Immortal Hulk #19 Storytime

All-New All-Horrific Abomination!

Time to see some things you'll wish you could unsee!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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thanks for the storytime

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This will be my final post on Yea Forums.

How can anyone think that this is scary for real ? How can anyone take seriously a horror book with the Hulk as a supposed to be frightening monster ? How can anyone see the Hulk as frightening for real in this book ?
"Ouh, the Hulk is smiling, so unsetlling, this is so scary guys..." why are you lying to yourself like that ?
You guys are just forcing onto yourself the new fade there will be in this hivemind of a board, with the blandest, tamest, most classicly safe comic book there can be, while your selective outrage is shitting on King's Batman for things that would be praised if they were written by someone else, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO you have to shit on it even if it's good because the hivemind dictates you to do so !!!

No wonder you can't get laid, but guess what ? I got a girlfriend now. For the first time of my life after 24 years I finally got a girlfriend, and all that nerd fuss has become so irritating since.
I'm just leaving for good now, I had plenty of fun with that board but I'm done. I wish you to get girlfriends to, maybe it will open your eyes about the hivemind that is destructing your self, but sadly, the hivemind is probably keeping you away from being able to seduce anyone, so you're most likely trapped in a vicious circle, and sadly, there is no Savage Dragon to save you from it. I just hope that this message will maybe help you to think by yourself a bit more and to get a girlfriend to.

Enjoy your book.

Something has been changed in this pasta...

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Holy fuck

is he going to get his privileged checked as well by the strong independent black lady?

Thanks for reading.

Support the Official Release at your Local Comic Shop.

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Is he man or monster? Or is he both?

Pretty shitty issue. Remind me why Betty is angry at Hulk again ?


jesus fucking christ

>Remind me why Betty is angry at Hulk again
I mean it's been pretty thoroughly gone over already but I don't think you really want an answer here.

Of course, Ewing love to have his books filled with black people after all

shit, first time in 8 issues this pasta wasnt posted by me.

Is this still Devil Hulk? Because he's speaking in Hulk speak like Savage Hulk.

He's reverted back to being Savage Hulk a couple times already when sufficiently hurt/angered, so probably the latter.


>Pretty shitty issue.

What do you want, you horrible spoiled little piece of shit?

Green people and red people.

Was he ever Devil Hulk? He said he was, but does that make it true?

happened back when he was in hell right? or was it when fighting creel and shit was getting worse?

She killed the Hulk so that he could be reborn and regenerate. Calling it now.

First time was when you said; back in hell when zombie Ross pissed him off badly enough, second time was when Betty got shot by Bushwacker then blew half of his head off.

God forbid. It make my white dick feel small.

Not really sure where that's coming from, but it does seem potent.

Ah shit, just like my seinen manga!
Really though, Betty is a beast, this whole issue finally highlighted her new design and it is absolutely amazing.

Ever since Joe, Banner has been going on about his personas so maybe this will trigger one of them, probably not Green Scar, nor professor, Savage just went down and by virtue so did Devil, so probably one that Banner didn't take into account.

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>What do you want, you horrible spoiled little piece of shit?

Shh, he is still mad that Hulk outsold Batman again. This sort of comments are to be expected from now on, just ignore them.

Guilt Hulk's a-comin'

This picture has been referenced more times than I can count now and it's going to reach a breaking point soon.

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She's trying to kill/separate the Banner Identity while keeping the others intact
>Says that Banner constantly hides away and blames him (as well as herself) for destroying him)
>"Boy-man" line
>Bruce is the butterfly, Red Harpy is the Spider

This but holy fucking christ.

Is Mindless Hulk considered the same as Savage?
I mean, the only difference is the lack of dumb talk, since mindless doesn't speak at all.

Taking a maternal role. Who else but Betty could? I think you called it.

I just hope she doesn't literally give birth to him and as I write it I think: "Are you kidding, of course that's what's going to happen".

That's not the comics doing that, user.

Or the Maestro, Satan.

I gotta give em credit for using it in a wide shot instead of a closeup honestly

Actually seeing Hulk die causes Rick's consciousness to reconstitute itself and assume control to avenge/protect him

>but Betty is fren

Attached: sad apu.jpg (1024x962, 67K)

>I'm not scared to be seen
>I make no apologies, this is me

No, certainly not.

Savage Hulk is like a child with a temper tantrum. Mindless is a murderous gorilla.

The last time that happened, Bruce went full mad scientist. Also I'm still not sure what was up with that Hulk specifically. Was he just Green Scar or a hybrid of him and Savage?

God people aren't gonna let up on this no matter how clear it is with pages like
That she isn't meant to be always right, or even -ever- right.

Any time he feels emotional angst, like having to confront his friends who's pleading with him to kill him (in what I'm assuming is a pained, exasperated tone), he reverts to savage hulk.

I really, really want to see the Hulks teaming-up in Banner's mindscape again.
I would just love to see Green Scar interacting with Bruce.

>As Leviathan is the king of fishes, so the Ziz is appointed to rule over the birds. His name comes from the variety of tastes his flesh has; it tastes like this, zeh, and like that, zeh. The Ziz is as monstrous of size as Leviathan himself. His ankles rest on the earth, and his head reaches to the very sky.
>A heavenly voice warned them: "Alight not here! Once a carpenter's axe slipped from his hand at this spot, and it took it seven years to touch bottom." The bird the travelers saw was none other than the Ziz. His wings are so huge that unfurled they darken the sun. They protect the earth against the storms of the south; without their aid the earth would not be able to resist the winds blowing thence.
>Once an egg of the Ziz fell to the ground and broke. The fluid from it flooded sixty cities, and the shock crushed three hundred cedars. Fortunately such accidents do not occur frequently. As a rule the bird lets her eggs slide gently into her nest.

Seeing Fortean smile is pretty disturbing. I'm not sure I like him clearly having a thing for Betty though, from where I'm standing it looks like it's just gonna be used as an excuse to make him be more of a creep which I don't think he needed help with.

Or maybe you are just too dumb to understand the genius that is Al “Based” Ewing
Maybe you should go back to reading your Tom King comic books lol

>Or the Maestro, Satan.
It might've been misdirection, but right before abomination catches his attention, banner almost names devil hulk, the maestro.

What do writers have to do with the art in the book?

This won’t be my last post on Yea Forums.

I liked this. Thanks for posting, namefag!

Thanks for the story time! I just set up my box with the closest comic book store, so it might be a bit before I get this in physical, but this is great.

>"But Betty is friend"
Geez, this is sad.

>Rainforests threatened
Must have been a slow news day if Jameson thought that deserved to the headline.

Holy motherfucking shit. That's pretty intense.

Because she's a giant red gamma monster who's negative feelings are amplified a hundredfold and whose last memories are being shot in the head while her significant other, who was content to just let her think he was dead for months, just showed up at her doorstep to demonstrate his infinite capacity for self-pity?

What a fucking snowflake you are. Man up, buttercup. This endless whining ought to be beneath you.

Imagine Go Nagai made this shit??
One Bennet's WIP drawings (the one with Hulk, with Red Harpy behind him, fighting Abomination!Rick back) proved that Hulk will regenerate either in the next issue or 21st issue.

You see?
Too dumb and low iq for this comic
Go back to Yea Forums or your Cates comics lol

So is eating Hulk's heart gonna temporarily cause Red Harpy to go Super-Hulk or is it mostly a symbolic gesture?

At this point it honestly wouldn't shock me. Ewing loves his deep dives into continuity and it's plain that he's picking out the best and most interesting parts of Paul Jenkins's run on the book to make use of here. It wouldn't even be out of place, thematically.

He’s setting up for a story on how Spider-man is to blame for it.


So what does Fortean believe that the greater good to be? What's his endgame? He clearly wants to kill Hulk (the butterfly), but at the same time he's unleashing monstrosities like Abombination and admires Red Harpy (the web/spider), how does he believe that this will help humanity?

Unfortunately I think it'll ultimately boil down to him being jealous that Betty likes Banner instead of him.

Even though I'm pretty sure that's Talbot's thing?

If I had to guess, I'd say that he wants these creatures as weapons to be used by the US government. He knows that ultimately the Hulk is too unpredictable and chaotic to ever be made use of in that way, and has to be killed, but would love to have more creatures like this Abomination on a leash.

>So is eating Hulk's heart gonna temporarily cause Red Harpy to go Super-Hulk

Oh dear.

But no, Ewing has done almost nothing that was expected here. This is a horror comic. A body horror comic about death, undeath and retribution.

I think Betty is going to get pregnant.

It is said that when Angrboda, the witch, was burned by the gods, Loki found her heart in the ashes and ate it, and he fell pregnant, and this is how Fenris the wolf, Jormungand the snake and Hela, who is death, were born.

So... yeah.

What if he's going to become a Hulk out of selfishness (him believing that he can be a better Hulk and be in control) and envy (the fact that Betty loves Bruce and not a creep like him) which will result in T1BA possessing him?

He clearly has no regard for civilians, so it seems he is driven only by anger over Ross' death.
The ol' "Who is the real monster" deal, but undoubtedly with some Ewing twist at some point.

This is the best Hulk's been since- what - Planet Hulk?

I'd say it's better than Planet Hulk by a modest margin. I can't think of anything else between then and now that's really had people sit up and take notice in the way that this run is.

Oh god. That's certainly one way to leave your mark on comic book history.

I can hardly wait.


>This is me.
You're beautiful.

Harpy is protecting Hulk by taking away his heart so he can regenerate later and not be affected by the acid ("cutting the web"), but will probably do so in a much different mental state. Also the butterfly analogy makes sense if Hulk's heart cocoons itself. Although I wonder how he will exactly defeat A-bomb considering the acid is still there.

Aww nice.

>Makes a horrific Abomination against man and god made to kill
>Is surprised, let alone angry it gets used by your shady boss
I swear non-supervillain evil scientists are the dumbest fucking people

I'm with the guys who are saying she will regenerate the Hulk by eating him

When isn't Betty mad at Banner/Hulk

>reborn and regenerate
The question is;
Which Hulk is gonna be the one in the drivers seat after that?


My money is on Green Scar, he's the right mix of savage and smart but without the sadism to kill neo-Abomination that Devil Hulk doesn't have

What an amazing page. Those panels down the right hand side are utter kino.

Man this comic kicks so much fucking ass

holy shit this started turning into devilman levels here.
Whats with betty I dont know her issue now.

You cheeky fuck

It looks like, as opposed to the cathartic mid-life-crisis kind of romp that was being Red She-Hulk, Betty is now overcome with a lifetime's worth of anger and resentment, a lot of it being directed towards Banner.

Though there could be some very VERY tough love in there depending on where she's going with this.

>Whats with betty I dont know her issue now.
well, she was the harpy a long time ago right? and she was also the red she hulk? well whatever is affecting all other gamma folks and making them immortal and various levels of batshit is getting to her as well. also take into account that she transformed cause she was shot in the head (which would explain why she's a bit more feral, cause banner went through the same thing when he got shot?) anyways it's all kinds of fucked up but it happened a few issues ago right?

>Whats with betty I dont know her issue now.
From how i see it, her mind is in the past for most of the time in this issue, driving her to do the stuff she does.
"Anything that can put the insects down" and stuff like that.

Oh yay!

Oh right, these are the bad guys.

I havent been reading but these issues were catching my eye. Just didnt know what has been happening lately.

Imagine getting a talonjob from her.

Dat ass tho

Well that's horrifying

So the "no kill" rule is out the window?

What was original Harpy's personality? Was there any Betty in there at all or was it just generic malice programmed by MODOK?

IS a mainstream comic allowed to have this much gore?

This is fine.

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>no harpy gf to do this to you

She became the Harpy after she became despair over Talbot's death and that was when MODOK used her to his advantage against Hulk, whom she blamed for Talbot's death. However, it didn't last long when she and the Hulk encountered Bi-Beast. That was when she reverted to her human form.
>Red Hulk
The Leader resurrected her and turned her into that as his weapon against the Hulk (cue he brainwashed her). Her persona became dormant when the Hulk (Doc Green form) cured her.

I gotta say that hulk melting thing really creeps me out.

The Comics Code was long dead already, the comic industry now make any shit whatever they wanted

>38 posters
What killed the hype? Did people finally get sick of Hulk smiling?

So these hulks have more than one transformation? I have been out of the loop since world war hulk.

You want your heart to be ripped out?

as long as they don't show dirty pillows or say fuck, everything is fine

user posted on Yea Forums for the last time and now he’s not posting anymore.

I want a cute girl to take my heart inside her, yes.

I hate love this comic so much



So was that it? Series over?

God I'm on the fence on just getting the TPBS when they come out for this series or wait for the inevitable omnibus that will come out at some point.

Good lord, what a nightmare... this book is amazing.

Get the deluxe hardcover that comes out later this year.

Betty never had that rule

B-but heroes can't kill people! People got so mad at Man of Steel and Batlfeck for it!

Oh let's see how the other storytimes are doing:
>Superman: 12 posters
>Batman who keks: 4 posters

OH No! My sides.

Not yet, there are upcoming issues next month

Betty isn't an heroine either.
Having superpower =/= being a superhero

Betty doesn't look that young, why does she need explained what a spider does

Narrative requirement

Attached: just-look-around-you-you-didnt-protect-a-damn-thing-4315083.png (500x813, 201K)

You're beautiful

Oh man, we need that edited together now

After he was dissected & pickle-jarred this isn't as shocking...

Oh Christ

I love a good Narrrgh

I think these new gamma mutates will eventually evolve into a form of gods.

No one cares about your wall of text, fag!

Show of hands; is this the best thing ever to happen to Betty’s character? To hell with Red She Hulk, I want more of this

so, what was the last time cannibalism was so explicitly shown in a big 2 comic?

Oh fuck yes

im gonna wait for the larger paper back type omnibus (like how immortal iron fist or even ewing's own agent of asgard is gonna be collected soon)


That second panel is great

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
This is great
How will Hulk ever recover


I like how this bitch constantly gets put into her place

Fucking KINO

that time Deadpool fed Angel with his own meat.

Hulk's acid-eaten face is pretty horrific to look at in its own right.

I really like this page

But is she talking about Banner or Rick?

>Agent of Asgard collection
when was that announced?

Have you ever seen a face with such a perfect expression of happiness as General Fortean right here? Masterful art.

God I have this same feel.
Oh that’s a thing? I can live with that I guess. Deluxe editions have decent content and aren’t as cumbersome as omnis

How can anyone think that this is scary for real ? How can anyone take seriously a horror book with the Hulk as a supposed to be frightening monster ? How can anyone see the Hulk as frightening for real in this book ?
"Ouh, the Hulk is smiling, so unsetlling, this is so scary guys..." why are you lying to yourself like that ?
You guys are just forcing onto yourself the new fade there will be in this hivemind of a board, with the blandest, tamest, most classicly safe comic book there can be, while your selective outrage is shitting on Bendis' Superman for things that would be praised if they were written by someone else, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO you have to shit on it even if it's good because the hivemind dictates you to do so !!!

No wonder you can't get laid, but guess what ? I got a girlfriend now. For the first time of my life after 24 years I finally got a girlfriend, and all that nerd fuss has become so irritating since.
I'm just leaving for good now, I had plenty of fun with that board but I'm done. I wish you to get girlfriends to, maybe it will open your eyes about the hivemind that is destructing your self, but sadly, the hivemind is probably keeping you away from being able to seduce anyone, so you're most likely trapped in a vicious circle, and sadly, there is no Savage Dragon to save you from it. I just hope that this message will maybe help you to think by yourself a bit more and to get a girlfriend to.

Enjoy your book.

check amazon. listed to come out this december

>Hulk's face holes keep changing position

This was posted three hours ago and it already has 160+ posts? Fuck. Something happened, did it? I'm gonna catch up in a moment.

so how much of her is bird down there?

Thanks for posting. This was intense.

It’s his healing factor trying to keep up with the corrosive acid

That's honestly not very similar.

>Betty eats Hulk's heart and shits out a perfectly regenerated Hulk

With grinning Devil Hulk as the guy.

I just took another look and I might actually be mistaken. Might be just be shifting perspective that makes it look different.
Cause they did explicitly state that his healing factor isn't working against the acid.

amazing issue, recaptures the horror element missing from some of the more recent ones

>inb4 it's Kluh

Yeah that's why I'm thinking Maestro is coming, that was definitely foreshadowing

are there visible tits? then its all good.

Wow Ewing really went out of his way to make sure those 2 ladies were dead by the end of this arc.

>Mets Slamming the Door Shut
if only

and today Jackie learns that giant bird monsters are not actually very nice people

Hulk killed that scientist guy however many issues back

jesus christ

it's a pretty clear reference

I have no idea what kind of stories they can do for Hulk after a series like this. This seems like the last kind of arc a character can have, just because it's so good.

a hole is a hole user

I'm waiting for hardcovers or a complete collection because Marvel's regular trades are complete garbage

Ewing has multiple arcs planned out so I'm assuming the last one will give a good stepping off point for other Hulk stories.

>Pretty shitty issue
Don't worry faggot, Cates' dumb Silver Surfer book is gonna get ripped sometime during the day.

Eh, I like it has a analysis of Hulk and the mythos around it.

But it's not actually dealing with characters very well and the humans like the black woman are boring and cliche.

Or, bear with me here: It was posted at like 5AM in the US, so obviously there's very few posters.

Do like me and preorder the Immortal Hulk Vol.1 HC:
It comes out in October, though Amazon posts them a week or two after the direct market so you gotta check with your local retailer. Alternatively, go to InStockTrades or CheapGraphicNovels and order it from there.

Attached: immortal-hulk_hc.jpg (975x1400, 238K)

Kinda wish I got this instead of the TPB's, but these hardcovers take fuckever to come out

>Marvel used to release hardcovers before trades
>now they just release poor quality 4-issue trades and take forever to release hardcovers
it's weird that I miss Bendis Avengers-era, but here we are

It kind of pisses me off that most people just know Ruffalo’s Hulk instead of this

>4-issue trades
Unless we're talking about the recent miniseries, no, trades haven't been downgraded to 4 issues. Don't make shit up.

5 issue trades, then. Not much better. And they're still garbage quality.

All the main publishers release in that format. Hell, Image was releasing some ongoing series in 4-issue trades too (like Seven to Eternity).

DC is still six issues, isn't it?


She's a bird. She's going to lay an egg.

Kluh is dead user.

>*Record scratch*
>Yeah, that's me, alright
>You're probably wondering how this all happened
>It all started...

Now the Immortal Hulk is back! God it was so boring last 5 issues


American school system.

> the summer of 1962. I was a nuclear physicist working for the US military. We were about to detonate a prototype gamma bomb when I suddenly noticed a kid playing the harmonica on the test site...

>mansplaning a preschool biology to the professor
Bell curve is the fact

>Mary Sue black reporter bitch still around and still a shining angel who is never wrong
Fuck off Ewing

>Slamming the Door Shut

that cover always makes me want to play Hulk Ultimate Destruction

Shit on king all you like, but at least cates makes an entertaining book.

Here's your (You), since it looks like you're really starved for attention today.

she literally gets BTFO in this fucking issue

I'm pretty sure Peter became Spidey by the time Bruce was already the Hulk, that flashback happened before that.

>but at least cates makes an entertaining book.
Which? Because his Thanos was pretty shitty, Death of the Inhumans was godawful and his GOTG is the most predictable, uninspired schlock I've read lately in cosmic. And he keeps writing every other character with the same voice, while Thanos speaks as if he were Kratos from GoW.

Why are people so horrified? This is pretty basic stuff.


I feel the faces would look better if they were green too, I guess they keep them flesh colored because they think it makes them more horryfing

What's the matter, snowflake, can't handle a dose of reality in your safe space?

No she doesn't she is rightfully horrified at the monsters around her

Top 10 anime betrayals

That's less gore than Siege or Ultimatum

>I should trust this monster, she used to be a nice person!

dumb frogposter

The real question here is why this doesn't have a Parental Advisory label despite all the gore, but shit like Cates' Thanos and even Howard's current miniseries (which has ZERO gore) does.

I really like how her face changes so much whe she unhinge her jaw, like she can look incredibly soft at times but bam then she snaps completely

is hulk going to buttfuck this birdie in the pussy?

western censoring rules tend to be more concerned about nudity and sex rather than gore and violence.

Ewing loves memes and "dude awesome for sceince" tropes. If he wasn't a rare breed of a modern continuity nerd I'd drop his shit faster than dual shotgun wielding chimpanzee riding a shark with jetpacks for fins

This is a new comic series since last year

Well, with King's recent writing, I'd be bitter too.

She’s a dumb sheltered cunt Betty rightfully puts in her place. She doesn’t know how the world works, and would’ve died if Betty wasn’t there

>punch a facehugger in the face
what could go wrong


Batkeks BTFO

Pretty much, if you look at Ewing's tumblr he posts a lot of pages from older Hulkbcomics and maked notes and observations on the tags. Most of the ones with Betty have her being upset at Hulk or Bruce and her being angry at Hulk. But he also has stuff with her caring about the Hulk but mostly because of Bruce.


The humans seem more like plot devices than anything, this book is also more focused on Banner and the gamma monsters than anything.

pretty weak issue, last one was a lot better

The people saying this was a "weak" issue are just baiting, right?

i think it might be for the folks that don't really care about Betty Ross, but imho, she's kinda been a nothing-character for a while so it's nice she gets some time fleshing out her inner soul

“””People””” who say it isn’t shit are obvious shills or even worse pathetic fanboys looking for attention.

Both Fortean and I have massive erections right now.

if you need to morally compare Superman and Batman to a gamma monster then someone really fucked up

well this topped "hulk reassembles himself around a person" in terms of "jesus fucking christ"

Gee, what do you think user?
The butthurt keep happening every month since a certain jade giant outsold some other "hero" again, so they need to blow out some steam the best they can.

Got it, it's just so I don't waste more time replying to those, because I already did it once.

I dunno, I think Hulk Thing'ing someone still takes the cake


> this book is also more focused on Banner
no fucking shit. it's his damn book, you moron

>it's all uniformly ebin lmao

There's obviously highs and lows but if you thought this was a weak issue, I gotta question what the fuck you've been reading so far.
Oh fuck I did it again, didn't I?

you dont think its Doc Green right?

>Bruce is the butterfly, Red Harpy is the Spider
Yes and there is a higher order or scheme hinted at, without it these gamma insects would be out of control the web is more important than the butterfly so there is something more important than Hulk or Harpie... the Green Door?

That would be crazy like Betty would be the mother of monsters and yes the Hulk will come back everybody look at the title of the book, The Immortal Hulk

Frogs are never dumb

This scene would have taken place sometime before the events of Hulk #1 unfolded cause Spiderman's timeline comes after the Hulk's, so what you're seeing is a rare pre-Spider Menace J.J. wonder if the baseball player is Jose Lima

Yes, you did.

Attached: 1553349034799.png (242x331, 96K)

So Betty literally eats Bruce? Shit this relationship is fucked

Not that user but dismissing someone’s views with aloof smugness is even more unimpressive than the usual threats and ad hominems we see from your ilk in fora such as this. Argue clearly and exhaustively or remain silent in shame.

some user using 10 dollar words is most unimpressive of all, though

The latter, I'd say.

The fuck Betty? I mean you had him shot in the head it’s not like you’re that great either

yeah but here we learn that New Abomination doesn't "eat" things. It dissolves them and then consumes.

The Hulk has been the Immortal Hulk - who might be the Devil Hulk - since 'No Surrender', occasionally slipping back into the Savage Hulk persona without changing appearance; and for a while he was Joe Fixit, aka the Gray Hulk, only in the body of Bruce Banner.

Yes, the Hulk is dead. He had a good run.

For you.

Well, Thor claimed the Hulk seemed to be inching up to that as well. A God of Rage? I don't think that slot is taken yet.

Betty is going to give birth to him.

>Something happened, did it?

It did.

I don't read many capes, but this run in particular has been pretty good from what I've read in storytimes. Thanks user(s) for sharing, wouldn't give this series a glance otherwise.


Birdies have only one hole, user, and I think he won't be going in, but rather come out of it.

>Saturn devouring his son

You need to be beaten with a stick.

....and done!

i fucking love it

Attached: Saturn-Devouring-His-Sons.jpg (300x551, 30K)

Bump! Will buy the hardcover. Thanks OP!


>dose of reality
the only homeless people I have ever seen were white men. Never seen a black women begging for money on the street.
I did however know several black people and women who got scholarships and special treatment at school and university simply for their skin color and gender.
So no idea where how white male privilege is based on reality

didn't mindless hulk get seperated from banner years ago to beat up nightmare in his own realm. and has since then never been seen again.

just bring Green Scar back already

Attached: warbound.jpg (825x1253, 392K)

I see loads of black and Mexican homeless people, but I never see any white homeless people, so I guess white homeless people don't exist.

Green Scar and bruce had an understanding and worked together.
Although with bruce seemingly forgetting all about caeira i could picture green scar holding a grudge

Attached: endofplanethulk.png (940x926, 2.02M)

last issue, a few starting issues, one or two in-between

So the way i see it the current situation is:

>Devil Hulk
The one in control, at least during night time. He was the incarnation Bruce's subconscious put in chains years ago
>Savage Hulk
The "vanilla" Green Giant, the guy who just wants to be left alone. He sometimes resurfaces like in this issue.
>Joe Fixit
The asshole, he was dormant for years until he hijacked Bruce's body. This is important because we now have the confirmation that incarnations can switch places between them.
>Mindless Hulk
Hulk without any form of intelect. The most Hyde of the Hulks. He has been missing for some time now.
>"Gravage" Hulk
We now know this isn't an actual incarnation but just Joe, the gray Hulk, taking control of Savage's body.
Not really an incarnation but rather Hulk being controlled by the hammer
>Professor Hulk
The Hulk who carries the best of both worlds, we know for sure he has been dormant/missing since Bruce himself say so. Also when the Professor gets angry this leads to:
>Mindless Banner
The worst of both worlds, we now know it was actually just Mindless Hulk inhabiting Bruce's body. Not an actual incarnation
>Green Scar
The persona Banner created during Planet Hulk. Smart warrior. Dormant/missing
The Hulk's Hulk that was a thing during Axis. He got reversed since then but apparently Kluh was always something inside of Savage, so he might be still there
>Doc Green/Omega
Crazy scientist Hulk with ambiguous morals. He was crated when Banner took the extremis to cure himself. Apparently the extremis was then removed from Bruce although i don't remember when this happened. If he'll ever come back i expect it to be a Leader-like transformation, not in the looks but in the sense that even before the arrow, Doc Green was smarter than Bruce.
>Guilt Hulk
Manifestation of Bruce's guilt, Brian "stole" this form but can the guilt really be removed?
>Hydra/Hand Hulk
The Hulk created after the arrow, a Soulless Hulk. Devil took care of him

Missing something?

Doc Green was a potential precursor to The Maestro, had he kept using Extremis to prevent regressing back into Savage Hulk.
He chose to allow his intelligence to fade to prevent said Imperfect Future from coming to pass.

HOWEVER, the AI, Gammon, created by Doc Green hasn't been seen since Omega Hulk wrapped up. Before SW, Bruce and Doc Green had plotted to defeat it together, but it was never depicted what went down before he regressed prior to Totally Awesome Hulk.

i would not really call proffesor the best of both worlds
sure he was smart and strong, but he had a serious weakness that he could not increase his strenght, because if he got angry he turned into savage banner.
even juggernaut without his armor (and holding back) beat the shit out of proffesor hulk and left him a bleeding broken mess.

As for missing hulks.
there was Horseman of apocalypse WAR hulk.
it kinda was a gravage hulk. but instead of his strenght increasing with rage, it was instead gamma energy as he had a constant green gamma aura around himself.

Attached: hulk457-stopsjuggernaut.jpg (1000x774, 127K)

So is the Hulk gonna get Yoshi-ed by Betty?

Behold, the angel of death and rebirth.

>Mindless Banner
>The worst of both worlds, we now know it was actually just Mindless Hulk inhabiting Bruce's body.

No, he talked. It was more like Savage Hulk in Bruce's body.

>Banner took the extremis to cure himself

He was a vegetable. He didn't take shit, Tony and Arno gave it to him.

Punisher and karnak have ripped people apart. Why you think it wasn't allowed? Gore is left out by choice.

Nice Gaslighting. I never said black people didn’t have it bad I just said that white male privilege is racist and sexist myth

With all the butterfly/cocoon references, no doubt

I think Betty is the butterfly and Bruce is the web. His involvement keeps screwing up her life and she wants to break free.

>and today Jackie learns that birds are not actually very nice people

Got it, it has been sone years now so my memories if that run are foggy
Again, my bad. For some reason i thought Banner asked Tony for the virus, i guess i got that story and Waid's mixed together.

Yeah i meant it as Professor was more of a traditional hero.

Also yeah i forgot war hulk, i guess it falls in the same category of Nul? Also not sure if the Heroes Reborn version counts or not.

Worldbreaker is just Green Scar but at his absolute angriest right? Because I kinda have a feeling that Banner's plan to kill the world involves bringing out Worldbreaker

>white male privilege is racist and sexist myth

Of course it isn't. Just look at the composition of government.

Can he do that, however? I mean, is that just something he can do, like pulling a trigger? World Breaker only came out because he was angrier than he had ever been before.

Bitch, are you comparing Batman and Supes to the fucking Hulk and his merry band of gamma monsters?

A few months ago, I said that Immortal Hulk wasn't one of the greats yet, but it was close.

It's there now.

>I mean, is that just something he can do, like pulling a trigger?
Presumably no, which is why he would want to try to find a way how to bring it back out.

Yeah it was Green Scar at his peak, it was named that way by Tony or Sentry, can't remember.
Kinda of wish the user who did the chart for the marvel cosmic would do one for the Hulk's personas.

Worldbreaker was a name from Sakaaran legends, not Tony or Sentry

Ordered. How is this book so based?

Was it Korg who named him that way then?

neat, hulk has a new weakness and he can regenerate from the heart which didn't appear to be damdaged so he's probably gonna chest burst Betty

Heroim The Shamed explained the duality of The WorldBreaker and SakaarSon. After that when people would begin to call Hulk the SakaarSon who would deliver them from evil we got the inner monologue of "I know what I really am" culminating in the WorldBreaker.

is the nba racist because it´s full of black men?
is the medical industry sexist because something like 70% of all doctors are women?

Are you seriously implying the gov't is full of white men because they're more capable at the job?

black people are only 10% of the us population. so their representation at the government seems about right or even slightly above that.
also how is the evil patriarchy preventing women form getting elected if more then 52% of all voters are women?
also how does it benefit the homeless white male guy around your street corner if the president and 100% of congress are white men. does this mean that he suddenly becomes super rich and gets super powers?

Are you seriously implying the medical industry is full of women because they're more capable at the job?

>is the nba racist because it´s full of black men
Unironically yes
But that's part of a wider narrative we need to be having as a species. We are so much more advanced in the realm of genetics now than we were a hundred years ago that we should be able to discuss real eugenics and what it means that pockets of humanity are more successfully athletic or test higher on IQ scores and the correlation between athleticism and long term physical health or how higher IQ distributed people have a higher rate of mental and social illnesses.

can you show me a single law that gives white men an advantage to getting elected?
I can site several laws programs and laws that give women and black people unfair advantages to getting hired or university positions compared to white men.
in canda for example women and minorities get preferred hiring treatment by law when it comes to public jobs even through white men have been in the minority there for decades now

>hulk storytime
>turns into weird ass racist rant about the nba

I'll be honest I did not have this one on my bingo card

>I can site several laws programs and laws that give women and black people unfair advantages to getting hired or university positions compared to white men.
LMAO you can't be serious with this shit. You don't understand why these laws and initiatives exist in first place?

how's he gonna change the same way devil hulk did?

Attached: 23941273941.png (389x514, 382K)

He might be a regular Hulk on the outside but Devil is probably still seen as a yellow naga inside of Bruce's mind

>Whenever Devil Hulk gets emotional enough there's a chance Guilt Hulk comes out instead
>All he does from there on out is slaughter everyone around to increase Bruce's guilt

You fragile ego crybaby fucks infect every thread.

Seriously. What a toxic fucking group of mouth breathers.

why does he feel guilt if hulk rampages have zero (0) casualties

She's as bad a person as Bruce. Probably worse.

She knows it.

Attached: file.png (265x425, 151K)

Man, that's just the simpliest way to draw a happy expression. If this is masterful, I'm god.

Ewing is a genius man. Everybody on Yea Forums are saying it, must be true. You can't grasp the genius.

For (You)

Attached: fortean.jpg (613x819, 167K)

There's a gigantic circlejerking on Yea Forums aboutt this comics. Truly, that's the only scary thing about it

This is a real nightmare come to life and I love it.

You're acting as if it wasn't intentional.

Thank you, for being this long with this threads, user.
Every time you post this or another user post another bait, like: "remember when this black girl existed right? wow ewin is sjw!!!", i reminded how wrong people can be.
Truly, no jokes or sarcastic shit, thank you.

Attached: 1547955829674.jpg (1200x1200, 273K)

Just a question, was Avengers battle in issue #7 ever referenced out side of this book/No Road Home?

Yes, in Hulkverines. They actually showed the beginning of the battle, where you see Ghost Rider's car being thrown off panel but you don't see Hulk yet.

They’re gonna jerk stans death forever huh

they bought into the "SJWS ARE RUINING MY VIDEOGAMES" bullshit

Marvel can publish whatever they want and Marvel has always been hard liberal.

user he was literally saying they were intentionally referencing it

Thank you for agreeing with me.

>Roll out nice hulk because demon hulk doesn't want to get his ass beat like a bitch.

Kind of emotional manipulation there.

Oh, thats much grosser.

...Those are actually pretty good points.

Um... is that possible?

That's still such fucking bullshit.

Attached: Hulk kill count.jpg (640x744, 186K)

property damage


Attached: Time_And_Time_Again_063.jpg (750x438, 160K)

Do you realize how rare it is to get a comic that's not hated by most people these days?

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/oɔ/ uo ʇsod lɐuıɟ ʎɯ ǝq llıʍ sıɥʇ

Don't reply to people who are clearly baiting user

As Above
So Below

Ever since Issue 11 with the notorious two pages there seems to be a segment of readers chomping at the bit for that black chick to come back so they can complain

And it's not like she takes too much space, she's only there to provide a point of view into some places. But I guess they won't let that page go.

More like line, since Hulk shoves it on her face her prejudices right after that.

To be fair, this iteration of Hulk is still fairly new and very different from normal. A lot of people seem to know about his Worldbreaker form, or at least heard of it.

>Hail Mary
>"Ave Maria" in latin
>"Ave" means "bird" in spanish
*the think*

>panel featuring Maria Hill
>clearly from the bendis/millar era, with illuminati and all that crap
Which one was supposed to be fucking bullshit, again?

>Hulk shoves it on her face her prejudices right after that
Yes but they think a giant green monster that admits it exists to destroy humanity telling her he likes her anger is some sort of endorsement in her rant about wanting to have the power and ability to do what ever she wan't with no consequences and some sort of indictment on white men though she should have said superheros as they DO, do what ever the fuck they want with no consequences especially after Civil War 2/Secret Empire/ AvX ect, ect

Nah I don't see that as plausible, since the Devil Hulk should be the Hulk that has no conscience. In fact, isn't it kinda the point that Devil Hulk has no guilt whatsoever, which is why he was telling Bruce to let him out since he would be able to erase Guilt Hulk?

It was fucked up long ago

I like the way this user describes the Devil Hulk as being the one with no conscience. He's the Hulk who's only priority is himself, or at least for Bruce in this case. I was gonna say he's the selfish Hulk but I realize that Joe kinda fits that role. Other Hulks have shown to have some of their own interests and cared for other people outside of just wanting to protect Bruce.

He's not really evil(for now anyway), but being someone who's only caring for themselves and no one else will fit in with his title "Devil". Heck even though they had established a few volumes ago that Jones is one of the people that Bruce really cares about and Devil Hulk knows it, this issue has Devil Hulk already ready to go all out on beating the crap out of him.

I hope Ewing can do something with Juggernaut someday, imagine this but more creepy...

Attached: Colossusnaut.jpg (1264x1920, 275K)

Oh geezes.

Those punks are fucking screwed!

Oh my god


Oh gosh...

Immortal Hulk truly is the Despacito of comics. It does nothing new, nothing particularly interesting, and yet everyone seems to be taking the hook.

>wooaaaahhh the bad guy is eating the guy who can regenerate! so coooooool!!11!
A capeshit character seemingly dies in a comic book? Perish the thought.

Dammit I wasn't mentally prepared for this

>A capeshit character seemingly dies in a comic book? Perish the thought.
Are you stupid? The tension of the book doesn't come from the people dying in it, you idiot.

You threw me off, cutting the beginning like that

She stole his heart

How did you do that?

This is literally 90s Spawn era edge, my friend. I'm sorry to tell you but if you think this is high quality writing, you're 12 years old.

>This is literally 90s Spawn era edge, my friend.
Now this, my friends, is how you bait people into replying. But little did they know, I am not linking to the post so I won't give them (You)s, thus denying them the pleasure of unwarranted attention.

When is the last time Hulk was fucked up like this?

The closest was on issue #7, when Tiny Stank solar nuked a whole town to stop him, then gave him up to Shadow Base, where they proceeded to slice and pickle-jar him.

Cry more, Bat-fag

>until Betty plays a game of Operation and east the pieces
I love you Ewing

>Devilman levels
We are nowhere near that level of ultraviolence and sadness.

Show me

I don’t know what’s going on but yes, the NBA and NFL are racist.

Why is Abomination made out of two barfing finger-headed dudes and why is Betty a bird?

read the comic

I like it.

>Immortal Hulk ends with Bruce laying on the shattered husk of Earth monologueing about how hes finally learned to love himself to Rick Jones's bisected upper body as Al Ewing laughs and restarts the series

Slow issue for sure. Not a lot of action, just Betty's gay fucking poetry. Imagery was 10/10 though. I was hoping for more. Betty-drama is the worst.

Sorry, this issue is sacrosanct and I'm sorry I didn't share your shit opinion. Dick-for-brains.


Okay, shit-for-brains.

Athread bump

You guys pull this shit out of your asses and then pretend that it correlates due to tangents.

You sound like a dork and that's saying something since we're on Yea Forums

Look, jackass. I obviously like the comic otherwise I wouldn't be in the thread. This issues just sucked pacing-wise, smegma-sucker.

he was about to say Maelstrom user not Maestro

I need an edit where Fortean is smiling, but I lack the words.


Took way longer than it should have to get to this post.


did it?




My point was that it's starting to become an overrated meme.

This. It's cringe af

A reference here and there is fine. I genuinely think it's a fine piece of art.
But, when anything that features any kind of creepy or horror themes throws it in there just because it starts to become trite.

This. Ewing fucked up bad here. I think the series has been steadily losing steam and people are getting sick of Immortal Hulk's lame gimmicks.

Rickbomination you’ll get if you read it. Red Harpy still hasn’t been explained especially since she was depowered by Doc Green

how will the MCU handle this!?

Attached: 1560258967559.jpg (371x344, 44K)

Luckily they won't have to because MCU can't make Hulk movies.

Anyone want to give a 411 on what the fuck is going on in Hulk? Last I heard, he was dead but then he's alive in Secret Empire so WTF happened? And why the body horror shit?

Read the series.

Attached: Issue 12.jpg (1040x1600, 538K)

TLDR is this:

1. Hulk's functional immortality is now front and center with the character as a shiny new toy that Ewing is cumming all over

2. Gamma Rays are now Lovecraft horror based energies

3. SHIELD agent kidnapped Betty and turned her into a gesalt of Red She-Hulk and Harpy and has a new(?) Abomination.

4. Said SHIELD agent villain is black, which most likely editorial beating Ewing up for being a stupid cunt who pissed away his entire audience with his Comicsgate bashing. So he has to have a black villain who wants to kill innocents and shit, against his will, to appease people who are pissed the fuck off that Ewing uses blockbots and acts like a cunt on Twitter

5. Alex Ross is doing horror covers, that don't match the interiors and to basically get people to buy the books who don't know Ewing is a piece of shit who hates comic readers who are not onions drinking woke cunts

6. All of Hulk's personalities are now at play, in terms of Bruce's various Hulk personas rotating, with Devil Hulk (Hulk that represents Bruce's fear of becoming like his evil father) feuding with regular Green Hulk for control over Hulk's body

this is an amazing post

is it too late for me to start reading the immortal hulk?

i wanna start from the beginning, are the first 12 issues or so in a trade yet?

No it's not too late for you to read it

Yes, there are 3 TPBs that have been ripped covering Issue 1 - 15

STop reading comics if you aren't actually going to pay attention, it's not worth your time.


Jesus H. Tap-dancing Christ!

Calm down lol it's just a comic why are you so angry

Ewing is running with a plot point from the PAD run that said that Hulk is immortal and can't die and even if you fuck him up physically, he'll just heal and come back to life after a "rest".

He's also pushing explicit horror overtones, with redesigns of the various Hulk villains that play up the idea of them being radioactive mutated freaks. And Alex Ross is churning out horror themed covers which have nothing to do with the issues internals but are designed to attract casuals who think the cover is hot.

Finally, he's broken the wheel towards having one set Hulk persona and pushing a horror narrative internally with relations to the idea that Banner can't control WHICH Hulk comes out when he transforms. And the ones coming out are the personalities that even Joe Fixit fears.

Not even a fan, but sales are pointing otherwise.

Literally all because of the Alex Ross covers. When people figure out the covers have NOTHING to do with the actual content this series will fade into obscurity and get cancelled.

Can you point to where the cover doesn't relate to the content? Because they all seem pretty accurate to me

Shut the fuck up faggot.

He is a future incarnation, user was making a list of the ones we have seen so far in the main universe.

Also last issue Bruce called Devil Hulk "maestro"

>SHIELD agent kidnapped Betty and turned her into a gesalt of Red She-Hulk and Harpy
That's not what happened and Fortean isn't SHIELD. Betty turned into Red Harpy after she was shot in the head and killed by Bushwacker.

Anyway, it sounds like you haven't been reading and are just a shitposter. Here's your (You).

You are still whining about that panel? If you actually read the series you would actually know that the woman is obsessed and envious of the Hulk and wants to be a Hulk herself. She even gets BTFO'd by Betty here .
>Last Knight on Earth
(You) are not getting a (You) from me

But everyone here has already read Marvel Zombies back in 2005, why would anyone should bother with the shitty ramake made for pigs from pigs?

Has Yea Forums ever been right about anything?

>this fag again
Yawn, at least "My last post on Yea Forums" was creative.

In Avengers: No Surrender, Hulk revived with the Devil Hulk personality taking the wheel.
Since then, Bruce has been facing the mystery of The Green Door, a door to the realm of The One Below All, The shadow of The One Above All.
TOBA has been taking control of Gamma-irradiated beings while using a host personality to act through [Notably, Brian Banner] such as Hot-Shot, Jailbait, Sasquatch, and Absorbing Man (after absorbing some off Hulk) in an effort to bridge life and death itself, and only recently Devil Hulk, Bruce, and Absorbing Man were able to stop him.

Since then, Bruce has made peace with Devil Hulk, and are now attempting to end Human Civilization on their own terms.

Meanwhile, Shadow Base, run by General Fortean (Ross's lackey back during the Red Hulk days) has been tailing them and unleashing horrors to contain them. Bushwhacker killed Betty while attempting to snipe Bruce (reactivating her Gamma form in a merge between Red Hulk and Harpy), Blonsky's genetic material was bonded to Rick Jones' corpse to create the two-faced horror of this issue, and Doc Samson's trailing them all alongside Alpha Flight (Recently re-christened as Gamma Flight with the addition of Absorbing Man and Titania).

Lastly, Jackie McGee, an Arizona Herald Reporter has been tracking Bruce since cracking the story of his resurrection, while holding a complex over an incident when she was a child witnessing a Hulk Rampage. She wants to learn how to be like him, though her pursuit of knowledge has brought her closer and closer into the horrors.

Attached: Immortal Hulk (2018-) 011-000.jpg (1987x3056, 1.73M)

The Maestro

>"If you don't like my shit writer, you're a dork!"
Okay. I don't blame Cates fans though, there comes a point where they just have to shut down every criticism with "I like him and you can't do anything about it!" just so they can keep pretending he's any good.

This is the saltiest post ever, but I gotta give it a (You) at least for the effort. Whew.
But this one is the funniest bit
>... So he has to have a black villain who wants to kill innocents and shit, against his will, to appease people who are pissed the fuck off that Ewing uses blockbots and acts like a cunt on Twitter
Sounds like YOU got blocked for being an imbecile and are sperging about it on an anonymous forum.
Oh and this too
>5. Alex Ross is doing horror covers, that don't match the interiors
Is the most egregious part because if anything, every single one of his covers has described the interiors. Yes, even the pickle-jars one. It's like this dude has a bone to pick with him but hasn't read anything beyond a thread here and there.

>going back in the archive to reread the earliest IH threads
>people were saying it would be cancelled by issue 12 because Ewing
No. Never.

>Literally all because of the Alex Ross covers
Is that why Captain America is selling so high? Because of the covers? It makes sense, considering every cover thus far has been painted by Alex Ro--
>Captain America #9 38,047
>Captain America #10 36,764
Oh no!

I like to think about Bennett sending the monster/character designs to Alex Ross

That was fun. Red Harpy went wild. I don't think Banner/Hulk is as oedipal as people seem to be saying itt even though he does hate his dad.

I also took the butterfly as Betty

How are they gonna rip Rick outta Abomination.

Kill him before the Green Door shuts closed?

>I also took the butterfly as Betty
>the butterfly is red
>it has wings, like the red harpy
>is caught in the "web" that is Hulk/Banner's bullshit
>has to break that web to finally be free
She was pretty clearly meant to be the butterfly.

I thought that too at first but:
>The spider is the keeper of the natural order
>the web is its tool
>"You don't want the butterfly to get free" because that would mess the order of things
>Devil Hulk wants to destroy the current order of things

Bruce is the butterfly

Maybe Hulk's bullshit is the web that's keeping shit in order and she's supposed to be caught within?

The next issue will tell
But I'm thinking that Hulk (and possibly, Red Harpy) would punch Abomination!Rick until the Shadow Base's mind control or camera thingy breaks and allowing that dude to revert back to his human form.

have sex

>Hulk forms a swastika
>the "check yur privilege yte boi" niggress gets btfo and outed as a hypocrite
is Ewing, dare i say, /ourguy/?

... and they lack Rick Jones in it

Seems like the others forgot to address why he was "alive" in Secret Empire.
During that arc, Hydra managed to resurect temporarily the Hulk to do their bidding, then he died again after his time was used up and then revived later during Avengers No Surrender.

no, Betty is going to literally birth either Banner or Savage Hulk

it took years of EVERYTHING to have Bruce to kill ONE person(beside trying to kill himself)
Bruce always been a hero, even though he never believed it.

Devil Hulk is Daddy Hulk: will protect Banner at any cost, because he loves his son. Somebody has to.

>Devil Hulk is Dad Hulk

Attached: Screenshot_20190610-084613~2.png (1080x1634, 1.77M)

>”This is me.”

You’re beautiful.

Specifically how Kid Bruce's mind imagined his father: a violent asshole who will direct said violence to protect Bruce

>less than 200 posters after a day
What killed the hype?

But Banner's already been Dad Hulk for Skaar, no?

>acting like this isn't the storytime with the most posters, where most of the others can't even get to 40

Wow you are sad, but thanks for the bump. Maybe it will help some DCfag who wants to read something decent for once.

Oh yeah, how's Skaar? Oh wait.

He should be fine actually, Doc Green cured him from the gamma and he had the opportunity to be a normal kid

>the big bad Devil Hulk is a pussy who hides behind Savage as soon as things go wrong

Attached: lol.gif (426x239, 180K)

He's living somewhere in France with The Warbound, right?

I think it was last issue when an user joked about Hulk eventually reaching the goddess form of those Shin Godzilla's concepts. Now they basically confirmed the change.

Can't wait to see what's the next step for mah boy Rick assuming this won't end badly for him

Attached: df.png (600x449, 738K)

>mfw Guilt Hulk's appearance will literally be the same in the mindscape, including the size

Attached: 1526667406433.jpg (600x513, 38K)

That's because the pasta was already posted by another user in the middle of a storytime and retarded jannie deleted it, I cut off the beginning to fool that illiterate nigger.

This. That's all i could think about everytime this was said. It was said way too many times.

General rule for soldiers in the Marvel Universe. Avoid or disobey orders where you are ordered to kill civilians or people that are incapable of fighting back or defending themselves. It's better that way and won't result in you being murdered on the spot by anything metahuman or a evolutionary derivative of a human if you tell them that you FOLLOWED ORDERS.

Even the new Abomination is afraid...

Nah, its on us for harping on about romance in a mediocre webcomic. In this comic the phrase is relevant.

>Avoid or disobey orders where you are ordered to kill civilians or people that are incapable of fighting back or defending themselves
You know you'd think this was a given for all soldiers in every universe.

This is Marvel-verse. There is less to it when compared to reality. I don't like how it happens in there, but it sadly happens the way it is.

Hey, at least in Marvel they get some clear comeuppance.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa get over .500 RRRRREEEEEEEEEE

Yeah. That's a plus. I think.

DH is a sadist mostly, not really more powerful than other Hulks. Same with Maestro (besides stupid Hulk-wank). Then again, I'd like this new Hulk to meet new Sentry.

Doc Green is a young Maestro no?

both Doc Green and Professor Hulk are potential Maestro.

Note how all of them have "Teacher" in their name

Lol at least 50% of volunteer soldiers join because they want to kill people.

Thank (you), I shall treasure it.

How would you guys feel if it turned out that Hulk/Bruce never actually left Hell?

Goddamn. I have no fucking clue where this ride is going and I love it.

>it was all just a dream XD
Wow, just what I would expect from Ewing.

>calls her a "nigress"
He's definitely not /yourguy/ I can tell you that.

>not recognizing sarcasm

Yea Forums basically invented Poe's Law and you're calling me out for not recognizing sarcasm when people do this on the regular? C'mon.

fair enough I guess

>Wow, just what I would expect from Ewing.
Really? Because he's never done such thing.

shh the poor swine is still mad, let him blow out some steam

Reminder that, uhh, Batman something-something so Hulk sucks.
Did I get that right?

Ouch, hit a nerve. No one mentioned Batman, why you had to soil this thread that way? Yikes.

>with The Warbound, right?
No, all by himself

Doc Green left Skaar alone in Paris by himself, depowered

But after Hawkeye killed Banner, Skaar came back to the States to hear Banner's will. Banner offered Skaar and the Warbound a spaceship in case they ever wanted to go back to Sakaar.

Afterwards the Warbound pledged themselves to Skaar

So, the Hulk was pwned by a guy named 'Tiny Stank'? How embarrassing.

MODOK. As you know, it was MODOK who created the Harpy in the first place; and MODOK who once enslaved the Abomination to destroy the Hulk. Now, he has re-created them, more powerful than before, to destroy his hated enemy once and for all.
Few people remember it, but MODOK has a personal grudge against the Hulk and now the time has come to settle the bill.
I have to say Ewing's characterization of MODOK combined with Bennet's horrifying visuals are making this portrayal of the Head of AIM the most memorable I have seen in decades.

If your opinion contradicts mine just keep it to yourself, worm.

I was just being poetic. Cool your tits.

Wow. You are a bitter little asshole.

Are you trolling or just incredibly stupid?

...Odd choice for a memorial cover. It kind of suggests Stan went to Hell.

The Hulk couldn't even beat the Sentry normally. The new version... we can't even guess what this guy can do.

Is there a difference between Mindless Hulk and Bannerless Hulk?

"Normal" Hulk without Banner holding rage back.

So far the only incarnation called Maestro in the present is the one from this book, happened last issue

Ewing is a cunt of a human being, but this is still the best thing Marvel is currently publishing. If the could keep Venom out of crossovers, it might top it. Just for it's 90s level fun and Stegman's art.

He wasn't called Maestro. Banner made a joke that at least Devil Hulk is a less ominous name than Maestro.

You are talkibg about the secret empire/hand one? That one is a zombie that is just a literal killing machine as stated by Devil and Banner themselves, he is also Bruce's biggest fear.
Mindless can speak and causes destruction whenever he appear but he doesn't kill.

>Ewing is a cunt of a human being
No he isn't.
>If the could keep Venom out of crossovers, it might top it
Venom could never beat Batman twice in sales and Immortal Hulk has been running for longer, so I don't think Venom really has a horse in this race yet.

>less ominous name than Maestro.
It was the reverse

You misunderstood his joke/sarcasm. He was saying that while Devil Hulk is ominous, at least it isn't Maestro.

Guy uses auto-blocking bots, he doesn't actually pick who to block himself, it is based on what words he put on the bot to filter.
He just wants to keep his timeline clean, i don't blame him. He is actually pretty nice to everyone, two weeks ago a guy gave him a complement about IH while shitting on Batman and he stood up for King big time, saying he can keep the compliments. the guy had to admit he was on drugs to get out of it.

Meanwhile Snyder is shitting on his own co-workers

Plus, he respects reader's theories and doesn't impose his own vision. He believes in the "death of the Author" so everything is up to each one's interpretation, unless it goes too out there and deviates from what he's doing (like that time he chimed in to say the twin theory in the Hulk in Hell arc wasn't correct).
Unlike other writers who go out of their way to EXPLAIN what they wrote in the comic, or canonize stuff via Twitter (like Cates often does).

>Soulless Hulk

I really like this name for the secret empire/hand Hulk. I'm going to start using it from now on, i think it is pretty self-explanatory of what he is about.

Does the Hulk take care of Bruce's boners?

>He believes in the "death of the Author" so everything is up to each one's interpretation
That's not what Death of the Author is about.

It's not, I know: Once it's done, the author has no input whatsoever in the art. I'm saying that he often states his opinion is pointless about lore if it's not on the page itself.

>Once it's done, the author has no input whatsoever in the art
That's not how it works either; it's just the way flagrant piracy and the ability to save pretty much any image from any website both shaped the internet. Artists explain and expand on their original works all the time.

Death of the Author refers to just that, the literal death of the Author and our inability to further explore his works through his original vision. I wish some people would read the essay before quoting just the title.

>Guilt Hulk starts going on an apocalyptic rampage across the world King Ghidorah style and the Avengers can do literally nothing about it because he's TOO FUCKING STRONG
>The only way to win is to get every single fucking Hulk in Bruce's mindscape to team up to fuck that asshole up

Betty was better as Red She Hulk.

It’s good, but they’re going a bit overboard with the horror.

Red She-Hulk was more fun and better as a superhero/villain

But Red Harpy fits the horror tone of this book

I really wanna see Ewing go full Shin Godzilla with Guilt Hulk and make it an absolute monstrosity.
Think Guilt Hulk's design from his first appearance mixed with 2099 Hulk and Shin Godzilla. That'd be fucking terrifying.

Attached: gulk.jpg (350x350, 61K)

That would be dope but an ultra strong guilt Hulk would basically just mean bad news for the supporting cast

Maybe he purposefully doesn't kill Bruce's closest loved ones to fuck with him and extract even more guilt from Bruce, leaving them heavily injured, but still alive.

Yes. Mindless is just an ape. It never speaks, it only destroys. Bannerless talks just fine - he's like a mix between Gray and Savage (this happened during Heroes Reborn, when they were split up; an earlier split, however, resulted in a normal Banner and a Hulk who was more like Mindless).

Attached: Hulcomp.jpg (1324x972, 658K)

But why would guilt make him stronger? He hates himself more than anyone, per his words in World War Hulk; at some level he blames himself for everything bad that happened in his life.

(Of course, the Gamma bomb is entirely on him).

And if it manifests as a separate entity, why would it hurt other people?

Guilt Hulk wants to end the world just like Devil Hulk does. Only difference is that he doesn't care for anyone at all.
Plus Guilt Hulk is literally Bruce's guilt personified that wants to take over his body.

Attached: C8quRZOXYAA6Zcg.jpg:large.jpg (960x758, 179K)

Why does Guilt want to end the world?

Honestly this is a okay comic but people are way overhyping it

Marvel stans thinking this is on par with Swamp thing are delusional

So are you trying to spam this company wars bullshit since the start of the thread.
Now that we are over the bump limit, take your last (You) and fuck off.

I own Moore's Swamp Thing (not remotely my favorite work of his that I own) and yes, this is on par with it.
Less drugs and tree fucking, but way more menace and suspense. Could use some Constantine tho.

Attached: Shelf3.png (1383x1037, 2.81M)

Not the same user, but he hasn't a personality, he just wants to take control over Bruce and destroy everything

don't worry user, you are just answering to a guy who is just acting like he knows shit about anything

I saw it but it wasn't in your face about it and it's not as overdone as the Pieta.

>169 posters
It's Thursday and it's still alive.

I'm planning on getting the 6 books, nice to see a preview of how it looks like. Do you know if there's anything else I should read before it? Because I noticed it starts right in the middle of a run, so I don't know.
I'm getting that, and the Vol.1 of the Immortal Hulk HC, so it's going to be a good haul.

It's not on par with Swamp Thing (And I don't think current Marvel editorial will allow for something like that to ever happen in their books) but it's a pretty good comic.

And this is a dumb take, because it honestly looks like you're annoyed that people are calling it good or great while being unable to mention something on par at the moment.
I'm not saying it's a masterpiece or anything (sometimes I wish it had better coloring), but I'd like to know which other books you'd consider as good as this. I have my own favorites (Doctor Strange is one of them), but none come close to how intense this one is. And I read a lot.

Yes, but WHY.

Hmmm. Maybe I should read beyond 'The anatomy lesson'.

So this is how the Immortal Hulk thread dies... With a smashing applause.

>no, Betty is going to literally birth either Banner or Savage Hulk

I didn't say she wouldn't give birth just that it wouldn't come from her butt, chest bursters are just the way they are born