New Spider-Man Far from Home Poster

Attached: spiderman_far_from_home_ver14_xlg.jpg (825x1200, 362K)

Yeah it's trash. This has to be deliberately bad.

sony marketing is ALWAYS shit. it has been for every movie, spider-man is no different

Disney has done the same Poster with Ant-Man & the Wasp and Captain Marvel

Attached: antman_and_the_wasp_ver16_xlg.jpg (1013x1500, 238K)

Attached: captain_marvel_ver6_xlg.jpg (1080x1350, 206K)

and Alita

Attached: alita_battle_angel_ver15_xlg.jpg (1080x1350, 520K)

Wow this is a shitty poster

This movie was made for 4DX. I know you're going to cry schizophrenic when I describe my expectation that you all acknowledge the existence of 4DX movies. Hm?
If you missed Ragnarok in 4DX with the splashes at Hulk etc. I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better I only saw the last 25 minutes in 4DX. I didn't believe in it and I hardly find myself in those theaters. But I did check it out and then saw The Last Jedi in 4DX and it really altered the experience; do I sound schizo?

Attached: Mental_Illness_001 (1).jpg (1216x629, 271K)

Actors seem self conscious when it comes to HD. How that seems to come out in the IMAX posters I have no idea. I'm sorry do I seem too human?
I'm getting stares.

There's no 4DX Cinemas in my area. All I got in my area other than standard is 3D, IMAX, IMAX 3D, DOLBY Cinema, DOLBY 3D. I usually go to Films in DOLBY Cinema or 3D

Oh, thank goodness, I thought this was Burnham at first and I thought I would have to drag myself through Hickman's writing. I'm still safe.

They should make a Punisher movie so it can have a poster that looks like Punisher MAX

The reason why most movie posters suck is because actors demand the face time. However even with this stipulation there's no excuse. Plenty of famous movie posters can show the entire cast and still look great

>"Pay a professional to do the poster? Just give me 15 minutes at photoshop"

All of those movies sucked.
I think FFH will be decent, at least better than Homecoming.

>exposed fingertips

So much for that secret identity

Um. If I told you 4DX would have turned The Last Jedi into a legit good movie and turned Ragnorom from a crazy funny action movie into a unbelievable life altering new experience would it warrant a 40 minute commute to your future?

All the Cinema formats I listed are all the formats within a hour of Me so unless you expect Me to go on a roadtrip everything I want to see a Film


i always hated the IMAX posters i understand you have to advertise it but they almost always do it obnoxious

These are basic ass posters but they aren't bad. Wasp is big while Ant Man is small and is on top of a letter. Carol is flying with a mask. The FFH posters have two Spider-Man, Nick Fury for some reason and Mysterio without his mask. There's also no sense to the placement. FFH poster is horrible in comparison.

I'm having a lot of trouble keeping up with the IMAX Cinematic Universe