Ships you hated as a kid

What ships did you hate as a kid ? I freaking hated Static with Daisy as a kid. I’m glad the fandom agrees they’re boring together. What ships you hated as a kid ?

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Batman and Barbara.

do kids even care about ships? I remember I didnt

Beast Boy and Raven.

I hated Flinx as a kid when it became canon.

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Yeah. As a kid I always wanted Batman and Talia to be a thing as a kid. Bats and his immortal hotty that never ages.

I hated Kimron. I wanted Ron to get with that Asian girl as a kid.

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I didn't like Richie in that show. I found him boring and realized that my little sister shipped them like the filthy proto fujoshi that she was.

This (It felt that Ron exploited Kim's emotional vulnerability and Kim only wanted him when someone else had him)

I never gave a fuck about stupid shit like that back then and still don't

I didn't mind it so much at first, but then I saw then the next season with them dating came out and I realized how little chemistry they had as a couple. It felt like even they themselves were trying to hard to convince themselves that they're a good couple vs great friends.

Everyone else likes Richie. He’s the most popular character on the show.

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>do kids even care about ships

Oh yeah

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Do kids even care about ships?
I know I didn't give a shit then and, honestly, I don't give a shit now.
I wanted action and comedy, and felt that romance took attention away from that.

REEEEEEEEEE Stop breaking Yea Forums rules!!!

And I knew he was gay

Why? He is an annoying little shit and bland as fuck.

Pretty much.

Love the salt these two cause. Based Kimron

I wanted to like this but Sam is bad.

He was funny and smart.

Peter and MJ. I preferred Gwen

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worst ship in teen titans

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Man, I shipped for every show. Even Weekenders.

>I wanted Kim to get with that Asian girl as a kid.

Agreed. He should have ended up with Ritchie.

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>best ship in teen titans
fixed that one for you

Yes, some do. The gamut of human experience cannot be represented by one person.

Must be terrible having taste as bad as yours

Only girls and sissies.

Terra and Beast Boy

That's just crazy talk.

Wait who was gay in Digimon? Haven't watch that shit in years

Cybee even though it's not canon.

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Same. Young me hated when ugly boys got with hot chicks.

I still hate it. Fucking Yea Forums loves it.

OP confirmed racist

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If it wasn't for the internet I could go my whole life without knowing what shipping is. I still don't get why it became such a big deal. I haven't met any irl shippers either.

Best ship is Ron with every single chick in the show. While Kim watches.

>I haven't met any irl shippers either.
You think you haven't. In the days before the internet we just kept our power levels hidden, but shippers have existed since drama was a thing

I still ship Static with black girls, just not Daisy.

I feel like the concept didn't develop locally and was brought from abroad, if at all. I keep hearing people discussing their favorite shows (I'm an eavesdropping creep) and shipping is never on the menu. It's still the internet where I see people more willing to discuss a pair of background randoms than anything else happening in an episode.

Bruh slashfic started with Kirk and Spock on star trek. People caring about who fucks who has been going on since forever

> Sora that close of Joe
As a kid, I thought she and Matt were divorced and she got together with Joe after.

Matchmakers have always been a thing.

is this some weird air-soft larp or something?

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Reminder that his canon, permanent love interest is Freida, that Jewish girl. Daisy was only made his love interest because interracial relationships weren't really seen in cartoons back then.

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Richie/Virgil shippers in real life

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How? Wouldn't a racist person be glad that Virgil is dating someone who is of his own race?

This taught me to not give a shit about shipping as a kid


Are you guys blind, or just so incredibly bitter that you project your own traits onto any non uber chad characters?

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That’s why you came into this thread right. Because you just don’t care so much that you have to brag about.

I only cared for some in some shows and only because I thought the girl was cool and I wanted the MC to choose her over whatever other girl he was with. Others I really didn't give a fuck and I got annoyed when they had them. However if I liked a ship and it didn't happen I just moved on. Wasn't that big of a deal.

>Posting a pic of MCU MJ
>In a thread about ships you hated as a kid

>Matt and Sora.jpg

I remember hating kissing scenes

He's a butterface gypsy jew with freckles, brown eyes, potato head, large ears and a hair swirl on his head. He's literally Timmy Turner tier. Both of their voices are ugly as fuck too.
What isn't el goblino about Ron Stoppable aside from his blonde hair?

I love that whenever anyone brings up Danny/Sam, there is instant hatred for them. Feels pretty good.

Rika/Ryo (Because I had a crush on her, and hated how he stole her thunder)

Not exactly as a child but as a preteen when I got on the internet: Neji/TenTen (Because I had a crush on him and shipped my self-insert with him)

Can't remember any full-on Yea Forums media where I had feelings about any pairings

Thank you.

From what I heard, MacDuffie despised DC for how much they changed Static in later seasons.

Because few people have as little shame as to bring up shipping irl. I'm a shipper but I never talk about them when discussing shows with people. It's like talking about what you masturbate to, even if you don't actually masturbate to them. It's heart masturbation.