So I just saw how this ended earlier this year and apparently it's getting a movie or something...

So I just saw how this ended earlier this year and apparently it's getting a movie or something? Is it worth getting into Yea Forums? I avoided it like the plague cause of the tumblr shit but now that the dust has settled should I binge it?

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Other urls found in this thread:!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw

Keep going only if you like the first couple of episodes. People used to say “stick around until the introduction of the villains” because that was a high point, but the dumber first few episodes are the better indicator of the overall quality.

This show is like edging for hours only to end up blue balled.

the first couple of episodes are probably the worst indicator of the series on the whole

Also kys yourself. watch or don't watch, don't wait for approval to watch a fucking thing

It jumps the shark after season three so just stop there

No, they are a perfect microcosm. The entire series is laser light cannon. There is a looming threat that the gems can’t do anything about because they just throw themselves ineffectively at it; Steven must must navigate the memory of his mother and what she has left behind in order to face this ordeal as his father’s wisdom allows him to grow in the emotional vacuum that are the gems. In the end, victory is achieved not through the scattered remains of his mother’s life, but through the Steven’s own grumption and human quirkiness.

Literally the whole series in one episode.

If someone can’t stomach laser light cannon, but continues watching anyway, they will fucking hate themselves by the end of the series.

>didn't watch it because tumblr
>might watch it if Yea Forums gives approval
Be your own damn person and decide for yourself if you like it.

Cracks me up and saddens me that people still think that SU is over. It isn't There is another season in the works.

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>now that the dust has settled should I binge it?

I say go for it. If you can't stand it just quit after an hour or two.

The story that has driven the first five seasons is over. Anything else now is mopping up.

I still think they structured it wrong.


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There technically is, but every major arc has been definitely concluded, and there’s every indication that this final season is going to not be a proper season of the show, but probably more of an epilogue. Word from Sugar is next season is gonna be “very different” from the rest of the show and something like a new show altogether now that the story they were telling is completely over. I expect it’s either gonna feel like a filler season or like a weird spinoff. There’s only a few loose ends that are almost definitely gonna be tied up, and aside from that who knows what it'll be like.

So the story itself is “over,” even though we’re kinda getting a whole season of bonus content.

All I see is:

- Finding a way to heal shattered gems and help the cluster gems;
- White Diamond's origins and motivations (Was she created by the Sneople? That'd be a turn-up);
- Whatever is opened up in the movie.

Oh, and one episode where Steven uses the Glass of Time to go back to meet Rose on the eve of her death to talk to his mother just once.

There’s also that mysterious box in Lion’s mane that never got opened.

The rest that I’m expecting is stuff that was touched on and doesn’t necessarily need to be brought up again, but could stand to be expanded on, like
>the former corrupted now recently healed gems having to figure out what they’re gonna do now
>the next step of Lars and Sadie’s relationship, and what Lars and the Off Colors are gonna do now that they’re retired space pirates
>full episodes for Sunstone and Rainbow 2.0

>I still think they structured it wrong.

They’d have to be crazy if they chose to do the final season this way on purpose. I’m still willing to bet that the creative team rushed out a finale because they were scared they might not get renewed by the network for new episodes, and then were too far along to change things when they got word they’d have a whole other season.

There’s way too many moments in the last episode/episodes that feel like they were thinking “shit we need to address this thing the fans are expecting. Better wedge it in there” when they could’ve saved a lot of it for later if they were gonna have another season anyway.

I guess you could still blame “them” in the sense that this is probably the network’s fault.

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They should have had more episodes and then end S5 with "Legs from here to Homeworld" which deserved two parts anyway.

Red Diamond, I tells ya. Rose's prototype.

>There’s also that mysterious box in Lion’s mane that never got opened.

>Five-part Stevenbomb (whatever happened to those, anyway?) which ends with him finally serendipitously finding the key to the chest
>He opens the chest
>Inside is a bubble with a pink diamond inside.

I swear they have that chest there as a Pink Diamond death retconning option or something.

Nothing else could be in there that's so fucking important you can never show it.

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>I swear they have that chest there as a Pink Diamond death retconning option or something.
>Nothing else could be in there that's so fucking important you can never show it.
The whole point of Change Your Mind is that Rose/Pink is dead and never coming back. Why do some idiots not understand this? they spelled it out as obviously as they possibly could, and to somehow go back on that would make the entire show meaningless.

Yeah, well, Steven being Pink Diamond kinda already made the Diamonds being antagonists meaningless. Par for the course at this point, so I wouldn't mind.

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She will be back,pink and Steven meeting even if temprary is the one hook they know will bring a guaranteed surge in ratings if the show dips to cancellation levels

If you feel like you want to watch it, then watch it, why the hell you asking us??

Go for it. A lot of the problem I had with the show was that we waited literally years for that blueball of an ending. But if you're binging it all you won't have that same frustration.

Just be aware that after a certain point literally nothing happens. They ramp up the tension like something is about to happen, but it doesn't. In fact the entire second half of the show got concluded in 20 minutes and not through fighting it out like we were promised but because the gems realized that Steven had his mom's gem and things were totally perfect and we're all family again

They aren’t gonna make more show past this season. It’s over. They’re done telling the story as planned and now they ended up having to throw a little extra, and that’s it. They’re not worried about getting cancelled.

I'd say the show is worth it purely for the soundtrack. Sugar and her cohorts (but mostly Sugar, I noticed) have a good ear for melodic and catchy songs that mirror Broadway patterns.

I still go back to them time to time and they always hold up.

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Just watch S1. Give it a try.
By the way, I have a guide to Steven Universe, but It's in spanish, can you work with that?

>implying an entire season of townie episodes is much different from how the shows been

What if they did like Korra tried to do and the next season is about gems and humans integrating together on earth?

I wouldn’t mind if it were like the Lilo and Stitch cartoon, and they did a monster of the week where they would eventually find the right home for each decorrupted gem.

For sure here's the MEGA.
Go nuts.!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw

Fucking soýtoons

>fake your own death and assume the identity of your killer
This is the dumbest pull of the ass

>Steven being Pink Diamond kinda already made the Diamonds being antagonists meaningless.

...That in itself absolutely did not.

>,pink and Steven meeting even if temprary

That is the one and only reason the Glass of Time exists at all. Mark me.

>ecause the gems realized that Steven had his mom's gem and things were totally perfect and we're all family again

Nnnno. It was concluded because a giant balloon of self-delusion was poked at with a tiny needle of doubt. That's the problem with thinking you are absolutely perfect and basing your entire philosophy on the notion: if anyone can show even the tiniest blemish, you are lost.

There simply never had been anyone who could possibly call her to task before. It's like Steven had been forged like a magical sword to slay this particular dragon.

It sure would have been nice if they had made a little more out of it, though.

I would be 100% fine with a season of townie episodes if the Gems actually got involved throughout.

The gems trying to adapt to ordinary human stuff is great and no one can tell me otherwise.

Please don't. I regret wasting 6 years waiting for this show to end.

>spelled out that she is dead
People are refusing to accept such shit ending. You're here to entertain me, not tell some le deep story that does not make sense.

>(kill yourself yourself)

Entitled little twerp.

What are your opinions on the BIG LADIES of the show Yea Forums? Were you already into them at the time? Did this show make you interested in them?
asking for a friend

when's Steven Jewniverse 4?

Newfag detected. You should probably turn 360 degrees and walk away.

Can you do anything besides spout tired memes?

U mad bro?

It's an exercise in wasted potential. First two seasons are great, third season is OK, after that it very quickly turns to utter shit, the ending is basically the worst thing ever made.

This should be screencapped for the next time someone asks if they should watch SU

>In the end, victory is achieved not through the scattered remains of his mother’s life, but through the Steven’s own grumption and human quirkiness.
You mean the random asspull powers Steven gets whenever he's in a remotely difficult situation.

>is it worth getting into?

But the best girl is the smallest lady.
You clod

>Caring about the fandom when selecting a media.
How much of an insecure beta male can you be?
I love Wagner, and I'm a jew.
I love the Punisher, and I'm a liberal.
No self-respecting man would ever, EVER give a shit about what other consumers of a specific piece of media act, as long as said man enjoys said piece of media.
Go back to California, and suck off your wife's boyfriend, you pathetic, worthless cuck.
Kill yourself.
Fucking jump off of a goddamn roof.
I feel ashamed to be a member of the same species as you, you worthless sack of shit.

Isn't that most series that last more then 3 seasons though?
First 2 good, 3rd ok, anything after is bad
Every fucking show.

just watch it and make your own opinion on whether you like or dislike it

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I did.

This is bullshit but I believe it

that could actually be interesting so rest assured it'll never happen

the SU world is so poorly developed that there's literally no point in having that storyline since there's no goddamn inkling of society for us to have an expectation of in reacting to this space shit

It's not like he can really 'get into' it. The show's over, practically speaking. He can watch it at any pace he wants. And the days of SU threads are over.

I thank the Maker I lived through those days.

I LOL'd.

And what did you find?

It's not bullshit, he makes a goddamn good point.

>And what did you find?
I didn't like it

Awww. What was the breaking point? What episode killed it for you?