Why don’t they ever have gay characters revealed as straight or bi?
Why don’t they ever have gay characters revealed as straight or bi?
Wait for the iceman retcon.
you're the kind of faggot that asks for straight pride parades aren't ya
no i want my pedo pride parades now go dilate and have sex
Does this count?
You shouldn't have to tell others when characters are gay , the proper way to handle them is let them exist and give an obvious hint or facts only if its necessary to the story, which it rarely ever will be.
When people do this shit like OP's picture for obvious LGBT drama pushing it just hurts the quality of the characters and the writer by those that understand its stupid self indulgent garbage with alternative reasons rather than making a quality story.
That's such a great point, OP. I actually think you're really into something. It's almost like there isn't a gay majority in the population that pushed an idea that being straight or bi was unnatural and would result in eternal damnation, but before then was something you should be ashamed of and hide for your entire life.
Man what a crazy idea, right? Thank goodness no one has done anything like that. It might force people to become dependent on the glimmer of hope that they weren't alone, to such a degree that standing proudly with others or seeking representation wouldn't be about hurting the feeling of others who weren't like them as much as being a lifeline to those who've grown up thinking they were broken or weird, but alone more than anything else, only to realize they weren't.
Has the tyrannical Gay majority made you feel like you were an outsider, or would never be with someone, because even though your friend told you he'd be gentle you never liked sucking duck or taking it up the ass, and people have just broken your spirit when you told them you didn't like it. Maybe they spit on you or stopped talking to you when you told them you think you might like girls.
Is it starting to become clear why they don't do that, OP?
Don't say that word, otherwise you'll have the entire alphabet come after you.
To long didn’t read tranny
Sure, since the a lot of the LGBTETC community doesn't give half a flaccid fuck about Bisexuals.
>You shouldn't have to tell others when characters are gay , the proper way to handle them is let them exist and give an obvious hint or facts only if its necessary to the story, which it rarely ever will be.
Translation: never say someone is gay and make it so vague you can never tell, because I don't want to see gay people in media because my dick feel funny when I see gay people.
lol owned
They did. Batroc was shown to have a daughter.
Why do gays hate bi people so much?
Cause bi's are day walkers, and gays are Nosferatus
It's arguable to a point that with bi-characters it's far too easy to end up in a situation where they're only depicted as heterosexual, to a point where you can't even tell they were ever bi in the first place.
See: John Constantine.
One will be met by anger while the other one will be seen as being halfhearted. They wouldn't be satisfied unless you go all the way.
So you want every gay character in every form of comics, cartoon and media to have to start their intro and story by letting you know they're gay as if its some faggy trigger warning?
Get over yourself and learn some basic reading comprehension skills, its not that hard to understand unless you're a full blown idiot or a child, its literally right there in the green text you copied.
Didn't Azz make him Bi? I haven't read Hellblazer in a while.
Bitch please, you people cry when a gay man simply refers to their significant other as a boyfriend/husband, and never blink an eye when a straight person does the same thing. You get triggered by the very mention of someone being gay no matter the context.
The guy after Ennis confirmed he's dated men before, but then it was just dropped and never brought up agan until Azarello's run, and then dropped again after that and only brought up again during his DCYou Mini.
Hoo boy this joke really hasn't gotten old.
What is up with Azz and his John X Bat shit? I see it pop up on more than one occasion.
People like you could never be satisfied with a gay character because you literally don't want anyone to be gay. Why should anyone listen to you?
sure is lots of FAGS in this thread
They already retcon Herc to be straight and not bi. Stop crying faggot OP.
No it bothers me when it doesn't matter. Who cares i don't need it emphasized unless its part of the story, unlike OP's image where it was a sad attempt at media drama. Doom Patrol series for example handled a gay character fairly well allowing it to only relevant when it needed to be.
In the end sex is sex its all an animalistic exchange of liquids, This is why bi characters are easier to handle and don't get much shit because they got best of both worlds, who cares fuck everyone. Hercules knows whats up.
Iceman really should be Bi. The past continuity would make more sense.
bullshit, wasnt the last story of his had something to do with alternate timeline shit and him fucking Logan?
>No it bothers me when it doesn't matter.
Then why aren't you complaining every time someone is straight and their immediate family doesn't matter? Where's the consistency? I don't see threads complaining about MJ in Spider-man.
>gay characters revealed as straight or bi?
human sexuality doesnt work that way. at most a gay character would realize they were actually bi
However an inherently straight person would maybe fool around once or twice, but ultimately stick to their inherent sexuality than pretend to be gay for some stupid reason
The reason why gay people pretend to be straight is the same as always; unfair persecution.
Hercules bisexual is quite credible.
Alternate Universes don't count, moron.
If so, people would be making a big deal of Piotr being gay in 1610.
>Alternate Universes don't count
Except when they do like Spiderverse dimensions or alternate earths in DC right?
Eat a cock.
Because straights have never had to hide in the closet or be beaten, wrapped in bobwire, doused with kerosene, and set on fire for the crime of being straight.
>Who cares i don't need it emphasized unless its part of the story
Gay people are coming out all the time, all over the place, Boyd, and soon you're gunna have a rude awakening when your favorite cousin, your sister, the quarterback on your team, your best friend, nephew, and/or coworker, comes out as gay.
>unfair persecution.
Greetings middle eastern poster.
>why isn't this gay person closeted straight
hmmm idk m8
Some men pretend to be gay for attention, super heroes are the biggest attention whores going, makes sense to me.
Aw, it's an edit. A good writer could pull this off.
Well i did have a gay dog one time. On a farm of like 15 dogs he would only hump male dogs. I miss that faggot.
It ain't an edit. Green Arrow #9 by Kevin Smith.
The words are an edit, but the story was exactly that. Written by Kevin Smith, if I am not mistaken.
old but gold kek.
It's legitimately not an edit.
Save the sob story, fag
Look bud take any pride celebration and replace the race with white and the sexual preference to straight. If it now sounds stupid or even a bit bigoted, then it's stupid and bigoted to begin with.
>projecting this hard
Remind me how many countries have the death penalty for being heterosexual
Ironically, OP is in fact a massive fag
Nice lateral thinking fag but that has nothing to do with the goings on of developed nations.
This has already happened to everyone are you from 1981? Or the third world?
Didn't they do that with hercules?
>pointing out that there is no official punishment anywhere in the world for being straight is "lateral thinking
>assuming anyone who stands up for gay rights HAS to be gay
(You) need to come out of the closet
Don't you have an incel parade to organise?
Ladies first.
Mainly the Muslim ones. And that's about the only thing I could argue that they do right.
Yea Forums is top 3 gayest board so no surprise that there's lots of actual fags in here.
>human sexuality doesnt work that way.
>a fag telling anyone how sexuality works
>hide in the closet or be beaten, wrapped in bobwire, doused with kerosene, and set on fire for the crime
based hetero burning the homos
I hope he turned Jean into a dirty foot licking bottom dyke.
Ok whiner
Girl wedding when?
That just seems like the lazy writer’s excuse. If the character is bisexual then present them as being interested in both genders rather than exclusively one
Yeah, but what happens when several writers in a row just depict you in heterosexual relationships?
>incel parade
No because it'd be just as cringey as a gay pride parade.
Are you retarded? Bi characters have never been properly represented in media. Ever.
If you think Herc is a bi character done right then you are even beyond retarded. You just completely forget Alonso's bi-erasure on him.
But that's the issue; this almost never happens because nine times out of ten writers will just depict the character in heterosexual relationships, with their bisexuality brought up maybe once in a blue moon (the aforementioned John Constantine being an example). The bisexuality winds up just being progressive lip service.
Here's a challenge for you; name a few bisexual characters in fiction who have actively been depicted in relationships with both male and female partners. Hard mode: name a few male bisexual characters who have been depicted in relationships with both male and female partners.
They get cured
Its really funny and ironic seeing a fag calling anything cringe.
Jackie from Star Vs. Gene from Bob's Burgers.
That doesn't even make sense. The expectation is that a character is straight. How would said Character be "revealed" to be gay?
hey guys
remember this commercial?
Because there aren't characters originally gay. They always choose to ruin a already straight character.
Because it's not easy to create a new character and make it popular. it's easier to take a famous character and change it.
There are some noble exceptions like Midnighter, but being Gay is almost irrelevant in his stories and that's probably why it works. That and the fact he's a funny bastard.
Some People who saw themselves gay or lesbian, even having said type of partners, but later finds out they actually like the opposite sex and go date and marry said sex, more often then not, are labeled traitors to the community.
Batroc was never gay, though.
Mulan Kato from the Dynamite Green Hornet comics.