How has Yea Forums change your life?

How has Yea Forums change your life?

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Made me realize getting invested in children's cartoons is mental illness and to double down on being a weeb.

user, I...

Funny enough a few minutes in Yea Forums and the brigaders from Yea Forums convinced me the other way around

I never knew this many people have shit taste. Or that I could draw or write.

Isn't anime also cartoons for children in Japan?

For the worse.

I think I was happier not being here. It's a cesspool of shit and more shit. At least it's the fun kind of cesspool.

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It's the only board that hasn't yet made me completely hate the medium it's supposed to talk about.

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It made me more aware of a lot of creator drama I never would've been aware of before.
I don't follow creators so I wouldn't have known.
Found some cool cartoons I never would've know about.
And I learned that people really, really like to gossip around here.
It's like fucking high school, I swear.

Over half the physical books I now own I bought because I saw a storytime.

Not much else.

What other boards did that for you?

It hasn't.

it made me realize that disney interns and shitty artists shill their works and perform damage control online. with how much feedback they get from this board, they should be paying us.

Yea Forums (and Yea Forums in general) has provided the perfect void to scream my awful, problematic, and autistic opinions in a consequence free manner. Given today's climate, you have no idea how necessarily cathartic that is.

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didnt change it much but im sure as hell convinced that comics ruined my sexuality

I'm pretty sure this board made me gay.

I'd probably still be reading Big Two capeshit and loving Marvel movies, so for the better I guess.

The stupid Hunger Games thing that happened a long time ago got me into comics because I thought that Nazi Superman was the edgiest thing I've ever seen and I wanted to read it.
From there I read a bunch of comics and I found a lot of neat stories, but reading The Sandman during a very particular moment in my life made me a little too introspective.
So while I think this board is fucking garbage and up it's own ass (I actually knew people who use this board and each and every last one of them is a good representative of what is wrong with this board), it's also probably the only reason why I feel pretty good about life. There are downs and all but that's not going to pull me down, I'll eventually get back up to do stupid things because that's what I enjoy doing.

we should have turned and run user......

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Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /g/, Yea Forums and /pol/. At least people here stays positive most of the time.

I think that applies to Yea Forums in general.

no i blame comics and comics alone

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based pbsposter

And I blame video games. Yea Forums is a very gay website.

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I mean I'm not complaining

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i know

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At least it didn't turn you into a pedophile. So that's something right?

I became gayer and more feminine

>At least it didn't turn you into a pedophile
yeah, about that...

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you didnt fall into the shota trap did you user.........

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Um... sure

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Ok ok. At least your not a child molester. Right?

no. I like them boyish

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shotas are boyish but never mind

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It's another place to time waste on for me. No different than any other place I discuss things I like other than you have no name to go by unless you choose to and a generally a bit more vitriol in discussion.