I absolutely cannot take any asian actors seriously if they wanna go the strictly pc route. I'm just being honest...

I absolutely cannot take any asian actors seriously if they wanna go the strictly pc route. I'm just being honest, they're gonna have to get some hapas or something, because the wide eyed, anime-esque style of the cartoon is not gonna translate into live action if they use mongoloid actors.

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You can come up with any reason you want that the live-action adaption will suck. Actors are bad choices, the world will feel lifeless in live action, Netflix can't be trusted to not screw it up
But you know deep down you're just trying to hide the fact that Avatar was always a shit series and the poor nature of its adaptions and sequels is based on the low quality of the original more then the little to no differences that happened in the remakes

That's why they need to ditch the idea of a TV-7 or PG rating and go full TV-14 or TV-MA. Make it as realistic as possible all the way down to mass genocide (show the day of Air Nation being burned alive by Sozin), an Agni Kai where someone goes too far and is burned alive, some true horror shit in the Spirit World like Koh but even scarier, etc. Basically just do what the show what actually look like in real life, don't try to make it like the show by throwing in lighthearted humorous tone, because the perfect version of that already exists and will never be replicated. Go the more Game of Thrones route

what is your favorite western cartoon series?

>cartoon with overtly Asianic inspiration
>is not gonna translate into live action if they use mongoloid actors
You're a fucking moron. I can't even fathom how goddamn idiotic this is.

I know right, the Avatar universe should have more blacks and transgender people. Definitely not Asians which it is based on.

>he expects the actors to look like cartoon characters

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You must have really loved the 2007 film.

Are you seriously implying you can't see Aang as an obvious asian monk

While I agree that I value aesthetics over racial accuracy i’ve already conceded that others do not feel the same. I’ll let Aang look more asian than he actually looks, just get the characters right and PLEASE get non-ugly actors. If Katara, Azula, Toph or Tai Lee look bad it’s gonna be a TOUGH sell, i’m sure the girls and the gays feel the same about Zuko.

Nah man, Avatar was kino

Yeah that’s gonna be a cringe from me boss.

They won't, it's netflix

A faithful live-action adaptation of ATLA will, without question, need to be the most expensive TV production of all time.
Fucking Game of Thrones had about $15,000,000 an episode towards the end of its run and they still had to cut corners on special effects because animating the dragons was so expensive.

>He wouldn’t want to look at a sectoid waifu
Water u, ghey?

No one gives a shit what a messageboard racist wants or thinks.
Fuck off back to /pol/

Look at this retard and laugh of him.

Nice argument. Dont know if youve noticed or not yet, but the entire Avatar fandom are adults now. Korra's audience wasnt kids, they were older teens and young adults. No kids watched Korra. A mature rating makes the most sense artistically and marketwise. Unless you are just wanting another Shyamalan production but in a different flavor, because thats what this will be unless they try something totally different from the show. If you say you want something kids can watch, then they can just watch the original series like everyone else did. Trying to replicate the original in liveaction is just going to be inferior, wont work.

When will you folks get it, these actors get hired for being the daughter/son/niece/friend of one of the execs who's pumping tax-safe money loundry into it.
>"daddy! I wanna be the pretty water-bender main girl!"
>"mom! stacy from class *-C says she won't date me because i'm a weird looking mongoloid with money, so maybe if i'm a weird looking mongoloid with money that also just happens to have ((connections)) to become a D-tier actor in a C-tier movie, maybe, just maybe i'll be good enough to hold her purse while chad from the football fraternity takes her to the back room of the party, come on mom, you don't want me to go elliot rodgers on some gooks asses now do you? get me that gig!"
It's the good ol' nepotism, you seriously expect them to get actors looking closely to the source material? Hah. Remember zuko? Played by that "skins/slumdog millionaire" poo-in-loo, instead of having a burned spot around the eye, the entire character was roasted, aang could've been more pasty pale looking but the water tribe siblings? for once they're supposed to get brown actors for the role, they were frigging white, the industry is just fond of messing around in that aspect, between agendas and nepotism, never expect anything good from the industry.

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Show me a pure mongoloid that has the giant anime eyes that the characters in the show have.

And it's Asiatic, retard.

It's based on Asians but most of the characters don't look like it.

He looks white
I didn't.
I'm Hawaiian

No human being has gigantic anime eyes in real life, you absolute retard. Besides, most of the adult characters and teen characters have significantly less rounded eyes.

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I don't want a edgy avatar but I don't mind if they make big changes to the plot. I don't want a word to word live action adaptation, as you say, we already got the best version of avatar, they need to do things differently.
idk, maybe there's still some airbenders left that decided to renounces their beliefs to survive, maybe aang didn't escape before the fire nation attacked and was learning water/earth bending at other place but he was frozen when he rushed to the air temple to try to help them, maybe katara is fucking her brother. Idk, make changes, make it unique.

>maybe katara is fucking her brother
I’d watch it

>I'm just being honest
lol finally telling it like it is

Bad take. We don’t need changes, we need additional content. Keep the plot the same, just add more.

I'm saying other races or hapas very clearly have bigger eyes than your average mongoloid chink.

is this the actual cast? sokka actually looks decent. katara i'll give a chance but that might be a bad picture of her. aang looks like a young jackie chan, those eye bags do not make him look 12 and being bald will do the opposite of help.

Nope, it’s a fancasting.

that's two thirds relieving then, but i still wouldn't mind that sokka.

OP here. I only have a problem with aang. Katara and sokka are on point

I find it so fucking strange that when adapting animation, a medium that values aesthetics over a depiction of reality, into live action we choose to value racial sensitivity over aesthetic faithfulness.

Do I give a fuck what the race of thse characters are? No. Katara can be Amerindian, pacific islander, half black, whatever as long as she LOOKS REASONABLY LIKE KATARA or at least possesses similar traits like her cuteness and facial characteristics. Obviously this extends to everybody. Make Aang white, make Bumi black, I really don’t care, just get the characters looking and acting right.

>Muh edgelord Avatar
Kill yourself you disgusting nigger. You're kin with the people who thought DC superhero movies needed to be dark and brooding.
The fact that you suggest "Go the more Game of Thrones route" just shows how much of a braindead normalfag you are. That show was good until it stopped following the source material, and when edge and sex were used it wasn't because the show runners wanted to reafirm how much of a big boy series it was but because the source material is even more dark and hopeless.

Good take. We need changes, an adaptation can't survive with just aditional content. Keep the plot the same but give it an interesting twist.


Because I don't want to see the same shit again but with irl actors

I only watch films

Then why make it at all?

Are you admitting that you actually want to see this heap of shit for unironic reasons?

If they don’t have faith in what their adapting and need to make it something else than they should just make something else.

Keep the plot the same, add new spins and character interactions, fix up a few things like Kataang being set up better and Lion turtle and you have a winner.

Subversion for the sake of it is cancer.

Congratulations you’re Hawaiian and racist, very cool

An excellent question

>I only watch films
That sums up the irrelevance of your opinions in this conversation.

Maybe they could just make a good tv show without your murder rape fantasies

Is it racist to want characters to resemble themselves visually?

I thought the water tribe were obvious first nations expies.

There’s no world where they translate anime proportions to live action

>>I'm just here to shitpost

We knew that from the start, user.

Of course not, but it’s better to aim as close as possible, right?

You aren't even me lmao

Commit Coitus

This. Animation and live action use the same channels of spectacle (visual and auditory) but replace artistic representation (animated characters) with theatrical performance (actors), and in that replacement a lot is lost since irl has limitation while drawings are only limited by artistic ability.

So why embrace that limitation rather than push it as far as possible?

Give all the actors big disgusting CGI animu eyes like that Alita movie

Unironically a great idea. 2.5D is the future of anime adaptation. As soon as we get people over the uncanny valley myth, the sooner we can start designing the perfect characters even in “live action”.

Please don’t call my ideas great.

If it makes you feel better I thought the same, so i’m patting myself on the back more than you.

Because society sees live action as the mature and respectable one, that is why for a couple of centuries theater and opera have been considered as the option for the cultured when in ancient times they were entertainment for the masses the same way fast and furious is today.

Lol at this amerimutt tard. Another reason that Yea Forums or the amerimutt geek industry is so goddamn pathetic. sorry but Yea Forums almost automatically wins.

>2.5D is the future of anime adaptation.
Certainly preferable than full live action. That movie managed to make the actors look out of place compared to Alita and the heavy augmented.

If anything, the American idea that race matters more than aesthetics is the problem, not the other way around. Based Japs know this, which is why they didn’t sperg out about the GITS live action movie and in fact praised Johansson for resembling Matoko very well.

chink eyes have never been aesthetically pleasing.

That’s your perception. All i’m saying is that nobody has slanty eyes in the show, so the actors shouldn’t have slanty eyes.

yes, I'm on the same page. No slanty eyes.

That's not true, racist. No facial feature us unique to one race. Theres plenty of big eyed asians of every ethnicity

people are upset at the GITS adaptation because there have only been two majority Asian-American Hollywood movies in 25 years, The Joy Luck Club and Crazy Rich Asians
GITS was a layup to have another film with Asian Americans and they dropped the ball

obviously the reason people in Japan don't give a fuck is that they see hundreds of movies each year with Japanese people in them

Factually untrue, Southeast Asians tend to have double eyelids that make their eyes look bigger than the rest, and a big part of it is the interbreeding of very diverse ethnicities.

The "inbreeding" is very few. You dont need to to fuck another race to have DNA mutation for any facial feature including blue eyes filipinos. Having double eyelids doesn't guarantee big eyes. There are people with double eye lids so hooded that it is narrow too.

well, in the animation, most of the characters are half white (even if ''white'' doesnt really exist in this world.)

even the air nomad look like 3/4 white 1/4 tibetan

Are you retarded? Season 1 had incest, beheadings, guy getting burned alive and gore. The source material was already dark you fucking moron. Adapting a book into a tv show is completely different from adapting an already-made tv show into another tv show. GoT books were always MA and the show was always MA. I'm talking about going from a PG setting which can only realistically exist in animation to 14/MA live action. But by all means enjoy your watered down Shyamalan 2.0. Dont even know what idiotic babble you're trying to say with capeshit

I don’t care about any of that and the fact that you do over visual accuracy is a problem.

Avatar doesn’t need to be a edgefest.

>visual accuracy
>to cartoons
I bet the """"live-action"""" Lion King gives you an erection.

God no. That’s another example of MUHREALISM shitting all over original intent. Alita was a step in the right direction, another example would be Scooby Doo 2002.

>Go the more Game of Thrones route
can you fucking cringe normies stop using GoT as the standard for dark and gritty

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>reeeee everyone on TV has to be white!
Why are amerimutts like this?

>Are you retarded? Season 1 had incest, beheadings, guy getting burned alive and gore.
>when edge and sex were used it wasn't because the show runners wanted to reafirm how much of a big boy series it was but because the source material is even more dark and hopeless.
The irony of a dislexic retard who can't read daring to call anyone else a retard.
Let me explain it more plainly to you so your brain can catch up:GoT didn't need to get more dark because the source was already dark, and what made the early seasons good wasn't it being edgy, but having the solid wrting from the books (which can't be replaced by edgyness, one just needs to watch from season 4 of GoT and onwards to see that).
In other words:
Good Writing=Good
You're one of the many normalfag idiots that believe the words "Violence and sex" equal "Mature and Good".

El monsturo...

Aang was the only actor that could pass for the animated version. Too bad he couldn't act for shit.

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nice moves though

Who are you quoting?


>A live action adaptation of Avatar would be bad because I'm racist

They already tried it with white people and it failed miserably. Might as well let Asians have a crack at it.

>The movie was bad because of the actors race and not because the writing and effecs were shit.
So you're telling us that if the actors of the movie had been asian it wouldn't have sucked? It must be what you're saying because the directing crew of the series is going to be even whiter than when Shyamalamadingdong was involved.

The movie was all around nepotistic shit.

The cast was white washed. Majority of the cast were all stiff and couldn't act for shit. The actors that played Katara and Sokka were both silver spoon fucks whose parents paid for them to get those roles. The source material was treated like shit. They mispronounced damn near everybody's name. The bending was underwhelming as fuck. The movie was just a giant turd and I'm glad most everybody involved with it ate shit.

I could give a shit about the race of the director, but if the director actually treats the property like he doesn't think the source material is beneath him like Shamalamadingdong did, then I'm for it. He doesn't have much of a choice because Bryke will be involved as well.

I said I wanted hapas or wide eyes Asians, not white people.

Also, the main characters being the wrong races was the least of the problems of that movie.

That sokka is fucking perfect, holy shit