Superman = the problems of American interventionism around the world

Superman = the problems of American interventionism around the world.
Batman = the problems of the USA PATRIOT Act in our own soil.
Wonder Woman = the old globalized idealism left behind after WW & WWII.
Lex Luthor = the American Military–industrial complex.
The senators = the corrupt and not-so corrupt congress that can do very little in the face of everything.
Doomsday = ????

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Doomsday = Snyder wanting to leave his mark on the character so bad that he killed Superman in his second movie and absolutely nobody gave a shit

>Doomsday = ????

Snyderman was so off-putting that Yondu's death had more emotional weight.
Fuck, Ant-ony's death carried more weight.
Bravo, Snyder.

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Or ISIS, really. It's the monster we created.

Doomsday = America's sins coming back to bite it in the ass. From 9/11 to school shooters

Oh yeah, remember when Iraq shot red lightning out of its face and rapidly grew protruding bones and had no dick? This thread is retarded.

Terrible analogy, as Doomsday doesn't "bite Luthor in the ass", he simply kills Superman as he was intended.

Doomsday was going to punch Lex's head clean off before being stopped by Superman.

tfw you read way to much into a shitty capeflick

It fits, though. Batman even quotes Dick Cheeney.

Superman = Jesus
Batman = Reverse Judas
Wonder Woman = JL Shoehorn
Lex = The Juice
Doomsday = Sins of man or something like that

Doomsday is clearly the Romans.

Doomsday is Superman's Jungian Shadow.

>Batman = the problems of the USA PATRIOT Act in our own soil.
Without Googling you couldn't explain what the PA did, how it came about, or what the actual problems with it were. Just another Snyder drone tossing out words trying to make BvS look like anything but what it was: a shitshow.

I think it's pretty obvious, anyone with even a basic interest in symblogy or just any moderately intelligent person who can understand basic metaphors/analogies should have gotten it right away. here's my explanation, I think you'll find it to be straightforward, thorough, and well supported by the source material:

doomsday represents when you have, like when you have a bad day and are sad, it's a doom(s) day. like in the movie society was having a doomsday because it was a bad day and people were not happy mostly. and all the people who died were having really doom days cause they were doomed and died and when you die it is your doom day.
not to mention, there is an entire character who is named doomsday which just further confirms my theory and ties together the symbolgy of it all really well imo. oh yeah, and doomsday doesn't win so not only is he doomsday, it's also his doom day and if it was also his birthday (the movie never says it's not so I'm counting this. I do understand why I might get some pushback on this point though) then it was also Doomsday's day. these meanings are layered over one another, compounding much in the way that when a bunch of bad stuff happens in a row the bad feelings multiply.

layers on layers, profound and yet, also quintessenceses. Snyder reached yet another new peak on this one imo.

OP = faggot

Batman literally uses The One Percent Doctrine as argument in one of his speeches to justify his crusade against Superman, which was a direct reference to a Bush era policy of using the Patriot Act to basically do whatever they wanted when it came to violation people's privacy, etc. for "security reasons."

Doomsday's literally the monster America created. That's why he was covertly created by the American Military-industrial complex and is a dark reflection of American Interventionism; seen collectively by the media, congress, and other countries as a unholy monster. Everyone had their hands in its creation and it needs to be destroyed. Its existence also represent the death of America's power.

I don't recall Cheney dressing like a bat but you know that isn't how allegory works.

You seem to have missed when clark "the man from the sky" saved him from dying by his own design.

Not even playing the "you're too dumb" card but it gets really annoying when people see something that could make them think twice about BvS and decide the thing that would make them think that didn't happen... when it did.

This shit happens far too much.

>brainlet is mad that others aren't brainlets and so BvS sucks

Cheney would have been a pretty good bat villain.
Something something 'the hunter'.

Doomsday is clearly nuclear warfare, since they use an actual nuke on him and it just makes him worse

Such allegory, so symbolical.

you're actually correct, OP, but not in the way you think.

>Superman = the problems of American interventionism around the world.
"problems" like saving thousands of lives, generous foreign aid, free AIDS medicine to Africa.....

>Batman = the problems of the USA PATRIOT Act in our own soil.
doing the dirty work others won't against genuinely dangerous enemies who kill for fun

>Wonder Woman = the old globalized idealism left behind after WW & WWII.
lol, wat? globalized idealism didn't exist before WW1 and was very rare before WW2.

>Lex Luthor = the American Military–industrial complex.
but he's anti-superman, who is American interventionsism, and the military-industrial complex LOVES interventionism.

>The senators = the corrupt and not-so corrupt congress that can do very little in the face of everything.
congress could do a lot if they could ever agree on anything. it's an accurate portrayal of congress: wasting time on petty grievances and bickering and completely ignoring the actual threat until it blows up in their faces,

>Doomsday = ????
the forces arrayed against America. an entirely artificial creation made by angry elites who resent american power. and a genuinely dangerous force of mass destruction that they cannot control, and which would happily destroy its creators if not stopped

The best allegory about MoS and BvS is that these movies over and over tells you to go and have sex.

MoS is all about Jor and Lara having sex in a society of incels, incel Zod being made that his friend Jor had sex and he didn't, Krypton collapsing because it was a society of incels that didn't had sex, Superman being raised by a nice couple that have sex, Superman learning to be a better man from Lois because he wants to have sex with her, Superman and Lois basically always saving one another in the nick of time because they really REALLY want to have sex, and the villains losing everything because they're a bunch of incels that don't have sex.
BvS? Kinda same thing. Superman and Lois despite it all find strenght in one another because they've sex, Batman is an angry guy because he has sex but the good kinda sex, Lex treats all the women in his life as disposable so he's an sexless incel without any hope of redemption, Wonder Woman being an immortal incel that stopped having sex when her bieu died, Batman and Wonder Woman becoming heroes again because it's implied they're going to have sex.

So have sex.

>lol, wat? globalized idealism didn't exist before WW1 and was very rare before WW2.
Wonder Woman, to me, still represented a period in America's history, nay the world's history, where several countries came together to fight a clear evil. The feeling of camadirie and a just fight was big. That had been lost. The new America and world was one completely disconnected and at odds with each other.

That's how i view her character in the story. She only changes her mind when she see in the news Superman and Batman fighting against Doomsday, two guys that seemed to be entering in a colissiun putting their differences aside to fight a common goal. Much like in WW and WWII.