Would you like a remake / movie?
Super Secret Secret Squirrel
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100% yes, this was a phenomenal segment that blew away the show it was in. A highlight of HB
Wonder if that user from the last thread will ever finish their art
Yes, he did
>(HQ) Cartoon Network Station ID: "Secret Squirrel - Grappling Hook" [RARE] [HD]
Super Secret Secret Squirrel was pretty damn good, most times even better then the 2 Stupid Dogs segment it came with. I think most would be down for a return to it.
More specifically this one that was at the way end of the thread
The other one should be uploaded to the booru if anyone has an account now
>most times even better then the 2 Stupid Dogs segment it came with
I only watched that show for the Squirrel segments.
Threadly reminder that Secret Squirrel makes a mighty fine undercover gal
I would LOVE more episodes, a comedy show does not need a movie though.
>2 threads in the catalog
Perhaps squirrels are taking over Yea Forums.
Sure, why not? I'm not sure they could do the concept justice these days, though.
Nice pixels.
>Heheheh isn't that cute?
Would you believe that that user may have gotten sidetracked by other work and completely forgotten about it? Or that he may feel incredibly honored that someone else cared enough to inquire about it?
...crap, I'll need to make sure it doesn't look like that in the end.
Yes but only if i write and direct, and we get Paul McCartney to voice secret squirrel
Yeah I got you, that's how life goes. I remembered it from the end of the last thread but couldn't save it in time and made sure to remember the next time a SS thread came up, which happened to be now
It's looking great user take your time finishing it if you want to
But Paul is dead.
I'll see what I can do, but I can't estimate when that'll be, since I'm in the middle of some other things right now, but if someone liked it enough to save the WIP, then the least I can do is to try to get it finished.
Whenever you get the chance dude
I doubt this will be up whenever that is so maybe another thread then?
Okay but only on 1 condition: We remove the mole and get the squirrels together full time.
Mole removal can be an expensive surgery.
Why not? there are tons of good comedy films.
2SD was great. You just want to fuck Penny.
Can't it be both?
I want to fuck SS
Good taste, user.
He does look pretty hot in a girl scout uniform.
The quality of art anons draw for us in these threads sometimes astonishes me
Some people give Pepi grief over his obsession with dancing girls, but I say if you draw the subject you love that well? For god's sake, keep doing it.
I'd sacrifice Morocco Mole for a reboot of this show starring the squirrels
She makes me want to nut.
What did Morocco ever do to you?
Sometimes you got to think of the greater good
For the greater good, I will sacrifice you for my cause.
Take it like a man.
Yes someone else gets it
I’m content without one. Those glorious McCracken designs are my favorite thing about it, which would obviously be downgraded in a new version.
What if not?
I remember loving the rooster as a kid, but the chameleon and Morocco's double were better.
A spy?
You liked the cock?