He was right you know.
He was right you know
Of course he was fucking right nigga why do you think they killed him?
He did what any other superhero like Flash or Green Lantern would do without their powers.
>killing innocents for "the greater good" isn't good
Well yeah.
only with the hindsight that is the shitstain called doomsday clock
You don't need a badly written sequel to see that killing millions of people to create a fake peace based on a lie is not the best of plans.
how is it any different that hiroshima and nagasaki
you mean ozy really was a homosexual?
Veidt killed millions and psychologically fucked up billions to create a lie that can be uncovered if you look hard enough, and the ending makes it pretty obvious that his plan wasn't going to last forever and that bad shit would follow.
The people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't die for a lie.
Creating world peace in general is a horrible idea. Could you imagine that, pure peace? I'd kill myself the next week when nothing happened. Life would be so bland, so predictable. We'd end up going to war just to not kill ourselves. I think Ror over here had morals that were to high, but he had the right idea.
Dr. Manhattan was the linch pin if western defense for decades. Why didn't he ever just make the communist nuclear weapons ineffective? He just needed to change the atoms to different isotopes. So they were incapable of critical reactions.
Soviets launch their nukes. Manhattan sweeps most of them from the sky. Any he missed detonate, and the worst that happens is radioactive material is spread over the West. Which Manhattan can clean up quickly.
By the times reached their breaking point, he didn’t give a shit
He doesn't give a shit.
Technically, Hiroshima and Nagasaki (and Tokyo, which was arguably worse) were supposed to knock out all the little cottage industries that made the guns, uniforms, etc. after the main factories were destroyed. Yes, Japan was so fucked by then they were buying military uniforms and guns some guy made in his house. The generals still didn't want to surrender even like this. The idea was to burn down all of those little cottage industries, we just gave literally zero fucks if a bunch of civilians got killed when we did so. You see, up until that point most of us didn't even really think of Japanese people as human just like how we didn't really think of Natives as human, this is really common stuff throughout history, invaders typically don't consider their victims as people, main difference was for Europe fuckloads of us had at least partial German ancestry so we were much more reluctant to dehumanize them. That's just historical values against modern ones, human life was just valued a shitload less back then.
And keep in mind, Ozymandias wrecked HIS OWN COUNTRY. He didn't send that psychic space squid thing to Moscow, he sent it to New York. It's one thing to give zero fucks about civilians during a war, people are expected to die during wars, even innocent people who don't want to fight. It is a completely different thing to blow up your own people during peace time, that's not warfare, that's mass murder.
>not enjoying doomsday clock
come on nigga
I wanted to rebuke you, but fuck man you're right. In time of war, the only way to feel correct about it is to distant yourself as much as possible from the enemy. Ozymandias distanced himself completely from everyone out there in the artic and probably made it easier on himself to disconnect from his own people. He was most definitely already very disconnected from them before that.
Moshi moshi rorschach desu ~
Dr. Manhattan in the comics is a complete doormat who does what other people tell him too. Jon does give a shit, but he's just tired of humanity always asking him to fix their problems.
Sure, and then he gets fed up and fucks off, then he cares again and comes back and then fucks off again.
He could've done a lot of things to prevent the war or pointless deaths but he chose not to do anything.
Jon knows that if he ends the Cold War, then Nixon will pretty much send him on other missions overseas, like support right wing mercenaries in Latin America or fight in Afghanistan.
But that's the thing, what the fuck can anyone do to him to make him actually do it?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki gets brought up because Moore trivialized the Vietnam War, which means no My Lai Massacre or other depraved shit that when on down there.
Regan has optimism and would pretty much be Jon's friend, HW Bush has foreign policy and will support Jon rather than let him do all the work.
Again, Doc doesn’t give a shit about people and no one has the manpower to make him do anything
Fuck you that made me laugh