Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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Retarded hippy giving up that absolute perfection for his retarded dog.

They make velma super cute with her little hair things
and Shaggy that absolute cunt would rather stay with a dog

Somewhat, but there are better things that came from the franchise. Also, this show is as overrated as EEnE.

What's New is better.


overrated fanfiction

How come?

It’s everything Gravity Falls tried to be, but better.

This. Honestly, gravity falls is given to much credit. It was one of the best cartoons of its era but that's not saying much desu

Kino. Had good humor and actually fairly decent horror aspects and references galore. I miss it. I miss the stakes.

Oban Star-Racers did Mystery Inc.'s main shtick better.
Gravity Falls did everything else better.

This show is pretty shit tbqfh

I could never get into GF. The shows have some similarities I guess I just didn't find that particular show really all that bar raising.

>Traps Monthly

yes, I liked how shit just got crazier and crazier.
Mystery Inc is the best series and zombie island is the best movie. What I wouldn't give for another film like zombie island.

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id name 2002 - 2013 the scooby doo renaissance

Fuck off WITCHfag

Its a slow burn at first but the fighting arc get quite good

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>Its a slow burn at first


I’d choose a dog over a girl every day of my entire life. My dog doesn’t cheat on me

W.I.T.C.H. has nothing to do with your precious SDMI being overrated crap

Honestly I love everything I’ve seen of the show but I still haven’t finished it? Should I take the time to binge the rest? I’m like five episodes in.

I wouldn’t recommend a binge but you do you.

Sorry seething Be Coolfag, it really is that good.

If you like it, go for it. It really picks up towards the end, than I'd say it's bingeable. But until then you can watch it on an episode by episode basis. It sprinkles in wider plot details here and there.

>tried to change him entirely by controlling what he wore, what he ate, and who he hung out with
>was an overall bad girlfriend who was only dating him because she just wanted what everyone else had and didn't even like Shaggy for who he was
>Yea Forums virgins would give up everything they like just for a bitch with glasses
MI Velma a big fat cunt

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She was literally a lesbian in denial forcing herself into a relationship with the only other available guy. It would've never worked out.

Before Twin Peaks actually returned, Mystery Inc surprisingly felt like home before I went to actual home. Which is far more than you can ask Scooby Doo cartoon for.

>lesbian in denial
She wanted that shaggy dick. Just turns out Velma also likes to fuck chicks.

Did you even watch the show? She was straight up trying to control multiple elements of his life and he drew the line at his dog.

Also Scooby is a talking dog, dumbass. He'd be considered a fucking genius if he was real. Sorry dogs aren't as smart as (you)

no. What's new Scooby Doo and Pup named Scooby doo are though

I'd agree with you if G*t a Cl*e had never happened

Its funny because the first shaggy and velma romantic relationship was actually in this show.

Hot Dog Water is objectively the best scooby girl.

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>watch zombie Island as a kid
>holy fuck mind blown
>watch Witch's Ghost, with all that comfy new england town stuff
>oh shit it's still good
>watch Alien Invaders
>okay still good but slipping, hopefully the next one is better
>watch Cyber Chase
>oh fuck no it's back to shit gimmicky movies
>kid me's face when
It's quite amazing that even as a kid I knew that the renaissance was truly over once I saw Cyber Chase. It was THAT obvious that they slipped back to shit movies even for a kid, but still they went with it.

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Any changes she tried to apply to me could only lead to improvements in my life.

shut up you colossal dickbag; you were in diapers thinking about the renaissance like your parents were MOMA regulars
Alien Invaders and Cyber Chase were good camp, not everything has to be top-shelf (Zombie Island) to be great you lard-gargler

>Cyber Chase
Let me guess, you were five years old when it came out and just couldn't tell the difference between good and hack writing filled with incessant filler.

>between good and hack writing filled with incessant filler
It's fucking Scooby Doo.

Cyber Chase was more of the shit straight-to-video Scooby Doo movies that we had for years. Zombie Island and to a lesser degree Witch's Ghost were the few movies who actually transcended that label, becoming instantly loved and getting ridiculous praise from critics.


I think the key to both being regarded so highly is that while both are very much Scooby Doo, the stakes felt real, as in the gang was in legit peril, and the mysteries were engaging.
It would be nice to get a series where each case is a 2-part episode like Justice League so there could be proper build-up and suspense.

What’s bad about the camp if it works well and isn’t actively stupid or boring? No one is saying Zombie Island is awful, people just really enjoy the other movies as well.

>What’s bad about the camp
Just slapping the "camp" label on something does not make it immune from criticisms against boring and flat writing. Everything in Cyber Chase up until the moment where they team up with their digital selves is awful, because it's just empty fucking game stages with zero atmosphere during the scenes. That's what Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost and Alien Invaders had. Atmosphere in droves, be it cajun, new england or UFO roadstop conspiracy. The fact that they all dealt with its own vibes made them stand out against all the other cookie-cutter Scooby movies where it's the same vibes and atmosphere no matter where the mystery takes place.

You should be castrated for using that term, junior.

To this day I'll never understand the praise GF gets when this show was literally better in every way.

Also, its ending is unironically one of the best of all time.

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Yes, and we will never have anything near as good a Scooby Doo show again.

Was Shaggy and Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! good? I remember watching it when it aired.

Bros before hoes. Shag made the right decision.

The romance was unnecessary, and it goes double for the Shaggy x Velma thing they tried to push in S1. Felt forced as fuck.

What's New dosen't have forced romanceshit in it. That alone makes it loads better than MI.

I found the first season okay but overall I think it was the secondary characters that felt underwritten. Stuff like the clam guy who runs the clam stand, or some quick villain with some poorly thought out reason for being bad. It didn't work well with whatever the mystery gang were going through.

I loved scooby doo growing up and now I'm an adult I still love scooby doo, but I want a darker story like Zombie Island. However my taste wanting that might mean that I've just aged out of scooby doo the way the show was meant to be enjoyed. For that reason I'm happy to move on from the show. I really enjoyed the live action movie, and the sequel has some good bits despite not being as good as the first.

I'm not the edgelord that wants shaggy to become a stoner, daphnie a masochist, and velma a feminist lesbian.

I think the best parts of Mystery Inc were the little quirks they added to the gang. Like Fred's obsessive love of traps and his obliviousness with Daphne's affections. Daphne was made a lot more interesting that way and so was Fred. Shaggy and Scooby are perfect as is so no need for improvement. Velma is a tougher character to do right, but I think Zombie Island did her best, well meaning but quick to jump to conclusions. I still ship her and the cop gardner from that movie.

The Be Cool designs looks like crap compared to others.

Don't give me that Stockholm Syndrome crap.

>Like Fred's obsessive love of traps and his obliviousness with Daphne's affections.
Did they know?

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It deserves more recognition BUT I get it doesn't get it because it's from the Scooby-Doo franchise

It started VERY bad with forced love drama.
It get better and better.

>It get better and better.

*It gets better and better.

See me after class!

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What's New Scooby Doo is GOAT. As is the theme

Love the hex girls version

>seething Be Coolfag
Be Cool is a million times worse, in fact the only Scooby Doo show that comes close to this is 13 Ghosts. The problem is the entire franchise is shit

I agree that she's cuter in a sense but at the same time you can tell she snaps and has bitchy moments. Just look at that smug face.


What was the best thing to come out of it? Even if it's still bad?

Zombie Island, Witches Ghost, Alien Invaders: All of them were good in my opinion, yeah sure straight to VHS, but a lot of movies back then were. Cyber Chase though? Even as a kid, the jokes were bad, the whole magnet thing was fucked... the whole movie was trash

Like I said: probably this, though 13 Ghosts comes close.

fuck off furfag

If you ask me, I thought it was better than Gravity Falls. For the most part GF was essentially a darker Phineas and Ferb while this show was much more horror and action-oriented.
Also that most of the episodes actually moved the plot instead of filler.

Me and my brother had that reaction, but our even younger brother that was like three fucking loved it and still does. Based on that I've concluded that all Cyber Chase fags were incredibly young when they first saw it and rely entirely on nostalgia to hide the massive flaws.

Nah, too much poorly timed comedy, and season 2 was shit

They literally confirmed she was a lesbian a while back.

I mean, she even meets that "mermaid" she's gay for right after Shaggy dumps her.

Have you watches What's New recently? It's pretty bad. Barebones, repetitive writing, jokes are all basic as hell, mysteries that aren't mysteries because it's always the person they go out of their way to make look innocent halfway through, and absolute bottom of the barrell pop punk. Be Cool is better in basically every way but looks.

>look up the other shows the showrunners have made since
>Beware the Batman
>Magpie was locked up in Miskatonic Mental Hospital
>final episode of SDMI has the gang going to Miskatonic University

You don't think?


That's a Lovecraft reference. I'm pretty sure the hospital is more of a pro-Arkham as well, which is also a Lovecraft thing.

Fun fact: Apparently, the producers came up with the ending as a potential set-up for a third season, since the show was popular overseas, but they were ready to finish the Crystal Cove arc in season two.

Lovecraft is popular.

well, i like it, but the other people.