Margot Robbie Margot Robbie on Harley Quinn’s Birds of Prey Costumes: “Less Male Gaze-Y”

>In the interview with Vogue, Robbie described that the new Harley Quinn costume. She stated, “Yeah, it’s definitely less male gaze-y.”

>Birds of Prey costume designer Erin Benach added, “That’s what happens when you have a female producer, director, writer.”

Jesus. Her ass is literally the only thing I remember from Suicide Squad, and pic related has her beat there.


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Other urls found in this thread:

How do you not notice that literally all of Harley Quinn's fanbase are female cosplayers who like the way she dresses.

Everybody hated that outfit, but a woman hates it, so now it's good.

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The reason she hates it is different.

We wanted her wearing a jester costume in the first fucking place.

There was no "male gaze" on her toothpick body.

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I honestly don't care as long as they give her a costume that makes her look like goddamn Harley Quinn.


That's not Harley Quinn; that's a drug addled prostitute.

Well at least they admit females are ruining everything.

She was literally dressed as a clown themed stripper in the last film. 'Less male gaze-y' could be almost anything.
But I'm mostly with hopefully it looks less boring.

It's literally the same fucking reason.


normal girls want to dress in revealing clothes. only retarded feminists want to wear burqas

feminazis, day after day, are closer to become full-blown conservatives.

Different, less male gaze-y outfit for Harley, you say?

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She's using the exact same arguments plenty of people here have used since they changed her costume in the first place. You're just getting shitty about it now because it's a woman saying it, lol.

I don't anyone is saying sexy costumes are bad but actors are not cosplayers, they're their to give a performance.

She already wore a cheap-ish version of it, and unless the jester cowl (?) is glued to the face it looks kinda weird.

I'm so fucking tired of this trashy modern Harley Quinn you guys.

user, an actual Harley Quinn costume would be too silly for this silly character in this superhero universe, we can't have that.

It might undermine the dramatic, plot-turning tension of Batman and Superman's moms having the same name.

>Suicide Squad widely panned
>The only thing widely praised about it was the costume design
>Morons doing "Fapbait: The Movie" are changing the costumes because "muh male gaze"
AT&T still has a lot of house cleaning to go through over at WB I see.

i read that post in warburtons voice

>Morons doing "Fapbait: The Movie" are changing the costumes because "muh male gaze"

Is the sex positivity pendulum ever going to swing back in America? I keep thinking there's going to be a breaking point and keep getting disappointed.

Birds of Prey is still happening?

>>The only thing widely praised about it was the costume design
>he looked at gangsta Killer Croc and loved it

> her ass
what are you talking about, robbie has NO ass

it's funny how she stripped naked in front of scorsese and dicaprio without even being asked to in her audition because she was so desperate for her potential big breakout and now as soon as she's secure it's LOL SILLY BOYS NO MALE GAZE, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN U GET KWEEN WRITERS AND DIRECTORS

oh wait that's not funny, it's totally predictable

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America has been sexually conservative for generations. Did you know the US is probably where the rumors that masturbating makes you blind got started, or is at least responsible for trying to make it a wide-spread belief?

Rich men like Kellog of Kellog's cereal were insane and spent their wealth promoting an outright fear of dongs and titties. To this day, Americans are still certain that seeing a nipple must cause some sort of subconscious harm to people. The modern spin on it that it hurts women for men to see girls in thongs isn't revolutionary - it's older than our great grandparents.

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Anything that Robbie has to say has no value until she does right by what she said and does right with what she has planned

>Yeah. If you read the comics you know that Poison Ivy and Harley have an intimate relationship. In some comics they convey it as a friendship; in other comics you can see that they’re actually sexually involved as a couple. I’ve been trying to – I would love to have Poison Ivy thrown into the universe, because the Harley and Poison Ivy relationship is one of my favorite aspects of the comics, so I’m looking to explore that on screen.

After wanking to Breaking the Quiet I can never look at baseball bats the same way

When WE didn't like the outfit, it's because it looks trailer trashy and honestly, her BTAS outfit is better because it has more style.

When SHE doesn't like the outfit, it's because she doesn't like men gawking at women. That's it.

Yea Forums is like that
Everyone hate X, so Yea Forums loves it
Once everyone loves X, Yea Forums hates it

It's like looking at a 12 year old boy.

>it's because she doesn't like men gawking at women
No it's not, you can be against the objectification of women but still be ok with sexy things. The costume was trashy because it objectifies her.

>When WE didn't like the outfit, it's because it looks trailer trashy
>When SHE doesn't like the outfit, it's because she doesn't like men gawking at women
Why do you think they're gawking at said women? Hint: it's because the outfit is fucking trashy. Congrats, you're the very same feminist hero Robbie aspires to be.

The only difference now is that the new generation has a very funny way of doing it. Unlike the past where everyone has to cover up, the future is that only ugly people belonging to protected groups should be free to wear sexually provocative clothing while the pretty ones should cover up. Plus, you're not allowed to depict fictional women in any sexually provocative outfits.

They were a lot worse back then, possibly due to high levels of lead in their homes.

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This is a great example of how men judge women for their bodies.

They're also trying to prove nobody gawks at women while literally gawking at women. This thread is something else.


No, don't put words in my mouth. Girls in swimsuits (that are honestly skimpier) look nicer than that outfit. It's really because she looked like trailer trash, which goes against the clown girl aesthetic. Heck, the Black and White Flapper Girl look from Brave and the Bold looked better too.

As a college student. That fucking Halloween after the movie came out every girl was dressed like this.

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I was hoping someone would.

>No, don't put words in my mouth.
I'm not, I'm clarifying her point. To say you're moving away from the male gaze does not mean you're a prude, just means you're not designing the costume purely for the enjoyment of men.

You're misreading. Most of the time, it's just your typical, hypocritical moral philosophy. People espouse a moral philosophy that tells others what they can and can't do just so long as it's also assumed that the rules don't apply to them.

That is, if a woman wants to dress sexy, she can because she's informed. But if an outside, "other" notices the dress in an inappropriate way, then they are uninformed and must be prevented. Since they aren't targeting the "informed' audience, they always talk generally about a hypothetical "uninformed" class of people - which, if you describe as broadly as "men", or "blacks" or "jews", sounds prejudiced because that line of thinking is kind of the soul of prejudice.

That's not brie/gal. But that's not fair at least gal gadot seems kind of fun.

Yeah, well history has shown that it usually means being a prude. Maybe I've been burned out by everyone who means it that way, like Neatherrealms Studios did regarding MK11.

Granted, nobody recommends sewing a man's foreskin closed with silver wire anymore, but it's not like we've escaped quackery, anyway. I'm sure Google is serving up thousands of "engaging" Youtube videos full of all kinds of paint-chip-eating tier content even as we sit here reading.

Those girls are obviously wrong and in dire need to be cured from their internalized misogyny.

It kinda kills any desire to design any female characters unless you just design for money and nothing more, then you can just design the most bland, designed by committee female character that checks the right tickboxes for feminists. Because any attempt at designing the female character you want with some personal appeal will be met with disdain from the usual suspects.

>not made for masturbatory purposes
I mean, if you're that unimaginative, sure.

I think it’s less about the terrible costume and more about the douchy pandering way she explained why it’s going to be different. Can’t wait to see her terrible tacticool redesign.

Male gaze, mansplaining, man spreading, that’s three of the four senses that have been ruined by women can they please just come up with two more so I can officially stop pretending to enjoy life

>team that will take on superman-level threats

Is a crazy girl wielding a baseball bat really an ideal candidate for such a position

>any attempt at designing the female character you want with some personal appeal will be met with disdain from the usual suspects

That's why they should be ignored. Sex will always sell.

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If she can't, surely the guy who's really good at tying knots and the munter who's good at throwing boomerangs can pick up the slack, right?

It will be this and you know it.

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Don't care, as long as it looks good


Don't forget about the two guys with guns, because when I hear "superman level threat" I immediately think "something that can be killed with bullets!"


The politics is just another marketing angle. In fact, even this statement about how Harley Quin will be less "male gazey" is probably an attempt to make people talk about the thing. Shows that want to do sexy designs simply choose not to talk about it, because sex-appeal is seen rather than written about in a twitter post. Though rest assured, people will share sexy pictures on Twitter too.

I think the reason why we often see the Femminist ad angle on a lot of lower quality productions is because the low quality productions are in bad shape and the marketing teams are trying to figure out how to get people discussing media that has nothing going on.

I mean look at how much gratuitous nudity was in "Death Love and Robots", a Netflix animation program that came out recently. A lot of that nudity was downright ugly and difficult to justify, but they did it anyway and you barely heard anyone say anything about it. There were articles, I think, but not many - boobies don't make many ad clicks if you don't give them flight with wings of political controversy.

Margot Robbie could have a great ass like this and legs if she got in shape
And this is very strange because she made the film I, Tonya
She should be in a spectacular physical state now but she prefers to talk about costume
If she were physically as she should be, she would use all Harley Quinn costume in this movie
But she has the perfect excuse
Warner should think better about the upcoming actresses making capeshit

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Notice how I didn't mention anything about sexual appeal in my post? That's ONE aspect, but feminists always take it too far and now even somewhat pretty characters are met with disdain, and you can't even give them casual clothing without them barking about it. The only time they approve of the designs is where they're so ugly, no one can get offended over them.

>that one retard who clearly doesn't enjoy comic books

>Notice how I didn't mention anything about sexual appeal in my post?
You're literally implying that if you can't show a female character half-naked she won't sell and must've been designed by committee (what character isn't?).

We are literally in the midst of a sex positivity cycle right now. America is only gonna skew more conservative at least in part because fashions will be cycling back to being more modest again.

Assuming makes anyone an ass, user.

I mean you can write a comic that doesn't have a premise that literally makes no sense. If Ostrander could do it, I'm sure the screenwriters can too.

>backtracking this hard
The important thing is you were wrong.

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I hate you.

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>a comic that doesn't have a premise that literally makes no sense
Must be awful going into full stroke mode when you see Superman fly. Or do you malfunction like a bot, Westworld-style?

Showing skin or otherwise is corporate depending on the work. If it goes against the original vision, it definitely is. Again, MK11.

user, suspension of disbelief isn't a 'get out of being genuinely nonsensical free' card. Superman being able to fly makes sense within the context of the universe, a task force made specifically to combat Superman and comprised of members who would be a total non-threat to Superman does not. Again, the original comic didn't have this problem, why does this?

>>that one retard who clearly doesn't enjoy comic books

In the comic books the Squad is a black ops team, nothing of the "anti supeman-level threat" nonsense in the movie.

>Superman being able to fly makes sense within the context of the universe
It really doesn't. Superman would die from radiation poisoning. But go off.

>Yea Forums
>reading comic books

I think a movie about low-level players like Harley fighting someone on Superman's level would have be kind of about using their brains to do it, right? Like it'd have to be a clever movie? But those are hard to write and DC films haven't been about that, so it stands to reason they'll just shot bullets at Doomsday, fail, go through their redemtion, then shot bullets harder and win the second go around.

>he thinks that was anything but an excuse to form a black ops team capable of extracting Waller from a literal war zone
Imagine being such a brainlet that Suicide fucking Squad goes over your head.

What happened to the feminists who fought for the right to wear bikinis?

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Nice headcanon, user, but it ain't true.

And you know this from your extensive knowledge of Kryptonian biology.

Bro, learn when to stop.

>it's literally what happens in the film
Fucking amazing to witness this, user.

>he admits the premise makes no sense at all

>b-bro stop the movie makes sense now

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It works for the character because Harley isn't really known for being super sexy. Sure they sexed her up a bit in the first movie but honestly without cheesecake art and the occasional butt shot is Harley seen as a sex symbol? She's not even in the top 5 hottest DC chicks. She hawt I guess but she's kinda niche in a way which I like. Her outfits just aren't that sexy it's more of a uniform of "Hey LOOK AT ME I'M CRAZY!"

I hope the movie is at least Shazam good and does Ant-Man money but I don't see how it would. The movie is basically about 3 low-Tier characters raising hell, it's hard to make that interesting without any superpowers, at least on screen and without a Batman.

>there is a guy in this thread trying to defend the Suicide Squad flick

Why? Of all the things to be a contrarian about, why fucking Suicide Squad?

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There's this thing called "shitposting", it usually involves some retard posting bait and other retards taking the bait and replying seriously to it.

Superman is able to fly because he's a Krptonian, what doesnt make sense about that?

>terrible tacticool

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>less male gazey
I'm getting conflicting messaging here. Is it more feminist for women to parade around topless in the street and say they're proud to dress and act like sluts or is it more feminist for women to cover themselves conservatively and rabidly attack men for looking at women who do not dress like Saudi Arabians?

Because all I know, if we're talking about body image and cultural shaming, is that one of the main jokes in Avengers: Endgame, a movie far more popular and influential than Suicide Squad, was that a handsome man got depressed and fat, so point at him and laugh.

>he managed to stick "outrage!" spidergwen in there AGAIN
Cho is a national treasure.

It was never about taking on Superman level threats but having supervillains as disposable black ops.

You're confusing two different generations of feminism

These people swear up and down they like comic books but they don't.


Yea Forums would start defending this garbage if a woman said she hated it. This board is full of fucking retards.

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So which generation of feminists are saying it's harder to be an attractive female than an overweight, unattractive male?

I like illiteration

Neither? Feminists won't call you a fat freak unless you're a freak who happens to be fat pissing them off. Ben Shapiro gets shit all the time for being a fucking manlet, Tim Pool gets it for being a baldie.

>hating mommy susan outfit
sure is dilationera in here

Male gaze is a nebulous thing to identify in the real world because it requires knowing what went into designing a shot. For example: two girls kissing and being sincerely into it isn't male gaze. Two girls kissing and looking at the camera while winking and not looking like they give a shit about each other is male gaze. It's the difference between some girl dressing slutty because she just likes to, or dressing slutty just because guys like it even if she doesn't. Nobody can read minds so only the most obvious examples in real life are identifiable. "Male gaze" fits better in theoretical than real world discussions.

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>blame men for something you can't define or really even prove exists
Sounds about right.

My point is that feminists are A-OK with men being lampooned for their bodies.

My point is that everyone is okay with assholes being lampooned in any possible way that embarrasses them. You're not a genius for figuring out the paradox of tolerance.

>It's only the bad people that get picked on
you need to be 18, etc

>only bad people are obnoxious pricks
I hate to tell you this, but you're just agreeing with me.

>I don't want to discuss anything of substance I just want to shitpost with loaded questions and vent my anger with complaints
Why didn't you say that in the first place? It's cool, this is Yea Forums

>paradox of tolerance
That has nothing to do with shaming people for their bodies, user. The paradox of tolerance isn't an observed or proven tendency in the first place,and is mostly used by political extremists to justify assaulting people they personally dislike.

>I can't answer a question so I'll accuse the questioner of asking loaded questions
You post here often, I take it.

>obnoxious = bad person
oh yeah you're the guys who equate everything with white supremacy and advocate for milkshaking any dissenting political party
carry on

Yeah, I doubt any males will gaze at BoP because it looks horrid and she can't produce for shit. Her new outfit is fucking ugly too. Even GIRLS won't like it or want to cosplay it.

don't looks like capeshit to me

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Stop dog whistling blatantly racist shit and people will treat you better. Simple as.

>That has nothing to do with shaming people for their bodies
It has everything to do with it. I don't have to offer you the courtesy I extend towards my friends and loved ones, ESPECIALLY if you're being a prick about it. You don't matter in my life. You might as well be an NPC.

Depends, do you want to eat this plate of freshly laid shit or eat this plate of shit that's been left to dry? Answer the question.

>male gaze
You seem to obsess over fashionable nonsense. My condolences. I hope you have a pleasant, if boring and unfulfilled, life, and I genuinely wish you luck when you inevitably find yourself on the receiving end of the puritanism you fantasize about.

Not, this is capeshit
Actresses need to be muscular or thicc
there is no excuse
they receive millions of dollars to have that look and they refuse
so the criticisms are valid

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Imagine quitting the thread because you're incapable of discourse, but declaring yourself the winner nonetheless.

You're still avoiding the conversation with a point I'm sure sounded better in that Foley studio of a head you've got.

>head is smaller than her fucking tit
God, I fucking Cho and his meme status.

Imagine pretending that unprovable jargon is discourse.

Not even a word.

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Cool, so you're done pretending discourse was ever something you were worried about.

>becoming this unhinged when judged by your own standards

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>Actresses need to be muscular or thicc
No they don't.

Unproveable IS a word. Same with unprobable.

Could you faglords stop arguing and post more ass?

Horseshoe political theory.

Go far enough from the center and you curve back around. Eventually you and your opposites want the same thing, for different reasons.

The libersl feminists are aligning with the conservatice prudes.

For once It may not me. After a certain point slutty can become off-putting and unapproachable, unless it's your fetish to take it too far.

>avoided original statement, avoided followup statement, memed himself out of relevance, whines about standards
The master of discourse, everybody!

>there is no excuse
Besides the fact that Hollywood beauty standards makes it incredibly difficult for muscular or thicc actresses to find work outside of action films and comedies.

>Harley isn't really known for being super sexy
Maybe she wasn't. Now she's known for skimpy punk outfits and occasional fetish gear.

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>avoided original statement
You, complaning about "unprobable jargon", whateve that is.

>avoided followup statement
You, calling my Pepe reaction pic an affront to modern discourse.

>memed himself out of relevance
Again, you, fucking off the thread as the winner but still here fishing for (You)s.

>whines about standards
"Unprobably jargon lmao"

I love to fling shit on Yea Forums but you're just swallowing your turds whole here.

>Margot Robbie becomes a producer of the film
>Has more say to what she personally wears on the movie and what the general portrayal of women is when it comes to their clothing

Sounds entirely fine to me. More power to her to use her stature to make the movie the way she wants.

>unprovable jargon
Yeah, dogwhistling and male gaze.
You got mad
>Fucking off the thread
But I'm still here, pumpkin.
>"unprovable jargon lmao"
So you admitted you haven't read the thread, responded to something without really understanding what was being discussed, and got booty bothered when you became embroiled in the resulting confusion.

>I love to fling shit on Yea Forums
Well no shit

The sad part is, the territorial displays are over a stretch that has no viable females in it.

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I already admitted I enjoy shitposting, genius. The other guy can't even bait for shit, sadly.

i feel bad that you went out of your way to make that and nobody responded. here have a (you)

Male gaze is about how women in film tend to be depicted in a specific way as super hot sex bots in all situations. So when you do skimpy clothing or sex scenes, it's entirely about shooting it in a way to get the male audience go AWWW YEAH TITTIES! It's about objectifying women. Something you rarely see applied to men to the same extent.

Nudity and being sexy is fine, people just want to do it in a way that doesn't just consider the male perspective, which is entirely about turning the women into a masturbatory fantasy. And it should be the woman's choice if she wants to do nudity, rather than studio executive, like Harvey Weinstein pressuring Salma Hayek to do nudity in Frida, a biopic about a latina artist, because he wanted to see her tits on the screen.

Yes they need, or how will they claim for equal payment if they do not work their asses in the gym like the men?

They will earn a lot of money for half a dozen movies
Then just go back to the flat body before

>It works for the character because Harley isn't really known for being super sexy.
> She's not even in the top 5 hottest DC chicks.

Oh you mean like how Bayonetta is problematic despite the fact that she was designed by a woman based on what SHE wants? Or is that "Internalized MISOGYNY" that I keep hearing so much? The way I see it, the only thing they approve of is anything THEY make.

>Something you rarely see applied to men to the same extent.
You do in this genre. In fact, its become more common than female objectification.

By your logic, Frank Cho should castrate himself for drawing sexy women since "drawings cannot consent".

not even believable bait

>You do in this genre

Not really, it's more just casual naked chests when putting on clothes thing, which isn't the same as sexualizing it. There's a clear distinction you obviously don't get.

I don't object to cheese cake. Cho can do his thing, there is a place for that. The conversation is more about how women should be depicted in more ways in media than just as cheese cake, for the sake of cheese cake.

Hmm, yes, do go on.
I mean even Ruffalo has a nekkid scene holding scraps of clothing, but continue to make your point..

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Which ideally should be the case, but you KNOW damn well stuff like this always
gets hijacked by sex hating prudes because they gain traction. Then next thing you know it, even females that are supposed to be attractive become frumpy because they just couldn't help themselves. Again, see MORTAL KOMBAT 11 for an example of that. MK9 was too slutty, MK10 dialed it down to acceptable levels, then MK11 TOOK IT AWAY.

Can we keep the conversation to media that people give a single shit about?

How can anybody think the women in Mortal Kombat are attractive when the engine has everybody look like they're men with breasts?

Isn't Mortal Kombat the most popular fighting game franchise though? It always outsells Street Fighter, Tekken and Soul Calibur.

>Male gaze, mansplaining, man spreading, that’s three of the four senses

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In the past, it was unintentional due to lack of talent and skill. Now, it's very much intentional. The concept art and drawings looked more feminine than the final product, like they were going out of their way to disregard the material.

>Everybody hated that outfit
Except the thousands of women that were cosplaying it.

No, that would be Smash Bros. by a thousand miles.

Don't need? So would women like to see Chris Hemsworth like this playing Thor?

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And you're so much better for coming here and sharing your superior opinions, right?

By "everyone" he means everyone on Yea Forums.

So they'll have to lose the weight after they do their cape role. Bale has gained and lost a ton of weight in order to look the part for his roles. Hell, Hemsworth gains and loses weight depending on whether he's Thor'ing or not.

Women creamed over Hemsworth looking like a fat neet. You don't know what you're talking about.

Yeah, I mean it's not like women have a more difficult time shedding weight. Which they do.

It's hilarious how far the left went out of their way to defend him. It makes it that much easier to dismiss any moral outrage they bring to the table. Not that they had a leg to stand on After Lewinski and Clinton, but still.

True, but you always see MK sell millions.

And? If you can't meet the requirements for the job, find another job. Don't half ass it and claim that it was hard.

Really motherfucker?
Look how the men are shown in the fucking media and in Disney's, WB children's movies and TV shows
Shut your fucking mouth

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>“Yeah, it’s definitely less male gaze-y.”
>waghhhhhhh stop trying to make women hot in movies
Welp, there goes any interest i had in this shitshow. Fuck margot for being a feminist prude too.

>It's hilarious how far the left went out of their way to defend him
Alyssa Milano is hardly "the left".

And yet all those shirtless male superhero scenes are fine, right? Go fuck yourself prude.

Most if not all of those examples are from the last 10 years. And they're still there to appeal to you, the power fantasy hungry faggot.

You are not a woman

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>It's hilarious how far the left went out of their way to defend him
Doofus Uncle Joe is a serial personal-space violator.
The Right went out of their way to defend kiddie-diddler Roy Moore, and then proclaim themselves Christian Moralists.
Seriously, I think your board misses you.

That doesn't change the fact that women still wanted to fuck fat Thor.

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>It's hilarious how far the left went out of their way to defend him
no one on the left is defending him
it's literally a bunch of centrists

Why not have them be naked? Or see more male butts? Why are you such a prude that all we can get is shirtless?

Yes. She was the only member of the left who defended Biden when photos of his creepy as fuck shtick made headlines. No one on the left gave tacit approval by propping him up as a good candidate.

>m-m-muh orange man
You can't simultaneously claim the moral high ground and argue that Biden didn't do anything worse than Trump.

She literally called him to change his mind on the Hyde amendment. She's beyond whatever stupid shit you're projecting on the left/liberals. She's a full on shill.


The Lefties do not want milquetoast Old Fart Joe Biden as President.
In fact, he'd probably be their least favorite if Trump weren't in the running.
You ridiculous ass-head.

I literally wouldnt give a shit if we got treated to hemsworth uncensored crotch shot if it meant we get equal fan service of mantis asian tits. I dont like the double standard, and theres literally nothing wrong with the so called “male gaze”, sexual attraction is natural and should be celebrated, feminists attacking it is just another step on their war against men.

>so perfect women even as a fatty women want that
It's not fair

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Fat men get lots of women. You'd have to be tall as well, though.

It's almost as if females realized that Hemsworth is still a famous stud in a fat costume or something.

Guy with a tall lady fetish, How do i find a tall woman who likes 5 and a half foot guys

By having money or Tom Cruise looks.

Robbie learn english

>women only want to fuck muscles
Why isn't John Cena starring as Thor then? Could it be because actors also possess charisma and other desirable attributes?

Work out just enough to get in shape, maybe tone the arms and chest a bit. Don't go overboard or you'll lose some good five inches to the muscles. And wear fitting clothes.

>Why isn't John Cena starring as Thor then?
He's nowhere near as tall as you think. I met him in Iraq and, while he's a nice guy and jacked as fuck, he's not tall.

No dummy, I'm saying that women realized it was a jokey costume, that Hemsworth didn't become an actual fatass for the role.

Attached: CruiseTropicThunder.jpg (567x409, 33K)

>Jesus. Her ass is literally the only thing I remember from Suicide Squad, and pic related has her beat there.
I also remember her horrible lines in the "THIS IS KATANA" scene

Slipknot made me laugh, and nobody told Diablo that the movie was a joke so he actually went all out and did a good job. Poor fucker.

I want to impregnate harley and heal her heart and mind!

>women realized it was a jokey costume
That's literally not the point but okay.

They have become the evil that they fought against. Making innocents suffer for the crime of the few. In this case, the male race paying becaue feminists got mad at 1950s sexist men.

literately nothing wrong with that design, fuck off back to the 1800s, you fucking faggot retard

>They have become the evil that they fought against.
Its true, theyve become more socially conservative then the right with all their purity culture whinnying, they are making it so its hard to even like women anymore, a disservice and antithesis to whatever their cause is.

Literally nothing wrong with that costume, puritan fuckwad

I liked the outfit but you're absolutely right Joe.

>defend kiddie-diddler Roy Moore
There's literally no proof that he's a pedo just like there's no proof that says Trump is one. Leftards like to project as usual

Literally could not of made it more obvious, retard.

I'm sure you have a clever term for a 30-something who dates 14 yr old HS freshmen.
Lay it on me.

Yeah, because male sexism doesn't exist anymo- oh wait, yes it does. If anything, it's become more openly toxic.

>you'll lose some good five inches to the muscles
wait is that a thing or are you fucking with him


It's figurative, but you'll look extra manlety if you're super buff.

they got killed and died off and replaced by the tranny pushers and homosexuals who believe that female liberation and empowerment equates completely neutering heterosexual desires and interests and that virtual and pretend mediums displaying women must be covered up because masculine sexuality is exploitative and oppressive. They went from trying to release women from oppression to wanting to oppress women who dress the "wrong way". It's basically the result of these moral policing produced by corporate activists, sold-out actors and actresses, money-hungry soulless cash-grabbing movie producers who have zero real comic-book interests, and genuinely parasitic homosexuals and transsexuals who have murdered the feminists down to these virtually wholly reactionary npcs.

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>has no argument outside of whiny about "trashy"
t. brainlet retard who can't conceive of more than two people disagreeing with user
you're obviously some sort of idiot trying to shame people for thinking lewd costumes look nice
fuck off and die while you masturbate to someone showing their ankles, you absolute faggot

>fuck off and die while you masturbate to someone showing their ankles, you absolute faggot
>TFW you realize feminists defend mudslimes because theyre just as prudish as they are
Let that sink in, the so called liberal party is now so conservative that they share the same views as the religion of camel fuckers who have never socially evolved from the 6th century.

You're not fooling anyone, user.

Not even worth the (you) desu

>everyone replying against me is the same person

You're still not fooling anyone.

Keep living in your fantasy, bitter prudefag

You're the one neck-deep in paranoid delusion, lol.

>You're the one neck-deep in paranoid delusion, lol.
Why, because i accurately see the hypocrisy and insanity of third wave puritanical bitching?

>t. still has no argument outside of calling women who dress a certain way "trashy"
so the people complaining about "trashy" uniforms and whining about samefags has no actual argument outside of "you look like whore, me hate". Simpletons, through and through. You are the pearl-clutching preacher of the past crying about female flesh.

You don't fool anyone, user.

Attached: muh samefag.png (797x909, 95K)

>margot robie

lol this is the easiest way to spot a virgin

Nice proxy user, still not fooling anyone.

Not an argument, stay mad that no one agrees with your prude faggotry

>thinks everyone is a samefag who disagrees
the prude is paranoid that everyone online who doesn't agree with his archaic morality is the same person
this is typical of people of your caliber, they tend to be hypocritical, retarded, and narrow-minded.
what a pathetic display of a human

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t. you either believe what i believe or you're a proxyfag
you're such a loser

You're not fooling anyone, user.

>less then a minute apart
Stay BTFO prudefag

Keep pretending you're more than one person, samefag

Stop replying to him

I will because its the truth, im sorry you chose to live in delusion because your narrative was forever BTFO and destroyed

>samefag, samefag, samefag!
>disagreement can't happen!
>everyone agrees with me!
>t. retard without any actual arguments other than pushing for peer pressure

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I'm sorry you're so desperate to validate your own opinion, lol.

Work on your routine user, it's still far too obvious.

Feminists are not concerned with men because they're FEMinists

hmm boobies

mmmm d cup

>feminists are not concerned with men
yes, they are. feminist buzzwords of the most recent wave:
>manspreading, mansplaining, male exploitative gaze, male power fantasy, heteronormativity as a bad thing, etc
it's basically "i'm gay and you're not so fuck you, faggot, and drop your pants and bend over and become gay" the philosophy.

>it's basically "i'm gay and you're not so fuck you, faggot, and drop your pants and bend over and become gay" the philosophy.
This, plus theyre only dykes because their man hatred is so strong.

>Her ass is all I remember
So like the real Harley

They got it, and it became the cultural norm and then when their kids grew up and became feminists they needed some cultural norm to rebel against so they decided it was sexist.

>burgers' problems
Then it's not feminism, just something else that loves to parade as such.

>That one image of a woman saying the "feminist movement" has been taken over by a group of american man-hating lesbians.

No one will watch this trash, why should we care

>implying ir's not silly already

ok, so you arguing the NEW look of Suicide Squad is BEST?

Guess you hate the original design?

> it's about objectifying women.
Being turned on by a woman and seeing them as a source point of attraction does not mean we see them as a object. We see them as a fellow human being whom we just appreciate their physical beautify on a elevated level compared to others.

> people just want to do it in a way that doesn't just consider the male perspective
But that's the entire fucking point of a scene being sexy is for it to he sexy for the people who find the gender in the scene to be sexy.

> And it should be the woman's choice if she wants to do nudity, rather than studio executive, like Harvey Weinstein pressuring Salma Hayek to do nudity in Frida, a biopic about a latina artist, because he wanted to see her tits on the screen.
Yes but she should have the fucking decency to be upfront with her refusal and not flip on a dime about it so that they can cast someone else if the creator feels nudity and sexuality is a central part of what they want for their project.

The latest feminist fas is spazzing over a Cyberpunk in-game ad for making a punk trans look too sexy for their liking

that was the only reason why I watched the original movie.
DC really is doing everything it can to kill of their cinematic universe

>Make a decision that breathes new life and films start being well received if not critical box office successes.

>Fire and hire new people again.

Really wish they'd get better. Because that just means all Disney has to do it put out low ball no effort bullshit.

Its what feminism has become in the current era

the only way I can see it making a return is if feminist movies keep failing and sex positive movies keep making huge box.
so if this new bop movie makes less then 10% of suicide squad boxoffice I could see them changing the costume again

That doesn't justify their behaviour. If anything, it creates a vicious cycle.

>Yes but she should have the fucking decency to be upfront with her refusal and not flip on a dime about it so that they can cast someone else if the creator feels nudity and sexuality is a central part of what they want for their project.

The sheer ignorance and blatant misogyny of this entire sentence, holy fuck dude.

Frida only got made because of the efforts of Salma Hayek. She went incredible lengths to personally secure access to Kahlo's paintings, she recruited actors like Alfred Molina to the movie, she got Miramax involved to fund the making of it, etc. She wasn't just some random actress throwing a tantrum. The movie was her fucking passion/vanity project she spent years to get made and you're trying to spin is like it's somehow her fault that Weinstein, being a sexual harassing scumbag, tried blackmailing her with a threat of shutting the entire film down unless she agreed to add a gratuitous lesbian sex scene in it, with her as one of the participating women? Just wow. You really need to take a long look at yourself and re-evaluate how you think of women and treat them.

"Political lesbian" is what you're looking fir. Incidentally, actual lesbians hate them because...well.. they're not actually attracted to women.

All lesbians ive met have fallen in the category of man hating attention whores, in my mind the vast majority of lesbians fall under the name of political lesbians

I'm wasn't talking about the specific example you gave with Hayek.
I agree Weinstein was in the wrong in that situation.

Shut the fuck up you whiney turd. Seriously, no one on this anime shitposting board gives a fuck about your minor inconsequential nitpicks about sexy women in movies, go be a prude somewhere else.

>We put hot, chiseled, devastatingly handsome males with no shirts on in our films for no reason
Fuck off, feminist cunt

>one man did a bad
>therefore all men are complicit in the bad
I forgot I was talking to a feminist for a minute, thanks for reminding me.

Imagine being wrong and then doubling down like a stupid retard.

I see you have me confused for a feminist.

I didn't like it because it was unimaginative AND pandering, and not even trying to stay faithful to her comic book inspiration. She looks like a stripper that barely resembles Harley Quinn.

Robbie could've been less retarded and just told Vogue that they'd go for something more comic book accurate.

But im completely right, feminism is batshit insane now and if you think you see misogyny everywhere you look then you have mental issues

Yeah, I bet RDJ has serious difficulty picking up chicks, and Bogie was notoriously viewed as unsexy.

You stupid fuck.

>feminism is batshit insane now
Look, guy, I get that tweeting the n-word is exciting but you can't blame feminism for your repeated bans.

>Look, guy, I get that tweeting the n-word is exciting but you can't blame feminism for your repeated bans.
Deflection, my point still stands

Spoiler alert

they didn't

>ummm sweety, feminists are all crazy, I mean, just because I as a dudebro demand the right to be the only one who gets to dictate what is and isn't okay when it comes to depicting women's bodies as highly titillating fashion to satisfy my boner dreams doesn't make me a misogynist, especially when I then automatically put the blame and fault entirely on women for not wanting to show their tits when pressured to do it, mkay. That's just how it is and should be.

Not really.

The correct answer is "I like whichever outfit my cosplayer qt3.14 is wearing senapi."

why are the retards making those movies so scared of black and read

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>male gaze
I hate feminists. Turning heterosexual men into asexual robots.

No, not men. Those turned were not men to begin with.

Diffuses the Joker's more varied and colorful palette. It worked on the animated show because everybody had been redesigned to look simple, and more subdued at the time.

There is nothing wrong with fan service, youre an uptight prude who cant stand the idea of being thought of as attractive by men because of your own man hatred.

I mean this in the most sincere and passionate way i can

Kill yourself
Yes it does

Incorrect, media bombardment influences on the subconscious. Added on top of that in a detached lifestyle cyberlife and unhealthy diet, with shabby living conditions.

yikes! Never attempt to speak for the board Poindexter

Yea Forums is funny that way. We first complained about how the ripped off Arkham and wanted a non-prostitute Harley, but now we have to like it because much SJWs

Sorry but gender traitors that allign with feminists ideals no longer can call themselves men.

Its almost like Yea Forums(Yea Forums(nel)) is made up of more than one kind of person with varied tastes, and opinions.

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Not that they want to anyway

That's bollocks and you know it. Any view or opinion that goes against the grain, unless it's done out of contrarianism, is shitposted to oblivion.

Pretending like there isn't a graspable consensus on Yea Forums is one of the most tiresome newfag memes.

Male power fantasies are about doing certain things, not looking a certain way. Guys do not want to look at sweaty/oily man torsos unless those guys are bi or gay.

Go back to tumblr, why don't ya.

It's a psychological trick. If normal Hemsworth is someone they can only imagine wanting to fuck them in a crack-induced stuppor, chubby Hemsworth is just slobby enough for them to suspend their disbelief. Thus paradoxically making them more excited because their brain fools them into thinking they have a chance with him, even though he's still the same handsome rich famous actor, just with a belly.

Made me pause until I saw the signature. Was the black kid shorter in the unedited version? Not that it makes the whole situation appropriate.

Doesn't matter as long as a result it can be blamed on white heterosexual males.

What about the choice of fruit?

Nah, all dudes wish they were buff like their idols

It is conservatism. Or rather, reactive morality, and America has a bad habit of that. Back in the 60s and 70s, it was all about "women should wear freer clothes and show off" from feminists because doing them up like a prim and proper housewife was patriarchal and oppressive. That reaches a peak in the 80s and 90s, and since then it has just gone the other way because "women dressing how they like encourages patriarchy and the male gaze" from feminists, so clearly women need to be all buttoned up because otherwise they're being oppressed by men.

The obvious answer is that you should just wear what you want and not give a fuck what anybody else thinks.

The pendulum will swing back the other way in another couple of decades. Nothing ever changes.

don't feel bad, he should be shamed for bad shitposts.

How about normal human beings with common sense?

100% consensus never happened. That one wasn't even close.
Harley's new outfit sucks ass and I am happy they change it, even if they do it just because if the excuse of "Male gaze"

You guys always run to this excuse

What do you mean "you guys"?

> "women dressing how they like encourages patriarchy and the male gaze" from feminists,
Nice straw(wo)man argument you got there.

That's a rare sight these days.

That's what a FILTHY CENTRIST would say.

funny way to spell Slutty

you absolute moron.

>the rumors that masturbating makes you blind
started by the catholic church over a century ago, dipshit

>Americans are still certain that seeing a nipple must cause some sort of subconscious harm to people.
that must be why it's legal for women to go topless in 20+ states and all our best TV shows have shitloads of nudity. you absolute dipshit

>The modern spin on it that it hurts women for men to see girls in thongs isn't revolutionary - it's older than our great grandparents.
what the fuck.
thongs didn't exist that long ago. feminists in the 60s, 70s, and 80s promoted female sexuality and nudity as "empowering". the anti-sex push by insane lefties is very new, like in the last ten years.
attitudes to sex before WW1 were completely different for a lot of reasons. your statement is so wrong it's nearly unbelievable. your great grandparents wouldn't even think to say something like that because they do not think about sex the way we do.

>one of the most popular Halloween costumes is bad because men like it
Why even bother with women

Fucking this. Do you have any idea how many women had their asses hanging out that year at Halloween? And continue to do so at cons year round?

because modern day movie producers are not real comic book fans and only like to produce half-assed compositions where everyone has been stripped of their true potential and where everyone's clothes are based off of the agenda of the producers, who are often knee-deep in with faggots and radical feminists. they shit on the clothes, the lore, the powers, the characters, the fashion, and the plots of comics so that their vision will solely shine. in their eyes, the producers are creating a cultural icon which will be evoked whenever the subject of said characters are discussed, and therefore said cultural icon must include their specific biases in order for their greed and bullshit philosophy to spill-over into the next generations.

>Everybody hated that outfit


Attached: Spooky-Harley-Quinn-Halloween-Party-720x618.jpg (720x618, 149K)

Normie sluts don't count as people

Unless you're saying that all the anons here are actually women that like to dress up as Harley you're completely missing the point of the post.

Leave the house user.