The Boys Thread

With the TV adaptation coming soon, what were your thoughts on the comic?

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Based and redpilled.

I unironically love it, probably in my top 10

its amazing imo but thats becasue im a fucking bent edgelord who loves ennis' crude british vulgar humour

Its pretty neat.

Some people like to say its very edgy, but honestly that shit is few and far between within the story compared to other titles.
It's surprisingly heartfelt and down to earth. And funny.

A lot of it would escape the notice of anyone not familiar with general comics lore and irl history.

I like this book but I prefer Hitman over it for some reason. Maybe it's the characters? I never got Frenchman and MM.

frenchie was made "to not get"
we dont actually know if hes even french

Poor Terror


I get that but I think he's completely unnecessary. Better as a side character than part of the main group imo.
Spoiler that man, it still hurts.

tryhard edgelord shit that got out-edged by Bratpack

bratpack was made before the boys you mong


They show his backstory in France.

What a fucking idiot.

you know this thread is going to be filled with tryhards and/or edgelords, bail out while you're able.

Im not sure what discord tranny safespace you crawled out of that you consider The Boys to be "edgy".
You have no fucking idea what "edge" even means, you dilating casuals.

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Hitman, best man. Hitman meeting Batman for the first time is iconic

I still think the whole sequence leading up to and at the white house with Homelander completely losing it and the reveal of Black Noir was fucking kino

just because there's edgier shit out there doesn't mean its not edgy you tryhard

are you a speed-reader user? genuinely want to know

he could have been ta;king rubbish becasue the story is jsut ridiculous and when hughie asks if he was telling the truth he says it doesnt matter

Requiem isn't edgy at all. Edge is based on the tone of the work and how it presents itself. Requiem is firmly tongue-in-cheek.

Poor worldbuilding, fairly bad characterization outside a couple members of the cast, and could probably stand to have 1/3 its length cut. More than anything, I'd say it's self-indulgent.

Probably the one Ennis work that I like. Once I realized that Vought-America was the true antagonist in it all, that is when it clicked for me.

Every superhero is either an asshole, a rapist, a drug addict, a faggot or a combination of these.

I don't get the message. Superheroes are shit but Butcher's black OPs superhero team insanely effective. Superheroes can't stand against the military (or Red River) but they needed a trick to make it work. Superheroes aren't good at helping in disasters but no one even bothered to try and train them in disaster relief. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Vought was the best part of it all. Even after having their products lead a fucking coup, they maintained this "win some, lose some" attitude and just kept going. Nothing stuck and it's all back to status quo.

It's remarkable for me, because I recognize that it's technically well-put together, but the level of edge -- the gratuitous sex and drugs and gore -- just puts me off too much to say I enjoy it.

Hitman was better.
It was too edgy for me, I started liking capes more after reading it.
Butcher deserved it.

agree with all this

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Am I alone in thinking that Ennis's more recent stuff is getting a little sloppy? As in, he really needs an editor for a second set of eyes, but nobody in the industry has the stones to tell a writer who's been working in the industry longer than they've been alive that a scene transition needs a little more exposition? Russ Braun was a decent replacement for Darrick Robertson, Carlos Ezquerra was not working in his strong area.
Karl Urban is probably going to make a decent Butcher.

No you're not. Also I really wish he'd do better research when touching anything historical.

>Karl Urban is probably going to carry the show

Dunno if the show can be carried, if Preacher is anything to go by.
Jimmy's Bastards could make a fun movie or show, but it's not going to go over well in Current Year. And it's already bending itself over backwards to appease SJWs while pretending that it's thumbing its nose at them.

If they know where to pull back the excess and keep the important story beats it should be a pretty good show.

>Hughie is American
dropped before it was even picked up

What was wrong with the Platoon?

The entire M16 spiel.

well then clearly "the boys" wasn't edgy enough, because Requiem is actually good.

also, your taste sucks, satan.