What was his name again?
What was his name again?
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A Pimp Named Slickback
His name is Slickback?
No. It's "A Pimp Named Slickback"
That's what he said. Slickback
I don’t give a fuck what his name is. I don’t give a fuck if he spells the word name as “nayme” with a y.
No, you need to say the whole name. Its a thing with him. Don't ever let him hear you say "Slickback" without "A Pimp Named" in front of it.
What if you’re talking about something or somebody else? Or if you’re quoting what somebody else said?
A Hustler named Sleekrear
Bitch are your ears working? You say "A Pimp named Slickback"
Yeah, I get that, but are we allowed to say Slickback without the rest if it’s in a different context, like if there was somebody called Slickback, and they didn’t have “A Pimp Named” before that, since we wouldn’t be talking about A Pimp Named Slickback, we’d be talking about an unrelated person who’s just called Slickback?
*SLAP* No you dymb bitch! It's "A Pimp Named Slickback" you say the whole thing. Not A Pimp. Not Named. And most certainly Slickback. All at once
Well I mean OBVIOUSLY in that context I guess you could since he wouldn't at all be related to the slickback you're talking about. Take me for example. I'm Schwick, Just Schwick. Don't call me Buschwick. But y'see the place I'm from is Buschwick so you can call that Buschwick, but not me, I'm just Schwick.
Oh my God!
What the fuck don’t you understand? If we ain’t talkin bout A Pimp Named Slickback, but we talkin bout some other Slickback, do you want is to call him A Pimp Named Slickback too, or do we get to call him something else, because he ISN’T A Pimp Named Slickback!? Because otherwise if somebody legally changes their name to just “Slickback” then we’d have to call them A Pimp Named Slickback even though that’s not THEIR name, and then everybody thinks A Pimp Named Slickback did or said something that he didn’t, just become someone else did, and we had to call them A Pimp Named Slickback too!
A Douche Named Bitch.
A bitch named cumbutt.
Because there's only one A Pimp Named Slickback damn it. Look up A Pimp Named Slickback v. A Pimp Named Schwaydude. A Pimp is legally entitled to their moniker and attempts to infringe upon it will get the Law to come down on your ass.
Okay, what if somebody calls someone else’s back “slick” but says it like “you’ve got a slick back!” is that okay or not?
Ye. slick back is different than Slickback. It's like Spiderman and Spider-Man. The space and hyphen make the difference. You can tell