What is THE most unredeemable character to ever get redeemed?

bonus points if you felt they did enough to warrant the second chance
please don't make it exclusivly a Walking dead discussion, I genuinly want more examples but he's the one that comes to mind at the moment.

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It really doesn't count if the characters themselves forget about the atrocities committed to them for the sake of the plot.

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New 52 Lex Luthor

...Can't agree. New52 Lex was never as evil as his predecessors.

>Excuse me while I destroy everything that ever existed and recreate it in my image
>O, hai guys, I'm the Spectre now

It never set straight with me how this one just walked after all the shit she pulled.

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Alex wilder. Not in the grand scheme of marvel, but with the with the Runaways. It was dumb to resurrect him. Dumber to have Nico accept it in undercover, then basically everyone else in runaways. Those characters haven’t had enough stories to already be rehashing shut.

Who dat?

A woman who lived 100 years of her life in the name of vengeance and sacrificed love, honor, family, reputation, and integrity for it, endangering lives and betraying her people. and when she finally had the opportunity to avenge herself on the one who had taken everything from her, she was like "Nahh, I'm good".

And nobody gave her any shit for it.

>>Excuse me while I destroy everything that ever existed and recreate it in my image

It's weird how using time travel to erase the universe and replace it with one where some bad things never happened is what the protagonist does and is celebrated as a good thing in a ton of media.

For some reason the fact that this motherfucker is so goddamn dense he simply never considered an alternative to ultraviolence until someone carefully explained it to him is refreshingly silly

Injustice Harley

Mr Gone from THe Maxxx, a former rapist.

>New52 Lex was never as evil as his predecessors

He was pretty godamn evil in his introduction scene with Thomas Kord in Forever evil. Also he cured his sister and then crippled her again just to piss off superboy

Wally West next year.

I wish I could help you man all I can tell is that Fred Perry is probably the artist


Both of them, though Sinedd had more to answer for. Also, Artegor.

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Oh, and her.

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I'm looking forward to more Negan antics next issue. I'm curious what sorts of communities he found. I definitely think Kapoor doesn't belong to The Commonwealth.


all of the horse show villains.

None of them that irredeemable, none of them did any real lasting damage. The only egregious one I can think of is Sombra in the comics, but that's not canon so who cares

Bacon horsegirl mind raped a whole school, blew it up and performed a satanic ritual.

She only blew the front entrance and she never actually got to make the mind controlled people do anything. Though now that you mentioned it, she did try to outright kill Twilight and friends, which is really rare of any of the villans. I guess you could agure she wasn't completely in control of her actions since it's kinda implied the demonic transformation amplified her negative traits, but they never state to how much of an extent

While he didn't necessarily get redeemed, the fact that his sadness and frustration hit Yugo so hard he understood that maybe he wasn't a completely evil piece of shit when all Yugo wanted to do at the time was kill him

also WD spoilers
If Kirkman plans on continuing the comic for much longer I hope Negan becomes the main character. I don't think Carl and/or Michonne could carry the comic themselves as main characters after Ricks death, but Negan could

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>Globgor used to eat people and commit all sorts of other atrocities
>We're assured he had a good reason but never get any details
>Eclipsa pioneered dark magic used for nefarious purposes like spying on people or mind-controlling them or destroying their self-esteem
>Star sides with them for no apparent reason
>Apparently the writers think everyone already finds them sympathetic because muh racism allegory and because Eclipsa sang a song and Globgor is a soft-spoken Spaniard

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*Kinda* Yea Forums, but fuck this geriatric prick.
I swear I'm never playing another Kingdom Hearts game ever again.

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What series are these guys from?

Deathstroke when Wolfman started justifying everything he did.

What is this from.

>Excuse me while I destroy everything that ever existed and recreate it in my image
>O, hai guys, I'm the Spectre now
You are aware comic books existed between the 1994 and 1999, right? Hal got at least three redemption arcs in that time.

Bishop after his literal genocide streak

I feel like the next fifty or so issues are going to wrap up Negan's story and the remaining 50 issues leading up to #300 will finish the Alexandria and Commonwealth story. I still think #200 is going to be some sort of memorial anniversary issue for Rick's death we just don't know how many years it will have been. I get time skip vibes from #193

Fred Perry is the artist and her name is G'Nolga which is a troll name, although she is a dwarf.
Her parents were killed by Orks when she was about fifteen years old (which is barely out of diapers for dwarves, apparently) and she was raised by trolls. She's mean.
Her younger sister, who went through the same ordeal, turned out very nice. Eh.

Galactik Football

Negan wasn't that irredeemable. He mostly did everything Rick's crew did, he was just more callous about it. The only shady thing he did was the harem, and even then, it was voluntary.
Hal got the yellow fear monster pass. At the time I thought it was the most retarded shit ever but at least DC tried, unlike Marvel who will take a murdering psycho like Magneto and say "He's seen the light now."

Actively conspires against the rightful monarch and her own family. Creates an army of murderers led by a psychopath. Racist as fuck.

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