ITT: Beings who could survive the Snap

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oops, forgot the thread description:

Thanos wiped out half of all ORGANIC life in the universe, yet Gems themselves are not Organic in the traditional sense. They can shapeshift themselves to be organic, but that doesn't really count now does it? Look at Amethyst, she eats motor oil and still has a digestive system. So who would be the races of alien or otherwise to survive the snap?

I don't think Thanos specified that he wiped out half of just organic life. He wiped out half of ALL life, in all its forms, basically anything that consumed resources and reproduced.

>that consumed resources
Do gems do that, though?

I don't think Gems meet that criteria. They need external forms of reproduction to make more of themselves. They can't reproduce naturally.

To make the point clearer, if Gem meet the criteria of "basically anything that consumed resources and reproduced", then so does the average cars. Because a car can't make another car, but factories make more cars. And cars CERTAINLY consume resources.

I think it's less of an over all criteria and more of what Thanos believed on case by case Which I think Gems do qualify because their reproduction draws life force from organic life and f homeworld or what peridot said about scarce resources are any indication then they're definitely consuming resources out the ass.

just Yea Forums or outside of it?
using a 50/50 attack on someone who survives on worse odds is just plain foolish

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No criteria was specified at all because they're magic space stone so if he says 50 percent of life that just means life. If you're alive you can get dusted.

We're talking populations
and species, not individuals

That doesn't make sense. Thanos wiped out half of all sapient (or sentient but that's another argument) life. If he wiped out half of all life then his argument about natural resources doesn't make any sense because plants are resources too.

Are you just asking up to populate this thread with robot and ghost characters? Being alive and having biological processes mean the same thing, so anything sentient outside that basically falls in the robot or ghost category.

That's the point i was trying to make. That Thanos' criteria for the snap was based on weather or not life is sapient (or sentient), not organic vs inorganic.

Basically The gems would be included because they are sapient, regardless of weather they are organic or inorganic or some other form of life.

that's literally his super power. he survives no matter what (he can get hurt but nothing can really kill him). if it's just him and thanos in the whole universe and the snap still goes for 50/50, thanos gets dusted instead.

What about Ghost Robots?

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To the second one, no. It's an honest question really, like if we were to put the snap in the Ben 10 universe, what aliens would survive and which ones wouldn't? Based on sheer power or just luck. The gems as a whole I think would survive because their forms are only light-based, not truly organic.

It doesn't make sense to wipe out all life but that's what happened. several people at marvel have already confirmed this and it was also why Scott was surprised to see those birds in endgame.

>What is the Kindergarten?


Isn't there a bunch of grass and termites and shit, how'd did so many people get snapped anyway

Would somebody who had cloning powers survive the snap?

Military expansion, not an inherent part of gem biology.
As far as we know there is no need for gems to make more gems. They live forever and they don't seem to require sustenance.

One Punch Man and Doctor Manhattan, to get the obvious ones out of the way.

Like the Furons from Destroy All Humans? Yeah probably

In that vein, characters with fate/luck altering powers.

Let's not discuss the logistics of the snap. It doesn't work on any level and dissecting it is basically pointless.
That being said, obviously the snap doesn't just affect sapient species and presumably doesn't affect plants or fungi or their alien counterparts, since Thanos thinks of those as resources, which he doesn't want to be scarce, so in your example the grass won't get snapped, but the termites will be.
But don't think about it for more than a few seconds or you willask yourself what's gonna happen to microbial life, which is very important for plants to grow, beyond just the importance that regular symbiotic organisms have in proper plant growth. Where does Thanos draw the line? How does he expect the ecosystem to just keep working the way it did before the snap? Has Thanos ever read a book? Is Thanos' IQ above 50? How does he have any followers like Squidward who seems to be at least of average intelligence, so he should know that no part of Thanos' plan makes any sense whatsoever?

Those questions are better left unasked, I think.

But then you have to ask about the biology of Ben 10 aliens, which barely make sense though. There's a species made of magma that lives on a sun. Where can you find magma on a sun? And what about aliens like Chromastone? What is he? What about that time Diamondhead just climbed out of him? What the fuck was that about? Is he just an ambulatory cocoon? Do creatures like that have organs? And there's creatures like Waybig who are just synthesized in cosmic storms the same way primordial spontaneous generated organic matter, except Tokustars are fully realized animals.

If nothing else Upgrade and Alien X probably could've survived

That's fucking stupid. Maybe a Robot Ghost would work, though.

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...Ya'know they never did explain Chromastone. But Alien X was three beings if I remember correctly, don't know their names though. One was Ben, because he was Reason. The other two.... I don't know. Upgrades' Species wouldn't though, they can fuse with machines, but they themselves are still organic I think.

I think Lucky Girl would be most likely to survive, out of all ben10 characters, pretty much guaranteed, if you think of the crazy 0.00000000000000000001% probability shit Gwen was able to do vs the probability of winning a coin flip.

Upgrade's species lives on a moon that orbits Grey Matter's homeplanet because they are all sentient nanomachines developed by the Galvans

>Get's snapped
>Just retro-metabolises back

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