If the rumors are true, then the MCU should make Norman this and not Green Goblin.
>but Rhodey
Fucking paint his suit green and purple and make it all goblin-y, kinda rami-esque. who really gives a damn
If the rumors are true, then the MCU should make Norman this and not Green Goblin.
>but Rhodey
Fucking paint his suit green and purple and make it all goblin-y, kinda rami-esque. who really gives a damn
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Right because that's what this Spider-Man franchise needed more of, Iron Man shit. Look just accept that the Iron Patriot you want isn't happening and lets move on.
>waah there's 10 minutes of Iron Man in Homecoming waah
>Look just accept that the Iron Patriot you want
I find that extremely unlikely.
Wait, no. You're right. The MCU will not fill the void of no Iron Man by making Spider-Man most famous villain lead the Sinister Six as a Dark Avengers. It'll happen.
>hmm how we do Norman for the third time without making him feel the same? I sure wish he had a whole alternative alter-ego that is a foil to MCU Spidey's father-figure, Iron Man.
The entire point of FFH is Peter taking Tony's place. Furthermore, I don't even want Norman to begin with. Would much rather see Otto again given the time passed.
Quit being a whiny bitch when people dont agree with you
>The entire point of FFH is Peter taking Tony's place.
As what? Captain of industrial technology? Kid's not even done with high school yet. Leader of a superhero team? Nowhere near ready for that. The whole "world needs a Tony Stark" is going to be played up for Peter to realize he doesn't need to fill that void. Which leads to Norman entering the MCU like speculates.
Leave Peter Parker to me.
>who really gives a damn
If you make his suit green and purple and goblin-y than he isn't the Iron Patriot anymore, he's tech. Green Goblin.
>Look just accept that the Iron Patriot you want isn't happening and lets move on.
Nobody wants this you stupid nigger, you really think people want Iron Patriot and not Green Goblin in the MCU?
But this is OBVIOUSLY the direction they're gonna take with him. No Avengers, no Tony Stark, Osborn is appearing in the end-credits scene buying the Avengers tower, it is ripe territory for Dark Avengers and they won't pass it up. We will maybe get Green Goblin some time, but it'll be sadly only after Iron Patriot
>Gobby is a manlet
They will. Because it will trigger Peter Parker big time. Clever as Osborne panders to people's need to feel safe, so posing as Earth's greatest protector is a sly move to make himself popular as the guy to take up Stark's mantle.
Also ties into the government (pethaps with Osbornes encouragement) making John Walker the official new Captain America.
Not gonna give a fuck unless Green Goblin actually looks like a fucked up, stitched Halloween costume instead of meme armor.
The last green goblin we saw was a kid-abominatin in a second generation powered exoskeleton. Amazing Spider-Man was super close to MCU in design quality. Design is not just the special effect prop but also the story of the design and they had it so that Andrew Garfield's Spider-man could have shown up in the Disney MCU as is, only disappointing box-office and Andrew's lack of appeal deflated that from finalizing. Womp womp.
Spider-man's early villains are so lame. They only get by on volume and improved iterations. There's so many of the same kind of bad guy from Green Goblin to Hobgoblin to Prowler to Kraven to Scorpion to Jackel to Sandman to Hydroman to Venom to Carnage to Harry Osborn to and on and on but some are better than others. Norman's Green Goblin's so OLD of a character idea and he's been iterated on a bunch of times. If Holland Spider-man treated Norman's antagonism like he treated his origin (the spider's dead, Ned.) The audience would go along with it. "On no,that's Norman Osborn, I thought he was in jail!" and then someone asks what's so bad about Norman Osborn and Peter was like ' here it comes' and then the action started it would be fine.
Fucking what?
The idea of Green Goblin is stupid. The original goblin mask was some kind of Alice thing that was eating him, wasn't it? Or was that Manhunter? Green Goblin was dumb when it was first made and it's dumb now. A guy in a latex mask getting temporary powers threw lab chemicals and a rocket glider?
Norman Osborn's history as Green Goblin can be glossed over the same as it was for Spider-man's origin in Civil War/Homecoming.
I want Hobgoblin
Whitewashing again, oh no one see this coming
I'm thinking the MCU will do that after the Iron Patriot phase. Following Norman's descent into insanity.
ASM2 goblin was fucking trash and a waste of a good Harry actor
I think it was suppose to be a flying trash monster. Do you think it would have been better if he had been more CGI hulked-out and if his armor looked more alive, like Tony's? Do you think it would have been better if it had been given that MCU spit shine?
Forgot the link to the video, I guess I was suppose to type Don't you think it would have looked better if the goblin transformation was more cgi/bulked out? Don't you think the movie would have been cooler if the armor had those nano-tech elements looking more alive like Tony's armor? m.youtube.com
Honestly hope they don't give Osborn a nano-armor even if he is Iron-Patriot. Let him wear a bootleg Iron-man 2's Iron-man armor instead.
True. But even bootleg Iron Man Armor self assembles better than anything we've seen amazing Spider-man. the Iron Man suit has been self assembling since Iron Man 2.
I would be okay with Ultimate Green Goblin.
I'd rather they take the Animated series approach, and have Osborn hire someone to become the Hobgoblin and act on his behalf.
Is a couple of minutes of screentime sick in bed in ASM 2 really too much Norman for him to have a proper role in Homecoming?
What do you even read comics for?
Honestly it'd be neat to have a villain transform into another villain over the course of a few movies.
Discussion seems mighty sparse for such a popular image board on such a timely topic. Did you guys forget your ram base?
Could be much better with Morpheus
Nigga need to lose weight
Is Norman Osborn just the Lex Luthor of Marvel now?
He already was Goliath, though.
I just hope we get a silver fox as Norman. I need my slash fics especially since he is in a position of power.
it is happening, it fits perfectly with everything they've done until now, I know you're on the spectrum and you don't really get it but it's happening
What OP claims makes a bit of sense.
Norman comes in buying Stark properties, fashions himself as the new Tony which bugs Peter and then we got Iron Patriot to really get under Peter's skin.
He might have dual identities like during Dark Reign with the goblin being Norman's Hulk persona emerging after he tried to fuck around with Banner's science too.
People used to say that about every comic property.
Now theres a fucking Morbius movie coming out.
Like Blade, Morbius is a property which no one gives two fucks about. There might even be another Howard the Duck/Man-Thing movie.
But there is never going to be an MCU movie using Sony Spider-Man's Luthor as a fake Iron Man leading a team of faux X-Men, faux Captain Marvel and Venom.
Deal with it already.
Youre just repeating yourself, offering not rationale.
Also repeating everyone saying the same shit at the turn of the fucking century about a whole bunch of shit already produced or in production. Who even gives a fuck about the Eternals, user? Cause theyre coming too, and theyre getting the A list treatment.
>Youre just repeating yourself
Marvel isn't interested in a villainous universe. The renegade "heroes" of GotG were a bunch of PG goody-two-shoes softies.
Sony isn't interested in villain movies, Venom was a PG "stop the evil bad guy" story that thought saying "PUSSY" was edgy and outrageous. Venom was about as violent as Ant-Man for the love of gawd.
DC has no interest in villain movies; The Skwad was so "heart of gold" that even the superheroes in it seemed edgy by comparison. They are making a Joker movie on a micro-budget out of risk-aversion to this idea.
This is
Pretty much the only thing I want to talk about right now. Norman Osborn, in a tin can, bulking out and burning up Ultimate Green Goblin style, but being smart enough to nano tech a v-tol into a glider so his bulked out burning body can fly. And shitting exploding nanotech/dark elf pumpkin bombs.
The story of Ultimate Six could be smashed into the story of Thunderbolts really easily. Dark Reign does really good things for my privates.
Ive seen more Dark Avengers storytimes than Eternals, and Eternals is getting made. Not that what happens on this board means any thing to any studio.
>Marvel isnt interested
Good of you to speak on their behalf
>Sony isnt interested in villain movies
Again, thats really swell of you.
user, you're offering Caps lock as your logic and you keep repeating yourself with nothing to back it up. Its on the same level as "my uncle works for".
It's not that the Dark Avengers are obscure; a number of them have been in movies before.
It's that the villains are tied into rebuilding franchises, and several of the heroes they copycat still wait to be re-introduced or are still in their formative stages.
You couldn't look at a Dark Avengers movie for another 10-15 years. Who the fuck on Earth even knows who Carol is outside of the Avengers? Having Moonstone dress up as her would be meaningless.
>Ive seen more Dark Avengers storytimes than Eternals, and Eternals is getting made.
Let go of the delusion that these mega-budget movies are made for LCS skulkers; they are not.
The number of times their pirated issues have been storytimed on Yea Forums is utterly irrelevant to the success or potential success of the movies.
If it were relevant, Shazam and Captain Marvel would have the other's box office.
>Next big villain of the MCU is evil Tony Stark and his evil Avengers
>Not that what happens on this board means any thing
You could at least read whole posts before replying to them. Saves everyone time.
They dont need to use the exact same characters, Marvel has already loosely adapted stories in a way that they basically only use the most basic premise and the title of the arc/story.
Hot Take: Norman Osborn worked better as an Iron Man villain than a Spider-Man one Post-Death.
Blah blah blah Deadpool, Venom, Blade, Red Hulk, Ghost, Clor, Green Goblin/Iron Patriot.
Spider-man, Hawkeye, Falcon, Winter Soldier,
War Machine/Ares could have their own movie theoretically.
Armor Wars/Secret Invasion? Whose playing Ares?
Why would they possibly try to create a fake Avengers, with so many actual Avengers active?
Why not just create a Masters of Evil, or really ANY supervillain team. You are putting the cart before the horse.
They haven't even established the idea of a super-villain team yet.
I get that you are a massive fan-faggot for Dark Reign. However, no one is seriously even talking about even thinking about preparing a treatment to consider making Dark Reign: the Movie. The obstacles to it are enormous.
>then use some different characters
Then there is no goddamn point. Just drop it already.
Norman Osborn, like Doctor Doom and Kingpin, should really be one of those omnidisciplinary supervillains who gets all up in the shit of several heroes.
>Blah blah blah Deadpool, Venom, Blade, Red Hulk, Ghost, Clor, Green Goblin/Iron Patriot.
Seriously? This is what you have to offer? 3 nice guy not-villains, Robot Thor, Ghost and Norman Osborne in armor?
You're just terminally gay for the idea of Norman Osborne dressed up like Tony Stark.
Vulture, Scorpion, Rhino, Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin and a kidnapped Peter Parker make Six. That was the Ultimate Six story-line premise. Tombs comes from working for the government, would want to return to legitimacy so he could be with his wife and daughter. Norman could offer that to him. Not exactly a Thunderbots Initiative. Maybe one set up movie?
There is Thunderbolt Ross still has cameo appearances for a reason. Is he a Skrull as has been theorized here before? Are we going to see Red Hulk?
Red Hulk, Venom, Deadpool, Ghost, Blade and Iron Patriot are a good Thunderbolts roster but I don't know how viable they are in a movie especially Wesley Smipes, Tom Hardy and Ryan Reynolds in a film together. That's expensive. That's a lot of money for a bunch of villains in a company that doesn't like villains. Hm. Disney did put Deadpool on the front page of their website at the acquisition.
Kingpin is the nemesis of exactly two heroes.
Norman Osborne isn't even IN either Sony or Marvel's comic universe yet, he doesn't need to be Larping as Iron Man. And why would he? People knew who Iron Man was from the start, there was no secret ID. It's well known that he's dead now. And people like Rhodey/War Machine still exist. So fucking dumb.
user, they wont rush it. They dont need to.
It doesnt have to be the one way either. You're clearly upset too. Youre offering nothing beyond your opinion that it's, not even unlikely, but impossible because of some insurmountable obstacles apparently only you see.
Being absolutely faithful is not the only way to adapt stories and thats not what Marvel does anyways.
...They're talking about the comics you mongoloid.
You sound like an A.I. using time-archived forum posts to get in my was imaginarily.
I'm not the one who put Deadpools icon in the O of ThunderbOlt or the one who keeps demanding that old man and snuggle toothed Tom Hardy get introduced to baby faced Tim Holland Spider-man. I only three Wesley Smiles in there because I have zero desire to see anyone in that role and I believe Wesley Smiles could pull a Schwarzenegger and surprise us all with some working out and some cgi face youth.
Unless Disney gets unfettered rights to Spider-Man's mythos in the future, it absolutely won't happen, as Norman Osborn is one of, if not THE key Spider-Man heels.
Disney can't buy Sony, and Sony doesn't seem interested in selling Spider-Man rights back.
All your bullshit amounts to is "let's have these rando villains, I really don't care who, and Norman Iron Man, who I beat off furiously to".
Sinister Six from Sony I might be able to see. A build up to Masters of Evil (even the return of Ultron to lead them) I could see. taking the characters from these iconic teams and shoehorning them into modern non-iconic villain teams? Not likely.
Doctor Doom has fought Power Pack in comics, that doesn't make Doctor Doom a Power Pack villain, nor should it, especially in a movie.
I know exactly what's being discussed.
You can misrepresent my arguments all you like, it doesnt add credence to any thing you claim.
Theres money to be made and anticipation over Norman's role in things. I dont know what will happen. But you are dismissing possible productions and you sound similar to how people talked about comic movies in general: "its simply impossible, they dont even have the rights to the characters in the source material, theyre too obscure...".
I'm dismissing you because you don't really care about Dark Reign or the Dark Avengers, you are simply gay for Evil Stark Norman Osborne, and are willing to ignore logic and reality in your obsession to see it on the big screen.
You are just a dumb fanboy of a character, no not even the character, a single iteration of the character used once.
What logic? All you offer is caps lock, accusations and feelings.
The logic of:
1. Osborn hasn't even been reintroduced in Spidey yet.
2. Neither has their been a hint of Green Goblin
3. Iron Patriot HAS been introduced, as Rhodey
4. The Avengers are still an active and respected team of heroes.
5. Sony isn't going to let them turn Osborne into Iron Patriot, the Evil Iron Man before they get (yet more) use out of him.
6. Disney isn't interested in doing "Villain movies", or even really making their heroes dark. Ronin was clearly called out for having lost it, and reigned in.
You have nothing.
I'm sorry my Caps lock startled you, I didn't know you were Sensitive.
None of that is an obstacle and you cant claim anything on Disney's behalf.
Youre just repeating yourself. Again.
They need somebody cult
An actor who delivers all the Osborn madness
These actors listed until now are souless
But the new spider universe only has miscast so far
>None of that is an obstacle
All of it is an obstacle, and you hand-waving at it doesn't make it any less of one. You are just being dismissive of reality. Again.
If not for Hardy, Venom would have been a complete and utter flop.
I'll admit 60 yr old Harrelson in a Sideshow Bob wig was phenomenally stupid casting.
The only interest I could have in this movie would be a cameo by Black Cat
At least Felicia could appear
Pic very related
And there you have it OP; no one is interested except this guy, who only wants to see Black Cat's tits.
>Spidey 3 will feature Peter trying to keep papa Iron Man’s armour out of Osborn’s hands
>Rhodey teamup
>War Machine and Iron Spider vs Iron Patriot
>Now its just an Iron Patriot movie for no particular raisin.
And the current War Machine would tear the Iron Patriot armor a new ass.
It’d have to be stolen and ‘improved’ Iron Patriot style armour vs Spidey and War Machine’s more analogue suits. Gotta work hard to beat those nanomachines, son.
>theres no one else in the thread but me and this one guy im using to support my tantrum
Now you seem desperate on top of emotional.
I'm going to let you and Black Cat tits take this thread to page 10 now.
Since your only rebuttal to my points on why this isn't going to happen in a movie is "nu uh" and "you're just repeating your valid points, I said 'nuh uh!".
user, please remember us when Norman Osborne puts the armor on in the movies.