Amazing Spider-Man #23 storytime

Wherein Kraven gets so mad get punches a gorilla.

Attached: Amazing Spider-Man 023-000.jpg (1987x3056, 1.28M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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He looks pretty good for a man beaten to death.

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Of course Ottley comes back after Hunted ends.

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But I love it.

Attached: Amazing Spider-Man 023-015.jpg (1987x3056, 1.2M)

>the betrayal part or the rescue part?

Oh my god this is giving me invincible vibes I love it

Cute and gay.

Attached: Amazing Spider-Man 023-016.jpg (1987x3056, 1.22M)

Man, am I the only one who doesn't like how Spencer writes romance with MJ? It reads more like a creepy obsession than proper love for gf.

I think this time, he is going to get worst than having his marble machine broken.

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Predicting it now, this villain is going to be some redo/resurrection of The Other

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I guess that's a way to patch things up.

Only one man can be so gay for Spider-Man! Clearly, centipede is Norman!

Attached: Amazing Spider-Man 023-020.jpg (1987x3056, 1.43M)

Oh yeah, she'd be mad at anyone using the shield.


Attached: Amazing Spider-Man 023-021.jpg (1987x3056, 1.19M)

Wait, what is going on here? Where are they? Based on Tarantula's words, I guess they're in custody, but then why does Vulture still have his gear on and why aren't they in handcuffs or whatever?
Also, so that's where Spencer was going with the "Savage Six" thing. It was weird that King Cobra didn't do anything this entire event.

Attached: Amazing Spider-Man 023-022.jpg (1987x3056, 1.55M)

I have some experience in the field and let me tell you that there's no end to the miracles that thanatopraxis can work

Goddamn is Spencer the LMAC op?

Attached: Amazing Spider-Man 023-023.jpg (1987x3056, 579K)

So basically the Fit Tony thing from the Simpsons.

How fitting that Yellowjacket was the one to nab Black Ant.
And it looks like the Fly managed to revert his mutation a little, he isn't as ugly anymore.

Well, that's lame.

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I guess the artist help that feel a lot.

Gosh Rhino get over yourself

The dream lives on.

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These two are the best part of any Spencer comic

At least the "real" Kraven can be laid to rest.


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You probably are. they have been written great so far. In this situation, it's justified because
1. They just got back together
2. In this case specifically his Spider sense told him she was in danger.

I'm so glad demonspawns from hell agree with progressive values like toxic masculinity

Eternal damnation would think poorly of them otherwise

I did. The Chameleon was suspiciously absent from this story despite both being an animal-themed villain and Kraven's half-brother. If anything, I expected a more important character to be revealed to be the Chameleon.

So...that’s like half a dozen story threads set up

Technically he was choked

I thought the Tiger was a tattoo. Kinda disappointed it is just paint.

What was the point of whole arc?
Replace Kraven with exactly the same Kraven,so next writer doesn’t even need to retcon it?

>You are me

I was literally thinking how they decided to say that the clones have the same soul of the originals to try to give the Lizard's arc some weight that if you want to go out there, what would even be stopping you from saying the Kravenkids just didn't have their daddy's soul and were just basically him to begin with since now we have no idea when afterlife wants to decide a soul is "different" or not

And here we are, we're written into a corner sufficiently enough that we might just go with that

rip harambe
based spencer

Yes. OG kraven deserves to stay dead and should never have been brought back

Fuck, it didn't occur to me that all the Vermin spawns would still be out there at the end of all this.

Saw coming what? I don't remember that black dude being involved in anything and I don't think particularity mind blowing Kraven spared the Camelon. Cam don't seems to have been involved in any of the previous events. Did I miss something?

Let's be fair. If that phrase has any conceptual meaning at all, it is Kraven.

Pretty much. It was the only way to make sure Kraven will stay dead, since this way future writers won't feel the need to bring the original back, unlike with that time Kraven's son filled in for him.

thanks for the storytime op

>I have diplomatic immunity
He does? Since when?

Is it a rash or a tattoo

Probably the safest way to make sure the character remains dead.

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It's body-paint.

Solo team book when?


I will admit this might be the most redeeming part of this run.

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Reminds of the end of Ultimates 3 where IT WAS DOOM ALL ALONG even though he only appeared on the last couple pages.

that was terrible

Chameleon being the half-brother of Kaven at least make his appearance at the final make sense.

You are terrible

it's like thor and she-hulk caught down syndrome from that artist that did squirrel girl

Centipede confirmed for a woman, since only a woman would speak like that. But who? Gwen?
Chameleon spent his childhood getting abused by Kraven, so he really already earned his name, didn't need to go through even more abuse. Stockholm Syndrome Chameleon makes sense though.

Thanks, OP. I was hoping the new Kraven would keep his long hair (and maybe keep living without a first name) so that he wouldn't just be an exact copy of Sergei, but at least the original has been put to rest again. I look forward to seeing what Spencer's got planned for Chameleon.

They are just angry.

>I can only deal with a differing opinion than mine by insulting the person who disagreed with me

>since only a woman would speak like tha
out of the loop with capeshit aren'tcha

Go away slott

>But who?


They were human once probably

>Carol drawn by Ottley
God I wish she would Anissa me

More like out of the loop with how people talk in general. Just take a peek at social media

>I can insult, but you can't insult

So basically they finally put original Kraven to rest after he was wrongfully brought back.

Because Kraven wasn't dead when he cloned him, so his soul couldn't be given.

>It was at this moment Arcade knew he fucked up

Chameleon literally said that he loved Peter once. Norman is super gay for Spider-Dick, too

> be tired and bruised
> the FF + Thor + Hulk show up
If I was them, I'd just surrender

>stating that you liked or disliked a comic is reason enough for personal insults
wew son

No joke, this is the first time the Falcon has been in a comic in over a year. I almost feel sorry for the guy.

>complaining about personal insults
>on Yea Forums
I would tell you to get back to tumblr but even tumblr isn't a safe enough space for (You)

Why do feminist have to censor every comic these days?

Is this some weird twist where it’s actually the original Gwen?

>gaming laws

Here's your (You). I assume it has some value to (You) since otherwise you wouldn't post this every damn storytime.

Besidt the point.
Simply don't complain someone idon't justify their insult when you don't do it yourself. It's a matter of self-consistency.

Supervillains aren't going to talk like prissy urbanites on the internet. Spencer has more range than that, look at how he wrote Karven.


>he called the comic I liked terrible
>that means he is a terrible person, and judging comics and people are the exact same thing
what's the buzzword these times?
oh yes
"that's a yikes from me"

When you think about it, the only point was to have Kraven without that bullshit magic law or pissing on DeMatteis

So it makes sense that you'd want to keep him as visually similar as possible

I mean when you think someone you care for is in danger you can't help but become obsessive and panicked.

He looks exactly the goddamn same as his papa

You both have autism, chill out.

>>that means he is a terrible person
Not my point.

My point is simple:
you insult without justification, alright, but don't complain when people insult you without justification either.

It's someone who's told Pete before that she/he'll protect MJ

it´s funny I just read two other marvel comics with went out of their way to show of naked men yet female characters don´t get drawn how they used to in the past anymore.
thinks just suck all around it seems.

stop replying to yourself you closet homo

Based commie

I usually go to readcomicsonline and never bother with posting on Yea Forums so you mind mean somebody else

>yet female characters don´t get drawn how they used to in the past anymore.
black cat was just a few issues ago.

I don´t but whatever

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stop replying to obvious bait you dum dum

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she wasn´t drawn sexy at all. she used to be drawn in a pinup or sexual poste at least once per issue but not anymore thanks to marvel sjw agenda.
marvel wants people to forget that Felicia used to have big breast it seems

Let me guess, you were on Yea Forums yesterday whining about Tifa's boobs not being as big as you wanted them to be.

Aside from everything, you do realise that this screen capture is pointless if you do not capture the two post considered to be from the same poster, right?

Wait. Are the eyes on Spidey's mask some short of flexible glass?

>she wasn´t drawn sexy at all. she used to be drawn in a pinup or sexual poste at least once per issue
Not once per issue, but she was draw that way a few issues back.

Some kinda special plastic

>thanks to marvel sjw agenda.
Drawer draw the way they want. This is pretty on par with how Ottey usually draw and he has been consistant about it since years. You are not making a point, there.

I know Yea Forums isn´t the most popular place anymore but I keep seeing people act like this more and more. kinda beats the point of being anonymous if you pretend that everybody posting her is the same person

I'll admit it does.

This'll be good as long as he's treated as Kraven's wonky ass clone son in future comics as well. You got Uncle Chameleon, big sis Anastasia, and brother Gog.

Why is Stegron here? His ultimate goal of turning people into dinosaurs (Sauron plagiarized his life's work, damnit) under his control doesn't seem compatible with whatever these other criminals would want.

the point is that all artists nowadays get told to no longer draw sexy female characters sexy.
every female character who used to have big breasts and revealing outfits got prudishly desexulized.
pretending like all artists who used to have no problem with drawing sexy women all had the same change of heart with no outside pressure around the same time is childish

That's so adorable I love it

Isn't Life Story #4 also coming out today?

Tell her about Rape Lady, Mark.

>insulting a piece of fiction without justification is just as awarded and merited as insulting a person without justification
the literal state of Yea Forums

When even was the lag time MJ or Felicia were drawn in a pinup way?
Most have been 5 years by now.
Around the same time when marvel started pushing this „all new, all different“

Wasnt he sick puking a few hours ago?

I can imagine Cap saying this in the blandest lawyer lecturing tone. It's fucking hilarious.


Torch does care

Are you seriously pretending like only one person on the entire internet has problems with media becoming more and more censored by feminists?

>the point is that all artists nowadays get told to no longer draw sexy female characters sexy.

Case in point, Black Cat several issues ago. At least pic a comic where you issue is actually relevant. this isn't an issue, here.

but she wasn´t drawn sexy in that her breast and cleavage were smaller then ever

>When even was the lag time MJ or Felicia were drawn in a pinup way?
a few issue ago.

Last week, when Black Cat's ongoing started. But of course you don't know that, you're a casualgater

>is just as awarded
Beside the point. don't complain about unjustified insult if you don't do it yourself.

He's a literal clone of him.

post it or say the issue number and I check it out myself
I honestly can´t remember
but that was terrible. she was clearly drawn to no longer have cleavage in that one

not besides the point, sweetie, it is the entire point
if you can't handle someone just saying something you liked is terrible without having to call them terrible in turn, "you have to be 18", etc, etc

I read that one. Cover was nice rest of the issue had zero cheesecake.
Her zipper was so high that you didn’t see any cleavage and her beast small

Lol! Well that's one way to solve the resurrection issue.

>in that her breast and cleavage were smaller then ever


Ok that came outta left field.

>insukt without justification
No, man, just eat your own medicine.

It was already posted when we had the same conversation. I am not looking for it again.

Also, of all the current runs to complain about that, compalining in the one where they briong the old costume back is simply acting in bad faith. If you want to complain about it, do it in a run where it's actually the case.

>it's still equal
that's some "human rights for comics" shit
do you otherkin as a comic book perchance son? i mean i knew Yea Forumsmblr was real but even for this board's standards that's some embarassing shit


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not a bad idea to stop writers from resurrecting kraven well until someone brings in Clone deterioration and melts him

>don't question my insults

>Toxic masculinity the hunter
Kek, good shit

It's not about equality, it's about attitude. if you insult without reason, do'nt compalin when it happens to you. it doesn't matter what you insult.

>all these "Gay" responses in this issue with this art
Come on guys. You're better than this.

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It's said in an endearing way.

are you serious?
her bustsize is small and fully covered up

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didn't see a single questioning of it so much as having to kneejerk to UR TERRIBLE right away
the exact problem is that instead of letting people discuss what they liked or not people need to jump right away to NO U because it's $currentyear, of course it is

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that´s a mini not part of the overall run

I know, just like how Mark said it when his buddy asked him to take him flying again. I'm just saying, as someone who loved it as well, if you're going to in an Ottley issue, express it with Ottley art.

>the exact problem is that instead of letting people discuss what they liked or not people need to jump right away to NO U
No, the problem is that you didn't even bother to lay down what was terrible about it and then threw a tantrum when someone else did the same to you.

You are the reason we are not discussing the reason you do'nt like the comic: you never gave them. You have only yourself to blame.

Oh no, not again!

We already know you’re a sad incel moron.

You don’t have to keep proving it.

i'm still sorry you're so triggered that someone didn't like what you like you can only reason they're bad people tommy

>only a woman would speak like that

Attached: 1395917749949.gif (649x816, 146K)

does insulting people online make you feel like a big tough man?

>I'm just saying, as someone who loved it as well, if you're going to in an Ottley issue, express it with Ottley art
Some of those responses were during the storytime, so it's good that they didn't

No everything needs an image

>i'm still sorry you're so triggered
I am not even the person who insulted you. You just can't deal with getting your face plunged in your own hypocrisy.

He should've kept the long hair.

>no Ramos
Finally, some fucking decent art.

No, that's a fair point.
I just like my library, and don't dig into the Gay folder as often as I used to, and that one was just too perfect.
You are right though.

You know people usually get all cleaned up for open casket funerals, right?

>tasky will never be your best pal

Stop replying to yourself, you troll.

I got successfully played.

Is Ottley now doing Spider-man stuff?

I've missed him since Invincible ended

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So you're a phoneposter? Ok.

Has Life Story been storytimed already?

anyone storytiming life story soon?

he’s been doing spidey stuff since last july

He was the first artist for Spencer.

Could someone storytime Wonder Twins 5?

Not ripped yet that's why we had to settle for Kravenson 3.0 (doing the same thing Alyosha already did when he impersonated Kraven, to boot)

You can do it anons :)

You seem to have mental issues. Go see a psychiatrist ASAP.

How do i storytime something i don't have?

i wish, the nearest comic book retailer is an hour away

Their relationship is beautiful.

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Go have fun

Like you're one to talk, desperate shitposter.

easy son, couple more years and you'll be able to marry your comic.

You seem to take comics way to serious user
Chill out before you hurt yourself

Cry me a river biatch.

Honestly it's the only thing that made reading to this point worth it.

Jajajaj dont be he sucks

Says the rabid attention whore. How ironic.

This coming from a boob-obsessed trashbag like you? Don't make me laugh.

>act like a faggot
>get called a faggot
>wtf why am I being called a faggot

Wait who's that yellowjacket?

>everyone I dislike is a single person

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Yeah I was gonna say there is no reason to just give him a different look and call him Kravens son but like... comic writers and editors are pants on retarded sometimes.
So this is a good way to close of Last Hunt Kraven and not ruin any of that magic.
And autistic fucks can have a literal kraven carbon copy to play with.

literally nobody cares about this shit, fuck

it's Flash

That won't happen


Alyosha did too, just with long hair

But I do.

not at all, nobody does
or had least that shit would have a single reply, and it's the same everytime

With that much info you autismos can't figure it out who's this guy yet?

>no one cares
Just because people don't reply to an image in a dump doesn't mean that you don't care about it.

>in Yea Forums
sure thing user, it's called not caring

Can't we have one fucking Spider-Man thread without shitposting?
Is it really that fucking hard?

Not him and the only thing I wanted to see is this death plot moving forward instead of draging... again... for 2 arcs.

Is Marvel trying to create hype over this? because *meh*

Is this an ASM 300 reference?

I remember a time when Hulk had 1/5 of Spidey sales


So this was all pointless?

You can ?

Everyone's autism is satisfied. The "real" Kraven is dead, but a Segei Kravinoff who's identical in every way to the original is also still around.

It make sure the real Kraven is never brought back.

Honestly stopped caring about this shit at this point.

I'm reasonably sure people said the same when DeMatteis killed him off

Super gay, but funny as hell

And with every single one of his kids.
...It should've been ressurected Vladimir instead of ANOTHER kid.

Yeah, but that's the point. spencer killed him back out of respect for his work and provided a decoy if there is an unstoppable editorial will to use him again. No need to bring him back, you can use the clone.

Darren Cross, he got synergy'd.

Just asking here because it’s a Spider-Man thread. Does Life Story issue 4 come out today? Is anyone going to do a storytime of it?


Never mind. Should’ve read the thread, someone mentioned earlier that it hasn’t been ripped yet

If it's here it's out

If there's no storytime nothing is stopping you

Stop sitting with your hand out and stand the fuck up

I wish White Rabbit would break my neck with her thighs...

I'm actually pretty dissapointed. I actually like his current look. He didn't need to change his apperance to look like his dad

Yeah but it's not about Spencer, user, it's about people chasing those rabbit holes for no good reason. They're liable to just say "oh, the actual Kraven is still unmatched" and start it all over again couple years down the line, same as it even brought Kraven first to begin with. It's the issue with wanting these never-ending stories.

Alyosha even looked exactly like daddy for a time, so not even that is really new in this one. All we learned from all this is that they shouldn't have even bothered to begin with. Imagine that.

He and Spiderman have been buddies for a long time. They even had family meals when MJ and Peter where still married.

I love how this reminds me of similar scenes from Invincible.

I wish Ottley would draw the entire run.

God damn just kill Mary Jane off already

A man of culture I see

I suspect he just can't handle the schedule

Modern comics really just leftwing crap nowadays aren’t they

Yeah it's a double shipper right? Asking him to draw 40 high quality pages a month would be insane in this day and age.

>I am you and you are me. Carry that with you wherever you go. Thank you my friend. From here on out - you're Big Boss.

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Oh shit it's Skip Wescott!

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Yeah, the dude could get 10 or 11 issues of Invincible out a year at best

It was insane to even think he'd be the steady artist for this

He's still the defining artist of the run, it's about what I expected. It is a shame we can't get back to the JMS days of consistency but Ottley would have to downgrade his style to jrjr levels, and no one wants that.

So you changed your IP? How clever of you. (You) can run but you can't hide. Fucking degenerate.

Mary whore already sucked off Tony it seems

So this is Clearly Carly or the clone Gwen. I'm leaning Carly tho.

Did someone died?

Flash Thompson

they already did that
he had one or two sons who called themselves Kraven
it didn't work

Anyone think this means anything for him genuinely appearing in Far From Home?

I think Spencer is just saying thanks to the guys that made Kraven's Last Hunt.

Wew, the mental Gymnastics to pull that off would be amusing.

Stop forcing Rhino as a villain!
He has had his redemption multiple times just use some other big strong guy let Alexei free.


What the hell is that supposed to imply.

more Felicia is always welcomed

I really feel like the Centipede man's real ID is going to be a really obscure callback and I will be like "Who the fuck is that guy?", while for people who are deep enough in the spidey's Mytho will consider it a relatively clever reveal.

On one hand, I will feel a bit left out, on the other hand, I'd prefer that to a well known face just brought back out of the left field just because.

Uncle Ben

I think it's either going to be Jackal or OG Gwen.

Judas Traveller.

Seeing how the last clone story sucked ass, I'd prefer Jackal to be forgotten.

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I didn't read that one but wasn't that Ben Reilly pretending to be Jackal?

Mrs Muggins

Don't worry user, you're better off not knowing.

>Let's not get weird.

Says the cannibal.

unironically kino

Barker the dog

Centipede man's tricks really do seem to fit his powers, he just appears out of nowhere to mess with someone and then disappears and nobody else notices anything like it was all in their mind.

I thought that before, but Flash definitely isn't the type of guy to go off about toxic masculinity.

>Spencer adds another team
I hope teamfag already added it to the lineup

10/10 bromance

No, I emailed Nick Spencer and told him to give Skip the Venom symbiote and call it Apex Predator.
He hasn't replied yet, but I am sure he will use my idea.

wtf Spidey is going against a Captain Marvel villain now?

Has anyone else had trouble picking this up? I’ve been to two comic shops and they’re sold out

>inb4 it's Gwen
>inb4 Marvel pulls another Hobgoblin, kicks Spencer off the book and makes it Debrah Whitman
>inb4 we'll have to wait 10 years for Spencer to come back and properly reveal Centipede was actually Gwen.


Oh please Chameleon, don't you have some krokodil to shoot up while you reenact the Office or some such soap operas?

Seeing how Centipede want MJ to be safe, I could see it actually being the ghost of their unborn daughter Peter lost in his Mephisto deal.

Not the most satisfying possibility, but It wouldn't be mad about it.

Oh shit Spencer is planning something big with these plot threads! Big updates this time:
Team Hell
>Centipede (Gwen)
>Joe Quesada
>Aunt May's cancer

Team Savage
>King Cobra

>Ned Leeds
>Kraven Sr.

Presumed RIP
>Mad Dog

Team Taskmaster and Black Ant
>Black Ant

Wild Cards
>Big Man Jr.
>White Rabbit
>Thieves Guild
>Kraven Jr
>All the extra Z-listers ever minus the ones who died

And potentially joining team Spider-Man
>Randy Robertson
>Jigsaw Jameson
>The Lizard
>Black Cat
>Miles Morales (because of ItSV synergy)
>Mary Jane Watson
>Ant-Man, Stinger, Griz, Machinesmith, Miss Thing
>The Sinister Six (Five)

Watch as the run culminates in Team Spider-man working together to push into the bowels of Hell itself while constantly double-crossing each other. They learn from interacting with Peter the true value and power of responsibility. As they fight their way to defeat Mephisto, he transforms into a Cerberus with his heads are Quesada, Slott and Bendis. After the big fight is over, Boomer asks Spider-man
>And what do we do now?
>Now, we are all ready, it's time to attend my wedding.

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That's a good sign, right?

>>Centipede (Gwen)
Stop with that shit.

Based Janice punching Torch in the face! Yas queen, slay!

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dude nobody in marvel even remember that shite, it's at the same level of gwen kids with norman

>dude nobody in marvel even remember that shite,
Peter selling his marriage to the devil is something that has never been forgotten. always bought back in discussion.

Billy has two mommies now.

Other Billy is so jealous.

The excuse the last owner gave was marvel was cutting back on the excessive shipping so sent less of the book out. They apparently only got one of each variant, I was happy to hear it was selling well but I’d like a copy of my own I finally have all the issues I need to keep up 1-1and not have to buy any over lapping trades anymore. Though I was kinda disappointed with friendly neighborhood this month, everything has to be arcs it seems and I was liking how friendly was emphasizing single issue stories. Well let’s just hope they have a reprint of this issue

>Ms. Mind

I wondered what shocking reveal was coming when I saw all the replies, but this is better. Best bromance.

It's right in our faces, who is it?

Reminds me a bit of the Clone Saga. What's Kaine up to these days?

You got that right.

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The daughter Peter never got because he sold his marriage.

This again? Ugh...

Have you ever been so angry you punched a panther?

>aunt may's cancer

KEK thanks user

Remember when Arcade killed a bunch of kids.

No, I don't really remember Arcade from anything.
Was he introduced in the nineties?

So I don't dislike Spencer. After a decade of Slott, he's a breath of fresh air. But jesus fuck do they need to tighten up these books pacing. This did not need 5 main books, 5 tie ins and an epilogue. We are fast approaching Maximum Carnage levels of bloat.

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>"Wait, do you mean the betrayal or the rescue part?"


It's me, Peter! It was me all along, Peter!

Attached: vince.jpg (600x600, 42K)

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> “Yeah!”

I’m still reading him as Blummaster so lines like this are great

I think the last time he showed up was in Spider-geddon, thankfully he wasn't killed.

MJ has always been afraid of Venom after 300, this is the second time Spencer has had her hint to it before

There is this fashination with moustached violent men I hope he start punched through enemies ribs soon



I dont think its spencer, its just modern marvel


I mentioned it in the previous issue... I just don't know how to find it on the archive.

I'm disappointed he didn't keep his own look, but I also recognize that this is the only way to keep Kraven dead for good and not shit on his great ending.

I have a feeling it still won't be enough for the fucks at Marvel. I hope to be proven wrong.


God I love Janice.

Spencer, please, for the love of god give us a Taskmaster and Black Ant mini.

Rumours tell that in that very night they made a legendary performance at the karaoke before mugging the audience and fleeing to parts unknown.

Carlie Cooper

Get to have Kraven without having OG Kraven running around pointlessly and invalidating one of the GOAT Spidey stories.

We saw her a few issues back she recommended MJ go to that super hero support group, it could be jean dewolf she’s been dead for years

Fuck yeah, my favorite Spidey villain and it looks like Spencer actually has real plans for him and won't be treating him like a joke. Also back to shapeshifting. Thanks Spencer!

Spencer is dedicating the early parts of his run specifically to unfucking shit ruined by previous writers.

OMD is next.

Do you think that he has the balls to try to unfuck Sins Past?

That seems like too much to ask for, the whole thing is fucked on too many levels.

At least with OMD you can have the whole thing be resolved in-setting and have Peter deal with the consequences of his pact with the devil. With sins past you have to directly retcon it, and by doing that you're already bringing back attention to it, better to just leave it buried.

I thought so, it would still be hilarious to see a writer trying to deal with it in some way or another.

Fuck yeah Carol!


I thought I was going crazy when I saw him

Thanks for the storytime!

he;s restoring the works of their comics kraven's last hunt involved kraven dying and spencer is making it permanent

You gotta move on user

Well, I suspected the Chameleon would end up appearing in a story involving his brother, Kraven.

However, unlike the others, Chameleon is not a real "animal-based villain". I mean, he has the name, but beyond the shapeshifting, he's not a real "animal". Otherwise, he should look like the Lizard or something.

That is a lot of blood for 'It's fine.'

Right, she shows up back in town exactly at the same time Centipede appears. She was stalking Peter and MJ earlier. She shows concern for MJ and wants to help her out and Carlie would 100% have a reason to have a grudge against Peter considering what happened to her during Goblin Nation and probably all the other times she was put in danger plus losing her best friend (Lily) because of another person's (Norman) obsession with destroying Spider-Man.

Her centipede/mystical shtick could be something as simple as bots and Mysterio gimmicks to actually selling her soul or doing something terrible for power.

I haven't read the Slott shit with her in a long time and don't feel like going back to it. Did she call Peter "Pete" as well? If so, that's another check mark.

How the fuck do I get past their "DISABLE YOUR ADBLOCKER" shit that's only started in the last week or two? Ublock's usually been good about making sure I don't worry about that shit.

Who did the coloring on this because it's terrible. This would honestly look better b&w with screentones.

I would actually buy it if "he" turns out to be Deb. Spencer loves that era of Spider-Man after all and her story arc back then ended with her getting shipped off because being around Spider-Man and her belief that Peter was Spidey was literally causing her to have a mental break down. The only time she's come back since that storyline was after the unmasking during Civil War to write a tell-all book about the damage her relationship with Spidey did to her.

Man, if Felicia and Mrs. Connors hook up, everything will be worth it.

I wouldn't be surprised but it's still ultimately to the detriment of the story. I feel like a lot of stuff just gets overshadowed because the story is all spread out. It feels like Felicia didn't get a chance to do a lot even when she had her own issue to do something

Gross desu

Jesus, Felicia is eternal best girl
A pity her own book has that strange art

Felicia should like, probably go to the hospital.

I'd reveal that the Stacy kids were actually clones created by Osborn to fuck with Peter, not Gwen's actual kids.

it's a shame that Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is ending soon, would be interesting to see how she'd react to both Kraven dying again, and his son taking on the mantle

Me and the boys

I thought Armadillo's one of the good guys?

So he can just get a new inhibitor chip, right?

>Punch the guy who's on fire

Mephisto you gay

Original Beetle was a Torch enemy. Just a cute nod

>I told you I'd protect her
so it's someone who knows Peter, and most likely knows that he is spider-man.

How man people has said this to peter regarding MJ, can't say it's that many that comes to mind. atleast not many who would go "then we'll be together" in reference of her.

Yeah because White Rabbit totally looks like a rabbit and vultures are green. The thing was never about them looking like animals, but naming themselves after one.

It's their unborn daughter because of OMD. That's why her name is Kindred.

I see what you’re saying but Spencer’s has spent so much time establishing that this thing has been around long enough to be able to keep the kingpin in line, maybe Carlie is working for it but it has to be someone older I think

Redpill me on the albino centipede. When does it first show up?
I've only read the first few and last few issues of this run.

It’s pops up in the first few issues making my strip go insane than again when kingpin gets pissed

Maybe it’s baby may, she’s come back from the dead and wants to protect her mother?

Also claims to have brought Quentin Beck back from the dead. And Quentin has been alive since around the Gauntlet.

When did it get called that?

>Bringing Mysterio back into the spotlight right around the Mysterio movie
Classic Marvel.

He’s alive? Last time I remember seeing him that Jewish telekinetic was impersonating him in peter David’s run of friendly neighborhoos

First appearance of centipede in issue #802

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...Didn't Janice beat the charges against her? I get she's a supervillain, but she's not wanted last I checked. Why the fuck is she punching the Johnny? Just fucking walk away.

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Why Is Arcade still allowed to exist?

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Make it stop

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Didn't Toad have a flaming tongue? And didn't he reform ages ago? Did I miss something?

In which issue does Centipede get mad Peter is back with MJ?

The Other was already resurrected with MC2 Peter.

Ryan Brown did a variant cover focused completely on the character for #24 and said that's the name they're going with in his social media accounts

Just let him be straight, or more appropriately retire. He's had his arc.

He seems he has a role to play, at some point. But it will be interresting to see what he will do.

Next appearance of Kindred in #806

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Next one is issue #808 when mayor Kingpin hasa feud with Boomerang.

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Thanks for doing this user

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Next one is in issue #811

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Can't tell if Kindred is angry Peter is putting Felicia's life at risk by showing his real ID to her, or if he is just a fierce anti-Black Cat/Spider-Man shipper.

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And he seemed to do fine without one beforehand.

Issue #819
Not directly seen, but hey, centipede and he is using his typical dark-blue boxes to narrate.

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Later in the same issue.

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So Spider-Man is being stalked by Not-Scarecrow?

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Not creepy at all.

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Issue #823, actually no Kindred, but it's where Peter get his vision of MJ dying.

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and with
That's basically it. this is literally everything there is on Centipede/Kindred.

Make of that what you will.

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and with
That's basically it. this is literally everything there is on Centipede/Kindred.

Make of that what you will.

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Carol looks just like Anissa when she raped Mark. Based Ryan turning Carol into a psycho rapist.

can't give no fucks about it

Did they change her hair color? It made her even more like Atom Eve, if that was even possible.

That's just Ottey.

Nathan Fairbairn's the colorist, but he's an Invincible guy too so there you go. That's how he colors things.

That shitposter is blind,, how is that not sexy?

Poor Quentin

So, what happened to Mephisto. I read something happened to him and it coincided with Pete and MJ getting back together. what was it?

If Kindred really is the soul of MJ and Pete's unborn daughter, it'd make sense she didn't want her parents to fuck anybody else, them having a baby might be her soul's only chance to escape Hell for real.

>I could see it actually being the ghost of their unborn daughter Peter lost in his Mephisto deal.
>If Kindred really is the soul of MJ and Pete's unborn daughter,
as that theory already proposed in a previous thread, or is it the first time it is suggested?


This shit relationship is so repetitive and poorly done I have seen editorial mandates with 100% more thought.
Hopefully once she finds out abut the Satan deal they just end things and for good this time.

She was the one that convinced Peter to make the deal and she told Mephisto that the deal wouldn't matter because they would find each other again, what are you going on about?

My guess right now is that this "Kindred" is some kind of alternate Peter, one that lost everything and found a way to go back and is trying to destroy Peter before he somehow ruins people's lives. I like the Carlie Cooper theories but it doesn't feel quite right. The name wouldn't make sense and he/she comes across as a villain with more history than Carlie would have. Also spending 100+ issues to reveal that Carlie Cooper is the villain would be retarded. Would Joe Q even allow a character that was based after his daughter to become a psychopath?

Caving to the obsessive fans more often than not goes like that

It's a deal with the fucking devil, anyone that has read ANY BOOK (not comic) knows that's the kind of shit you don't come back from, not even talking in-universe, but as a narrative resource it's literal suicide.

The fact they are even trying just speaks magnitudes of Marvel's editorial retardness, or weakness.

>anyone that has read ANY BOOK (not comic) knows that's the kind of shit you don't come back from
You are talking about comic books where characters come back to life all the time, where big events and characters changes are retconed and ignored, where everything doesn't matter because it will just go back to the status quo when all is said and done. And I was just pointing out that what you said was stupid because it was MJ that made the decision, if Peter had done it by himself then I would agree with you.

They can't prove it's her! They'll never take her alive! Fuck the police and FUCK Johnny Storm!

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A final cope to keep the fans hanging forever is not a good reason.
If there was any chance for them it already blew 15 years ago.
It should be proudly remembered for what it was instead of whatever Marvel is doing here.

>A final cope to keep the fans hanging forever is not a good reason.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
>If there was any chance for them it already blew 15 years ago.
OMD happened 11 years ago.
>It should be proudly remembered for what it was instead of whatever Marvel is doing here.
Why do you think that fans have been waiting so long for it to be undone? The idea of them breaking up wasn't the problem, it was the horrible execution and the stories that came afterwards that people have a problem with. This just feels like you have a problem with the way that the relationship is being handled, which at worst is just boring.


>My guess right now is that this "Kindred" is some kind of alternate Peter,
He/she does visually look a bit like the dead Ock who had his mind rewritten to think he was Peter.

There better be a good explanation for why the villain talks like an SJW or I'm dropping this from my pull list and I have had ASM pulled since Big Time started.

Sorry but words are not even enough to describe how bad was/is the whole thing handled. It's just ruined and nothing will change that at this point.

Seriously Marvel should put an end to this pityfest. Leave Peter alone, but more importantly, with an actual agenda for at least 5 years.

I don't even know what you're complaining about at this point.

wait, you know what? i'm gonna just close this tab and drop the title
i have wasted enough of my time in this run already

oh, last one
Simple: there's not a single thing worth reading here

See you next thread, faggot.

This user is gone from the thread, but for all of you still here I'd like to set the record straight: Faust AND the Master (from Master and Margaret) both made it out just fine after making deals with Satan. It's in no way a literal narrative suicide. This guy is an ignoramus.
t. someone who has read ANY BOOK

You understand that his deal with the devil got him slott as a writer. He paid for his crime, but I do see what you’re saying there was no real repercussion, in any non comic book story may would’ve died of a stroke within a year after the deal

Where does the name Kindred suddenly come from?

Thanks for fucking wasting our time

She said she would agree to whatever PEter decided, she didn't really push for it, she was just supportive

Their current relationship is great. there is nothign wrong with it. It's Marvel's editorial direction tht made them break up, remember. They are just repairing the damage done.

>Joe Q even allow a character that was based after his daughter to become a psychopath?
Joe Q isn't in charge of Marvel comics since several years.

>there was no real repercussion
1. He lost his future daughter because of that deal
2. We have seen how this deal affected people like Felicia and he is doing amend for that.

>It should be proudly remembered for what it was
One of the worst editorial decision ever made? There is nothing to be proud about OMD.

I think the quotes are meant to make it ironical.

It's not like the "Apex predator" shpiel Kraven gave to Spidey before realising his mistake wasn't what feminist complain about when they talk about "Toxic Masculinity"


Anyone ?

He should have kept the long hair.

rex and atom eve otp

Based Viltrumite.


>Kravens family was retconned to have immigrated in 1917
>yet in several classic stories he got deported
Man that really bugs me.

wait, is it a "going full circle thing"? Like, MJ say she don't liek that costume yet that's how Peter is dressed in Spencer's first issue. Does this mean the first pages of #802 were meant to take place after this last issue?

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MJ's arm doesn't look wounded, though.

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That's a flashback to just before OMD

Wait, what? really?

Fraction's Sensational (or Spectacular, I can never remember the name, the renamed Marvel Knights Spider-Man book) Spider-Man annual. Probably the best thing he wrote.

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Annual sensational Spider-man from 2006, by Fraction Larocca

Dear god i hate tracing.


Wait didn't Rhino quit the villain game wasn't he last rescuing kids with Cap and Miles, why is he in jail?

Spencer reset him because fuck you that's why
Mysterio was also on a completely different note in PAD's Scarlet Spider and in Spencer's he was just a quipster all the way through in his first issue

Well better than him coming from another universe or being brought back to life magically guy technically has a clone for that old nugget.

Damn that's lame like Rhino when he's reformed and trying to keep out of all this masks and cape life.

What actually happened is that when Task and Ant came to capture the Rhino (who at this point was still out of the villain game), Spidey didn't rescue him because he rescued Aunt May instead who had been endangered during the attack.

Later, during the Hunt, the leadership of the vulture basically helped Rhino stay alive so he now is likely preferring to give his loyalty to the Vulture and also acting on his grudge on Spidey for not rescuing him earlier.


I wish Spencer would write only the villains, instead of wasting pages with that boring Peter/MJ ship

But I like how he write them.

>Rhino (who at this point was still out of the villain game)
He wasn't, he was stealing stuff with Boomerang's old pals in Spencer's FCDB to begin with already, and Peter was already saying "shame he's back to super villain stuff"

Not exactly. The Museum was pre-Spencer. Spencer brushes- it off and establish Rhino was running away from Task and Black Ant while still trying to go legit beforehand.

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Nah that issue was Spencer too. My guess is that Rhino was just in a transitional phase. Or Fred is that much of a sweet talker when it comes to jobs.

>it's a shame that Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is ending soon
It really isn't.

>Nah that issue was Spencer too.
Which one was it?

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FCBD 2018

Thanks. I guess it takes place before #802?

Okay this page is the platonic ideal of Spider-quips.

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I was hoping this issue would explain why MJ doesn't work for Stark anymore, but ala, we still do'nt know more about it.

>You must be Billy's mother. Hi, I'm Felicia and I'm his mommy

But the Russo brothers already did that two months ago

Tasky and Ant are cute and perfect



man that issue had such crap art

Centipede Man also got mad at Peter involving Black Cat in his life again. It may be more that he's angry about how the people around Peter always get hurt than him having an personal connection to MJ or Felicia himself.