I am so alone" while none of the other heralds seem to have even remotely similar emotional problems?

Nova and Firelord seemed pretty okay with their lives. Terrax probably had fun, Stardust really liked the job,


Attached: 0add2d952b21feaab5e5e17faa0c6d8ed4ae187f_hq[1].jpg (677x1024, 150K)

Oh. Fuck this.

He is a pacifist who one day regained his true self and suddendly realized that he had doomed coutless civilizations to be consumed by Galactus, I guess that shit would weigh you down.


I wondered which specific page it came from, I immediately recognized it as Jojo.

Don't quote me on this user, but I think he was being sarcastic, I saw some other anons mocking that exact same page in the Winn-O thread for the crotch shot.
Not that Tradd Moore's composition was bad in this book (there's some great pages like ), but that page in particular is getting a different sort of attention.

Spending so much of my time here has taught me to never let someone's trolling get in the way of standing on a soap box about something trivial. My point stands.

>dude that could kill a Celestial is now struggling against a random deity
this is plain stupid

So damn corny.
Yes, this is the planet with all the puppies Galactus killed.

Attached: file.png (640x664, 86K)

>muhlactose ate puppies!
Good, I hope he eats more.

Interest now at 0%.

Fiffe, I think they would do some insane shit together

Tradd Moore kinda reminds me of Keisuke Itagaki...

Attached: baki 2.jpg (473x720, 82K)

So will he become the herald of Kull? The Dark Surfer?

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>having kids
>being killed

Oh God I hope not. I'd be so pissed, this is even worse than Cosmic Ghost Rider being Deadpool in space.

Moore definitely got duped on this one. I'd wager he was promised something like Requiem or Parable and got a fucking GotG spinoff

That already happened. Cates turned Silver Surfer black in his Thanos.

I'm just gonna leave this here.

Attached: Carnage Cosmic.jpg (628x964, 160K)

>That already happened
You're apparently not reading

You want to heard something even worst? Knull with that same sword got destroyed by Thor. But Gorr with it managed to nearly kill Thor several times and wiped out multiple God Pantheons.

Yea but no other herald seems to have these emotional issues at all.

They don't call Silver Surfer a pussy for nothing.

Attached: darkseid's rape face.jpg (626x896, 157K)

What are you some kind of fag? Why are you always talking about Cates masturbating. GTFO of here with your queer shit.

i dug it

Tradd is living in the year 3000 and shit

See and Yea Forums and comic fans (shit, maybe just people in general) just wanna bitch about something. Cates is fine. His Venom has been fun. Thanos was fun. Strange was fun. It's all been fun reads.

Can't tell if this is sarcasm. But I actually enjoyed Tradd's art. I appreciate an artist with unique style and vision. You can just look at his art and know Tradd drew it.

FWIW I think Surfer Black is the most fitting place for his style of art.

So you're just going to ignore the valid criticisms in this thread and go with "Yea Forums is contrarian"?

According to Cates this Celestial is suppose to be Knowhere.

He's considered bad because people love to bitch about anything and everything.

All of his previous Marvel work have been enjoyable. Sometimes I think Yea Forums is just a place filled with assholes who rub their dicks between floppy pages and complain about paper cuts.

Can't argue with the Devil's AdvoCates.

>write his OCs into everything
Crying in your own piddle because an author wants to work with his own OC....
You are a special type of fool.

>ignore the valid criticisms
We all have the right to not give a shit about others' opinions.
Why do you NEED to be validated?

>Strange was fun
Fuck no, Strange was so OOC it was insulting

>All of his previous Marvel work have been enjoyable
You fucking kidding, right? Death of the Inhumans was a travesty and Thanos Wins was ridiculously edgy. You will scarcely see barely anything positive in any of the GOTG threads, aside from the Annual #1 which wasn't even written by him.
>Crying in your own piddle because an author wants to work with his own OC....
Ah okay, I see Cates' defense force arrived to the thread. Imagine being this obtuse.

>Strange was so OOC
What do you mean?

What in the actual fuck are you talking about?
How does me pointing out that people in this thread have problems with Cates based on his previous works mean that I want to be validated?

Er... that's someone else. I made only three posts in this thread including this one.

Ah okay, I see Cates' hater force arrived to the thread. Imagine being this obtuse.

My fucking god, you have to be extremely casual to say Thanos and Strange "were fun". This is outright ignoring actually good runs just to defend the guy. Like you can't even look at Waid's Strange right now and think Cates' run was in any way decent in comparison. And his Thanos, jesus christ.

>My fucking god, you have to be extremely casual
You've just exposed yourself

So you're going to shut your ears to the criticism? This is pretty childish.
Protip: Just because you think it's "fun" it doesn't make it good. Maybe you fell for all the corny bullshit in this issue, and you're now one of Bats' many fans because muh cool ghost dog, but none of that shit makes his stuff marginally decent. It's typical diversion from the very lazy, predictable storytelling.
>You've just exposed yourself
As what? Is this bait?

Protip: Just because you think it "sucks" it doesn't make it bad.
Your opinion is just as meaningless as those that think his work is good.

Why, because you say so? Way to try and shut down my opinion just because you don't like it. Protip: We're all anonymous here, you don't get to dictate what people can say here. If you think it's so worthless, you can simply ignore it... Whatever you're trying to do is simply pathetic.

So when you don't agree with someone their opinions don't matter but when you agree with them then they do matter. If you didn't care at all you wouldn't have posted in this thread in the first place.

Did you post ?

Makes me wonder if you've been baited then

I do have the habit of arguing with retards, I've been trying to work on that.

Dude I don't know what you're doing here but you're making a fool out of yourself.
You like the comic? Cool, good for you! A lot of redditors unironically like it, and I'm not being facetious here, they still worship Cates over there. But it makes me wonder why you arrive to a thread and start calling people contrarians even after some of us have stated the very reasons why we don't like what happened (and all you have to do is look at the replies to this ). It has FUCK ALL to do with popularity, and way more with Cates being a lazy, repetitive writer who can only write a single story, so those who already are hooked with it won't find fault with it, but EVERYONE ELSE will, because it's trite, boring and frankly uninspired. There.

>Admitting you've been baited by someone exceptionally adept at it.
You've been master baited.

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>I was just pretending to be retarded!

I can see past your words and I know you're a true fan.

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Calling it now since it's pretty obvious, Cates will have the Universal Church of Truth worshipping Knull in his upcoming GotG arc.


>Cates will have the Universal Church of Truth worshipping Knull in his upcoming GotG arc.
Also, the Patriarch is J'Son of Spartax, because he specifically asked for Peter Quill in the Annual.

Donny Catesfags everyone

I do like to rip on him whenever I get a chance, yes. I think this is the same rush anti-King fans have whenever they dig into a Batman issue, except with Cates there's a plethora of bullshit coming recently. He really is special that way.

you homophobic turd

Meh, you like what you like. You hate what you hate. I actually enjoy Cates and King (save your shit-talking) but I can't stand some of the other shit Yea Forums dick eats. So I get it.
I guess it's all cool as long as we're buying comics, keeping the industry afloat, and shit-talking in good fun.

At least we all agree Bendis is the best thing to happen to DC since Didio! :)

Wildcard mode: they worship Cosmic Ghost Rider
Retard mode: They worship Thanos.

Also what is uo with the UTC being used lately? This and Old Man Quill.

What a cringe creative team, let's see

I get where you're coming from, and as a Captain Marvel fan I already get enough shit as it is, so I empathize. I do try not to take it too seriously. Whenever I reveal what I *also* like, it opens the floodgates to hate.
>Also what is uo with the UTC being used lately? This and Old Man Quill.
I'm pretty sure it's all part of the plan. Cates is the current manager of Cosmic Marvel (said so himself), so everything goes through him.


It's the character everyone in Yea Forums loves

I like that character too but other Carolfags mke it impossible to talk about her. Either that orbone dedicated falseflagger.

Don't know who this is other than Cates made him but I can see from him why Cates likes someone so bland and emo like Wraith.

>Either that orbone dedicated falseflagger.
Exactly. I hate that guy so fucking much because it's so obvious he's doing it for attention, so I can't talk about her without having someone think I share the same views as the retard who says shit like "nOvA is rEdUndAnT nOw ThAt CaRoL iS iN The McU!".
But I digress.

Ok so I don't know jack about CM outside of Rogue power-raped her back in the day. But people seem to bitch about the "character assassination" perpetrated by Benis (which I can't comment on since I try to stay away from Benis). But I enjoyed Life of Captain Marvel.
Are there any other arcs which most people can get behind?

I liked him the first few issues he turned up, but he grew old fast.

By time he "died" the first time I was ready for him to go away for at least 5 years.

I wouldn't mind it so much if Cates did other shit than wank Thanos and Venom. It's obvious by his Twitter that he's more interested in what is happening with Venom and Carnage than what he's doing in Gurdians.

Yea I can see how Wraith fits the emo MO... BUT, I actually thought his backstory dovetails into what Cates is doing with Knull and the symbiotes nicely. I think that has more to do with Wraith's involvement over just being emo.

I'd rather Cates explain more about the original Vox than throwing Knull around.

Attached: Death Of The Inhumans 001 (2018) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP).cbr-Death Of The Inhumans (2018) 001-016.j (1988x3056, 2.04M)

Doesn't he have to be? It's the next big event Marvel is putting out after WoTR and I'm sure Marvel appreciates him talking Venom/Carnage up.

Having said that and also being a Catesfag, I have been underwhelmed by his GotG run so far.

I feel like the inhumans are so tainted at the moment that we're not going to get much more from them anytime soon. even tho vox was scary good.

I honestly really don't see the appeal of him and didn't even know why out of all the cosmic characters they could have gone with they used him for the GotG cartoon. But if Cates can do something interesting with him then more power to him I guess.

>Are there any other arcs which most people can get behind?
The current series by Thompson is good. But you could also check:
>Infinity Countdown: Captain Marvel #1 by Jim McCann
>Captain Marvel by Christos Gage (after Civil War II)
And pre-Captain Marvel, my personal favorite:
>Brood Saga (Uncanny X-Men 162-166, where she becomes Binary)
>X-Men: Spotlight on the Starjammers #1-2
>he's more interested in what is happening with Venom and Carnage than what he's doing in Gurdians.
And that's the problem for me, I don't care about Venom, but he ties everything to it, same as Thor. Reminds me strongly of Bendis when he wrote GOTG, he hadn't read anything before him, so he basically winged it by including characters he was more comfortable with, like Iron Man, The Thing, Kitty Pride, Venom Spaceknight, etc, while the actual Cosmic lore was neglected. Cates is doing exactly the same thing.

I am not a big Catesfag but I liked his Venom stuff and his twitter has mostly been Venom shit even before he started on the Carnage event. It's where his passion lies. He's even the consultant for the Venom arc in the Spidey cartoon.

I would honestly be OK if he just made his own cosmic team and left Guardians for someone else. Cosmic Ghost Rider, Wraith, Symbiote Surfer, whatever other people he likes all doing something Knull related. Probably would be a better read than what he's doing right now.

If he ever leaves Guardians I just hope Aaron doesn't take over.

My theory on why Wraith: Cates is a fan of Kyle Hotz's art. Kyle having done Annihilation Wraith put the character on his radar.

>If he ever leaves Guardians I just hope Aaron doesn't take over.
Aaron takes over GotG so he can shoehorn Thor into the mix just in time for GotG3

I'm crying already.

this looks interesting

Aw man from the tittle, I thought this was part of jeph loeb’s color series

>It's where his passion lies.

>Eddie is a dull Flash knockoff
>Symbiote lore is replaced with something incredibly generic
>Constantly shutting up the Symbiote in one way or another
>Eddie doesn't do anything unless he's being told to do something
>Cates has stated in various interviews how much Eddie and the Symbiote suck as a team
>Cates killed off the Red/Carnage Symbiote, implanted his own OC, and still calls this a "Carnage event"
>Cates' run is heavily based off of the embarrassment that is Dark Origin
>Favorite Venom story is the shit 2003 Spider-Man: The Hunger
>He doesn't understand that Venom is about the dynamic between Symbiote and Host


Attached: 1544924484984.jpg (250x234, 13K)

cool take

Attached: maguire.gif (478x205, 498K)


I think folks are ignoring that based on Knull's location, Norrin's been launched back in time millions of years.
I wonder who the ally mentioned in issue #3 is then? Could be his past self from Slott's Silver Surfer run who traveled the long way to catch up to the present?

>I think folks are ignoring that based on Knull's location, Norrin's been launched back in time millions of years.
Man, I must've missed something. Why do you say this? Because Knull doesn't appear to be imprisoned on Klyntar (as he should be currently)? Or some other reason?

He has All-Black still, and it matches his appearance back in Venom #3.

Attached: Venom (2018-) 003-022.jpg (1988x3056, 1.86M)

True and I saw on a tweet that Cates was lovingly referring to the planet as Elynore-143 I think you're right about the timeline.

>Galactus ate a planet populated by puppies

>implying it's not because Cates recently rewatched GotG Vol. 2 and remembered it exists

Sacks > Cates

Knull just constantly hangs out in an empty void, he doesn't know how to fucking do anything. that's why everyone wrecks him



I liked that reveal actually.

>Strange was so OOC
He really fucking wasn't. Poeple are reaching hard to shit on his run on Strange, they can't simply admit it was good because now the narrative is that Cates is bad no matter what and like a good drone you must follow the narrative.

I liked the Loki arc and his final issue, but Damnation was a pretty lame event/arc, and it was only made so that Spencer could undo One More Day easier with Mephisto being weaker and not being the king of hell anymore

The reveal feels forced, but i liked the issue. His writing gave the Surfer justice.

No matter how hard you try to defend him, we both know that Cates is average even by comic standards.

You liked the reveal that as soon as he showed up, he started asserting his dominance right away to do everything and shit on the mystery of Knowhere by using a Celestial that has been one of the most popular depictions of the Hosts as the basis for it, instead of a completely unnamed one as it was originally intended? Okay then.
It's like he wrote it after watching John Wick. The narrative was also paper thin, specially considering it was all launched because, apparently, Loki could supplant and pass for the Vishanti and bully Strange into not being the Sorcerer Supreme anymore. Then instead of coming up with a proper way to subvert control, he's like "oh yeah, fuck the rules!" to push Strange into defeating him because "uhhh, a bunch of events are coming and we need help"?
That of course while ignoring the formula Cates uses for pretty much every single one of his stories: using an out of left field guest character that isn't advertised anywhere in the series to prop up the readers and dupe them into buying it (Sentry), which is only used as a plot device because Cates couldn't come up with a magical item to protect in the Sanctorum that required Strange's presence... Nah, he had to use something that isn't even from his lore, same as using yet again Thor mythos for his power-up (Yggdrasil).

>that isn't even from his lore, same as using yet again Thor mythos for his power-up (Yggdrasil).
Gee it is almost like hr had to come up with so.ething in order to defeat the master of lies from that mythology
Ye totally doesn't make any sense.
Really you can bitch about anyone i couldn't care less, but at least come up withs some serious critics at least, or just admit you are shitposting.

I am shitposting for knowing more about Strange than the writer tasked to write him, even though I haven't been reading him for long? Someone who oughtta do his due research before inserting yet ANOTHER Thor mythos into a story he's writing? Cool, perfect.
BTW I like how you didn't address how Loki was able to fool Strange and pass as the Vishanti, to drop his post as Sorcerer Supreme. That bit right there was completely absurd considering who he is. Honestly I'm glad Waid is righting the ship currently, because the current run is miles ahead of that dumb bullshit.

redpill me on this deviantart OC

Read the fucking thread.
Seriously, how lazy can you be?

That's Knull, "god of the Void" (and apparently stronger than Oblivion himself), created by Cates to give the symbiotes an origin. He's also ubiquitous in a lot of his stories, you may say he's a bit of an actual Gary Stu.

Wait isnt this nigger fucking sealed, why the fuck is he here

>coated with galactic glaze
Sounds better than galactic hot glue, but still.

That's some nice art. Pretty interesting, but what the fuck is a Knull?

Nice art.